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February 27, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-27

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- - ---- ----

President's Language

B;AD LANGUAGE or abuse I never, never
hatever the emergency.
hile 'bother it' I may occasionally say.
never use a big, big D."
President Truman, it appears, could well
benefit by an attempt at emulation of the
above personal code of that circumspect,
Victorian gentleman, W. S. ,Gilbert's cap-
ain of the Pinafore.
.At any rate, he certainly could have saved
imself a lot of embarrassment if he had
ever been moved to so eloquently defend
is military aide, Maj. Gen. Harry H.
Iaughn, that he called columnist Drew
earson an "S. 0. B."
Church groups, newspapers and even
embers of the House of Representatives
ave censured Mr. Truman for his folksy
All this comes as rather a disillusionment.
reviously there had been encouraging
gns, especially since the election, that the
ffinity between Mr. Truman's foot and
outh had grown somewhat less pronounc-
1. It appears, however, that the President
litorials published in The. Michigan Daily
, written by members of The Daily staff
td represent the views of the writers only.

still cannot consistently differentiate be-
tween a private circle of acquaintances and
a function at which newsmen are present
with paper and pencil.
On the other side, Mr. Pearson, who by
now is already inured to this sort of thing,
is doubtless as flattered as on that occa-
sion when F. D. R. singled him out for
special comment.
The incident does not seem to be as se-
rious as some would like to believe. For in-
stance, a well-known Chicago paper accept-
ed the naughty phrase as proof positive that
Mr. Truman is a Pendergast President in
vocabulary as well as deed.
One of the President's critics on the floor
of the House, however, said that he sympa-
thized with Mr. Truman's feelings toward
Mr. Pearson. A garrulous old southerner
representative even praised the "unmistak-
able candor" of the President's remarks.
It seems, however, that such descriptive
matter fits better at the poker table than
at a public meeting.
The President has often in the past few
years uttered statements which have return-
ed not only to plague him personally, but to
also embarrass this country on the inter-
iational scene.
Therefore it is to be hoped that the recent
stir will make the President a little more
cautious about what he says and how he
says it-.
-Dave Thomas

Mediterranean Pact

RILE the North Atlantic Pact is growing
more and more into reality, the Western
owers appear to be neglecting a vital re-
ion of Europe where another pact is sorely
eeded-the Mediterranean area, one that
in accord with the Truman Doctrine.
Talks have been going on over a new
pact in this region for some time now, but
the powers have delayed it in favor of
the North Atlantic Pact. They want to
get one in operation before they even
start on another.
Nations along the Mediterranean Sea-
oard which are members of the United
rations would be included in the new pact,
ccording to word from a Greek statesman.
.his would exclude Fascist Spain, and Italy,
lackballed fromx the UN by Russia.
The situation caused by the exclusion of
pain and Italy would leave two big holes
t the pact, but would present a fairly united
ront which would be a step toward putting
tussia in a position where she would be
bliged to admit Italy.
The smaller nations involved in this
southern pact as in the North Atlantic


Alliance want security from each other as
well as from larger countries. The West-
ern Powers are all in favor of a Mediter-
ranean pact and the sooner the better, but
they can see no advantage in working out
both pacts at once.

All European countries are theoretically
in danger of Communist domination, and
that of the nations of the southern area is
greater, thus the need for immediate action
on the Mediterranean pact.
With a double pact, the Western Powers
could build up a united front from Norway
to North Africa, with double the strength,
which would give any aggressor food for
thought before he got any belligerent ideas,
especially when backed by the United States,
Britain, and France.
So there is no need for delay, in fact there
is danger in it. Both pacts could be brought
together into operation simultaneously, with
little more trouble than in one pact and
with a lot better result. The smaller nations
cannot swing this, but the larger countries
can, and should.
-Peter Hotton

City Editor's
W HEN POLITICIANS run into trouble,
their favorite whipping boys seem to be
the members of the press.
An outraged politico sees his plans meet-
ing opposition but he won't admit that those
plans might be ill conceived. Instead, he
lays the blame on "unfair" press treatmenLt.
We have seen it happen on the national
scene this week-and also right here at the
University of Michigan.
Piqued at newshound Drew Pearson's crit-
icism of his military aid, President Truman
fired a couple of earthy artilleryman's epi-
thets at the columnist.
The members of the Student Legislature
also spent a good portion of their last meet-
ing tossing insults at The Daily and its stu-
dent government reporter. The lordly legis-
lators didn't like the way The Daily had
been handling their news.
The amateur student politicians might be
excused for their actions because they are
newcomers to the public scene. But there's
no excuse for seasoned politician Harry Tru-
man's irresponsible blast.
Perhaps it would be well if both Truman
and local student government officials were
to re-examine their position.
When our democracy elects a man to pub-
lic office it subjects that man to a continual
scrutiny. The people have intrusted the
elected official with certain powers and they
want to know how this power is being used.
Traditionally the free press of America has
played a major role in reporting the activi-
ties of elected officials to the people. 'The
press has generally done an excellent job in
reporting those activities, at the same time
fighting any attempt to impose secrecy on
governmental doings.
Naturally public officials have resented
this "intrusion" by the press. Constant pub-
licity does in some cases impair certain gov-
ernmental programs. But that is part of
the price that must be paid for continued
Before the President calls a columnist an
S.O.B. or the Student Legislature insults a
reporter they should realize that indirectly
they are insulting the people who have
elected them. Trained newsmen conscienti-
ously report on every program of interest in
If the elected officials find that reporting
distasteful they better examine their own
programs instead of criticizing newsmen.
T1rouble for GM
'NESSRS. TAFT and Hartley can chalk up
another tally on their personal store-
boards as a result of the victory claimed by
the United Automobile Workers over a dis-
traught General Motors Corporation.
Charging unfair labor practices and a
direct violation of regulations set up by
the Taft-Hartley Act, a unanimous deci-
sion of the National Labor Relations
Board set an overly independent GM back
on its heels and rocked their proposed
workers' insurance plan alterations to
their very foundations.
Culminating a long-standing series of
bickerings pro and con, the recent verdict,
inconclusive as it may seem to the detail-
wise public, heightened the Taft-Hartley
Bill's prestige beyond the expectations and
dubious hopes of many dyed-in-the-wool
skeptics. It represents an encouraging de-
velopment in the bitt~rly fought foray for
more coordinated employer-employee work-
ing groups, and showed a forewarned GM
Company that they can't very well go against
a union-operated red light and expect
smooth sailing without being taken down a

peg or two.
In this case, "unilateral" action in te
inauguration of insurance betterments
for. 225,000 company workers, pledged by
well-meaning GM officials, was nipped in
the proverbial bud by a joint UAW-CIO
attack; the two groups obtained an in-
junction and set the entire matter before
NLRB mediators at a Detroit hearing.
An infuriated General Motors quickly
struck back by their promises to appeal the
ruling to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals;
contending that union representatives had
never asked to bargain collectively at the
time the changes were brought up. And as
a retort to this charge, NLRB held that
union members should have been consulted,
voluntarily, about the proposed measures.
It looks to us, on the whole, that the GM
stalwarts will find themselves up the creek
without the well-known paddle.
One of three choices is now open to the
GM clan. It can either comply with the
NLRB demands to bargain openly with the
UAW, it can proceed with its appeal to the
Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, or it can
merely ignore the ruling and force the Labor
Board to refer the case to the Circuit.Ap-
peals Court itself.
Witnessing their predicament, we can
see how fruitless it would be and how
much red tape would be in the offing if
GM decided to embark on either course 1
or 2. A lengthy siege of court proceedings
would not only hurt the company in its
present productive capacity, but would
tend to weaken their effectiveness as a

"Get Yourself A Good Rest, Harry"

Letters to the Editor-

Federal Rele i




F.... ._A .._ - .. _. _. __. _. __.

A NUMBER OF Congressmen are making
big protest noises against President Tru-
man's plan to have the federal government
pay part of the cost of home. relief in each
state. "Silly," says Representative Woodruff,
of Michigan. His comment is not untypical;
there will be a fight in Congress.
But one notices that on the state level
the program meets with almost complete
approval. Most state welfare officials seem
to be for it. Kansas "welcomes" the plan;
so does Woodruff's own Michigan. Maine
is opposed, but perhaps that only tends to
confirm that the national trend is other-
The difference is between being in Con-
gress, where one cat perhaps afford to deal
with theories, and being on the firing line.
in the states, where you have to deal with
people. The question in Congress is: "How
will this proposal affect our theories of gov-
ernment?" The question in the states is:
"How are we going to feed the jobless?"
The first question makes for a cozier debate,
but the second question will not down.
While this deliciously double ideological
struggle goes on, a real situation builds
up on local levels. Welfare Commissioner
Hilliard, of New York City, reports in
circumspect language: "The contraction
of employment has begun to reflect itself
in a rising case load." What the man
means is that there are fewer people at
work and more on relief. Milliard has
been under sharp attack for his very
tight policies on granting relief; even
so, his "case load" is going up. And aside
from about 140,000 home relief cases in
New York, there are 275,000 persons in
the city receiving unemployment insur-
ance; new applications are running at the
rate of 53,000 a week, and 37,000 persons
have used up their unemployment insur-
ance since December without finding
work! Reports from upstate New ' ork and
New Jersey are not very different. These
reports are strewn through the press, and
the question comes up: "Who is supposed
to read these reports, and act on them?"
No agency can, except Congress. But a
good part of Congress is concerned with pro-
tecting the theoretical purity of the federal
government, and keeping it from compro-

so lie asks Congress to let the federal
government go shares with the states on
home relief.
Quite the opposite is true. It's if we don't
do anything that the "poorhouse" simile will
become appropriate. or if we let the situa-
tion get ahead of- us, it will build up to a
level at which Congress will be forced to
act anyway; forced to act by real need, in
an anxious atmosphere, in an effort to catch
up with the problem. To act now, to make
the necessary appropriations in advance,
means avoiding that poorhouse feeling; it
means getting reassurance for our money,
in addition to relief. It means we will be
asserting our mastery over events, which is
not a mood very prevalent in poorhouses.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
Cure Drawbacks
IT SEEMS THEY'VE really developed an
effective seasickness cure at last, only a
matter of two thousand years or so having
elapsed between its discovery and the time
the first man became seasick.
Dramamine - that's what the new
stuff's called - will control all other
kinds of motion sickness, too, and alto-
gether seems to be a good thing, to coin ,
a phrase.
But there are several effects of this dis-
covery which must be pointed out before we
wholeheartedly take dramamine to our bos-
First, the disappearance of seasickness,
et al, will undoubtedly make it seem, to on-
coming generations, the harshest disease
ever to attack man or beast-not, of course,
that it is ever pleasant. But members of our
times will probably describe seasickness as
a combination of the advance stages of all
the top ten disease killers, one whose effect
lasts a whole lifetime.
"Sorry, son,'' We'll say, "Can't play
tennis with you today. My liver's acting
up. From the bad seasickness of '45, you
know." And then, likely as not, a look of
extreme torture will cross the face. Jun-
ior will want to know more about this
dread scourge, and won't we have fun ...

1iublication in The Daily Official]
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
forr the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the'
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
ii rda y s).
VOL. LIX, No. 102 '
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to stu-
dent from 4 to 6 o'clock Wednes-
day afternoon, March 2.
Blue Cross Hospitalization Plan1
will increase its rates, effective
April 5, 1949. The increased rate
will be reflected in. the March pay
checks and will increase approxi-
mately one cent a day for single
subscribers and two cents a day
for two persons or families. Addi-
tional information on the Blue
Cross rates will be available at the
Information Desk, Administration
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
The Teacher's Oath will be given
to all June candidates for the
teacher's certificate on Monday
and Tuesday, Feb. 28 and Mar. 1,
dents from 4 to 6 o'clock Wednes.
for the teacher's certificate.
Occupational Information Con-
ference: Mr. James A. Sweeny,
Personnel Director, Owens-Illinois
Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio, will dis-
cuss opportunities and require-
ments for University students in
his organization and Mr. John S.
Campbell, Sales Representative,
The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.,
will discuss opportunities - with
particular emphasis on sales -
with his company, Wed., Mar. 2,
4:10 p.m., 231 Angell Hall. There
will be opportunity for questions.
All students invited. Sponsored by
Bureau of Appointments.
University Community Center,
1045 Midway, Willow Village:
Sun.. Feb. 27, 10:45 a.m., Church
services and nursery. 4:30 p.m.,
Discussion, followed by pot-luck
Mon., Feb. 28, 8 p.m., Cosmopol-
itan Club.
Tues., Mar. 1, 8 p.m., Wives'
Club. Usha Trivedi will present
-My India" in native dress.
Wed., Mar. 2, 8 p.m., Ash Wed-
nesday Service. Ceramics.
Thursday., Mar. 3, 8 p.m., Cer-
amics. Water-color class.
Sat., Mar. 5, 9-12 p.m., Wives'
Club Dance.
AcadenCic Notices
Make-Up Examination in Ger-
man 1: Fri., Mar. 4, 2-4 p.m., 202
Mason Hall. All students who fail-
ed to take final examination at
end of last semester must get writ-
ten permission from the instruc-
tors concerned and submit this
statement to German office, 204
U.H., as soon as possible. All other
make-up examinations will be
given by the previous instructor,
whom the student must contact.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
Mar. 1, 4 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall.
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan will speak
on Qualitative Analysis of Dynam-
ical Systems.

Engineering Class. "Observations
on Europe," John Airey, Chairman
of the Board, King-Seeley Corpor-
ation, Ann Arbor, 7:30 p.m., Tues.,
Mar. 1, Architecture Auditorium.
Free Public Lecture: "Christian
Science: The Revelation of Man's
Unity with God," by Charles V.
Winn, C.B.S., of Pasadena, Cali-
fornia; auspices of the Christian
Science Organization, 8 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 28, Rackham Auditorium.
Even ts Today
Gallery Talk, by Dr. Otto La-
porte, on the Parker Collection of
Japanese Prints, the Museum of
Art, Alumni Memorial Hall, 3:30
p.m. The public is invited.
European travel colour movies
and reports of conditions by hos-
telers who were there last year.
Sponsored by SRA in Lane Hall
Auditorium, 8:15 p.m..
U. of' M. Hot Record Society:
Bop-Session, League Ballroom, 8
p.m. Admission free.
The Inter-Guild Council: 2:30
p.m., Lane Hall. Agenda: Formu-
hition~ of plans for Religion in
Life Week.
Student Religious Groups:
Wesley Foundation: 90:30 a.m.,
Student Seminar in Pine Room,
"The Methodist Primer." 5:30 p.m.,
Wesleyan Guild in Wesley Lounge.
Program committee panel discus-'
sion: "Our Basic Philosophy of
Life-What To and Where To?"
Supper and fellowship follow.
Lutheran Student Association:
4:30 p.m., Choir Rehearsal, Zion
Parish Hall. 5:30 p.m., Supper
Meeting. Panel discussion on "Per-
sonal Faith."
Unitarian Student Group: 11
a.m., Church Service at Unitarian
Church, conducted by Unitarian
Student Group. Panel Seminar:
"The Place of the Student in the
University." 6 :30~ p.m.. Regular
meetingyof Unitaian Student
Group; supper and discussion of
"The Unitarian Bases of Social
Canterbury Club: Supper, 5:30
pam., Rev. Austin Asker will speak
on 'Juvenile Delinquency.
Roger Williams Guild: Supper,
fellowship and worship, 6 p.m.
Mrs. Dawn Russell will speak on
"Summer Service Projects."
Westminster Guild plays host to
the Geneva Fellowship of North-
ville at the regular fellowship
meeting, 6:30 p.m. Speaker: Mr.
Harold F. Fredsell of Northville
on the subject "Our Heritage."
Supper, 5:30 p.m.
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Supper, 6 p.m., Memorial Chris-
tian Church. Small group discus-
sions of specific vocations.
Science Research Club: Meet-
ing, Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30
p.m., Tues., Mar. 1. Program: "The
Impact of Certain Drugs upon
Acetate Metabolism," by Maynard
B. Chenoweth, Department of
Pharmacology; "The Manufacture
of Oxygen," by Brymer Williams,
Chemical-Metallurgical Engineer-
Economics Club: Professor The-
odore W. Schultz, of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, will speak on

The Daly accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters fort
publication in this coumn. Subject
to space linitat ios, the general po-
icy Is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.;
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-l
tions letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not In good
taste will not he published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
d ns i"g letters.
;oiig'titfuhItioi is
To the Editor:
Re: Sports page of the Daily for
Feb. 25. My congratulations to
your sports writers. They have
been fully indoctrinated in the
use of the moldy, worm eaten
liche that is so dear to the heart
of every newsman who covers
meetings of various "cinder ag-
gregations" "great grid classics",
and "cage tilts".
Viz: Mr. Ruskin's article on the
Friday night hockey game with
Minnesota. In flowing prose, hc
teih us that there is "a crucial
tilt on tap against Minnesota". I
immediately surmised that Mich-
igan plays against Minnesota in a
game of hockey, but had I been
less familiar with the drivel em-
ployed by Daily sports writers, I
might have misunderstood the
context of the article. I must offer
Mr. Ruskin my sincere admira-
tion, however. "A crucial tilt on
tap" is a little known cliche, fa-
miliar to only a handful of sports
writers. It shows Ruskin is well
trained ir his job.
The thing that is needed how-
ever, is the use of more original
cli:hes of the type employed by
Ruskin. The old hackneyed words
suc a, "thinclads", "natators",
and "cagers" are worn to the
bone, but the Daily always man-
ages to hBold them together for
one more issue. An athletic event
not described as a "tilt", in the
Daily is unrecognizable as a
sporting contest.
I don't pretend I could do a
better job of reporting. That's
your specialty. But please accept
n little constructive criticism from
a faithful reader of the past three
years. Take, it easy on those ar-
chaic phrases. Certainly a little
colorful wording is necessary to
add interest to the articles, but
you have beaten it into the
ground. Get a little originality.
Cast off some of those old cliches
that have been in use for years;
they went out with the horse and
buggy. Get some new material
boys; the old stuff is kaput.
-R. M. Thomas
To the Editor:
to a rousing start in Union,
New Jersey last week. Local ele-
ments of the Ku Klux Klan, or
their prototypes, burned a cross
cn the grounds of al elementary
school. Reason-a meeting was
being held inside to protest the
frame-up of six innocent Negroes
in Trenton.
The six Negroes were picked up
on the streets following the mur-
der of a white storekeeper, see
of them were held for four 'ays,
all of them wereodrugged and
becaten and forced to sign confes-
sions, the presentation of alibis,
and overwhelming evidence to
show .that-.they could not have
committed the crime, they were
convicted by an all-white jury and
sentenced to death.
On Monday last, William Pat-
terson, outstonding Negro civil
rights attorney and executive sec-
retary of the Civil Rights Con-
-ress, and Mrs. Bessie Mithell,

Aister of one of the "Trenton Six",
delivered' 'tiuly stirrinfi defense
appeal t a meeting at the Jones
School, here in Ann Arbor. Pat-
"Pricing Farm Products," Mon.,
Feb. 28, 7:45 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. The public is invited.
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak-
ers' Society: Meeting. General
Program: Organization of circles.
New circles being offered are:
Sales and Executive Problems"
and "Parliamentary Law." All en-
gineers who wish to improve their
speaking ability are invited to at-
tend. Tues., Mar. 1, 7 p.m., 2084
E. Engineering Bldg.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social Hour,
Mon., Feb. 28, 4 to 6 p.m., Inter-
national Center.
Senior Society will meet for 'En-
ian picture at 7:15 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 28, Kalamazoo Room, Michi-
gan League.
(Continued on Page 7)

terson said that 5,000 lynchings
and not one lyncher convicted is
"the crime of White America." By
not speaking out, by not feeling
outraged about these crimes
against the Negro people, millions
of white Americans give their si-
lent approval to the lynchers, and
destroy their own morality.
Mrs. Inghram and her sons,
while spared a death sentence be-
cause of public protest, still re
main in prison for life. The iu-
derers of Roosevelt Perkins eight
miles from Ann Arbor, go unchal-
lenged. The "Trenton Six" have
not yet been freed. It is the re-
sponsibility of every white Amei-
can to register his protest with
Governor Driscoll of New Jersey,
demanding that the "Trenton Six'
be freed; "with prosecuting Attor-
ney Reading of Washtenaw Coun-
ty, demanding a re-opening of
hearings on the murder of Roose-
velt Perkins; with President Tru-
man demanding a pardon for the
Inghrams. Only by fighting for
the democratic rights of the Negro
people can the conscience of white
America be cleared.
Marvin . Gladstone
# * $ "
Vicious System?
To the Editor
LAST SUNDAY'S Daily included
a letter by Marvin Gladstone
claiming that the Federal jury
system in New York is filled with
In reference to the trial of the
twelve indicted Communists, he
says, "The presiding Judge Me-
dna himself challenged this vic-
ious system several years ago, but
didn't have the documentary evi-
dence now compiled." He implies
then that this information is
available.And surely, it can be
assumed that Judge Medina would
be in favor of locating this "new
evidence" to prove discrimination'
in juror selection.
By last week, the defense coun-
sel had presented twenty three
grand and petit jurors to prove
that most jurors were well-to-do,
and that Negroes, Jews, poor peo-
ple and residents of certain sec-
tions were discriminated against
in drawing up jury lists.
When the prosecution presented,
its first witness, the Fede:'al jury
clerk who denied any discrimina-
tion, the defense cross-examined
him for four days, Then Judge
Medina told the defense counsel
they had "proved nothing." He
said, "I kept thinking all the time
you had something.But the last
four days has pretty well con-
vinced me to the contrary."
If you have this "documentary
evidence now compiled," Mr.
Gladstone, we would like to see it.
So would the Communist party.
-James A. Houle
lMirlligztn 4Iij

Fifty-Ninlb Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Stude-t Publicat-s.
Edilorial Staff
JHarriet Iriedm an . ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................C'ty Editor
Naomi stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Asbociate Editor
Al Biumrosen........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud weldenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Woniten' Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian

Business Staff
Richard Mait........Buiness
Jean Leonard ....Advertising
William Cuiman ... .Finance
Coie Christian ,-.Circulation


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II'. UE.l

Our two bays-both well

We can't afford to keep if

We women will organize anid give our
-~e runt!



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