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December 12, 1948 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-12-12

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THE V-iCRiGAPi -DA-ti,-f



ost ones





Of ficials pprove
Scholarship Plan

CHICAGO-(P-The Big Nine
yesterday deferred action on
Michigan State College's appli-
cation for membership until to-
morrow, but approved a new
scholarship code fixing limits on
financial aid to athletes.
The Michigan State question
will be discus,:2.d at a joint meet-
ing df the faculty representatives
and athletic directors tomorrow
morning with final action expect-
ed tomorrow afternoon.
Pittsburgh, each with member-
ship applications on file with the
Western Conferznce, had repre-
sentatives at the Big Nine's win-
ter meeting. Neither school, how-
ever, was invited to the faculty
representative's afternoon session.
The scholarship program ap-
proved by the faculty r( presen-
tatives permits financial aid for
tuition to needy athletes, who
maintain a "C" average scho-
lastically, or a maximum of
$300 annually beyand tuition
to eligible athletes, who main-
tain a "B" average.
The tuition aid on the basis of
need may be granted to freshmen
Scimitar Club
Beats Highland
The Scimitar Club presented
additional proof for the case of
varsity recognition of fencing
when it beat a strong Highland
Park squad 15-12 yesterday af-
ternoon at the I-M Building.
Scimitar won two of the three
events fenced. The Michigan
swordsmen took the first event by
the score of 7-2, the identical
margin they won by last year.
In the epee event Highland
Park gave their host quite a bat-
tle with Scimitar barely squeez-
ing out a 5-4 victory. .
Ed Micllef paced the winners
by taking four bouts, while Pete
Young and Norm Barnett' ac-
counted for three bouts each.
Art Wright and Andy Turner
helped out with two wins each,
Frank Toby completing the score
with one match.
All New - All Sizes
119 So. Main St. Phone 6924

in the upper 50 per cent of their
high school classes. The larger
scholarship aid is for first-y er
students in the upper 25 pere ent
of their prep classes.
nois, secretary of th3 faculty com-
mittee, disclosed that the Michi-
gan State issue was No. 1 on hi,
group's agenda today. The facu~-
ty members, however; expressed a
desire to confer with their ath-
letic directors before making a
Richart said it was his opin-
ion that a simple majority-a
5 to 4 vote- which [l'ichigain
State partisans claim they have
in their favor, would deternine
whether the Spartan school a t
East Lansing, MicE. gains ad-
Previously, it had been report-
ed that the faculty group would
approach the subject by voting
on whether expansion to 10 mem-
bers was desirable at this time.
In case expansion was voted
down, Michigan State would be
shunted aside again.
Pittsburgh have had membership
bids formally filed since spring
of 1946.
Attending the weekend con-
ference session from Michiganr
State were Lloyd C. Emmons,
chairman of the Spartan ath-
letic council, and athletic dir-
ector Ralph Young.
Pittsburgh's contingent includ-
ed new football coach Tom Ham-
ilton; Frank Carver, acting ath-
letic director; and Vincent Lam-
fear of the school's athletic com-
THE ATHLETIC directors by-
passed scheduled discussion of
television as it affects conference
football. The subject is a major
item on the National Collegiate
Association convention at San
Francisco, Jan. 7-8. It will be,
brought up again by the Big Nine
at its spring meeting.
If not, let us blend and shape
a Personality hair style for
added attractiveness - good
appearances are an asset to
you - today!!
Liberty near State Theatre

Th( announcement that
Mn ig an's wrestling squad is
to playhost tu the Western
C(f)ferene e meet this season
was made yesterday by mat
coach Cliff Keen.
The Conference meet, to be
held in Ann Arbor for the first
time in many years, will cli-
max the grapplers' Big Nine
~OmeiAiLion for 1949 before
the tanm heads West to par-
ticipati in the NCAA meet in
Colorado. Illinois was host to
the Conference meet last year.
This year's complete home
schedule for the matmen is as
follows: Jan. 8-Illinois; Feb.
19-indiana; Feb. 26 - OSU;
Mar. 4 and 5- Conference
fie t.
.ocky .
Clitinued from Page 1)
crease after McDonald had,
made a superb save on a close-
in shot and beat the Wolverine
goalie at 16:32.
o Thencame the heart-breaker in
the third period which snatched
victory. from the hands of the
Michigan team.
TIYOUGI THERE were onlyl
Qr >i e:lies in the game, the
(tfl ut usone of the roughest
ever sn in t heColiseum.
Renifrew broke away at the
red line only to be hooked by
JX'n Drury, Windsor forward.
Afier tangling a few seconds,
both players began swinging,
knocking down one of the offi-
c6als in the process.
Skinner landed the work; of
Michigan's defensive quartet,
Connie Hill, Ross Smith, Dick
St -ral and Bob Fleming. He
added the offense was the biggest
surprise. "They work together
beautifully. have fine balance, and
their passing is great," the Wind-
sor mentor said.
"I SAW MICHIGAN last year,
and they have improved quite a
bit," Skinner said. "They certainly
shouldnt have- any trouble with
these collegiate outfits they play."
McDonald was also in line for
a few bouquets. Though the Can-
adians scored two goals against
him, the Michigan goalie came
through with 24 saves, many of
them unbelievable. It was beyond
question one of the finest games
of his career.

Varsity Natators Show
ro"se inSwin Gala
Moss Presses Sold in iBreaitstroke Event;
Wetinberg Does 50-Yard Race in Good Time
By MERLE LEVIN lion's share of the evening's ap-
Swimming fans took a pre- plause.
season look at the 1949 aquatic HARRY HOLIDAY, now a grad.
squad last night and went away student here and swimming unat-

convinced that another Nationalt
Championship is far from an imn-
The Michigan A AU champion-
ships incorporated into the An-
nual Swim Gala didn't reveal any9
new Harry holiday or Gil Evans
to replace those two departed
luminaries but there were inter-
esting developments nevertheless..
THE TOP RACE of the evening
for instance saw lanky Charlie
Moss, a G ft., 4 in, stringbean with
two years of varsity competition
ahead of him push Olympic
breaststroker Bob Sohl from the
word "go" in the 100-yard breast-
stroke event.C
Sohl gained a slight edge in
the last few yards to edge out
his somewhat unexpected chal-
lenger by two-tenths of a sec-G
ond. Sohl's time was 1:01.3,
only 0.9 seconds off the pool
Freestyler Dick Weinberg gave
ample evidence that he was ready
for next month's meeting with
Big Nine champion Keith Carter,
turning in a brilliant 23.2 timing
in the 50-yard dash.Ilie was only
0.1 second behind Halo Hirose's
Big Nine record despite the fact
that he was never pushed.
THE DIVING event went to
Evans, swimming unattached, but
it took a fine execution of the
difficult double twisting forward
one and a half dive by Evans plus
a poor final dive by Wolverine
Ralpb Trimborn to take the title
away from the much improved
But the man who stole the
diving show was a Detroit
Northwestern High School ath-
lete named Fletcher Gilders who
performed almost flawlessly in
the afternoon preliminaries to
finish a close second to Evans.
Gilders ran into a jittery streak
in the evening and turned in four
consecutive bad dives but he re-
gained his aplomb to turn in three
beautiful final dives and gain the

Stuhldreher Quits Post
As Bad ger Grid Coach

tached, turned in an unexpected
victory in the 50-yard backstroke
event but Bernie Kahn a second
semester freshman who will gain
his eligibility in February was a
gcod second.
Matt Mann II and Gus Stager
turned in their usual 'twin act'
in the 440-yard freestyle event
but they were joined by an un-
expected third in th eperson of
Johnny McCarthy, the hard-
working freestyler who narrow-
ly missed a fifth place in last
year's NCAA 1500 meter event.
Mann finally pulled away to
win in the unimpressive time of
4:59.9 but Stager edged out Mc-
Ca 'by only by the narrowest of
25-yd. handicap (boys under
12) : 1-1opkins, Came Chiko-
pi; 2-O'Brien, YMCA and Fries
Camp C'hikopi. 'ime 15.6 sec.
10 yd. free style relay-high
schols:1-Ann :arbor Iligh "A''
-Svhm inning, Bilacis, Matte-
,:n, Thomson) ; 2-University
High, 3-Mt. Clemens "A". Time
440 yd. free style: 1-Mann,
Michigan; 2-Stager, Michigan;
3-McCarthy, Michigan. Time
1C9)yd. breaststroke: 1-Sohi,
Michigan; 2-Moss, Michigan;
Lpthegrove, Michigan. Time
50 yd. freestyle: 1-Weinberg,
Michigan; 2-Gibe, Wayne; 3-
Kogan, Michigan. Time 23.2
50 yd. backstroke: 1-Holiday,
unattached; 2-Kahn, unat-
tached; 3. Howell, unattached.
Time 28.0 see.
High board diving: 1-Evans,
unattached, (382.6 p t s.) ;
Browning, Wayne (364.1 pts.) ;
Tiinmborn, Michigan (354.8
ZOO-yd. relay: Michigan "A",
(Byberg, Mann, M C ar thy,
Weinberg) ; 2-Michigan "C";
3-Michigan "B" and Michigan
"U" iti). Time 1:36.7.

tops scoring

(Continued frcm iPae 1).
a minute later, and never fell
behind after that, although To-
ledo twice pulled to within a
single point of the Maize and
After Zuber's tally, the whole
first half Rocket attack was Le-
Roy as he kept the Ohioans in the
game with eleven points.
THlE HALF ended with Michigan
ahead by a scant eight points, 26-
18, but, with the start of the final
period, the Wolverines really
pulled away.
With six and a half minutes
of the stanza gone, the Maize
and Blue had piled up a 40-22
Toledo recovered enough to sink
eight points before the Wolverines
could find the mark again, but
from then on both outfits traded
points until the end of the game.

MADISON', WIS.-(4') --Harry
Stuhldreher gave up his post
as head football coach at the
University of Wisconsin today.
But the surrender didn't cost him
The little general, under heavy
fire all season, resigned in a dra-
matic move but kept his position
as athletic director and his $12,-
000 yearly salary.
"THE DOUBLE SOB was get-
ting too tough," he said.
The Board of Regents agreed
and sent University President
E. B. Fred out into the market
place to find a successor.
Stuhldreher's 1948 team wound.
up in the Big Nine cellar with a
single conference victory. It won
one other game in nine starts.
The "good-bye Harry" boys, who'
unfurled their banner in the mid-
season Yale game-which favor-
ed Wisconsin lost, 17-7-spear-
headed a statewide assault on his
days before a student referendum
on his status. But, Stuhldreher
said, that had nothing to do with
his decision, which actually was
made last Tuesday. Anyway, the
vote was called off.
Stuhldreher, who quarter-
backed Notre Dame's famed
four horsemen, under Knute
Rockne, found his 13th season
a jinx. It ended the longest cur-
rent tenure in the conference.
His teams won 45 games, lost
62 and tied six. His top team
was the 1942 squad, which won

eight, tied one and lost one,
finishing second to Ohio State
in Western Conference stand-
At Villanova, his only other
stop between playing days and
Wisconsin, his teams won 65, lost
25, and tied 10 in 11 years.
STUILDREHER was attend-
ing the Big Nine meeting at Chi-
cago and did not appear before
the Regents.
The Regents termed 'his rec-
ord as athletic director out-
standing and declared the uni-
versity "now needs full time"
administrative leadership.
Stuhldreher has the status of a
full professor and could be re-
moved only upon determination of,
the Board of Regents that such
action be "in the best interest of
the University."
first came to nationwide atten-
tion after Mrs. Stuhldreher wrote
a magazine article called "Football
Fans Aren't Human."
The freshman track squad is
in urgent need of field event
men. All those who have the
ability to shot put, broad jump,
high jump, or pole vault are
invited to turn out, as are
freshman football players who
were on their high school track
teams. Please report any after-
noon to Elmer Swanson, assist-
ant track coach, at Yost Field

MICH. (51)
McCaslin F .
Morrill F ...
Mikulich F .
Wisniewski C
Rifenburg C
Vander KuyC
Harrison G .
Elliott G . . .
Doyle G . . . .
Totals .....
Harmon F ..
Zuber F ....
Christenson t
Walker F
Le Roy F
Rhodes C
Muzi G ..
Lindemin G
Bush G
Karthole G .

F .. . ..3
.. 0..
) G
1.. 0
.. . .. .0
.. ....0
.. ....0


4 7
3 15
3 4
0 0
2 2
2 2
4 7
2 9
5 5
0 0
25 51
3 7
5 11
0 0
2 13
0 2
1 0
0 0
3 1
2 0

1 I "
s z:>:
:< .
., _ ""
:" .^: n

OSU Minnesota Menace Cage Crown


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A uair of teams which tied for
sixth place in last year's Big Nine
basketball race will prove to be
more than just thorns in Michi-
gan's defense of its title.
Ohio State and Minnesota end-
ed their schedules with 5-7 rec-
ords at the close of Conference
play, but show promise of highly
improved squads.
OF THE two, the Buckeyes ap-
pear to be- the bigger threat for
the coming season.
There were four sophomores
on last y s sttin quintet,
and a fifth, center Bob R aidiger,
will fill the shoes of Neil John-
ston who went into profession-
al basketball.
In Conference play last year,
Raidiger, at that time, a soph,
outscored Johnston, but the latter
had a three-inch edge in height
as well as added experience.
THE BUCKS, despite their lack
of experience, presented the sec-
ond most potent offense in the
Big Nine with 657 points, but they
also contributed the leakiest de-
fense, allowing 673 points.
This year's squad will include
nine lettermen. The starting five
will include six-foot four-inch
Raidiger at the pivot post, for-
wards Dick Schnittker and Bob
Denham, and Bob Burkholder
and Gene Brown as the guards.
The other letter winners are
center Jack Pfeiffer, forwards
Bob Winter and Ted Jacobs, and
guard Dick Hudson.

also has some newcomers who've
shown up well in practice. Five
were frosh last year, two jayvees
and Jim Remington, a forward, is
a returned serviceman.
The former frosh include one
forward, Gene Melzer, and four
guards, Prosper "Frenchy"
Franchimont, Dick Widdoes,
Jack Lewis and Bill Kraker.
Up from the jayvees are Mario
Giacomelli, a center, and guard
Jim Hague.
DYE WILL concentrate on two
things: height on the floor, and a
balanced attack, so that the of-
fense won't depend on one man.
His starting five will be tall
(6'2%" average) despite center
Raidiger's comparatively short
six feet, four inches.
The tallest starter will be Dick
Schnittker at six feet, five inches.
the shortest. Burkholder at five
feet, ten inches.
OVER IN Minneapolis, Ozzie
Cowles, the former Michigan cage
mentor who last season guided the
Wolverines to their first undisput-
ed cage championship in 2 years,
has inaugurated a new era.
Cowles had eight returning
lettermen from the 1947-48 out-
fit, but, when he cut the squad
to 15, three of the letter winners,
Chet Tomczyk, Joe Ilolewa and
Pete Tapsak, found themselves
on the outside.
The other lettermen include All-
Conference center Jim McIntyre,
Bud Grant, a regular forward for
two years, Wally Salovich and Jim

Stark, reserve forwards last sea-
son, and Duane Baglien, who won
a letter in 1944 before entering
the navy and earned a "B" team
award last year.
THERE ARE also eight sopho-
mores whose playing attracted the
attention of Cowles.
They are forwards Elmer Sal-
ovich, Myer "Whitey" Skoog
and Dave Skrien; centers David
"Jerry" Ekberg and Don Jo-
hansen; and guards Frank Lan-
sing, Gerald Mitchell and Tom
Last year's Gopher offense was
built around the play of Jim Mc-
IN TWELVE Conference games,
the big (6'9%") center tallied 215
points, ranking second only to
Iowa's flashy forward, Murray
Weir in Big Nine scoring.
With the practically all-new
squad Cowles is putting on the
floor this year, it looks as though
21-year-old senior will again be
depended upon to spark the
Gopher attack.
In Grant, Minnesota will have
another high-scoring ace.
THIS SIX-FOOT 2,-inch for-
ward, who plays end on the foot-
ball team, ranked 16th in Con-
ference scoring last year, sinking
39 field goals and 20 free throws
for a total of 98 points.
FAor More
Sports See

Totals .......- . 14 12 18 40
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