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December 12, 1948 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-12-12

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{ SM-MAY, DECPMt,,R 1?, 1941

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STNflAY, DE~MB1JR 12, 194~

Visiting Vocalist Desires
Law Quad Pilgrimage

,' -~ * t

Nan Merriman, who will singj
the mezzo-soprano role in the
"Messiah" at 2:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium, has been looking
forward to her first trip to the
University for a long time.
Miss Merriman has received
some very pleasant impressions of
the campus here by proxy. Her
husband studied at the University
during the war when he was tak-
ing training in "a judge advocate's
* * *
MISS MERRIMAN would like
very much to make a special pil-
grimage today to his former abode
-Rm. K-13 in the Law Club.
However, regulations of Uni-
versity residences being what
they are, she is not exactly sure
whether the tour will be com-
The present resident of Rm. K-
13, Carl Reagh, '51L, said he con-
sidered her getting in "about as
impossible as "a trip to China."
HE WAS NOT too sure he could
extend the welcome mat with an
easy conscience, either, due to
some events which occurred last
"One of the fellows here was
visited in his room then by his'
girl and her father," he said.
"When the authorities found
out, he was given 24 hours to
pack his bag and get out of the.
Miss Merriman did not attend
college herself because she knew
a private teacher she wanted to
study under-Mine. Alexia Bas-
sian in Los Angeles.
WHETHER or not a vocalist

Secret U.S.
(Continued from Page 1)
months before World War II
broke out with Hitler's invasion
of Europe.
Chambers, admitted former
courier for a Red spy ring, has
accused Hiss of passing him secret
documents from State Depart-
ment files. Hiss has denied the
"March 3. (Herschel V.) Johnson,
U.S. Charge at London, cabled
that Lord Chatfield has told the
Naval Attache that . . . he would
not change his plans for cruisers
this year, and in any case, new
battleships would not be laid down
before the *end of the current
Lord Chatfield was Britain's
first Sea Lord and Naval Staff
Chief from 1933 to 1938.
A long message signed "Grew,"
dispatched from Tokyo at noon,
Feb. 12, 1938, and marked "strict-
ly confidential," told then Secre-
tary of State Cordell Hull of Jap-
an's rising temper against the
British in China.
Grew told Hull of a stormy
conversation between British
Ambassador Sir Robert. Leslie
Craigie and then Japanese For-
eign Minister Koki Hirota in
which he said that "for the first
time in our respective dealings
with him, Hirota twice lost his
temper with Craigie."


\ l ' J

. plans pilgrimage
should take college training is
pretty much an individual matter,
she said. However she feels that
college, is a definite asset to the
singer because it trains the mind
to react automatically.
"A good voice is a pre-requis-
ite for the vocalist, but even
more is the intelligence to use it
properly," Miss Merriman said.
"Whether a singer goes to col-
lege or not, the important thing
is to work-work like a fiend," she
continued. "The vocalist must be
prepared when the big break
The work does not end when
one reaches the top, either. Miss
Merriman said she has travelled
50,000 miles in concert trips alone
since the beginning of the year.

C O M M U N N NT GWE1*9T U RKLE S- Jacques Ducls, sec-
retary general of the French Communist party, speaks at press
conference in Paris on the arrest of Communist leaders in the U.S.

ALI A N LU N C H C OQU N T E R-Pigeons of Venice gather in St. Mark's Square as a city
hall employe empties sack of corn for them. They wait for him each day at 2 p.m.

New Engineering Aviation Unit
OffersOpenings for 75 Men


An engineering aviation com-
pany of the Michigan Air National
Guard, the 1806th, will be activat-
ed before Christmas, with open-
ings for 75 men.
Dave Proctor, former Univer-
sity student, is organizing the
group, which will have the job
of supporting the 127th Fighter
Group of the Guard, and will be
centered in Detroit.
ENGINEERING students, con-
-truction workers, people with ad-
ministrative experience and heavy
equipment operators and main-
tenance workers are needed, Proc-
tor said.
The unit will work with earth,
moving machinery such as bull-
dozers, angle dozers, jeeps and
Once organized, the 1806th will
meet one night a week during the
year and spend a 15-day encamp-
ment at Grayling during the
There will be five officers and
71 enlisted ratings open with a
pay scale ranging from $157.50 to
$346.50 per year.

IN THE EVENT of war, Proc-
tor added, the mission of the unit
would be to construct, maintain
and rehabilitate airdromes.
Under the draft act, men who
join the unit before their eigh-
teenth and one half birthday
will be classified 1B and be au-
tomatically exempted from the
draft, he said, provided they
keep in good standing in the
Proctor will hold meetings at
the Detroit Artillery Armory, 15000
West Eight Mile Rd., from 8 to 10
p.m. on Monday nights to meet
potential members. His phone
number in Detroit is Belleville
The Arts Chorale caroling
party scheduled for tomorrow
at 10 p.m. has been cancelled.
Members of the group mayE
contact Lillias Wagner, phone
4002, for additional informa-

(Continued from Page 4)
ecutive Council Meeting, Mon.,
4:10 p.m., Michigan Union. Every
person, officer and member,
working on a chapter project must
present a written report at this
meeting. Meeting is open to gen-
eral membership.
Play Reading Section, Faculty
Women's Club: 1:45 p.m., Tues.,
Dec. 14, Michigan League.
I.Z.F.A.: General meeting, 7:45
p.m., Tues., Dec. 14, Hillel Founda-
tion. Jewish Ethnology and discus-
sion of next semester's program.
U. of M. Dames Music Group:
Meet at the home of Mrs. Donald
F. Goss, 2684 Bellewood Ave., Mon.,
Dec. 13, 8 p.m.
U. of M. Dames Drama Group:
Meet at home of Mrs. Robert Love,
2662 Pittsfield Blvd., Pittsfield Vil-
lage, Tues., Dec. 14, 8 p.m. Dra-
matic records will be played and
discussed. Transportation Chair-
man, Mrs. LaVerne Pitcher. Ph.

W OUL U-.$E A C T2kSE S - Mrs. Ruthel Provet,
instructor, points to imaginary accident to get reactions of appli-
cants for admission to New York School of Performing Arts.
Girls are (1. to r.): Anne Krumbcin, Inge Becker, Phyllis Wein.

U P A N D 0 V E R-C. Iload goes over the head of his. horse, Royalflue, during hurdle crash at
Royal Horse Show at Adelaide, South Australia. The rider suffered a back in~jury.

I I * 1 I

"everybody's yearbook"

COMMA N DER - . W I N N E R-Mrs.Reva Beek
Br nof flefamnt ,T--, was Bosone, Salt Lake City, Demo=
named commander of American cratic police court judge, was
Legion A Miaml convention. elected to the U.S. House of Rep-
tesentatives from Utah's second
congressional district.


t, i ead
ftAe Class
whether it be -
Buy YOUR copy now

G T H E S I L K - These paratroopers bail out of a Fairchild C-82 so fast they
appear clustered together during a training jump at Fort Benning,, Ga.

before the price

increase III

C O M M U N I S T S P A R A E-Portraits of Communist
leaders are carried through People's Square in Rome in parade
,recedinog a meeting to raise funds for Communist newspapers.


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