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December 12, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-12-12

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Taxicab Rate Raise Faces
'U' Students AfterHoliday

ictors'Celebrates50th Anniversary

Students may be faced with
higher taxicab rate when thy
return from Christmas vacation.
A special Mayor's Committee
will make recommendations re-
garding a proposed increase at
the next Common Council meet-
ing Dec. 20.
The Committee was appointed
after a proposal to jump fares a
nickel per passenger was narrow-
ly defeated six weeks ago.

The Council then voted to in-
struct the Committee "to study
all aspects of anything having to
do with setting fair and equitable
rates; also to study zone rate
plans, meter rate plans and the
present system."
A flat rate of 35 cents within
the city limits prevails now. Ad-
ditional passengers in the same
party pay 15 cents apiece.



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"The Victors" is fifty years old.
The great marching song which
has inspired Michigan teams for
half a century was written by a,
Michigan student, Louis Elbel,
after a football game played on
Thanksgiving Day of 1898.
ON THAT' DAY the Michigan
eleven traveled to Illinois for its
annual battle with Chicago Uni-
versity, accompanied by nearly
twelve hundred Michigan stu-
The game was a close one, but
Michi-an won, 12-1l, and the
Michigan rooters went wild.
After leaving the stadium, they
followed the band through the
crowded streets, singing "Hot
Time in the Old Town." During
the celebration, Elbel saw the need
for a song that really belonged to
Michigan. The elation surrounding
him inspired him to write the
^pening refrain of "The Victors"
and, within a few days, he com-
pleted the music and wrote words
for his song.
"I COULD HARDLY have writ-
-,en it on order," Elbel said later.
'Nor did I speculate one moment
ow many people would ever hear
The first-performance of "The
Victors" was given in University
Hall the following April. John
Philip Sousa conducted the band
which played it, and the song
immediately won the approval
of the large audience.
A few days later it was given its
First performance by the U. of M.
Minstrels. After that, the song
caught on quickly and in May was
iayed and sung by two thousand
students who gathered at the train
depot at 2 a.m. to welcome home a
,ictorious baseball team.
"THEN," ELBEL said, "a feel-
ng came over me that my march
elonged to Michigan."
Elbel experienced many other
thrills. While in Europe he heard
the military bands of France
and Germany playing "The Vic-
tors," which was also carried
abroad by the many U. S. Army
rands who played it.
At one time, while Elbel was
;udying music in Germany, he
as introduced to Walter Prejor,

IDormitory News
(Editor's Note: Contributors to WLat's
Up in the Dorms should contact Do-
lores Palanker at The Daily or 105
Betsy Barbour.)
Guests at Adelia Cheever's
combination Christmas and Hon-
ors dinner today will be Miss
Beth Cook, who once lived in the
house and who has recently re-
ceived her doctorate in chemis-
try; Mrs. Mary Markley, for
whom Mary Markley House was
named; former Dean of Women
Mrs. Byrl Barcher, and the pres-
ent Assistant-Dean, Mrs. Elsie
The list continues with Mr.
and Mrs. S. Atwood, Mr. and Mrs.
Edson Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs.
James P. Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Cowden, and Mr. and Mrs.
Riley Nelson.
The women guests are all mem-
bers of the Board of Patronesses
of Adelia Cheever House.
MARTHA COOK women will
entertain the administrative fac-
ulty, Chorale Union lbaders and
"Messiah" artists at 6:30 p. m.
at a Christmas dinner following
today's concert.
MR. IVAN PARKER, assistant
to the , Dean of Students, will
speak at 7:30 p.-m. tomorrow in
Dining Room 2 in West Quad, on
scholarship opportunities at the
The talk is being sponsored by
the West Quad Academic Coun-
cil. Carl Benson, of Wenley
House, is in charge.
Council will sponsor two hours of
movies at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday
in Dining Room 2.
"Othello", "Julius Caesar",
"Music in America", and "Wa-
tussi" will make up the program.
Gueststare invited and women
may attend.
ArthurnHecht, Williams House,
and Bristol Hunter, Lloyd House,
are in charge and announce that
some houses will serve refresh-
ments afterwards.
will have its Christmas party to-
morrow following dinner. A grab
bag filled with gifts contributed
by the men will be the party's
main feature.

-e -
" fir ::;: . -: :.:,Y... . . .
..-are gifts for the whole family. Dad has a
new brief case. For his wife theire is a box of
fine stationery. And the juniors have a set of
children's stories. Santa has even left a box of
personal Christmas cards for the housekeeper.
All gifts are appreciated from -

String Group Will Perform

Recent compositions by Ross
Lee Finney, visiting professor of
composition in the music school
will be performed at 8:30 p.m.,
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendels-,
sohn Theatre.
The University String Quartet
assisted by the Michigan Singers;
and two faculty pianists, will per-
form the works.
Numbers in program order will
be "Quartet in A Minor," "Spher-

ical Madrigals," "FVive Nostalgic
Waltzes" and "Quartet in A
minor, No. 4." The first two were
written in 1948 at Claremont,
Calif. The last two Finney com-
posed here in 1947.
Members of the string quartet
are Gilbert Ross, Emil Raab, Paul
Doktor and Oliver Edel. All are
music school faculty members.
The recital is open to the pub-


Daily-Alex LmanIan.
fiftieth anniversary of Wolverine fighting march
- - - e e *

one of the world's greatest trom-C
bonists and, said Elbel, "As we
met, he sang the 'Victors' refrain

phis outstanding services to the

Dec. 1


o me.

I thought that remark-
* * *

tion to Michigan Elbel has re-
-eived many honors. He has re-
"urned a number of times to lead
he Michigan Band during foot-
all games and, in June, 1947, he
7as presented with a citation
From the University Board of
Regents congratulating him for,

"Since 'The Victors' was writ-
ten," Elbel said, "I have met
hundreds of Michigan men. My
name got the ordinary hand-
shake, but an added comment
like 'You know, this is the man
who wrote "The Victors'," nearly
always brought this: 'Is that so?
Put her there, old fellow'."
In regard to his song, Elbel feels
"It was mine only a few months.
It is yours now; it belongs to

1216 South University


She Can
Wear and Wear

Canada, Newfoundland Reach
Accord on Province Status

c ;
Lennox Handbags

Rubber Footwear

r . {'
Daniel Green

OTTAWA - UP) - Canada and
Newfoundland have signed a pact
etting forth the terms under
vhich Newfoundland will become
Canada's tenth province.
Newfoundland is Britain's old-
;st colony and sometimes is called
he Gibraltar of the North be-
cause of its strategic position at
'he mouth of the St. Lawrence
THE UNION of Newfoundland
,nd. Canada will become effective
vfarch 31, 1949, after formal ap-
)roval of the terms by the New-
oundland government and the
he Canadian parliament and con-
irmation by the British parlia-
, ent.
The agreement was signed in
Canada's Senate chamber, with
Prime Minister Louis St. Laur-
ent signing for Canada and A.
J. Walsh, chairman of a special
negotiating committee, for New-
The union of Newfoundland
and Canada will cost the Domin-
ion government $42,750,000 in
cash grants, plus millions more
in services like family allowances,
old age pensions, bonus adjust-
ments for war veterans and un-
employment insurance.

THE DOMINION also agreed to
assume Newfoundland's $63,000,-
000 national debt.
On the other hand, Canada
will have taxing privileges in
Newfoundland and will take
over national works such as rail-
roads, hotels, harbors, the inter-
national airport at Gander and,
various other assets.
St. Laurent said the entry of
Newfoundland into the Dominion
would make both stronger.
"THE QUESTION of defense
and security is very much in our
minds again today," he said.
"With Newfoundland forming the
tenth province of Canada I think
that both we in Canada and you
in Newfoundland will feel more
secure than heretofore in this
troubled world."
The status of four United
States military bases on New-
foundland will be discussed later
by Canada and the United States,
a high Canadian source said. The
U.S. holds these bases under a
99-year wartime lease from Brit-
Newfoundland had a dominion
status, like Canada, until 1934,
when the national debt forced it
into a kind of bankruptcy ar-
rangement with Britain.

Student Cast
Rehearses for
TV Program
WWJ Will Present
'Dementia Wilcox'
The man behind the desk
reached his right hand into his
pocket for his keys but, instead
of finding them there, they came
floating through the air and
landed in his left palm.
Maybe something like that can't
happen in real life, but it's a per-
fectly normal occurrence at a
rehearsal of a Speech Department
Television show.
TIlE CAST of "Dementia Wil-
cox," which the Radio division of
the speech department will pre-
sent at 8:30 p,m. today over Sta-
tion WWJ-TV, rehearsed the
show in the Detroit studio yester-
day, and a Daily reporter went
along to watch.
The rehearsal, the first one
to be held in the studio, was
complete with sets which will be
used in tonight's telecast.
"Dementia Wilcox," a farcical
comedy about a Hollywood
"sharpie" press agent, was written
by James Schiavone, Grad. During
the rehearsal, Schiavone sat quiet-
ly watching, and occasionally con-
ferring with Prof. Garnet Gerri-
son of the Speech Department, or
Tom Riley, senior television direc-
tor of WWJ-TV.
John Rich, Grad., is assistant
Civil Servuice
February graduates wishing to
work for the federal government
as a Junior Professional Assistant
or Junior Management Assistant
must have their applications for
Civil Service exams into Chicago,
Dec. 21.
Application forms may be ob-
tained in the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall. Exam-
inations will be given in Ann Ar-
bor in January.
Any senior is eligible for the
exam that has majored in astron-
omy, bacteriology, chemistry, eco-
nomics, law, geography, psychol-
ogy, business administration or
the social sciences.


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III ii I


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