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N IMPORTATION from Oxford has pro-
vided the answer to long standing stu-
dent objections to the Political Speakers ban.
Taking a leaf from the Oxford Union's
book, students here can build an organi-
zation which will allow them to discuss
political issues and anything else of
importance that, comes up.
We are speaking of the Oxford Union plan,
presented at a -special session of the Stu-
dent Legislature by Rhodes Scholar Ralph
M. Carson, Michigan graduate and the only
American ever to become president of thatj
This is the first constructive solution ever
to come out of the political speaker contro-
versy. Previously, all student objections
to the ban have been taken the form of
protests and petitions but no alternatives
have been offered to the Board of Regents.
Although the defeat of the ban is de-
sirable from a student point of view, repeal
by the Regents has less chance than "a
snowball in hell" of being achieved.
Here is the answer.
Under the Oxford system, which has flour-
ished for 125 years, political issues are dis-
cussed in open forums.
The plan works like this:
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
First, the president of the Union se-
lects the motion to be debated. The mo-
tion takes a definite stand on the issue
under discussion.
Then, two speakers lead off the debate on
either side of the issue. The speakers may
be students, but more often important polit-
ical figures come to Oxford and present
their side of the questions. The opening
speeches are limited to fifteen minutes each.
After this, the motion is thrown open to
debate from the floor.
A At the end of the evening, students file
out through doors marked yea and, nay, in-
dicating their decision on the debate.
If adopted here, the students could de-
bate any issues that comes up since the
speakers ban only applies to individuals.
The importance of the Oxford Union
Plan, which would probably be called the
Michigan Forum here, lies in the fact that
it can be put into operation AT ONCE.
If the Michigan Forum had been in oplera-
tion before' the election, debates, such asp
the one between the Young Republicans and
Democrats, which was banned, could have
been held.
The Student Legislature hasetaken the
first step toward reviving on the campus
a real chance to freely express their views.
It is up to SL, and to the rest of the
campus to put into effect one of the finest
ideas that has hit Michigan in a long time.
-Al Blumrosen.
Don McNeil.
Craig Wilson.
Responsible Press
A LARGE NATIONAL magazine recently
featured a survey conducted by Har-
vard's Arthur Schlesinger on the perform-
ances of U.S. presidents.
Prof. Schlesinger contacted, 55 eminent
authorities on U.S. history in making his,
poll. These experts gave the rank of
"Great" to six of our past chief executives.
The six immortals are Lincoln, Washing-
ton, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Wilson, Jeffer-
son and Jackson, in that order.
In interpreting these results Prof. Schles-
inger points out that the press regularly
threw their weight in election campaigns
against the "great" Presidents with the ex-
ception of the sacrosanct Washington.
He notes that the fourth estate tried to
defeat Jefferson and Lincoln when they ran
for the first time, fought Jackson and Wil-
son in both campaigns and lambasted F.D.R.
in all four of his elections.
Each of these men took the side of pro-
gressivism and reform as measured by the
standards of their times. Furthermore, all
six are identified with some crucial point
in our history. They pushed territorial ex-
pansion, prevented secession, abolished
slavery, cond'ucted financial reform and
introduced vast social and economic
changes in our government.
That these policies were beneficial to the
nation seems to be born out by their con-
tinued existence and the acclaim that pos-
terity has awarded them. Is it not fair to
infer from this that the newspapers of the
country have chronically opposed the will
of the people? Where does this place U.S.
journalism? To this writer, a newspaper that
does not have the promotion of the common
good as its chief aim is not worthy of the
This trend has become more pronounced
in modern times. National editorial opinion
was almost universally opposed to the New
Deal. Most of its legislation and philosophy,
however, have received popular acclaim and
seem to be here to stay.
In the recent election campaign the
American press almost exclusively sup-
ported Gov. Dewey and his platform.
Whether Mr. Truman's administration
will receive the approbation of history re-
mains to be seen. What is significant is
the fact that the great majority of the
newspapers opposed the will of a ma-
jority of the voters. Possibly there is an
element of truth in the frequently voiced
liberal claim that the editorial pages are
merely the propaganda medium of reac-
At one time newspapers occupied a place
of major importance in the U.S. political
scene. They still do to a lesser extent today.
However, with the continuing crystallization
of liberal opinion into stable political forces,
publishers will have to change their tune
if newspapers are going to continue to be
an effective part of our political scene.
Without a change in newspaper policy,
leading to a more representative press, they
must contemplate the day when their sup-
port alone will constitute sufficient reason
in the eyes of the public for the rejection
of policy.
-Dave Thomas.
Still Dazed
ED FELT THAT there had been something
chastened about the political conserva-
tions in the commuters' train ever since the
election overturn. There were discussions, as
always, but they seemed to lack bounce. The
men with the brief cases spoke with a kind
of reserve, and an unusual quietness, as if in
the presence of a great marvel,
Even so, Ed was not prepared for the
change in Martin, his old opponent.
Martin came along one evening, and
as usual, sat beside Ed. He took a pack of
cigarettes from his pocket, and with great
care, selected one. Then he fished for
matches, found a pad, considered it as if
he were a little surprised at the way it
looked, and very slowly lighted up. It was
unlike Martin, whose gestures were us-
ually quick and nervous; it was, Ed could
not help thinking, as if Martin were find-
ing something strange and unfamiliar
about the most ordinary concerns of every-
day life.
"Well, Ed, what do you hear?" asked Mar-
"I don't hear much, Martin," said Ed.
"What do you think he's goi~ng to do
now?" asked Martin.
He? Why that would be Truman, Ed
realized. Martin had never referred to
Truman as "he" in that understood, un-
adorned way ever. before.
"Why, I don't know what he'll do," said
Ed. "We'll get some housing, maybe, and
some price control."
'Um," said Martin.
And then suddenly Ed recognized Mar-
tin's, expression. It was the one he had
used to wea during the Roosevelt years, a
kind of patient look, as of one who is show-
ing he can endure monstrous things. Ed
was amused.
"Well, we put it over on you," he couldn't
help saying
* *
"Um," said Martin. Then in a quiet, al-
most a reflective voice, he began to speak.
"It's damn funny, Ed," he said. "Ever
since Roosevelt died, I was sure we had
you Democrats on the run. There was only
once when I was scared. That was just
before the Democratic convention, when
there was a chance you might nominate
Eisenhower. I had a sinking feeling then,
I don't mind saying. I felt, that's life for
you, you get the beggars on the run, and
they pull a rabbit out of the hat. Then,
when you nominated Truman, I was re-
lieved. Until election day. And I still can't
understand it.
Ed reflected. Martin deserved a thought-
ful answer.
But maybe the answer was right in the
question. Yes, it, was as if something new
had been thrown into the pot. It really was
as if there had been an Eisenhower. Only
it was the people who had been him. They'd
become their own Eisenhower. their own
glamour. They had endowed themselves with
that touch of faith and magic which, earlier
in the summer, they had tried so anxiously
to give to someone, anyone, who would lead.
Yes, there had been al addition to the na-
tional cast of characters; there was a new
personality, a new entity to reckon with,
high and exciting. It was the people. Only
it would be hard to sa all this to Martin.
"I guess you just missed the boat, Ma-
tin," said Ed, as the train, seeming to scent
the open country ahead, picked up speed for
the long run.
(Copyright, 1948, New ork Post Corporation)
Prac tiCal Ide
AS THE OUTLOOK for the United Nations'
success becomes more discouraging, the
concept of a world federation has become
an increasingly practical idea.
Admittedly, the UN's attempts as a
group of individualistic nations have
failed. That thing called patriotism has
been an incessant and seemingly insur-
mountable obstacle in its quest for world
Therefore, it would seem that our only
hope lies in the possibility of establishing a
world federation. Nationalistic tendencies
must be submerged and replaced by inter-
But before we blindly accept such a pro-
posal, we must consider what such an alli-
ance would incur.
First, Eie United States, indisputably the
world's greatest power, would be compelled
to surrender its sovereignty. For what
chances of success could be hoped for un-
less this country took the initial step?
Without the U.S., we would be merely plott-
ing another League of Nations.
Secondly, a world federation is in direct
violation to Great Britain's principles of
socialism. Therefore, she is confronted with
the same demands as the U.S.-the surrender
of sovereignty.
Finally, would Russia accept such a
plan? Everyone agrees that today's two
great powers are Russia and the United
States. And it is universally known too
that their basic principles of government
are in direct violation to each other. It
would seem then that the only conceivable
means of uniting these two is through
world federalism.
But whether or not the USSR would re-
ject the proposal of the U.S. and Great
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News of the Week
Although rumors were rampant in Paris and the United States
that Truman and Stalin might meet soon to try and reach an agree-
ment on East-West differences, action on the international scene
did not bear out the mood.
United Nations ... .
The political committee of the United Nations Assembly formally
condemned the Soviet satellites of Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia
for interfering in Greece on the part of the guerrillas.
To charges hurled by Vishinsky that Greece, with the knowledge
of the U. S. and Britain was preparing to hurl poison gas at the guer-
rillas, John Foster Dulles accused the Soviet bloc of trying to frus-
trate UN action with a filibuster.
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"Tell You What -= I'll Make You A Very Special
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Letters to the Editor...
* * *
Manhattan District
WASHINGTON--Another Manhattan Dis-
trict is needed. That is the only possible
conclusion from the shocking results of the
Navy's recent Newfoundland war exercises.
For those who missed the all too brief stories
from the scene, the Newfoundland results
may be summarized as follows:
The plan for the exercises was for a
strong task force of 100 Naval vessels to
establish a bridgehead on the Newfound-
land coast. The defensive role was as-
signed to eight Schnorkel-equipped sub-
marines, modelled on the high-speed, long-
range, radar-proof German Type 21. The
eight defenders "sank" virtually the entire
Naval task force, and of course theoret-
ically prevented the landing.
The significance of these results lies in a
single bleak and simple set of facts, first
reported in this space many months ago. The
Soviet Navy is now primarily an undersea
fleet. Under reparations the Soviets secured
from Germany component parts, complete
submarines and equipment for building the
Type 21.
The picture is not all black, to be sure.
A small number of vessels in the Newfound-
land task force were especially equipped
with new submarine detecting and destroy-
ing devices experimentally developed with
the Type 21 in mind. While all but a small
proportion of the total task force was "de-
stroyed," all but 15 per cent of the specially
equipped vessels escaped the wolf pack's
attacks. Thus there is already hope that
the American Navy can, regain the capability
of defending itself and the ,sea supply lines
that are its first responsibility.
On the other hand, a crucial question of
investment priorities is obviously raised.
The Navy staff asserts that the capacities
of the Navy are being strained to the
utmost, both to modernize the anti-sub-
is being done about this most urgent of
all our defense problems.
The funds being spent on anti-submarine
research are invidiously compared with the
funds allocated to certain other projects,
such as the Navy's giant carrier, which will
be utterly useless, of course, unless it can be
defended against anti-submarine attack).
But the real differences of viewpoint between
Navy and J.R.D.B. apparently lies in the
phrase above, "the capacities of the Navy."
The Navy is undoubtedly doing all that
any service can to counter the danger under-
seas. Unfortunately, however, any purely
naval effort of this sort must always suffer
from the peculiarities of service budgeting,
the rigidity of business done through chan-
nels, and similar limitations.
Money can be no object, since the whole
huge annual appropriation of the Navy will
have little value until this problem of sub-
marine danger has been removed. The job
must be done at all costs and with all ur-
gency. Meanwhile, only one stop-gap ex-
pedient is open. Immediate alliance with
the Western European Union will permit im-
mediate establishment of air and other
bases overseas, and immediate stock-piling
in Europe. In the present atmosphere, taking
out this form of insurance is also urgent.
Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
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Berlin ...
The Russians threatened to force down American and British
airlift planes that fly outside of the three air corridors in the supply
route to Berlin and Gen. Lucius D. Clay replied quickly "that we will
keep them flying."
* * * * '
Palestine Charges .. .
Israel charged that British troops. had entered Palestine to aid
the Arab forces (who's position the UN truce Mission said was hope-
less) and was arming both Iraq and Trans-Jordan. Brig. Gen. Wil-
liam E. Riley of the UN Truce Mission advised the Arab governments
to make peace with Israel.
* .* * *
France for DeGaulle ...
Political tension in France heightened as Gen. Charles DeGaulle's
anti-Communist forces won a sweeping victory in the Upper house of
French Parliament.
* * * *
The Cabinet-.
James Forrestal, himself, indicated that he would not be in the
next cabinet, as speculations rose as to who would replace Forrestal
and Marshall come January. The President had no comment.
Un-American ..
While sentiment in the House was being raised for the elimina-
tion of the Un-American Activities Committee and substitution of a
"Civil Right Committee, ex-Committee head J. Parnell Thomas was
having troubles of his own. He was indicted by a grand jury for
defrauding the government in his Washington office.
Gerhiard. Again .
Gerhardt Eisler, one time campus visitor, was to go before the Su-
preme Court soon on the charges of Contempt for Congress. He had
been jailed for refusinrg to answer questions about his Communist
NLRB Rules.. .
The UEW was threatened with ouster from several private plants
as a result of a NLRB ruling calling for plant election-without the
UEW on the ballot because of its refusing to comply with Taft-Hart-
ley requirements.
John Kephart '49 E nosed a peanut across the sidewalk in front of
Angell Hall and the election was over.
Band.. .
An article in Life and the fact that the University Marching
Band had used up its travel budget for the year prompted gave rise
to a spontaneous drive by students to chip in enough to get the band
to Ohio State.
The Life article said in effect that OSU's band was the best in
the country.
At weeks end, over $1,700 had been collected from individuals, stu-
dent organizations and merchants by The Daily, which was acting as
clearing house for the pledges of money. Bandsmen were packing mit-
tens and getting ready to show USO what a real band looked like.
Facts of Life...
It looked like the high cost of living was going to stop the annual
Marriage Lecture arranged for Seniors. The cost of the lectures this
year had made them impossible and other fund raising plans were
not forthcoming.
Politics ...
Over a hundred students were preparing for a fight to the finish
election in two weeks. With Student Legislature, J-hop committee,
and Senior Class offices at stake, it looked like one of the busiest two
weeks in campus history was just beginning.
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy Is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
. " s
Whose Fate?
To the Editor:
ON MONDAY, Nov. 15, I go on
trial by proxy. I'm one of the
"divers other persons to the Grand
Jury unknown" who conspired
with the twelve Communist lead-
ers. Am I worried? You bet.
The indictment says that the
twelve Communists conspired
among themselves and with guys
like me to knowingly and willfully
organize the Communist Party,
"and knowingly and willfully to
advocate and teach the duty and
necessity of overthrowing and de-
stroying the government of the
United States by force and vio-
lence" in violation of the Smith
This vicious lie and monstrous
distortion is the government's case,
and they intend to prove it by
selected quotations from Marx and
Lenin. That's more of a job for
one of Luce's bright young men
than a serious Federal attorney.
And when you realize that, you
see the real nature of this farcical
trial . . . it is not to be a sober
presentation of evidence against
criminals caught red-handed in
the act, but rather a dramatic at-
tempt to convict by demagogy
with all the force of the nation's
press to spread the lie and mo-
bilize public opinion. For the real
jury in this trial will be the peo-
ple of the country-and only the
degree of their protest will meas-
ure the outcome.
The fate of the twelve Commu-
nists will be my fate. A conviction
will mean the outlawing of the
Communist Party and jailing of
the twelve. Will that satisfy reac-
tion? No, they'll round up me and
every other known party member.
I've asked for it, but what about
you? They'll extend the dragnet
to every progressive who ever ex-
pressed his convictions and acted
on them-the cigarette and coffee
radicals will be considered dan-
gerous, too, and every person who
in any way resists the sweep to
That's what Communists predict
on the basis of history-the his-
tory of every nation where out-
lawing of Communists was the in-
itial step in fascist oppression.
We Communists are proud of
our role in the history of our
country. We will use the trial as a
forum to challenge those who
would distort that history. We will
challenge them to produce evi-
dence of any act of treason or se-
dition. We will declare ourselves
as opponents of American reac-
tion at home and imperialism
abroad. We will declare our con-
viction that only socialism, freely
determined by the majority of the
people, can end the conflict in
our society and the mad joy-ride
to economic disaster and atomic
And from that forum we call
on all Americans to defend their
heritage and defeat fascism at its
birth by asserting the right of all
men to their convictions. Our day
in court will determine your fu-
-Bill Carter.
* * *
Let Them Stay Home
To the Editor:
SIS-BOOM-BAH! Hooray! Let's'
send the band to Ohio State!
It's great to have that much
school spirit-$2,000 worth. But is
this the greatest expression of true
school spirit that Michigan can
Two thousand dollars would be a
welcome and worth-while addition
to the fund being raised to sup-
port DP students here on campus.
After all, which is more creative
for our reputation and- a greater
laurel around our collective brow:
(a> -an announcement over the p.a.
at the Ohio State game to the
effect that students have decided
to give the money to the DP stu-
dent-fund, or (b) a three-minute
appearance on the field of a weary
band forced away from some
much-needed study to answer a
non-existent challenge set forth
in a jaded and stereotyped Life
magazine article.
If Michigan students are indeed
the rah-rah, thoughtless crew
which would take up an empty
rivalry as therein invited to do,
then DP students had better look
Fifty-Ninth Year
to some other campus for ac-
ademic and intellectual life.
It's up to the student body. Ho
can we best lead the Big Nine-
in academic and humanitarian en-
deavor, or in having a better ban
than Ohio State?
-Lucille Waldorf, Phyllis Mer-
ritt, Pat Merritt, Sue Siris,
Dorianne Zipperstein, Mary-
lin Klafer, Ruth Cohen, Lynn
Gutenberg and others.
To the Editor:
[T WAS WITH feelings of sur-
prise that we read this morn-
ing that several organizations o
this campus. The Michigan Daily
included among them, were solic
iting funds to send the Universit
Marching Band to Columbus for
next week's football game. Suc
a show of spirit is commendable
to be sure, but rather wastefu
when considered in the light o
other, more urgent, ways of ex
pressing enthusiasm.
Certainly it is noble to con
tribute our extra pennies to up-
holding the honor of our Alma
Mater, but in these days of uni,
versal woe, sickness and starva-
tion, it appears to be an extrava-
gant luxury. There is certainly no
need for us to re-emphasize th~
dire straits in which several mil
lion of our fellow-human being
find themselves this winter. Th'
front-page of the same issue oi
The Daily reported famine strik
ing in starved China, cold, hungry,
wintersahead in Europe.
Let us heed the outstretched
hands, the pleading eyes, the
haunting faces of our less fortu-
nate brethren and contribute our
spare pennies, dimes, dollars tq
their aid; surely we all know our
band and team need no vindi-
cation. Various groups on campus
are sponsoring several DP stu-
dents; help them. CARE still is
sending food to Europe; contrib-
ute. Meals for Millions is sendingo
food all over the world to, famine
areas; contribute.
Ask yourself: Which is more im-
portant, the assuaging of the hurt1
pride of the band we know is good,
or the granting of life and hope
to men and women to build the
world of today and tomorrow?
If you want more information
about where to send your contrib-
utions, please feel free to contact
any of us.
y-Leo Lutwak,
George Miroff,
Kenneth Yoss.
COMMUNISTS, having complet-
the the conquest of all Man-
churia, have control of a big chunk
of North China, are driving to-
ward the Yangtze River and Nan-
There seems to be very little to
stop them. And, once they reach
Yangtze, they'll have solid 'control
of the food, coal, industrial and
transport resources without which
Nationalist China will be helpless.
-U.S. News and World Report.
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Murray Grant...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman..Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Looking Back
The Junior Class held their annual elec-
tion of officers with the president-elect
running on a platform to eliminate the J-
Hop. He claimed that as it was not exclu-
sively a class affair it should not be called
for that class. His plan was rejected.
After the dog talked to Mr. Merrie
my Fairy Godfather dropped a brick
down the chimney on his head and
No, what really happened is that these/
two fine little kids from Kindergarten.
appealed to Mr. Merrie's better nature.
As your attorney I advise you not to try
to break the agreement to sell the lots
for the school. You CAN'T claim duress!