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October 06, 1948 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-06

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Woody Herman's Orchestra
Fo Play at Third Annual A-Hop

Mademoiselle Guest Editors
Contest Opens for WomenI

Women's Equal Rights Needed
In Man's World Says Lecturer


* * *

A well-known musical attrac-
tion, Woody Herman and his or-
chestra, will be featured from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 16 in
the Intramural Building when As-
sembly and Associated Indepen-
dent Men will sponsor the third
annual A-Hop.
Benefits from the informal
dance will be contributed to the
University Fresh Air Camp to aid
in the winterizing of the camp.
Herman, one of the most ver-
satile orchestra leaders of the day,
is not only skilled on the clarinet
and saxophone, but is an accom-
plished singer and entertainer. His
conducting has received much fa-
vorable comment during his stage,
screen, and radio career.
Woody is also a talented dan-
oer and the composer of some
widely-requested jazz renditions
including "Northwest Passage,"
"Blues on Parade," and "Wood-
shopper's Ball."
All-star entertainment will also
be provided by a 'host of Herman
Herd personalities including "The
Four Chips," Herman's little band
within a band, comprised of bass,
Tickets for A-Hop will go on
sale tomorrow in University
Hall and the League where they
may be purchased from 9 a.m.
to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Be-
ginning next Monday, tickets
will also be on sale at the Un-

* * *
drums, piano and Woody on the
"The Woodchoppers"- combi-
nation consists of trumpet,
trombone, tenor sax, bass, piano,
drums and Woody's clarinet with
special attention paid to jazz
sendoffs on standard songs of
Featured female vocalist with
the Woody Herman Orchestra is
Jeri Ney who also takes her turn
at the piano and vibes when "The
Four Chips" and "The Woodchop-
pers" begin their impromptu jazz
During the evening, Woody
Herman and his orchestra will
feature a few of the songs that
they have performed in their'
recent motion pictures.
No corsages will be worn at the
dance. Women will be granted
1:30 a.m. late permission.

"Mademoiselle," monthly maga-
zine for women, has opened its an-
nual contest for College Board
members and its 1949 College
Guest Editors.
Any coed undergraduate at an
accredited college who is available
to work as a Guest Editor from
June 6 to July 1 is eligible to enter
the contest for College Board
Contestants are asked to submit
a report of two typewritten,
double-spaced pages on any new
phase of campus life which would
be of interest to other college stu-
They must also send a snapshot,
plus complete data on college and
home addresses, class year, college
major and minor. In addition they
are to include information on oth-
er interests and activities and
paid or volunteer positions they
have held.
ALL MATERIAL must be mailed
to the College Board Editor,
"Mademoiselle," 122 East 42nd
Street, New York 17, New York,
and is to be postmarked no later
than Nov. 7.
Approximately 1,000 coeds are
chosen each year. From these,
20 of the most outstanding are
chosen to be Guest Editors on
the basis of three assignments
by "Mademoiselle" during the
These women will go to New
York City June 6 for four weeks
to help write and edit the August
college issue of "Mademoiselle."
Their transportation will be paid,
and in addition to this they will
receive a salary.
S * *
IN NEW YORK, Guest Editors
will take part in a program of ac-
tivities designed to give them a
head start in their careers. In-
formal, personalized guidance will
be the keynote.
Each coed interviews a top
celebrity in her chosen field to
Mortar Board will hold its
organizational meeting at 5
p.m. today in the Cave of the

get advice on education and
training needed. Field trips to
newspaper offices, fashion
workrooms, radio stations,
stores, agencies, and printing
plants are scheduled.
Virginia Garrietsen and Fran-
cis Keaton were chosen from the
University last spring as Guest
Jnion Faculty
Teas Opened
To Women
Another ancient tradition fell
to the wayside yesterday when
Union officials announced that
women would be allowed to attend
the weekly faculty teas.
Coeds and faculty wives will be
guests of honor from 4 to 5 p.m.
today when students meet mem-
bers of the English department.
The teas will be open to women
from now on, according to Rich-
ard Hitt, publicity chairman.
Women's True
Color Revealed
How long have the poor men-
folk of our race suffered under
the delusion that their lady-loves
were visions of pink and white?
She may be green, purple, red
or even a mixture of shades, but
not pink and white.
The hidden facts of women's
true coloring have just recently
been brought out by the spectro-
dermoscope, a gadget invented by
a member of Parisian perfume
After years of aid in studying
the basic elements of all sorts of
earthly and celectial materials,
the spectrum can now be put to
practical use by each member of
the female sex in helping her de-
cide which shade of lipstick, pow-
der or nail polish will best suit
her. Each woman can now find
and complement her basic color.

-The biggest block in women's
fight for equalbrights has been
fear of "losing sex appeal," says
an expert in the field.
For more than 3,000 years, re-I
ports Dr. Ida Bobula, visiting lec-I
turer at New Jersey College for
women of Rutgers University, men
have been quick to use this potent
weapon against feminists, suffra-
gists and career women.
"Most women naturally would
rather win a man's heart than
fight for the right to sit beside
him at a legislative session," she
* * *
DR. BOBULA, former profcs-
sor of history at the University of
Debrecen, Budapest, Hungary, was
a leader in her own country's fight
for woman suffrage and equal
Now she is presenting the
first course in "The History of
Women" ever given at NJC.
"The greatest revolution in the
history of mankind-raising half
of humanity to political equality
-is essentially accomplished," she
said. But the problem today, she
adds, is whether women actually
will participate equally with men
in government.
* * * ,
brating the centennial year of
their fight for equal rights, "yet
not even in this fortunate coun-
try are conditions favorable for
combining both a career and
marriage," she said.

Dr. Bobula recalled that one
hundred years ago, in July,
1848, the first Women's Rights
Convention in history was held
at Seneca Falls, N.Y.
* * *
THE NEXT practical task for
women today is "to make it pos-
sible to combine a career with
marriage and children," Dr. Bo-
bula says.
This may be done, she suggests,
by measures like reducing the
number of working hours per day
to four or six instead of eight, by
providing well staffed day nurser-
ies for young children and by the
development of commercial kitch-
ens to provide home-cooked meals
at the housewife's order.
Soph Cabaret
Committee work on Soph
Cabaret will be explained at a
mass meeting at 5 p.m. today in
the League Ballroom. Any wom-
en who are not able to attend
the meeting and wish to work
on a committee may call Ethel
Morris, 2-2591, or Barbara Rey-
nolds, 2-5618.
The dance chorus lines will
also meet at '7:30 p.m. today in
the Garden Room of the League.
They are to wear shorts and
dancing shoes.
The time will be announced
later when the singing chorus
and floor show participants will

GRACEFUL-Emma Kulluer of Genoa, Italy, rehearses for role
in Pompeii ballet at Rome Opera House.
Wayne King Expected in Ypsilanti

Lovers of sweet and senti-
mental music-the "Waltz King"
himself will be in Ypsilanti Oct. 11
to make the halls of Pease Audito-
rium echo with his music.
Wayne King and his entire
dancing, choral, and instrumental
corps, including vocalists, Nancy
I '


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In black, brown, wine
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TION CLUB-Meeting will be at
9:45 a.m. today at WAB. All physi-
cal education majors are requested
to attend.
istration will be at 7 p.m. in the
Barbour Gym dance studio.
ARCHERY CLUB-Registration
will be at 5 p.m. today at WAB.

Evans and Ken Stevens, will ap-
pear at 8:15 p.m. in Pease Audi-
torium, sponsored by Michigan
State Normal College.
An all-time favorite with both
young and old, the maestro, who
has never had a formal music les-
son in his life, does all his own ar-
ranging. His chief treasures are
his Golden Saxaphone, never
touched by anyone but himself,
and his famous pipes, of which he
has more than 280.
The tickets for the concert can
be obtained at the Swing Sym-
phony Shop in Ypsilanti by mail
order only. All seats are reserved.
C.' " cLss of "s
ter" --
"Honor Grads"
ii~' \ NYLONS
Taking first place in
college activities that
call for smart attire, the
nylons which bear the Seal of
the lDANCIN 'TWINSfeature
the patented Gusset Heel*
for snug fit, the Gussetoe o ,"
for comfort...plus a care-
free, seamjfreebe auty!
Sold under leading
brand names at smart
college shops and stores."
*U. S. Pat. No. 2388649



The functional sweater set... indispensable
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Mr. and Mrs. Lucius C. Hunt of
Toledo, O., have announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Virginia Sue, to Coleman S. Chris-
tian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
S. Christian of Detroit.
Hiss Hunt attended the Uni-
versity of Michigan and is a mem-
ber of the Women's Advertising
Club of Toledo.
Mr. Christian is attending the
University of Michigan and is af-
filiated with Phi Delta Theta. He
is Circulation Manager of The
Daily and will graduate from the
literary college in June.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Adler of
Detroit have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Ber-
nice, to Leonard Blumenreich, son

of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blumen-
reich of New York.
Miss Adler is a senior in the
literary college. Mr. Blumenreich
is to receive his master's degree
in Business Administration next
* *, *
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wil-
liams of Wyandotte have an-
nounced the marriage of their
daughter, Given, to Kenneth Pe-
terson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Peterson of Grayburg.
Mrs. Peterson is a student in
the educational school. Mr. Peter-
son is majoring in journalism.
The wedding took place Aug.
28 in Wyandotte.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Krause of Balti-
more have announced the engage-

ment of their daughter, Naomi, to
David Levy, son of Mrs. and Mrs.
B. Levy of Detroit.
Miss Krause is a senior in the
literary college and a member of
Alpha Epsilon Phi. Mr. Levy is a
senior in the Law School and a
member of Phi Sigma Delta.
Marx-Sa ulIson
Dr. and Mrs. Martin S. Marx of
Brockton, Mass. have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Helen, to Stanley H. Saulson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Saulson of
Miss Marx is a senior in the lit-
erary college. Her fiance will grad-
uate from the College of Engineer-
ing in June.
Mr. Saulson is a member of Tri-
angles, engineering junior honor-
ary, and serves as vice-president
of the Engineering Council.

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Bejeweled beret to add sparkle to your
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Glowing wool plaid stoles with
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fringe to complement your
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Genuine pigskin gloves to go hand-in-
hand with your Fall tweeds . . . to travel
from city to country with ease . . . per-




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