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October 06, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-06

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Planned Homes

(Editor's Note is written by
Harriett Friedman.

Managing Editor
won't be neces-


HOPE AN AVC obituary
sary by next week.

Certainly one side or Athe other will lose
out in the current fracas with the kind of
agenda that is set up for tomorrow's meet-
ing. But if the losing side withdraws, AVC
has poor survival chances.
* * *
AVC WAS SET up as a liberal veterans
group-with broad liberalism of many
shades-and an examination of a man's
politics wasn't necessary for admittance.
This was because AVC wasn't a political
organization in the ordinary sense. Espe-
cially here on campus, the members acted
on specific issues they thought important,
rather than by taking sides party-like on
all questions.
Such action by issue made AVC an im-
portant part of the campus and national
scene. Partly through able chairmanship,
and partly because members believed in
AVC's purposes, such a charge-counter-
charge episode as we are presently witness-
ing never occurred.
And certainly the makeup of the group
was exactly the same then, as now.
However, when an issue of civil liber-
ties, or community chest contribution, or
showing movies in Hill Auditorium came
up, the members voted on that issue, and
didn't worry too much about "What per-
son of what political belief" was voting
the same, or the opposite way.
Also, to the credit of past AVC leaders and
members, the group devoted almost all its
time to direct action on campus or specific
national problems, rather than to eternal
wrangles on foreign policy.
* * *
IT WAS THE sudden reversal of this atti-
tude that brought on the present fight.
For some reason, Chairman Babson doesn't
believe that AVC members can vote with
Just the proposed issue in mind.
Through his original charges, he made
the AVC voting a matter of political belief.
He very deliberately pointed to a supposed
cleavage between extreme left and his own
forces, which seem to be on the right.
It seems to me that Babson pulled what
is, ordinarily considered a "Communist
trick": destroying the middle ground, and
forcing a choice between extreme left and
AVC, which in the past has certainly pre-
sented neither extreme, can do no good as
an expression for a single viewpoint.
Unfortunately, if one side or the other
walks out after tomorrow, that may be the
"effect, andAVC .will lose its reputation and
effectiveness as a liberal veterans group.
The battle lines have been drawn and
both sides are busily arming, but I suggest
that if it is AVC the boys are really worried
about, they remember that the original
controversial resolution on John Gates
is just one specific issue, and start figuring
how to get the veterans group back to
effective action.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

FOR ONCE it seemed that the Republicans
had something, something that would
redeem an otherwise unenviable two year
record of "letting things ride."
But the Taft-Ellender-Wagner housing
bill was too much for the old guard. The
boys who still believed that if the rich
got richer, the poor would get more of
the crumbs that dropped off the table and
be satisfied, couldn't see slum clearance,
homes for veterans, and a farm housing
project wrapped up under a partial Re-
publican by-line.
The Senate, urged by Democrat Ellender
and Republican Taft passed TEW by a voice
vote, (a similar bill had been pigeonholed by
a Republican committee in the House two
years ago.)
It was a visionary project-a million new
homes by 1958, combined with slum clear-
ance, a 268 million dollar farm housing proj-
ect and government help to crippled vets,
guaranteeing half of a $10,000 loan to build
houses for ex-service men in wheelchairs.
The theory behind the bill was simple,
"Taft like," logical-private industry was not
doing the job-this was the place for far-
sighted government action, for that accursed
thing, "planning."
IN MAY, the President asked for passage
of TEW. Before the political campaigns
began he said, "Children . . . are as neces-
sary to the welfare of the country as Wall
Street and the railroads."
In June, the House acted.
With the cry of leave it to private enter-
prise, the House axed out slum clearance,
the whole housing development program,
the veterans assistance, the farm credit plan,
and left intact-tax benefits for owners of
new rental dwellings, guaranteed rental
yields and similar arrangements.
Somebody in the House sounded the bugle
call of conservatism, saying that the Taft-
Ellander-Wagner bill was "socialistic." Sen-
ator Taft must have been surprised.
Someday, and it seems far away now,
that man and his friends may learn that
the public isn't particularly interested in
what a plan is called, if it will fill their
The anti-rent control people keep saying
that free enterprise can do the job itself,
that rent control is the essence of our hous-
ing problem.
Apparently they are going to have their
day, starting on January 20, 1949. Rent
control will go, rents will go up. Will the
crumbs still be enough to satisfy the little
guy? Or will the bad conditions that the
Taft-Ellander-Wagner bill sought to alle-
viate still plague our still free enterprise
SHORTLY after Gov. Stassen opened the
Republican campaign in Detroit saying
that the party wanted a united country with
an end to class strife, an advertisement ap-
peared in one of the Detroit papers.
In bold face type it told HOME OWNERS
that public housing would raise their taxes
phenomenally, and put them out of their
houses. The ad asked readers to, vote for
a list of Republican candidates in the pri-
mary who would fight these projects.
Unity ... uh-huh.
-Al Blumrosen.

AS THE FORTHCOMING national elec-
tions approach ,there is heard an in-
creasing demand from the Democratic and
Progressive Party leaders for a large expan-
sion of public housing as the solution to
the "housing problem." Is public housing the
solution or are these vote-hungry parties
merely grasping at political straws?
The exponents of public housing would
like the people to believe that the "hous-
ing problem" is a chronic disease against
which private enterprise is unable to cope.
They fail to remember the cumbersome re-
strictions which entwined the construc-
tion industry until July of 1947. Until
these restrictions were lifted, home con-
struction was virtually at a standstill. By
October, 1947 the industry was producing
at the rate of a million and a quarter
houses a year, surpassing the previous
high of 1925 by nearly 250,000. This pace
has not slackened.
Democrats overlook the unreasonable rent
control law which has driven two million
dwellings from the rental to the "for sale"
market. Fear of continued rent control, even
to the point of including new construction,
has been the chief deterrent in keeping the
number of rental units started since the war
to less than 10 per cent of the total. Con-
trary to popular belief, four out of every
five rent dwellings contain four or less units
and are owned by small investors below the
commercial level. One can hardly expect a
person to invest his savings in private prop-
erty and then to proceed to offer it for rent
as a charity. It might be enlightening for
those who feel that landlords are gouging
their tenants to note that while the general
cost of living has advanced more than 50 per
cent since 1939, the rents have increased
much less than 10 per cent. (Rents were
denied adjustment under OPA). Obviously
with rents quarantined from an economy
which has moved into a new price-wage era,
investment in rental housing is a very chilly
What magic wand are these "liberals"
going to wave which will build houses fast-
er and at a lower cost than the economy-
minded businessman? How do they pro-
pose to rent property at fantastically low
rents and still remain self-sufficient? The
answers are simple. The wand is non-
existent and self-sufficiency is not in-
In effect, those who support federal hous-
ing say to the people, "We want to give
you housing, so we will tax you for that
purpose, take the money to Washington,
pay the expenses of various agencies to ad-
minister the aid, and send back what is
left to provide the aid."
England has been playing with social-
ized housing since immediately after World
War I, continually expanding the program
until, in 1946, four out of every five houses
authorized to be built were public housing
units. There has been a chronic housing
shortage since the inauguration of this
"solution," and it currently stands as a
shortage which is nearly three times as
bad as ours (without taking into account
war damage)
Our problem was brought about by the
war and has since lingered with the wartime
governmental restrictions. Capitalistic enter-
prise is the answer to the problem, but only
if it receives government aid in the form
of a hands-off policy.
-Roger Wellington.

Letters to the Editor.,

-Art Dormont
Here's a good one, Joe. It says, "Bats often sleep while hang-
ing from the ceilings of caves."

(Continued from Page 2)
noons only. Each student applying
for a certificate should present a
blueprint of his scholastic record.
Football game broadcasts:
Men's organized house groups
are authorized to entertain wom-
en guests to hear radio broadcasts
of the Purdue game between 2
p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 9.
Groups planning this entertain-
ment must notify the Office of
Student Affairs and must receive
the approval of chaperons not lat-
er than Thursdaybnoon, Oct. 7.
Chaperons may be a resident
house director or a married couple
25 years of age or older.
Applications for Grants in Sup-
port of Research Projects:
It is requested that faculty
members desiring grants from the
Research Funds in support of re-
search projects to begin early in
1949 file their proposals in the Of-
fice of the Graduate School by
Fri., Oct. 8, 1948., Requests for con-
tinuation of present projects or
for projects to be initiated during
the next fiscal y r should be
made at a date earfy next year to
be announced later. Application
forms will be mailed or can be ob-
tained at Rm. 1006 Rackham Bldg.
Telephone 372.
Women students available for
baby sitting for Saturday after-
noon football games are request-
ed to get inatouch with the Office
of the Dean of Women.
General fraternities without
houses who are participating in
rushing activities are requested to
call immediately at the Office of
Student Affairs to secure supplies
and instructions.
Women students:
A resting room (beds and show-
ers available for women students
in the Michigan League Building),
third floor, south end, daily be-
tween the hours of 7:30 a.m. and
6 p~m.
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
October 8
Alpha Sigma Phi, Couzens Hall,
E-Quad, Hayden House, Helen
Newberry Residence, Kappa Nu
October 9
Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Chinese
Students' Club, Delta Sigma Del-
ta, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Del-
ta Delta Zeta, Kappa, Sigma, Lu-
theran Student Assoc., Michigan
Christian Fellowship, Phi Kappa
Psi, Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Chi,
Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri-
gon, Tyler House
October 10
Alpha Delta Pi
1948-49 Lecture Course Season
Tickets are now on sale and will
be available for one more week,
Hill Auditorium box office. Indi-
vidual admissions for the first
four lectures go on sale next Mon-
day morning.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students expecting to

receive the master's or doctor's
degree in February, 1949, must
have theirdiploma applications in
the Graduate School Office by
Saturday noon, Oct. 9.
Aerodynamic Seminar: 4-6 p.m.
Oct. 6, Rm. 1508 E. Engineering
Topics: Linearized Supersonic
flow around axisymmetric bodies
at angles of attack.
EngineeringMechanics Semi-
nk:4 p.m., Wed., Oct. 6, 101 W.
Engineering Bldg. Mr. James L.
Edman will discuss, "The Theory
and Design of Accelerometers with
Electrical Pick-ups." This lecture
should be of special interest to
Mechanical and Electrical Engi-
neering students.
Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m.,
Wed., Oct. 6, Rm. 3001 Angell Hall.
Mr. W. J. Nemerever will talk on
Poincare Geometry.
Statistics Seminar: 11 a.m.,
Wed., Oct. 6, Rm. 3201 Angell
Orientation Seminar: Wed., Oct.
6, 4:30 p.m., Rm. 3001 Angell Hall.
Mr. Seymour Ginsburg will speak
on Transfinite Numbers.
Political Science 381 will not
meet Thursday, Oct. 7. Members
of the class should communicate
with Professor Meisel as soon as
Spanish tutors: Some of the
Spanish majors in the Sociedad
Hispanica are willing to tutor,
free of charge, any of their co-
members who need help in the ele-
mentary courses. The tutoring
sessions will take place in Rm. 408
Romance Language Bldg. from 4
to 5 p.m. every Tuesday and
Thursday, Oct. 7.
Events Today
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers and Institute of Radio
Engineers, Joint Student Branch:
First meeting of the fall semester,
Wed., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 348 W.
Engineering Bldg. Dr. Jame T.
Wilson will discuss and demons-
trate "Electrical Engineering Ap-
plications in Geophysical Pros-
pecting." All interested are wel-
American Society for Public Ad-
ministration: U. of M. Chapter,
first social seminar, 8 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Speaker: Mr. Nathan Maccoby,
Study Director of the Survey Re-
search Center. Persons interested
in public administration are in-
vited to attend.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Open meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Michigan Union. Mr.
Ralph Showalter of the Research
Department of the U.A.W.-C.I.O.,
will speak on "The Economic Pro-
gram of the U.A.W.-C.I.O." All
interested students are invited to
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Busi-
ness meeting, 12:30 p.m., Rm.
3055, Natural Science Bldg. Pro-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature andsaddress.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters. , ,
To the Editor:
L HATE TO ACCUSE anyone of
having too much school spirit,
especially since too many of us
have too little, but Sports Editor
Murray Grant's articles on the
MSC and Oregon games have been
more than opinionated. I like my
Wolverines fierce, but I don't like
them rabid. How about giving us
the straight goods, Murray? In
Sunday's Daily Coach Wally Web-
er's words, "His teammates give
him enough time to eat apple pie,
survey the field, and then pitch
perfect strikes to his receivers,"
made yours, "Time and again Van
Brocklin would fade to pass and
find himself besieged by a swarm-
ing horde of Wolverines," look
-Clancy Kleinhans.
grams for the year will be con-
Flying Club: Business meeting,
7 p.m. Open meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 1042 E. Engineering Bldg.
Colored slides: "Cleveland Air
Races." All students and members
of the faculty are invited.
Scabbard and Blade: First meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 1094 E. Engineer-
ing Bldg.
Omega Psi Phi: Meeting, 7 p.m.,
Michigan Union.
West Quad Radio Club
(W8ZSQ): Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
S.R.A. Executive Committee
meet at 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
United World Federalists:
Publicity Committee meeting, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union. Students
interested in writing news re-
leases, editing a chapter paper,
drawing posters, etc., are invited
to attend.
Hillel Foundation Publicity
Committee: Open meeting, 4 p.m.
at the Foundation. All interested
are welcome.
NSA Committee meet 4 p.m.,
Michigan Union.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Afternoon tea, 4-6 p.m., Rm.
D. Michigan League.
Roger Williams Guild weekly
"chat" at the Guild House, 4:30-
0 p.m.
Coming Events
Economics Club: first meeting
of 1948-'49, 7:45 p.m., Mon., Oct.
11, Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr.
Wendell G. Wilcox of Detroit will
speak on "Prices, Price Structures,
and the Law."
Gallery Talk, by Prof. James D.
Prendergast, on the Newberry
Collection of Drawings, 3:30 p.m.,
Sun., Oct. 10, West Gallery, Alum-
no Memoridl Hall. The public is
Arts Chorale, extracurricular
choir, Literary College. Organiza-
tional meeting, 5 p.m., Thurs., Oct.
7, Rm. D Haven Hall.

Alpha Phi Omega, Service Fra-
ternity. Rushing smoker. Mem-
bers must attend. Michigan Un-
ion Ballroom, Thurs., Oct. 7, 7
International Center weekly tea,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 7. Host-
esses: Mrs. Kathryn L. Glass and
Mrs. Henry A. Sanders.
United World Federalists'
Roundtable on World Federation,
Thurs., 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Subject: Why World Federation
Now? Proponents and opponents
of world federation are invited to
attend (student and faculty).
Far Eastern Journal Club and
the Kindai Nippon Kenkyu Kai:
Joint meeting, Fri., Oct. 8, 8 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. All nisei and other students
interested in Japan are invited.

To the Editor:
IT HAS ALWAYS been my firm
L conviction that the universities
of America should be immune from
pressure by the various factions
and philosophies of the political
scene. Both students and profes-
sors are entitled to the utmost
freedom from censorship, so that
they may examine the facts and
arrive at their own opinions. This
situation would seem to be the
idea. It is unfortunately true, how-
ever, that a comparison of this
goal and present realities can only
inspire in one a feeling of wist-
fulness. When the universities
have assumed a position of abject
apologists for the status quo, it
unhappily becomes necessary for
those of us with opposite views
to register our opinions.
A letter from a friend in Ann
Arbor informs me that the Uni-
versity has seen fit to ban from
its campus the chairman of the
Communist Party in Michigan. It
is also my understanding that-he
was banned because he is current-
ly under indictment by a Federal
grand jury. One would think it
unnecessary to remind a university
administration that in the United
States men are assumed innocent
until proven guilty. Mere indict-
ment constitutes no proof of crime.
It would seem obvious that ab-
solute impartiality would demand
some additional effort to guaran-
tee the chairman of the Commu-
nist Party an opportunity to pre-
sent his case. He is daily being
tried and convicted in the head-
[lines of the newspapers. He is de-
nied access to the newspapers, to
the radio, the cinema and now
the universities. This is surely a
travesty on the vaunted tradition
of fair play and American freedom.
Last spring I was both upset
and astonished that the Univer-
sity of Michigan should engage as
commencement speaker Senator
William Fulbright, one of the fore-
most apologists for the lynch sys-
tem of his own state of Arkansas
-a state in which a.Negro cannot
attend the state Law School with-
out explicit orders from the Su-
preme Court of the United States.
On that occasion I held my tongue.
The present circumstances make it
impossible to do so now.
Seventy years have passed since
'Wendell Phillips felt compelled to
tell Harvard University that it had
always been on the right side of
dead issues and the wrong side of
living issues. The universities
should be the last institution to
sacrifice principle for expediency.
All of us would like to feel proud
of the old school, the University
of Michigan. But on this I feel
deeply ashamed.
-Raymond S. Ginger.



1FIi-Nn4 r
Fifty-Ninth Year



Unholy A iliances?

'49 Michigras
THERE MAY BE A chance for Michigras
in 1949.
The traditional campus carnival wasn't to
be scheduled again until 1950. But we under-
stand that campus organizations are being
asked if they'd be interested in putting on
another big show next spring.
We hope their answer will be a great
big "yes," for several reasons.
Michigras is probably the only event of
the year that everyone on campus can
work on. Dorms, fraternities, sororities,
clubs-almost every segment of the stu-
dent population helped last year to make
the April 23-24 festivities a huge success.
Now "school spirit" - an ephemeral thing
at best-is pretty rare at the University.
True, it pops up occasionally at football
But Michigras really served as a spring-
board for the kind of all-campus coopera-
tion that's good for any college or university.
That's just one' reason why Michigras
should not be dropped from the campus
calendar for another whole year. If the car-
nival chain is broken, many students who
worked on the show last year and got the
necessary "know-how" won't be around in
And the freshmen and sophomores of this
year will have to plan the carnival from
scratch next time.
Michigras provides plenty of fun for
both spectators and behind-scenes work-
ers. Bubble-dancers, skirts, gay-nineties
scenes, merry-go-rounds and ferris-wheels
ar al hart of the I-M show.


modern-minded Republican he claims to
be, he cannot much like many of the coat-
tail riders he is likely to help re-elect this
year. Dewey is anything but non-partisan.
Yet one would think he might actively pre-
fer the Democrats here in Illinois, where
the ancient Republican system of govern-
ment by big businessmen and little poli-
ticians has been carried to such a peculiar
There is only one big businessman, Col-
onel Robert R. McCormick, and he runs
both the Governor and the Republican
Senator. The redoubtable Colonel forcibly
imposed the brassy Senator C. Wayland
Brooks on the Illinois Republican organ-
ization, which had the good taste not to
like the man. Brooks has belonged to Mc-
Cormick ever since and still does. As for
the Governor, Dwight Green, he was orig-
inally the protege of Chicago's other Col-
onel, the late Frank Knox. But Green also
belongs to McCormick now, as the Repub-
lican convention at Philadelphia rather
ludicrously proved.
At Philadelphia, the naive Dewey manag-
ers could not believe that the Governor of
a great state, at the head of a delegation of
state payrollers, was not the master of his
soul. They wanted to do a deal with Green.
The unhappy Green desperately wanted the
Vice-Presidential nomination and began ne-
But McCormick wanted Senator Robert A.
Taft and it was as though a little white
poodle in a vaudeville dog-act had scuttled
to the corner of the stage to commit a nuis-
ance. The terrifying trainer cracked his

McCormick is giving the merest lip-service
to Dewey's candidacy. Meanwhile, "The
Chicago Tribune" daily flails Dewey's chief
foreign adviser, John Foster Dulles, as a
sinister Leftist. Yet if Dewey did not head
the Republican ticket, the two McCormick-
men, Governor Green and Senator Brooks,
would be in grave danger of defeat. With
one hand, Green and Brooks clutch Dew-
ey's coattails; in the other hand, they hold
a dagger to stab Dewey in the back later
The Illinois Republicans need Dewey's help
for two reasons. The Wallace party has
been ruled off the ballot. And the Democrats
have nominated the forceful, public-spirited
Adlai Stevenson for the Governorship, and
for the Senatorship, the able, progressive
Paul Douglas. Stevenson is a rich man,
bears an honored Illinois name and will at-
tract many normally Republican voters.
Douglas is a liberal professor, served con-
spicuously well in Chicago city politics, has
a superb war record and enjoys solid, im-
passioned labor support.
The Republicans are countering the Stev-
enson-Douglas threat by spending $20 for
every $1 of the Democrats and by using some
pretty crude campaigning weapons. Doug-
las, for example, is both a severely wounded
Marine veteran of the second war and out-
standing among American progressives for
his unyielding fight against the Commun-
ists. Yet Representative Fred Busbey, a min-
or league "Curly" Brooks, is quartering the
state howling that Douglas is a "Red."
None the less, impartial observers of
both parties conceded that Stevenson and
Douglas have a definite outside chance
to defeat Green and Brooks. The polls
wivp Tbpv a., ani.ne-nn~ it m.mina nvm,

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman f..Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee........Associate Editor
Harold Jackson.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Busseyn.....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Business Staff
Richard Hait......Business Manager
Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Bess Hayes.............. ...Librarian
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper,
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press





Give me the editor! I want to

Don't scold them. The kiddies thought it was a

Hold th phoneBarnaby

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