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April 14, 1948 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-14

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. ... . .. . .............................. . ......... ...... . . . . . ..... . ......

! Skill Contests
To Preview
Slide R
In preview of Slide Rule Ball
the committee is projecting some
of the gaiety of the circus theme
into campus life by sponsoring
contests from 10 a.m. to noon and
from 1 to 3 p.m. everyday on the
library steps.
Two games of skill will be of-
fered to all who wish to attempt
the games. Three chances will be
given each potential winner to
break a balloon with a rubber
ball. The other contest will test'
every contestants luck or skill in
sinking red and white basketballs
in a basket.
Winners of the contests will re-
veive free tickets to Slide Rule
Ball. The dance, sponsored by the
k Michigan Technic, Will be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday at
the Intramural Building. Bobby
Sherwood and his orchestra will
play for the annual event.
One of the highlights of the
ball is the final identification of
Mr. Shh during the intermission
of the dance. Five couples will be
selected from the dancers to par-
ticipate in the identification.
Hints will be given which will in-
crease as the solution is neared.
Prizes to be awarded to the win-
ners are being kept secret.
Tickets for the dance are avail-
able in the West Fngineering
Arch, East Engineering lobby,
University Hall booth, Union and
Apache Brawl
Will Be Given
By Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Kappa Tau will bring some-
thing new to campus Saturday
night when they present The
Apache Brawl, an annual French
cafe dance held by their chapters
all over the country.
The costumes are to be as
Montmartrish as possible, and the
house will be clothed in a thick
French atmosphere. There will be
an ensemble orchestra providing
music, and novel entertainment
in the form of a French marion-
ette show. The dolls have been
made by the brothers and por-
tray Paiisian natives from all
walks of life. The amorous, se-
ductive, siren, the adagio dancer,
the French peasant all will be
seen in what promises to be a
highly entertaining skit.
To publicize this year's brawl,
all the brothers are wearing berets
on campus this week. Guests at
the dances will be friends of the
Phi Kappa Tau members in other
campus organizations, and alumni
in the Ann Arbor area.
WAA Notices
Physical Education Club-Mr.
Dennis Rigan, assistant super-
visor in the Men's Physical Edu-
cation Department, will address
the assembly on 'Physical Reha-
bilitation.' The discussion will in-
clude information on physio-ther-
apy and recreational therapy. The
meeting is open to all students.
Golf-The initial meeting of
the club for the spring season will
be held at 5 p.m. today at the
WAB. The club is open to all
women, beginning and advanced
players. If the weather is nice a
pitching and putting contest will
be held at this meeting. Instruc-

tion will be given for beginners.
In case of rain the meeting will
be held inside.
Tennis-Practice sessions will
be withheld until Friday when
further notice will be given of
time of play, according to Mary
Ann Harris, club manager.
Bowling-Club activities will be
continued through this week end-
ing the season. Marian Brunear,
June Van Meter, Ann Liggett,
Marjorie Ingram and Wilhelmina
Brandt were entered in the Na-
tional Telegraphic Meet. The
team as a whole placed fifth in
score by points.
Sig Ep's To Rush
Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity,
Hill at State, will hold open house
for all rushees from 7 to 9 p.m.
Wednesday. All eligible rushees
are invited.

Ted Weems Will Play for 'Heart Bid'

WHO ME?'-Mommy, the pup, looks inquisitively at a young
screech owl caught in a tree at Reading, Pa.
Special Invitations Extended
.for Traditional 'Black foot' .Ball

"Heart Bid." the annual Asmn-n
bly Ball, to be held from 9 p).m.Ct
to 1 a.m. Saturday in the In-
tramural Building. will featureI
the music of Ted Weems and hisC
11 -piece orchestra.
Accompanying the Weems ag-
gregation will be songstress Shir- c
ley Richards, saxophonist Glen-o
Martin and Billy Blair and lis
novelty numbers.
Elmo Tanner, who become
America's well known whistler
as a result of his work on the
Weems recordling of "Heart-
aches." will also be on hand.
Weems, who is prepared to
"swing 'em hot or play 'em sweet,.
is the composer of several hit
tunes including the famous hill-
billy song "The Martins and the
Ticket sales are open to all stu-
Assembly Board
Petitioning Ends
Petitions for Assembly Board
positions are due at noon Satur-
day in the League Undergraduate
The positions of president of
Assembly Association and vice-
president in charge of League
Houses are open to independent
coeds who will be seniors next
Women who will be juniors or
seniors next fall are eligible for
the positions of secretary, treas-
urer, project chairman, personnel
chairman and social chairman.
References from an upperclass-
man, a faculty member and a
in the petitions.
All duties and information con-
cerning these pasts may be ob-
tained from the President's Re-
port in the League Social Direc-
tor's Office. Further information
can be obtained from 3 to 5 p.m.
every day in the Assembly Office
on the third floor of the League.
Interviewing will be held from
Monday through Thursday, April
19 to 22.
Daily Ads!

dents, and competition will coin-
tinue until tomorrow among
women's dormitories and League
houses for the greatest propor-
tion of tickets sold.
The winner of the competition
will take possession of the Queen
of Hearts booth at the dance.

There will also be a No Trump
booth for guests in addition to the
booths for each dormitory and
League house.
Corsages may be worn at the
semi-formal, and women attend-
ing the dance will be granted 1:30
a.m. late permission.

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Presidents of fraternities, so-
rorities and dormitories, editors
of campus publications, campus

Blackfeet Ball to be presented
Friday in the Union.

leaders, and Sigma Nus
every college chapter in the
will be guests at the annual
Ruthvens Home
To Students Today



The second Ruthven tea of the
spring semester will be held from
4 to 6 p.m. today at the home of
President and Mrs. Ruthven. I
Special guest houses include
Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Beta Phi,
Betsy Barbour and Adams House.I
Foreign students from Bulgaria,
Denmark, France, Greece, Hun-
gary, Iceland, Italy, and Poland !
have been invited as special
guests. In addition all students on
campus are welcome to attend.
Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Anicker, Mrs.
Hunt and Miss Barrett will pour.
Coeds will serve as hostesses.
Theta Chi Elections
Lewis Parry of Detroit has been
elected president of Theta Chi
fraternity. Other officers elected
were Jim Somers, vice-president:
Marshall Lewis, secretary; and
Charles Porter, treasurer.

Special invitatiois for this
year's formal event have also
been extended to parents of
ATO members and Governor
and Mrs. Kim Sigler.
The air of mystery indicated by
the monstrous "blackfeet" which
have apparently trod the campus
will be carried out with dark and
forbidding decorations creating a
"voodoo" atmosphere over the
Union Ballroom. Shadowy black
tracks with indirect illumination
will traverse the walls while over
the bandstand will appear a giant
replica of the ball's surprise sou-
venir program.
The scene will be completed
with the appearance of jungle
savages, cannibals and murals
representing the competition
between ATO and brother fra-
ternity Sigma Nu, who recently
presented their counterpart of
the ancient rivalry, the annual
White Rose Formal.
The war drums and festive
music for the occasion will be
handled by Frank Tinker.
Preceding the dance the Mich-
igan ATO's will entertain mem-
bers and their guests and par-
ents at banquet and pre-dance

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