. .. . ........ . ... . .......... ... . ....... -- . ........... -- ... . ........
Ex-World Billiard Champion
Will Present Exhibition Here
Most people have trouble sink-
ing one billiard ball, but with one
stroke, Jimmy Caras, former
world's pocket billiard champion,
can pocket fifteen.
Caras, who won the world's
pocket billiard titles in 1936 and
1938, will appear in three exhibi-
tions tomorrow in the Union: the
first at 12:30 p.m. in the Univer-
sity Club; from 3-5 p.m. in the
Billiard Room; and again at 8
p.m. in the Billiard Room.
Trick Shots
Union officials claim Caras is
probably the best of the world's
pocket trick shot players. Besides
his ability to sink fifteen balls
with one stroke, he can make
shots utilizing two cues, rapid fire
shots, and time shots with "amaz-
ing accuracy."
In a match game in 1946, Caras.
scored 127 consecutive points in
one inning, which tied the record
for that particular variation of the
game. In the same match he
U.S. Diplomat,
To Talky Here
Will Describe Work
In ForeignService
Joseph C. Satterthwaite, U.S.
'foreign service officer and a Uni-
versity alumnus, will address Uni-
versity students on "What the
United States Foreign Service Is
and Does" at 4:15 p.m. Friday in
Rm. B, Haven Hall.
Satterthwaite, deputy director
of the State Department Office of
Near Eastern and African Af-
fairs, will outline the qualifica-
tions of Foreign Service candi-
dates for students interested in
this work.
He will also discuss the activ-
ities of diplomatic and consular
officers in representing American
political and economic interests
throughout the world.
A native of Tecumseh, Mich.,
Satterthwaite obtained degrees of
Bachelor of Arts and Master of
Arts from the University, where
he taught for two years after his
He joined the Foreign Service
as a clerk in 1924, was appointed
a vice-consul in 1926, consul in
1930 and was called to duty with
the State Department in 1945.
In 1946 Satterthwaite was ad-
visor to the U.S. member at the
UNRRA Council in Atlantic City.
Last year he was President Tru-
man's representative to Nepal.
scored more than 100 consecutive
>oints seven times.
Began at 17
Caras, whose trip to Michigan
is sponsored by the Association of
:'ollege Unions and the Billiard
Association of America, has played
competitive billiards since he was
17. Last spring he was head ref-
eree of the pocket billiard phases
of the intercollegiate billiard tour-
naments held at Purdue.
Besides demonstrating the fun-
damentals of good billiard form,
Caras will offer personal instruc-
tion to as many spectators as pos-
sible, Union officials said.
Lecture-Murray Arenoff crew
member of "Exodus 1947," 4 p.m.
at Hillel Foundation. Launching
of 1948 Jewish Appeal Campaign.
Sigma Xi Lecture-B p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Prof. Donald
L. Katz of the chemical engineer-
ing department, "High Pressure
Oil and Gas Fields."
Expectant Mothers' Class -
"The Early Development of Your
Baby and His Place in the Fam-
ily," 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Child
Health Building.
Pre-Med Society-Dr. Reuben
L. Kahn will speak on "Medical
Research as a Career," 7:30 p.m.
Rms. 318-320 in the Union.
Hiawatha Club-Meeting, 7:301
p.m., Hussey Room of the League.
Recital Postponed-The piano
concert by Lois Forburger origi-
nally scheduled for today has been
postponed to May 31.
Broadcast-5:45 p.m., WPAG.
Dean J. B. Edmonson and Fletch-
er Peacock, director of education'
for the province of New Bruns-j
Broadcast-2:30 p.m. WKAR.
Interview of Arthur K. Orrmont,
"talent scout" of publishing firm,
on University's "Hopwood Room"
At the Michigan-"Cass Tim-
At the State-"The Exile."
IFC Ball Meeting
A meeting of representatives
from fraternities desiring
booths at the Inter-Fraternity
Council Ball will be held at 5
p.m. today in the IFC office.
Eraternities not having a
representative at the meeting
will not be able to have booths,
an IFC spokesman announced.
Eleanor Roosevelt (right, foreground) unveils Britain's memorial
to President Roosevelt in London, England, on the third anniver-
sary of his death. Standing with Mrs. Roosevelt is King George
VI. Lined up behind the statue are British Royal Marines.
Ann Arbor Time Change Die
To Follow Detroit by Week
Senior Booklet
Orders To Bpe
Taken Today
'Widest Assortmient"
Offered Since War
Orders are being taken on cam-
pus today for commencement an-
nouncement booklets, annouice-
ment folds and engraved personal
cards for all schools in the Uni-
versity except Law School and
nursing school.
Seniors this year are being of-
fered the widest assortment of an-
nouncements since before the war.
according to Pearl Klausner,
chairman of the Senior Literary
Announcement Committee.
University Hall
Seniors in architecture. busi-
ness administration, education,
forestry and conservation, literary
college, music, and public health
may place orders from 1 to 5 p.m.
today, tomorrow and Friday at
the ticket booth in University Hall.
Seniors in engine school may
order announcements in the sec-
ond floor corridor at the south end
of West Engineering building to-
day, tomorrow and Friday.
Medical School
Seniors in medical school may
place orders with Graydon Long
today on the second floor of Uni-
versity Hospital near the entrance
to the library.
Pharmacy seniors may place or-
ders from 1 to 5 p.m. Friday in
Rm. 372, Chemistry Building.
Notices of sales for seniors in
Law School and nursingnschool
will be )ostedion bulletin boards
ift. their respective schools.
Talent Scout'
To Broadcast
Arthur K. Orrmont, "talent
scout" for the New York publish-
ing firm of Farrar, Strauss, will
be interviewed on the weekly
"Hopwood Room" University
broadcast at 2:30 p.m. today over
Orrmont, who graduated from
the University in 1945 after win-
ning three Hopwood fiction
awards, will discuss the ways that
publishers discover new writers,
the type of material they're in the
market for, and the present status
of publishing.
The first ferris wheel, built in
1893, was so large that it used 175
freight cars to carry it, says the
World Book Encyclopedia.
GOLD .4 v~o wea
GOLD for sporiswear
'' '
t : v
- 4 -
our scintillating new
k2anow, z
anklets of
24-Karat GOLD Kidskin .. .
Ann Arbor and Detroit will
probably be operating on different.
time schedules stating Aptil 25.
The ordinance which keeps Ann
Arbor on Eastern Standard Time
is being amended, but the time
change cannot go into effect un-
til May 3, Mayor William E.
Brown said yesterday. Detroit will
shift to daylight savings time on
April 25.
One Vote Margin
At the last city council meeting,
a resolution to keep Ann Arbor on
E.S.T. in spite of the Detroit shift
was defeated by a narrow one vote
Mayor Brown said that he and
most people in the city favored
the time change and that op-
ponents of the measure were only
objecting to following Detroit's
lead. He noted that Ann Arbor is
tied to Detroit commercially.
"Nothing but confusion would
result in train, bus and airline
schedules and among business
men," Mayor Brown said. "There
is no point in cutting off your
nose to spite your face."
Farmers Are Opposed
City Attorney William M. Laird
said that the Council could speed
action on the time change resolu-
tion by calling a special meeting
sometime after the next scheduled
meeting next Monday. He termed
this action doubtful since Council
president Creal is out of town and
the council was not enthusiastic
over the time change.
Chamber of Commerce officials
sent a letter to the council saying
that the retail merchant and the
Checks being held at the Ann
Arbor Post Office for the fol-
lowing veterans will be returned
to Columbus tomorrow: John B.
Addington, Benton, O. Bowman,
Keith M. Kelly, Earl M. Masson,
Gerald G. Miller, John D. Mur-
dock Jr., Nancy C. Pearson, John
Psihas, Reginald D. Walters, Rob-
ert D. Watkins and Robert G. Wil-
manufacturing divisions were in
favor of changing the time to con-
form with Detroit. Officials re-
ported that groups which traded
with farmers were opposed to the
time change.
Heavy Dew
Arthur G. Beden, local business
man, said that farmers would lose
a half day's work if the time
change went into effect. Dew
would prevent the farmer from
working until around 11 a.m. Be-
den said.
He added that Ann Arbor is es-
sentially a farmer's town and its
time should be geared to that of
the farm community.
University authorities said that
they did not contemplate any ac-
tion on time change at present.
County Backs
UTN Appeal
.,,4'case "BONANZA" amounts to only two brigkt
buckled straps over your toes and one around your
anIle... Flat as a gold-piece, it's just tLat preciousl 10.95
fG et9 "FORTY-NINER" is cushion
wvedgd, witA slot-cut vamp... and as rigAtfully brilliant
at noonday-in-town as at a beacA picnic. 8.95
as seen in VOGUE and HARPER'S BAZAAR
J cokA6Ofl>L-
Read and Use Michigan Daily Classifieds
Here's to the
Hair Fashions
. . . in a few minutes we can
cut and style your hair in the
latest "Short Look."
&aet/ier 6ui &yo
Phone 8878 601 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor
A fifteen minute talk on the
hunger of European children, by
George Burke, local attorney,
brought action in two minutes
from the Washtenaw County
Board of Supervisors, yesterday.
The Board unanimously passed
a resolution commending and
supporting the UN Appeal for
Children afterBurke, who served
as a War Crimes Tribunal Judge
in Nuremberg, Germany, told of
children from six to ten years old
poking into garbage cans outside
a DP camp in Germany, hoping
to find scraps of food.
The supervisors regretted that
they did not have the constitu-
tional power to devote funds to
the local drive.
"500,000 European children un-
der 15 years of age now have T.B.
"Disease and hunger go hand in
hand," Burke said. "Regardless of
what led up to the war and its
devastation, the children who suf-
fer now were not to blame."
The goal for the UN Appeal in
the United States has been set at
$60 million. Congress has voted
an added $90 million for the ef-
fort which is being carried
through in 46 nations.
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