Headline Hunting
WHEN THE GOING gets tough in the
news business, you can always create
your own headlines. Something obscure can
be played up as something big: or, better
yet, you can goad somebody into headline-
making action.
When 500 Windsor high-school students,
armed with clubs, broom handles and
rubber hose, broke into offices of a Cana-
dian political party last week, the Detroit
News gave the mob action banner headlines.
The story told how the youths beat up three
members of the Labor-Progressive (Com-
munist) party and left their offices a mass
of wreckage. The story explained how the
mob had gathered to break up a party
meeting in their school auditorium, and how
they had marched on party headquarters
when the meeting failed to come off. The
story added that "no arrests were made
and no one was questioned officially."
What the News story did not explain
was that much of the incentive for the
raid came from directly across the Detroit
River. For just three days before, the
News had completed its series titled
"Communist Plot Exposed."
A letter from Prof. Preston Slosson, of
the history department here, published on
the News editorial page, warned of the
danger* inherent in the News' scare cam-
Pointing out that while factually the
articles were "largely correct," some ques-
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
tionable inferences had been drawn from
the facts.
Prof. Slosson questions the inference that
because a small group of Communist Party
members had taken power in Russia, an
equally small percentage could do the same
thing here. As a matter of fact, he says,
the "Bolsheviks had the support of some-
where between a third and two-fifths of
the total population.
"Does anyone think that the Communists
in the United States have sympathizers,
followers or "fellow travelers" amounting
to a third, a tenth, or a hundredth part of
the American population?"
Prof. Slosson goes on to point out that
not only suppoi't of a large segment of the
population, but "a youthful and inexperi-
enced democracy," and "a moment of acute
political or economic crisis" would be neces-
sary to bring the Communists to power in
this country. He concludes:
"Undoubtedly we should take every
sensible precaution against treason and
sabotage, but there is no need to fall into
undignified panic and imagine that a few
thousand Communists could master 140,-
000,000 non-Communists in this nation."
Unfortunately, Prof. Slosson's sober warn-
ing came too late to keep 500 Windsor
students from "undignified panic" in their
raid on a legally constituted Canadian
party. It's a safe bet that not one of them
read the letter on page four of last Mon-
day's News.
But they could not have helped being
impressed by repeated headlines given top
play for nearly a month before. The News
made an investment there in continued
violence and hatred, enough to give them
headlines for months to come.
-John Morris.
e Ick To Work
Worldly Tolerance
THREE DAILY staff members, one male
and two females, were, traveling back
from New York at the end of last week's
vacation. One of them had a lower berth'
in the Pullman "Inwood Club."
While the three reporters were eating a
"sumptuous" meal in the dining car, the
porter made up the lower berth. Returning
from dinner, the three settled themselves
comfortably on the bed and began to dis-
cuss the state of the world.
. After a half hour, the porter hearing
muffled laughter coming from behind the
half-closed curtains of the berth stuck his
head inside. He paused for a moment to
take in the scene-the two females and the
male resting comfortably on the bed-and
then, turning to leave, said:
"No smoking allowed in here."
'o * *
Right Away
NO DOUBT this happens every year at
blackfoot ball time. Anyhow six little
children rapped on Alpha Chi Omega door
yesterday, pointed to the "tracks" on the
walk, and asked "When's the giant com-
ing out?"
Stan Kenton Please Note:
cusses the "anti-democratic" musical
T WO NOTEWORTHY paintings have
been added to the Museum of Art's
permanent collection, works from which are
now being shown at Alumni Memorial Hall
as an interim exhibit,
Most startling picture in the entire col-
lection is Max Beckmann's "Begin the Be-
guine," on exhibit in the North Gallery. It
is. the sort of painting you want to turn
away from, but can't. Violent, vibrating
blues and greens, distorted figures heavily
outlined in black, interact in a powerful
design which compels you back to the
Beckmann, who has been called a "Teu-
tonic Roualt" shows less of this style in
"Begin the Beguine." Mere is a picture
of the type Beckmann producd to show
the wrongs of Nazi society and to get him-
self exiled to Amsterdam in the Hitler re-
gime. Strongly impressionistic, it is .painted
in the technique of his earlier works, but
with an added brutality which he has since
subdued in his more recent painting in this
Lawrence Kupferman has produced the
other new accession to the University col-
lection. Entitled "Protozoan Community,"
it is a fascinating tempera design with a
flowing rhythm in unusual color and inter-
esting linear pattern.
Of the older works in the exhibit, David
Fredenthal's "Subway" is the only one of
outstanding merit. Done several years be-
fore the artist's war sketches, it embodies
many of their fine qualities. He has caught
the mood of the passengers, has given us
interesting characterizations, all in a very
excellent composition.
In the South Gallery, pictures of the late
work of Vano Muradeli in these familiar
"The music is feeble and inexpressive. It
does not contain a single memorable melody
or aria. It is confused and disharmonious,
built on a series of dissonances, on combina-
tions of sounds that grate upon the ear.
Some lines and scenes with pretensions of
melodiousness are suddenly interrupted by
discordant noises wholly foreign to the
normal hearing and having an oppressive
effect on the listeners."
Sporting Mood
AN AMUSING juxtaposition appeared in
an old copy of the Communist Daily
Worker we ran across the other day. The
following headline was high up on the
sports page:
"Reds Set Sights
On First Division"
Shallow Policy
WASHINGTON, March 22-The hardest
thing for us to face as the Adminis-
tration and Congress prepare to bolster our
military might is that we are embarking
on a course which has neither moral right
nor historical wisdom. We shall probably
never fully face it; the notion that you
are proceeding full speed down the wrong
road is too devastating to accept.
We are developing a shallow, brittle
foreign-military policy because we have
failed to fashion a policy of depth, un-
derstanding and the necessary self-sacri-
When the war ended, both our own sur-
vival and the progressive, peaceful recon-
struction and development of vast areas in
the world where our influence became the
dominating force, required a wisdom which
we apparently lacked. The old, acquisitive,
chaotic anarchy of unrestrained capitalism
and so-called free enterprise had to be re-
placed by far-sighted economic planning
and forbearance at home, and encourage-
ment-not the discouragement we actually
have shown-for nationalization and eco-
nomic democracy abroad.
We failed to provide this kind of influ-
ence. On the contrary, at home we elected
to our Congress representatives of grab-all-
you-can, devil-take-the-hindmost big bus-
iness. Abroad, we have failed to under-
stand the needs of impoverished, battered
peoples, we have supported corrupt govern-
ments, we have discouraged measures to
bring about greater economic equality, and
we are watering down the positive economic
aspect of the Marshall Plan and emphasiz-
ing its utility as a threatening big stick.
And is it necessary to detail how we have
helped kill the United Nations through the
sham of our Palestine policy?
We have failed to provide the world with
what the world needed, we have failed to
provide the understanding, the leadership,
the inspiration which alone could have
coped with the spread of Russian domina-
tion. We do not understand why we have
arrived at the present impasse. So we arm,
and, as we arm, we become evei more
wrong morally. We play the very power
Taft §alks
SENATOR TAFT (I am continuing an
account of an interview with him) cer-
tainly wants peace; his feeling goes deep.
But it is a little hard to pull out of him
any new scheme or better policy for making
peace. A little less Marshall Plan and a little
more air force is about as far as he goes,
and it isn't very far.
It would be fair to say that his belief
does not lie so much in making a deeper,
more organic peace as in fashioning a less
expensive truce.
I asked Senator Taft whether he thought
it would be practical to propose a new
conference to the Russians.
"A new President might have a better
opportunity to ask for such a conference,"
he said. "Any move of that sort now would
be looked upon by the Russians as appease-
ment. The Russians are so consciously
aggressive . . . I don't really object to our'
present policy, though it looks as if we're
not always working for peace the way we
might. The Wallace line is peace at any
price. We tried the Wallace policy at Yalta,
etc., and it didn't work. It was Vanden-
berg who turned Byrnes away from that
All right, then, what road should we
take? The question seemed to hang in the
air, and Taft searched for the words in
which to express his differences with the
"Foreign policy," he said, "is made up not
so much of great doctrines and formulas,
as of the way the thing is run from day
to day. You have to be sensible, you have
to use good judgment . . . it seems to me
we have somewhat initiated some of these
Was it possible, I wondered, that this
cool man of reason, and he is one, was
also a man caught in a conflict? No one
could like the Russians less than he, yet
he also hates war, and the result is this
qualified approval of much of the Admin-
istration's policy, plus the criticism that it
all ought to be done, somehow, better, more
cheaply, more sensibly . . . I wondered what
peace really meant to him. What is this
"peace" that he cherishes?
"In the days of my father," he said
slowly, "people felt they did not want to
go to war. War was a failure. It was a
last resort. Now you might almost say
there's a Freudian complex in people, a
desire for war. . . . Peace means getting back
to our normal lives and our business."
And this is what Mr. Taft hopes to
achieve, I think, by hanging a great air
force between ourselves and the Russians.
The "great air force" idea fascinates top
Republicans today. The Russians have an
iron curtain; they would have us hang
up a buzzing air force curtain made up
of 2,00i horsepower Pratt and Whitneys.
Behind it, we could, perhaps, live our nor-
mal lives and go back to business.
One could see why Taft opposed the full-
scale Marshall Plan; it meant interference
with our normal lives, a drain on the econ-
omy. One can see why he opposes universal
military training; it means interference.
Perhaps, he seems to feel, the great gadget
of the giant air force can do it, without too
much cost or interference.
But it is an untidy peace thus proposed,
behind a curtain woven of jet fighters'
smoke trails. It would be a truce, and a
truce is only an unanswered question. One
has a feeling that this is the best Taft
hopes for, an unanswered question kept in-
definitely in suspense at cut rates by an
air force. It might be peace, of a kind.
It is not quite the same as a belief in the
possibility of reaching through the curtains
and resolving all questions. That last would
take a special kind of faith and effort. One
suddenly has a feeling that- mankind is
divided, not into two classes, but three:
peace lovers, war lovers, and curtain lovers.
(Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation)
Hu lIli Les Pla
LAST FALL a new course, humanities,
was introduced into the literary school
curriculum. It was devised and put into
operation on a two year experimental basis.
The classes, limited to freshmen, read six-
teen of the world's great books from Plato
and Aristotle to Dante and Milton.
The course is similar to one at Columbia
University where it is compulsory for all
freshmen. There it was initiated after the
first world war. Since that time the great
books idea has spread to other universities
and colleges. Many city libraries have a
great books" plan for interested adults.
There are, of course, some flaws in the
plan as it is given today at this university.
No unit credit in any of the three required
fields, social science, language, and science,
is given for the course. Only freshmen are
allowed in the classes, although many up-
nr~r.l,5 Yn-, ' niui io to p t e,,
DISCUSSIONS that may somei
day be regarded as markingt
turning point in history have been1
quietly going on in Washington
during the last few days. They
concern the future relationship
between the United States and1
the western European union -
the eventual formation, in fact,
of an "Atlantic Union." which will
constitute an integrated powert
grouping even stronger than the1
new Soviet empire.
The many problems involved in
this gigantic task are being stud-
ied carefully by the higher staffs
of the State and service depart-
ments. They have constituted a
chief topic of Belgian Prime Min-
ister Spaak's fruitful talks here.
And informal preliminary con-
tacts have already been made with
the other Western union nations
-Britain. France and the Nether-
lands - through regular diplo-
matic channels. With the habi-
tual majestic slowness of diplo-
macy, the stage of a formal ex-
change of views should be reach-
ed in a week or ten days.
Even within the American ad-
ministration, there are consider-
able differences of opinion on sev-
eral major points. Eventually,
there must be a treaty between
the United States and the west-
ern European union, but should
it be now?What is theubest way
to fit the projected Atlantic un-
ion into the U.N. framework? And
how can we prevent an American
military guaranty of the western
European countries from seem-
nations which are actually in
greater danger, such as Greece,
Italy and the countries of Scan-
dinavia. These are complex tech-
nical questions, which require
most careful consideration.
Then too, immediate proposals
to Congress will be made only
if the Senate seems sure to ac-
cept them, and even Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg has yet
to ba consulted. Nor can such
proposals be formulated until
there is agreement on the dip-
lomatic level, and even the
Western union countries have
not absolutely agreed among
All want a treaty which would
make the "Atlantic union" a for-
mal grouping resting on a solid
legal foundation. But the French,
who always prefer everything in
writing, are particularly insistent
on treaty-making without delay.
The British share the French view
without being so insistent. And
Prime Minister Spaak, represent-
ing Benelux, has placed greater
emphasis on the practical than on
the legal aspects. Joint planning
of the defense of Europe against
aggression, and mutual co-opera-
tion to provide the means for this
defense, are what interest Spaak
most at the moment.
The American policy-makers
warmly approve Spaak's empha-
sis and are also troubled by two
The Atlarntic tUnioii
other tactical factors. First, it is
important that the Western un-
ion nations should not be tempted
to relinquish their own responsi-
bilities because America has guar-
anteed them against aggression.
Their own staffs must meet. They
must make their own defense
plans and decide on what and how
each of them will contribute to
carrying out those plans. The need
for a unified command, the need
to apportion contributions of man-
power, and other thorny obstacles
must be surmounted. Only when
all this has been done should the
United States be asked for its
special contribution, which will
largely take the form of renewed
military lend-lease. But as yet the
necessary Anglo-French-Benelux
staff talks have not been held,
and Western union's secretariat
has not been appointed.
Again, the American policy
makers do not wish Western un-
ion to become an exclusive club,
relying on the American guaran-
ty rather than on genuine pan-
European cooperation. The mood
at Brussels, when Western union
was formed, was partially exclu-
sive. Admission of Scandinavia
was envisaged, and Norway and
Denmark at least are expected to
join Western union soon after it
has been guaranteed by this coun-
try. But the French and the Bene-
lux countries were initially i'e-
luctant to take in Italy. And while
this opposition to admission of
Italy is likely to be changed by
the election results, all five West-
ern union nations were and are
anxious to avoid assuming any
commitment with regard to
Gree ce.
Nor are these by any means
all the ramifying probilems
which must be carefully exam-
ined. For instance, the pre-
liminary tentative estimate is
that forty-six divisions would
lie needed to hold the line of
the Rhine against the Red Ar-
my. It will be hard enough to
find the European manpower
for forty-six divisions, even al-
lowing a high proportion of re-
servists. It will be still more
difficult, in the present strain-
ed condition of American pro-
ductive capacity, to find the
American equipment for any
such force.
None the less, the mood today'
is one of sober optimism. Per-
haps the for'mal exchange of views'
will result at first inga simple
American declaration guarantee-
ing the defense of western Eur-
ope, followed by the practical steps
which interest Premier Spaak.
Perhaps treaty-making will begin
at once. Most probable of all is
an American declaration of guar-
anty, combined with a commit-
ment to negotiate a formal U.S.-
Western union treaty when a
practical basis for it has been laid,
But the main point is that the
great adventure has begun.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald
Tribune, Inc.)
p.m., Wed., April 14, has post- Co
p~oned her program until May 31. C1
It will be presented at 8:30 on Michi
that evening, in Lydia Mendels- Thurs.,
sohn Theatre. Club din
-- lock wil
Student Recital: Frederick Eg- on the
gert, Clarinetist, will present a Faculty,
program in partial fulfillment of Nelson
the requirements for the degree of sent "TI
Master of Music in MusicEduca- ing Fell
tion, at 8:30 p.m., Fri.. April 16,1
Rackham Assembly Hall. He will Ullr I
be assisted by Warren Bellis,1 week. F
Charles Hills, Bernard Leutholtz. p.m.,
and Robert Sohn, and will be ac- Union.
companied at the piano by James present.
Merrill. The public is invited.
Events dy Manage
Radio Program: speak oi
2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR, The adUo
Hopwood Room. Interviews con- nut"ii]
ducted by Edwin G. Burrows, Ar- 10 a.m.,
thur K. Orrmount agent for Far- to the p
rar Straus, Inc.
2:45-2:55 p.m.. WKAR. Th Engin
School of Music. Michigan Con- nor Clas
cert Band with Mr. William D. neering
Revelli. Parker,
5:45-6 p.m.. WPAG. Today's Manage
World and Local Problems. "Can- Compan
ada-U. S. Education," Dean J. B. subject
Edmondson, of a Ci
April 15
Sigma Xi: Open meeting, 8 p.m.,
,, rium.
Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. D.
L. Katz, Department of Chemical AIEE
Engineering, will speak on the gineri
Enmerm wPressue Olndgineerin
subject, "High Oil and Clair,'
Gas Fields." meeting
Student Legislature Agenda: IRE, T
Wednesday, April 14. .Mr Gec
Committee Reports: Eng. of
N.S.A. Committee: Weisberg ison Cc
report on I. U. S. action. Power1
Campus Action Committee: In-
cludes next year's election plans. Annu
Cultural and Educational Com- Fac~
mittee: Report on Speakers. Stu- Francai
dent Expert report. Henry
Social Committee: Report on LdaI
next year's I.M. dances. All inter- Lydia
ested students are invited to Alpha
speak. Service
New Business:activs
Discuss election or appointment April
of N.S.A. delegates to the national
convention this coming summer. Schoo
Interested students are invited to 3:30-5:,
speak. Couzem
Pre-Medical Society: 7:30 p.m.,
Rooms 318-20, Michigan Union. Interr
Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, chief of the 4:30-5::
Serology Laboratory and Serolo- Hostess
gic ConsuTtation Service, will and Mi
speak on "Medical Research as a
Career." All pre-medical and Youn
medical students invited. p.m., T
Delta Sigma Pi, Prof esional morrow
Business Fraternity. 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union. Pledge meeting, Amer
Room 110 Tappan Hall.DAeltnPh
ming Events
pan Chapter, A.A.U.P.:
April 15, 6 p.m., Faculty
ling room. Prof. J. K. Pol-
l present "Some Remarks
Economic Status of the
and Professors N. E.
and John Arthos will pre-
he Problem of the Teach-
ow. Open to the faculty.
~ki (Club: no meeting this
inal meeting of year, 7:30
Ved., April 21, Michigan
All members try to be
urdette Green. Secretary-
r of the American Walnut
cturers Association, will
n the subject "Production
lization of American Wal-
lustrated . Fri, April 16,
Kellogg Auditorium. Open
eering Council: The Jun-
s of the College of Engi-
presents Mr. James W.
President and General
r of The Detroit Edison
1y, who will speak on tihe
"The Engineer in the Role
itizen" at 8 p.m., Thurs.,
, Natural Science Audito-
-IRE: "Your Career in En-
g," presented by T. G. Le
Vice-president, AIEE, at
of student branch AIEE-
hurs., April 15, 7:30 p.m.,
Engineering Bldg.; also
rge A. Porter, As't Chief
Power Plants, Detroit Ed-
., will speak on "Delray
al French Play: Le Cercle
s will present "Les Cor-
a comedy in four acts by
Becque, April 27, 8 p.m.,
Mendelssohn Theatre.
I Phi Omega, National
Fi'aternity: Meeting of all.
and pledges, 7 p.m., Thurs.,
5, Michigan Union.
a of Nursing Informal Tea:
30 p.m., Wed., April 21,
Hall. All women students
ed in nursing are invited
ational Center weekly tea:
30 p.m., Thurs., April 15.
es: Mrs. Jason Hammond
rs. Arthur Dunham.
g Democrats: 7:30 p.m.,
hurs., April 15. Place and
s will be announced to-
ican Society for Public
stration: Evening social
r, sponsored by the Uni-
Chapter. Mr. Robert F.
an, Professor of Govern-
t Wayne University, will
the administrative prob-
the Federal Scientific Re-
Program, Thurs., April 15,
Kalamazoo Room, Michi-
ague. Open to interested
Pyramid Club, Tau
Fraternity: 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union.
Delta Phi
Room 302,
7:30 p.m.,
Delta Chi:
ment a
lems of
8 p.m.,
gan Le
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity:
Rushee open house, 7-9. All eligi-
ble rushees are invited.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12 noon,
Rm. 3055 NaturalScience Bldg.
Mr. John A. Darr and Mr. Walter
Wheeler will speak on "The Geol-
ogy of a Part of the Ruby River
Basin of Montana."
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal, 7 p.m., Michigan
This is the last chance to be
measured for a costume. Those
who are not measured after this
rehearsal will be eliminated from
the production.
Fifty-Eighth Year
(Continued from Page 3)
teacher candidates in the follow-
ing fields: kindergarten, elemen-
tary grades, elementary science,
elementary art, elementary li-
brary, elementary industrial arts,
vocal music, commercial subjects,
and special education.
The Assistant Superintendent
of the Dearborn Public Schools
will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments on Wed., April 14, to in-
terview teachers in the following
fields: kindergarten, early ele-
mentary grades, later elementary
grades, speech correction, social
studies with a background in
world geography, and high school
For appointments, call 3-1511
Ext. 489.
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Wed., Apr. 14, 8 p.m., Plays and
Games Group. (Gymnastics for
women); General Meeting, Coop-
erative Nursery; Village Church
Fellowship Choir.
Thurs., Apr. 15, 8 p.m., Arts and
Crafts Group. Instruction provid-
University Lecture: Dr. Tilley
Edinger, Research Associate in
Paleontology, Museum of Com-
parative Zoology, Harvard Uni-
versity, will speak on the subject
"Brains and Fossil Brains" il-
lustrated), Fri., April 16, 7:30j
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre;1
auspices of the Museum of Pal-
eontolgy and the Department of
Anatomy. The public is invited.
Professor G. B. Harrison, Chair-
man of the Department of Eng-
lish at Queen's University, will
lecture on Hamlet at 4:10 p.m.,
Fri., April 16, Auditorium, Archi-
tecture Bldg. The public is invited.
University Lecture: E. A. Have-
lock, Associate Professor of Clas-
sics at Harvard University will
speak on the subject, "The Greek
Origin of Intellectual Man" at
4:15 p.m., Friday, April 16, Kel-
logg Auditorium; under the aus-
pices of the Departments of Clas-
sics and Philosophy.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Fred-
erick Schenck Barkalow, Jr., Zo-
ology; thesis: "A Game Inventory
of Alabama," at 9 a.m., Fri., April
16, 3291 Natural Science Bldg.
Chairman: W. H. Burt.
Zoology Seminar: Open meet-
ing, Thurs., April 15, 7:30 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheatre. Mr, P.
S. Eschmeyer will speak on "Ob-
servations on the Life History of
the Yellow Pikeperch, Stizoste-
dion vitreum vitreum, in Michi-
gan." Mr. R. E. Serfling will
speak on "Quantative Estimation
of Plankton from Concentrate
Student Recital Postponed :
Lois Forburger, pianist, whose re-
cital has been annowneed for 8:30
U. of M. Flying Club:
meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E.
neering Bldg.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Discussion of
plans for a party or picnic, 7 p.m.,
at the rifle range.
Sociedad Hispanica:
Michigan Union. Latin
8 p.m,,
Square Dancing Class, spon-
so'ed by the Graduate Outing
Club: 8 p.m., Lounge, Women's
Athletic Bldg. Small fee. Everyone
Opening rally of the campus Al-
lied Jewish Appeal campaign:
4 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Speak-
er: Murray Aronoff, crew member
of "Exodus 1947." Technicolor
film, "Assignment Tel--Aviv,"
narrated by Quentin Reynolds.
Italian Language Conversation
Group: Coffeee Hour, 2-4:30 p.m.,
Michigan League Cafeteria. Be-
ginners welcome.
Wesleyan Guild: All Methodist
students and their friends are in-
vited to a Project "X" Tea-in the
Wesley Lounge, 4-6 p.m. today.
Roger Williams Guild: Weekly
"chat" at the Guild House, 4:30-6
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbel'......Managing diltor
Dick Maloy.............. City JEdiltor
llarrlet Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Da les............ Associate Edilor
Joan Katz........... Associate Editor
Fred Schott ........Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ............Sports Editor
Bob Lent...Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Managw
Jeanne' Swendeman.......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. F~iance Manager
Dick Halt.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
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Your Uncle Ralph is bringing records of
a radio show to olav for his sponsor-
Mr. O'Malley says people are tired of talking
dogs. So Gorgon will just bark. Like that-
Your father's a difficult audience.
Or else it isn't much of a part-