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April 14, 1948 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-14

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River Rouge Meet Largest
Event of Its Kind in World

Daily Sponsors All-Campus Cinder Dash;

In playing host to the annual
River Rouge neet thisSaturday,
the University of Michigan will
witness the world's largest indoor
track meet to be held in one day
and the most colorful in Michi-
gan history.
Eighty - one high schools
throughout Michigan have ac-
cepted invitations and will be rep-
resented by 1,180 contestants.
(The Penn Relays, a 2-day meet,
has 2,000 men entered, but repre-
1 - I


;Continued from. Page 2)
all levels mathematicians, all
levels; chemists, B.S. level with no
experience and one physical
chemist, B.S. level with no expe-
rience and one physical chemist
at M.S. level with some experi-
For complete information and
appointments, call at the Bureau
of Appointments.
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall.
New York State Civil Service
Commission announcements have
been received for opportunities
in Personnel (administration,, ex-
amining, research), Education,
Social Service, and Hospital and
Laboratory. All positions require
postgraduate work and/or expe-
The Virginia Polytechnic Insti-
tute, Blacksburg, Virginia, is in
need of instructors and assist-
ant professors in the fields of me-
chanical, electrical, industrial,
and aeronautical engineering;
chemistry, and physics.
Detroit Civil Service Examina-
tion has been received for Junior
Welfare Investigator, salary
$2535-$2983/yr. Qualifications
include courses in business ad-
ministration and social science.
Age limits are 23 to 40 years. Clos-
ing date, April 19.
For complete information, call
at the Bureau of Appointments.
The Director of Personnel, De-
troit Public Schools, will be at the
Bureau of Appointments on
Thursday, April 15, to interview
(Coptinued on Page 4)

gents both colleges and high
The schools will be divided
into three classes: A, B, and C
and D combined, with team
championship prizes awarded
in each class.
There will also be 80 officials
present, many members of this
year's track squad, to keep the
day's activity in high gear, with
two pits in each of the field
events, as well as the track itself
scheduled for constant use.
Last year, with 1,125 partici-
pating, the meet was run off
ahead of schedule with the high
point a 30 minute period in
which23 60-yd. dashes were
run. This year will require even
more efficiency and planning
on the part of Don Canham, as-
sistant Michigan track coach,
- who is running the meet.
Preliminaries, startinghat 1:00
p.m. and including the high
jump, shot put, broad jump, pole
vault, 60 yd. dash, and the high
and low hurdles will be held in
the afternoon, as well as the
finals in the distance medley re-
The finals in all other events
will be held in the evening after
which the championship awards
will be presented.
Lansing Starts
Ticket Drive
EAST LANSING, April 13-(A)
-Spearheaded by the Lansing
Downtown Coaches' Club, 16
Michigan and out-of-state cities
today began a drive to boost sea-
son ticket sales to Michigan State
College football games.
The Lansing group has set it-
self a quota of 4,602 season ticket
The enlarged MSC stadium, to
be ready by next fall, will have
a seating capacity of 51,000. Pro-
moters of the season ticket sale
drive pointed out, however, that
the Michigan - Michigan State
game attracted 73,000 last year.
Season ticket holders will get the
cream of the seats for the Spar-
tan-Wolverine football opener.
Prizes to be given by the Lan-
sing group for ticket sales will
include 11 all-expense trips to the
Notre Dame game, stadium robes,
fishing rods, a bird dog and a

0NLY SEVEN more days to get in the running, folks!
For on Wednesday, April 21, a huge all-campus 100-yard dash
contest will be reeled off on the cinder paths of the Intramural Build-
This track competition, aimed at helping revive campts spirit, is
sponsored by The Michigan Daily.
Who can enter?
Answer: Any undergraduate male, excepting those who have
been out for the varsity track squad or those who have ever won an
T-M dash event.
Fraternities, dormitories, boarding houses and independents are
urged to organize teams for the cinder contest..
No Kisses
Unfortunately, Hedy Lamari (take another healthy wink at cut)
won't be able to kiss the individual winners.
However, to the victors will go other coveted awards. The Daily
will present a sports trophy and 12 medals to winners of the events.
There's one other prize plum in the victory bag-a possible posi-
tion on coach Ken Doherty's varsity track squad. The Wolverine men-
tor, in the midst of a talent search, will view the 100-yard dash next
Wednesday with careful scrutiny.

Recipient of the trophy, emblemat icof the top team performance.
will be determined by a special point system designed to assure the
largest possible number of entrants.
Point Plan
Under the rallying plan, an organization will automatically earn
one point for each man on its team. Additional points will be credited
to those placing among the first twelve.
Twelve points will be awarded the winner, 11 to the runnerup,
and so on. No organization will be permitted to enter more than 12
Elimination heats will be staged to narrow the field down to the
top men. However, no performer will run in more than three heats in
the course of the competition.
*~ * * *
List of entries may be phoned to 8109 or taken to the main of-
fice of the Intramural Building. Don't delay-do it today!
The Daily hopes the affair will attract a large number of con-
testants-and spectators-and will provide loads of fun for all.
By sponsoring this contest, we also are confident that the all-
campus spirit, so typical of Michigan tradition down through the
years, will gain additional strength.
Get in the running now!

Bet zig Choice
Of Wrestlers
Bob Betzig, this year's cap-
tain of 11he Mi()hig an wrestling
team, was re-elected last night at
the annual wrestling banquet.
This is the second time in
Michigan history that a man has
been captain of the matmen for
two years. with Bill Cortwright
setting the precedent last year.
At the same time the entry
of Bob Betzig, Jim Smith, Con-
ference champ, Bob Johnston,
and Bob Timmerman in the
Olympic district tryouts this
week-end in Detroit. was an-
Jack Roney also will enter the
tryouts unattached, and those
men qualifying will go to the
Olympic finals at Ames, Iowa,
April 29 through May 1.
Those passing this final test
will become the United States en-
trants in the Olympics at Lon-
don this summer.
Pittsburgh 6, Chicago (A) 4.
Cleveland 7, New York (N) 2.
St. Louis (N) 4, Chicago (N) 0.
Cincinnati 8, Boston (A) 6.

... won't be at finish line

Dolan Cuts Extra Weight,
Jumps to New Heights

Tom Dolan, Michigan high
jumper, is clearing the bar at
6'4" this year,t partly because of
improved form, but mainly be-
cause of the unflinching applica-
tion of a .diet which enables him
to lose 10 pounds within 24 hours.
If, for example, a meet were to
be held on Saturday, Dolan would
eat a light lunch Friday noon,
drink no more water until after
the meet, skip his meal Friday
night, eat four poached eggs Sat-
urday morning, take dextrose tab-
lets for energy and be ten pounds
lighter Saturday afternoon.
Then to show that this sort of
thing works both ways, Tom
would have regained the ten
pounds Sunday evening.
As for the long range advantage
of this amazing ability to lose
weight, Tom now weigrs 165 lbs.
(155 lbs. during meets) compared
to 190 lbs. last year, which held
him back from real jumping.
Tom came to the University in
the fall of '45 after an extremely
successful high school career. At
Hastings High in Hastings, Mich.
he high-jumped, put the shot,
broad-jumped, and ran high hur-
In the high jump Dolan was
State Champion, Class "B," in
1944 and '45. His best mark while
in high school was 6'.
This year according to Don
Canham, Michigan's former great
high-jumper and now assistant
coach, Dolan just started to jump.
Tom, who jumps a straddle
style, kicking up and over with his
stomach down, has had trouble
getting his second leg over the
However, Canham feels that,
due to hard work all fall, Tom is
licking this problem and as he
continues to perfect his form he
will go even higher than the
6'41/" that tied him with Eddle-
man of Illinois, in the Illinois
Tech relays.
Dolan still has two main faults
that he is working hard to over-
come: 1) he is not kicking to ca-
pacity with his first leg; and 2)

he has a tendency to keep his left
arm between his body and the
bar, which throws his hips down
on the bar.
As to Olympic possibilities Tom
thinks the chances are very slim
with a probable leap of 6'7" need-
ed to qualify. (The Conference
record set by Dave Albritton is
Eddleman of Illinois, the man
for Tom to beat, has jumped 6'3"
in the Conference Meet, 6'7" in
the Chicago Relays, and 6'4%" in
the Illinois Tech Relays.
In the high hurdles Tom was
Regional Champion in 1944 and
'45 and runner-up in the State
Meet those two years.
Although Dolan, an engineering
junior, has done nothing with the
highs since coming to Michigan,
he is planning to try the 120 yard
high hurdles this spring.
Regardless of the results of this,
however, ToTn will continue to
soar over the high jump bar. How
much higher than 6'4" he will be
able to jump as his form contin-
ues to improve, is anybody's guess.
Quaker Court
Coach Resigns
-Donald Stafford Kellett, Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania basket-
ball coach for four of the last
five seasons resigned today.
The resignation of the popular
red head was announced by Dr.
E. Leroy Mercer, head of the Uni-
versity's physical education de-
partment. Kellett resigned to be-
come administrative assistant to
Roger W. Clipp at radio station
WFIL in Philadelphia.
All tryouts for the freshman
baseball team should report to
Coach McCoy at the south-
west corner of Ferry Field
from 3 to 5 p.m. any day this
week. Tryouts must furnish
their own equipment.

Tigers Crush
Nashville, 12-2
NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 13-
(P)-Freddie Hutchinson turned
in a sparkling performance on
the mound and at bat today as he
pitched the Detroit Tigers to a
12 to 2 win over Nashville.
Hutchinson yielded two runs in
the first six innings and was nig-
Yesterday's scheduled base-
ball game between Michigan
and Western Michigan here
was called off because of in-
clement weather.
gardly with hits, but it was his
batting prowess that won the
plaudits of 2,500 fans in the
Southern Association team's park.
He banged out four hits in
four times up, one of them being
a single in the fifth with the
bases loaded. It accounted for
two runs.
The win gave the Tigers a rec-
ord of 21 victories and 14 losses
in their spring training cam-

DETROIT, April 13-(0)-The
Stanley Cup, a large piece of
hardware symbolizing the ulti-
mate in hockey, is here today un-
der trusteeship of the Toronto
Maple Leafs.
They seized the trophy last sea-
son, kept it uncorroded in the
1947-48 campaign by topping the
National Hockey League stand-
ings and now appear ready to re-
new a lease on it.
Wednesday night at Olympia,
home of the Detroit Red Wings,
the Leafs will race off for the
fourth game of the final Cup se-
ries with a tidy 3-0 margin. Only
one more triumph is needed to

return the Cup to Toronto trus-
For the Red Wings the outlook
is definitely unpromising. After
5-3, 4-2 and 2-0 defeats in the first
three engagements, the Detroiters
must rise to levels they never be-
fore scaled to roll back the bril-
liant Leafs.
Ironically, if the Wings were to
embark upon the miracle of four
straight victories, and the Cup,
they would duplicate a red-hot
Toronto maneuver.
In 1942 the Leafs, three down
to the Wings, reformed their
ranks and spearheaded through
the Detroiters for the rest of the
seven-game series.

Leafs, Wings Clash Tonight
In Fourth Game of Playoffs



All Sizes

I - -- -- - - --- ---Nwiomwwl



Join the U. of M. FLYING CLUB
Fly at 1/3 Usual Cost
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April 23

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yati {«I A
S "?..".y college m a rbh..":?"";k
shouid kno!
tit;{{";..:;:; . f ;:: ;Z
?1. Tis is a hot trumpet player.
When he's in (the groove), he's out
(of this world). He plays this infernal
machine in a band, provoking dancing,
dreaming, and mayhem.
2 '. This is a "Manhattan" Tie. Designed
by our own hep artists. «Manhattan" Ties,
too, tend to provoke dancing and dreaming
-even mayhem if your roommate tries
to borrow 'em. See these handsome,
colorful ties at your M Ianhattan dealer's.

I Cash


Molle "What do you say?" contest!

$500 to Grand Prize Winner! $50 to each winner
at 16 colleges!
Get in now! If you missed previous installments, dig up
recent back issues of this newspaper! Remember, there's still
time to enter ... time to win the moolah!
Molle' contest runs 10 weeks. This is Set #6. Here's
all you do to be eligible: Fill in your answers to cartoons
(of all 10 sets) in spaces indicated. Use 25 words or less.
What do you say when a gal says:

Print your name, address and college. Then mail to us!
Some hints for answering Cartoon 6B: Molle is brush-
less; a heavier cream, kind to tender skin, rough on bristly
Molle softens beards, holds whiskers out straight so your
razor whisks through 'em. Molle gives you a closer, cleaner,
faster, less irritating shave!
Now-fill in your answers to Set #6!
What do you say when a pal says:
- - - - --- - -m - - r

Thurs., Fri., Sat. Special

- -.. - .s-

Comparable to any
$1.00 shirt
2for 9
All sizes
Slight irregulars

MOLLE Contest P.O. Box 519,
New York 8, N.Y. Set 6
../ AddressI
am am W
" "' "" m" ""M "" e "\n! aeR a ont -s t-r 2l
F l1'em mn Mail 'em in! Read contest rules!



CONTEST RULES... Molle "What do you say?" Contest

1. Merely write, in the blank car-
to n al.nn ahv ._ ntv --wp

paper, a reasonable facsimile of the
rar -nn n a w_:tn 4- arri:-:- o

all entries must be the original work
-f ft- -- . ._.

awarded to the best series of entries
#. _ .. . .I I I m1 I . . r

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