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March 14, 1948 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-14

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Given March




Publicity Committee Offers Opportunities
For Coed Writers, Thinkers, Go-Getters'

Honor Society
Chooses Eligible
Frosh Women,
Fifty-nine women are eligible
for membership in Alpha Lamb-
da Delta, national women's hon-
orary fraternity.
Those women who wish to be
initiated should register from 2
to 5 p.m. Friday at a booth in the
League lobby. Dues must be paid
at registration and pins may also
be ordered at that time.
Scholastic Achievement
The honorary society was or-
ganized on campus twenty years
ago to promote a higher standard
of learning and to encourage
:high scholastic attainment among
freshmen women. A 3.5 average
in the first or both semesters. of
the freshman year is prerequis-
ite for membership. President of
. the University chapter is Carol
Women receiving an over-all 3.5
average during the fall semester
of -'46 and the spring semester
of '47 are Della Allison, Jean Cri-
ley, Lyubica Dabich, Ilene Haer-
ing, Pat James, Aileen Miller, Phy-
liss Portwood, and Mary Stein.
Five Receive Overall 3.5
Women receiving an overall 3.5
average during 'the spring and,
fall semesters of 1947 were Anne
Becky iva Genfan, Nina Kessler,
Renee Melnikoff, and Joan Mey-
ers. .
Coeds receiving a 3.5 average
curing the fall semester of '47 in-
clude Ruth Adams, Joanne Auch,
Joyce Briskman, Janet Brown,
Juanita Brown, Norma Chud, Nazi-
cy Colemap, Lois Cronkwright,
Clara Davis, Jane Dieterle, Sylvia
Folz, Ruth-Frank, Florence Freed-
man, Doris Gardner, Mary Ann
Gatley, Berna Gilden, Ellen Gold-
stick, Lita Hagen, Barbara Hart,
and Mary Hook.
Others Honored
The list continues with Norma
Jaksec, Yvonne Johnson, Rose-
mary Jones, Carolyn Kaplan,I
Jeanine Lange, Ellen Leepman, Val-
erie Lemper, Marjorie McLain,c
Edith Merlin, Lillian Miller, Shir-
ley Miller, Rosanne Mitshkin, Lou-
ise Moore and Nancy Notnagel.
The list concludes with Daphne
Porter, Shirley Rosenfeld, Eliza-
beth Ross, Eleanor Scott, Anitaa
Seiler, Alice Shannon, Joyce Sim-,
: Pamela Wagner, Joan Willens,
Cecilia Woodworth, Eva Zaretsky >
and Marcia Ziskind.
Initiation will take place early
in the Spring.
Conservative college men buy
three shirts with button collars to
every one of the other styles sold.

Senior Ceremonial Parade
To Fete First Performance
Junior Girl's Play, "Make Mine Michigan," will be presented
March 25, 26, and 27 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The first performance of JG Play will be given in honor of senior
women following the senior supper. All women attending will wear
caps and gowns.
In traditional fashion, the senior parade will be held on
stage. Married women will carry candles, engaged women will
suck lemons, pinned women will wear straight pins and unat-
tached women will throw pennies in the wishing well.
"Make Mine Michigan,' written directed and produced by junior
women, will be open to the public * * *
Friday, March 26, and Saturday,
March 27. I

Annual Military Ball Will Uphold
Traditional Pomp and Pagentry


This year's JG Play will be a
satire on Michigan life, but in
keeping with tradition the ex-
act theme will be kept a secret.
leading parts will be taken by
Marilyn Scheel, Audrey Buttery
and Ruth Mollnow.
The script was planned by the
central committee and written by
Martha Delano. Mary Alice Chen-
ey wrote the lyrics, and Virginia
Coffin composed the music. Pat
Hannagan is general chairman,
and Pat McKenna is director of
the play.
The committee heads include
Nat Elliot in charge of costumes
and ,Pat Baumgarten, music.
Junior Girl's Play has been pre-
sented annually since 1904 in hon-
or of senior women. The play was
not open to men until 1923, when
it was staged at the Whitney The-
atre. Early plays were written by
graduate students, alumni, and
"The Best Years" staged, direct-
ed and produced by junior women
in '47 was hailed a success not
only by the campus but by na-
tional critics.

This Friday will bring forth an
all campus ball that is literally
seething with pomp, ceremony and
glowing tradition.
The first Military Ball was pre-
sented in 1918. The ROTC and
NROTC will jointly present this
year's ball from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Friday. That first year. at the
climax of the first World War, the
military students stepped out with
a social event that has continued
to maintain all the pomp and dig-
nity of dances in the regular army.
Always a part of the affair
has been the drill team which
performs on the ballroom floor
for the guests. This year the
reorganized "Pershing Rifles"
will present an impressive silent
manual movement and platoon
drill during the intermission.
The archives on previous mili-
tary balls reveal pageantry and
excitement topping the campus
functions of the years.
In 1922 the brilliance of the
ball was reflected in the variety
of uniforms for there were rep-
resentatives from many foreign
countries whose officers were
studying here at the time. At
that time the music was broad-
cast for the first time from any
college dance of any university.
The peak of dance entertain-
ment was reached when a military
ball of past years held a mock air
raid. At midnight a dirigible cross-
ed the darkened ballroom followed
by squadrons of planes and illum-
inated by searchlights. The air-
craft was exploded at the appro-
priate moment just before reach-
ing the other side.

BANDLEADER-Bob Strong will
play at Militay Ball.


Another year an electrically
lighted wall depicting a battle-
ground in France was erected
over the bandstand. When the
lights went out, the mural dis-
appeared and was replaced by a
tall figure of the Goddess of
Peace in luminous paint.
The decorations for this twenty-
eighth annual Military Ball are as
yet unrevealed but promise to
break all precedents set in the
Tickets for the event may be
purchased atrMilitaryHeadquart-
ers and NavaltHeadquarters at
North Hall and at local bookstores.
Bob Strong, popular music mak-
er who jumped from radio to the
public bandstand, will make his
second appearance at Michigan
this year for the dance.
Women will have 1:30 permis-
WAA Notices
The Interhouse Basketball Tour-
nament enters the quarter and
semi-final games this week.
Athletic managers are asked to
check the schedule carefully as
teams are not scheduled according
to time preference. Cancellations
must be reported to Marilyn Shel-
don, 2-4471, by noon Monday or
they will be considered defaults.
Monday - 7:10 p.m. Jordan I
vs. Helen Newberry I, Delta Zeta
I vs. Stockwell XII.
* * *
Tuesday - 5:10 p.m. Alpha Phi
II vs. Gamma Phi Beta I.
* * *
Wednesday -- 7:10 p.m. winner
of Jordan I-Newberry I game vs.
winner of Delta Zeta-Stockwell
XII game, 8:15 p.m. Couzens III
vs. Pi Beta Phi I.
K Ballet-Regular meeting will be
held from 8 to 9 p.m. tomorrow
in the Dance Studio of Barbour
Gym. The club is still open to all
students. Everyone interested in
joining may call Barbara Forster,
club manager, 2-5618.
All women interested in organ-
.ing a Table Tennis club are in-
,vited to attend the initial meet-
ring at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the
Club activities may include co-
educational playing, improvement
of skills and other plans suggest-
ed by the members. The club
hopes to establish permanent ex-
istence so that trophies may be
given to the winner of the annual
all-campus tournament.
Winners fpr this year's tourna-
ment are Joyce Meengs, winner
and Geraldine Wolfe, runner-up.
There will be no coed bad-
minton Wednesday at Barbour

pus shall be informed. is our m ntirely student produced and
harped-on theme," says Lu('y Ken- (lrected, the programs open a wide
nedy, chairmanl of the League Pub- feld for miscellaneos and i sun-
OporunteO doffers all kinds of "archive dig-
Th tublcicmm itsena.d ting" for valuable and enlighten-
Campus Quarter division offer in ing information concerning cain-
finite opportunities in the "Who, pu tradition while the script coi-
what, when, where and how" line. mittee is on the alert for wakeful
Writers, thinkers, engineers. "go- pencil pushers to coordinate this
getters" and music students all wealth of nformation.
have their place in thL efficient The technical end of the show
functioning of this important arm including casting. directing and
of the League activities, rehearsal is covered by the all-
"Campus Qarter' tdhe weekly impotant production committee
radio show publicizing 'amps and opens the way for more pro-
events, is this year's pubicity coi- fessional publicity hounds.
mittee "baby." The Quarter spon- Central Committee r
sored jointly with n t Union The C. Q. central committee
Council, presents shows at 9:45 consists of co-chairman Bill Tat-
am every Saturday based on the ersall and Lucille Kennedy; in-
fuctoin f hs morat r icldngcs-n, iecig n


cy Culligan. resekrcb: Sam Sar
geant, script; Marge Zaller, Lee
rMarlin, production; Roger Sliep-
ard, producer; Jim Costou, i-
tor: Nancy Musselman and Frank
Swarthout, publicity.
Publications work is another
feature of the publicity committee.
The League Lowdown, which ac-
tually gives the "lowdown" on
"who's who" and "what's what"
on the League activities, is pub-
lished each year by the committee
members with layout and organ-
ization genius.
And still there is room in this
varied group for the forgotten tal-
ents of poster painting and display
work for much of the publicizing
is done through vivid posters and
local window displays. Publicity
work now on the agenda will in-
clude JGP, Michigras and May

Ol- -"

New Look for Men Descr ibed by Esquire

OEDS, does your man have the
"bold look?" No, not the eag-
er look, but the "bold look."
In order to be in style this
spring, men should follow the
"new look" for the opposite sex,
the "bold look," as described by
Esquire Magazine and featured
in Ann Arbor haberdasheries.
THE "BOLD LOOK," said to be
the most significant style trend
to appear in men's apparel since
World War I, is an outgrowth
of the movements which popular-
ized the Windsor knot, the huge
triangle knot worn by professors
and Englishmen at racetracks.
This new trend is neither faddish
nor foolish, but completely Amer-


ican and wholly masculine. It is
a reflection of the rugged good
taste and innate self-confidence
that characterize the well-groom-
ed American man whether: he is
in Omaha, Oshkosh, Ann: Arbor,
or Anchorage, Alaska.
Some of the characteristics of
this cominvg fashion may be seen
in the first new shirt style "n year-s.
The shirt is made with a "com-
mand" collar, similiar to those
worn by Frankie S. and Viccie D.,
which features bold stitching one
half inch from the edge. It has
widespread tabs designed for wear
with either a Windsor or' a bow
tie. As an additional feature the
shirt has an extra wide, dashing
pleat down the front. Other easily

noted changes include bigger, easi-
er to finger buttons and longer,
wider French cuffs.
NECKTIE DESIGNS will follow,
the trend by having wider
stripes, polkier polka dots and
more widely spaced. dashing fig-
ures. There is a Bold Look hat
too, a snap-brim in one color of
felt with a second color for theE
band and a third shade for theI
brim binding-just like a rainbow.,
The trend in footwear will be
towards socks with wider ribbing
and broader clocks. Shoes will
have a sturdy, massive, masculine
appearance, added by extended
heels and thicker soles.
rfo COMPLETE the Bold Look,
men should carry one of the
new handkerchiefs, which have
a border stitched fully an inch
and three-eighths from the edge.
As anyone can see, the char-
acteristics of the new trend show,
that the Bold Look was designed
for the American man rebeling
from a uniformed existence, who,
as a member of the greatest coun-
try in the world, is today playing
a major role in the world and
wants to look the part. Here's to
more men with the Bold Look-




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You Saw It in Charm
Dramatic print with a split personal-
ity. The front a forward-looking,
multi-color scarf print. The back-
dramatic exit in black or navy sheer
rayon crepe. Sizes 9-15. $22.95
Other Prints $10.95 to $39.95.

'K i







; ;
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.ar >


t~. glove


This lovely soft wool
crepe suit with its
full swinging skirt
and stylish cape is
sure to put you at
the head of the
Easter parade. In
grey, sizes 9-13.






ection in cut, fabric and
r distinguish these fabric
es for Spring. Black, white,
wn and colors. Long or -
'tie lengths. $1,75 to $7.95,
nond cut semi-precious stones in
ald, topaz, garnet, ruby, sap-
e, aquamarine or crystal-so per-
y cut-they look real. Rings,


In a dazzling Jacobson's formal at the
MILITARY BALL Friday, March 19th.
VhWile you're 6herc look your loveliest. Wear a ballet
length frock that's pert as a curtsey and twice as effective,
or a formal fashioned in the grand manner.

\y phire




A."m I


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