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March 14, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-14

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4 Quick Exit

Bare Facts

A CERTAIN staff assistant in the East
Quad was, until very recently, in the
habit of walking between his room and the
shower room in a costume consisting solely
of a towel draped over his left arm.
One of the favorite pranks of the fresh-
men on his floor was to call out suddenly,
"Why hello, Mrs. ," while he was
in transit. The staffman, thinking that the
house director was nearby, usually rewarded
their efforts by bolting to safety.
Last week, on one of his sojourns to the
shower room, the staffman stopped to talk
with one of the freshmen. Suddenly the
freshman looked down the hall over the
staffman's shoulder turned white and said,
"Why hello, Mrs. - ." The staffman
smiled knowingly and made no effort to
escape-until a feminine voice replied "Why
hello, Jim." There was a moment of thun-
derous silence as all the parties concerned
1 ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

sized up the situation. The action that fol-
lowed was unbelievably fast. The staffman
dived through the nearest open door and
the house director beat a hasty retreat
down the hall, leaving the freshman leaning
weakly against the wall mumbling some-
thing about a boy who cried "Wolf!"
,* ,
Supreme Sacrifice
DISCUS$ING the race for presidential
nominations the other day a friend
of ours maintained General MacArthur
was an admirable man. "Why," he com-
mented, "he's ready to give up an Emper-
orship for the Presidency."
* ,* ".-
Not Quite So Clear
just finished taking one of the usually
difficult exams. The professor collected the
papers and began to discuss the answers.
I won't even discuss the first question,"
he said, "because I'm sure that everybody
must know the answer."
There was a moment of silence, and then
a voice piped up from the rear of the class:
"Yeah, now let me in on it."


Liberal Talk
lace into the political arena as a third
party candidate, the liberal movement in the
United States has acquired new significance.
Now, after the coxmpletion of the Czechoslo-
vakian coup, we can see with new clarity
one of the more prominent features of the
liberal makeup. That feature is their atti-
tude toward Russia, which has been ampli-
fied in penned reactions to the latest com-
munist sweep.
At first, liberal spokesmen were left rather
wordless by the disconcerting thoroughness
of the Czech betrayal. But some comment
was necessary, so we got innocuous reviews
of the situation. On the national scene, the
best the New Republic could manage was to
present two mildly opposing views of the
Days passed and confidence returned.
Soon we were reading discussions of the
incident that were more concerned with
American diplomatic faults than an overt
Russian crime. Some scattered protests
were heard, but as a Daily editorial point-
ed out, the campus liberals were poorly
represented. No, a good, solid defense
hasn't appeared-ayet.
To some, the Czech story bodes ill for the
future. They point to the powder kegs un-
der Italy and France that blew the Czechs
sky high. If two plus two equals four, we
may witness some further explosions.
The liberals very commendably are striv-
ing to compensate for unjustified war hys-
terai. They often employ a potent and valid
weapon called "fear of the West." It is in-
disputable that history is full of inexcus-
able wars waged from unfounded fears. The
20th century question is: How much terri-
tory does Russia require to feel "secure?"
Because the Kremlin keeps its secret, we
can't be certain. But we do know certain
facts: Communists have an aversion to
coalition governments - once they're en-
trenched; the energetic Communist 'Party
continues to push their revolutionary pro-
gram in every part of the world; certain
hated "fascist" elements in the United
States have long irritated the Bolsheviks;
in every instance on record, communist
control has meant a police state and the
stifling of free thought.
Those phrases may not spell war. Cer-
tainly the current raving for conflict is the
epitome of foolishness. On the other hand,
if some unrealistic liberals continue to de-
preciate all threats from abroad, they must
answer for their share of our unprepared-
ness if war strikes. Unpreparedness could
result in defeat, and defeat, very conceiv-
ably, could mean intellectual and political
-Ted Miller

Missing SOr nething?

MORE THAN ONE famous American has
said it: Public opinion is the most pow-
erful weapon the people of a democracy
have. It is the best safeguard of our Ameri-
can way of life. It is public opinion that
chooses candidates for public office; and
public opinion that elects them. It decides
not only what our governmental policy
should be, but also our government struc-
But unfortunately, public opinion cannot
be directed to choose the right from the
wrong. Everyone is not equally informed on
all pertinent matters. And usually certain
individuals undertake to organize and con-
trol public opinion.
In the political field, the party conven-
tion and caucus is the co-ordinating factor.
In civil matters, it is the press that molds
and directs public opinion. And that can
be most unfortunate.
The first rule a reporter is supposed to
-learn is that news must be reported straight.
When the reporter injects his own personal
opinions into a story it ceases to be news'
and becomes an editorial. But the Ameri-
can press today seems to have forgotten this
primary law of journalism. Everyone from
the editor and publisher on down to the
reporter on the beat has taken it upon him-
self to try and control public opinion.
If a newspaper happens to feel violently
about the encroachments of Communism it
colors its stories, leaves out certain points
and stresses others-all in order to persuade
its readers that its point of view is right.
A liberal paper taking the opposite view,
uses the same methods to "mentally coerce"
its readers.
No newspaper in America today is abso-
Entertaining Fare
LOOKING for some light entertainment?
Then watch your paper for the latest
developments coincident with the present
prison probe.
The probe itself is on the up-and-up, with
one of our own professors advising Gov. Sig-
ler as to how the corrections department
shake-up can have the best results.
However, minor office-holders do not seem
satisfied to let the governor and advisors go
their own way. Instead, they are taking this
opportunity to cast doubt on the dependa-
bility of semi-civil service groups connected
with the courts and prisons.
Inasmuch as the only continuity between
these attacks is that they cast doubt on the
competence of the skilled non-appointive
job-holders, the justification for their accu-
sations is questionable.
Might the politicos be attacking non-ap-
pointive state employees in an effort to open
these lower positions to their political com-
rades to whom they owe favors?
The answer is worthlseeking. Read the
state news and draw your own conclusions.
--Fran Ivick.
Looking Backward
From the pages of The Daily,
Mayor Ernest Wurster refused a request
by the Women's Club of Ann Arbor that the
film "Cleopatra," starring Theda Bara, be
German troops entered Odessa while the
congress of Russian Soviets' postponed a
decision on the ratification ot a peace treaty
with Germany.
Prof. Lawrence M. Gould of the geology
department was appointed to the position
of geologist and geographer on the forth-


]Letters to the Editor ...

lutely impartial in its treatment of the
news. As a result, Americans have become
a very confused people.
They have not been given their right to
choose between right and wrong-the news-
papers have done it for them. Everything
is either black or white (or rather, red or
white). The war between rival factions has
left no room for shades of difference of
opinion. If a person does not think that all
Communists should be deported to Russia,
then by the process of elimination, he must
be a Communist.
The American press has stolen something
from you. That something is your inherent
right to think for yourselves and to create
your' own opinions. Editorial writing must
be returned to the editorial page where it
-Al Clamage

Petty Methods


(Continued from Page 3)
Meeting. Educational films ont
child development.I
Wed., Mar. 17, 8 p.m., Plays and!
Games Group (Gymnastics forl
Thurs., Mar. 18, 8 p.m., Arts and
Crafts Group. Instruction.
University Lecture: Hon. George
J. Burke, of Ann Arbor, Judge of
the Fifth Tribunal Major War
Crimes, will lecture on the sub-
ject "Some Impressions of the
German Occupation" at 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., March 15, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Political Science. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
Psych. 88: There will be no quiz
Monday, March 15.
Accounting Achievenymnt Test
Results: All students enrolled in
Business Administration 12 (Eco-
nomics 72) last semester who took
the American Institute of Ac-
countants Achievement Test may
obtain their grades in Room 108,
Tappan Hall during the week of
March 15.
Five-week Grades for All Fresh-
man Engineers axe due in Dean
Crawford's office not later than
Fri., Mar. 19.
Concentration Discussion Series:
Monday, March 15. History-4 :15
p.m., 231 Angell Hall. Prof. B. W.
Wheeler: "History and Social Stu-
dies as Fields of Concentration
and as Preparation for Teaching.
Mimeographed material con-
cerning this field of concentration
may be obtained at either the De-
partment office or the Office of
the Academic Counselors, 108 Ma-
son Hall.
Kothe-Hildner Annual German
Language Award offered to stu-
dents in courses 31, 32, 35, and 36.
The contest, a translation compe-
tition (German-English and Eng-
lish-German) carries two stipends
of $30 and $20 respectively, and
will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Wed.,
March 24, Rm. 201, University
Hall. Students who wish to com-
pete and who have not yet handed
in their applications should do so
immediately in Rm. 204, Univer-
sity Hall.
Strong Vocational Interest Test:
Reports on these tests taken by
accounting students last month
are now ready for distribution in
Room 108, Tappan Hall. On Wed.,
March 17, Prof. Schmidt will meet
with those who took the test and
wish further information on the
interpretation of results. In order
to accommodate all students two
such sessions will be held in Room
102, Architecture, one at 3 p.m.
and the second at 4 p.m.
Chamber Music Program pre-
sented by the Collegium Musicum
under the direction of Louise Cuy-
ler, Associate Professor of the
Theory of Music, will be heard at
8:30 p.m., Tues., March 16, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. The
group will be assisted by the stu-
dent choir of St. Mary's Chapel
in a program of music of the 14th,
15th, 16th, and 17th centuries.
Open to the public.
Student Recital: Joyce Lawr-
ence, student of piano under un-
der Joseph Brinkman, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
March 17, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music, the

program will include compositions
by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms,
Shepherd, Liszt, and Paganini..
Open to the public.
The University Musical Society
will present the Cincinnati Sym-
phony Orchestra, Thor Johnson,
conductor, in the last of this sea-
son's Choral Union concerts -
Thurs., March 18, 8:30 p.m., in
Hill Auditorium. Mr. Johnson has
built the following program spe-
cially for his Ann Arbor concert:
Concerto Grosso in D minor by
Vivaldi-Giannini; Symphony No.
4 in E minor by Brahms; Suite
Provencale by Milhaud; The White
Peacock by Griffes, and "Pines of
Rome" by Respighi.
Events Today
Radio Programs:
9:15-9:45 a.m. WJR: Hymns of
Freedom, Donald Plott, Music Di-
6:30-6:45 p.m., WPAG, Your
Money, Prof. William M. Hoad.
Art Cinema League and IZFA

will present Charlotte Bronte's
JANE EYRE. starring Joan Fon-
taine and Orson Welles; also Pare
Lorenz's "The City." 3 p.m. and
8:30 p.m.. and Monday. 8:30 p.m..
Kellogg Auditorium. Tickets avail-
able at the door before each per-
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Lecture: "The Kings of New Or-
leans Jazz." 8 p.m., Grand Rapids
Room, Michigan League. Everyone
Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday, 5:30 p.m.. in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Sup-
per at 6:00 and the program will
follow at 7:00. Miss Edith Ey-
kamp, missionary on furlough
from India, will be the speaker.
Roger Williams Guild: Dr. Juli-
us Fischbach will speak on "Our
Baptist Heritage" at the regular
meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Unitarian Student Group will
meet at 11:00 a.m. with the con-
gregation for a Masaryk Memorial
Service. A coffee hour will fol-
low. All students are invited to
attend both the service and the
coffee hour. There will be no
meeting at 6:30 p.m.
*k 4 ti
Westminster Guild will meet at
5:00 p.m. Dr. Lemon will give
readings, "The Moods of Humans"
with music accompaniment by Fri-
eda O. Vogan. Supper meeting
Coming Events
Tickets for Military Ball are
now on sale in the booths outside
Rm. 2, University Hall. They are
on sale from 8-12 and 1-4.
La Sociedad Hispanica: Con-
versation group, Mon., March 15, 3
p.m., International Center.
La p'tite causette Monday at
3:30 in the Michigan League.
Theta Sigma Phi: Mon.. March
15, 4 p.m., Haven Hall. All mem-
bers and pledges should attend.
Delta Phi Epsilon, the national
professional foreign trade fratern-
ity, weekly meeting on Monday
at 4 p.m. in the Union. All men
seriously interested in foreign
trades and cultures are cordially
There will be a meeting in Rm.
323, Michigan Union, 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., March 15, for all students
and faculty groups and individuals
wishing to participate in the pro-
test rally against the suppression
of academic freedom in Czecho-
slovakia. Auspices Student League
for Industrial Democracy.
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity has
reactivated and meets every Mon-
day in the Union at 7 p.m. Any ac-
tive member who has transferred
here from another school is invit-
ed to the meetings or contact
Clare Shuler, phone 2-5288.
Sigma Delta Chi: Mon., March
15, 7:45 p.m., Radio Studio, Room
4006, Angell Hall.
Russian Circle: Mon., 8 p.m., In-
ternational Center. Dr. Beardsley
of the Anthropology Dept. will
speak on "Ethmic Groups of Asi-
atic Soviet Russia." Students wel-
Michigan Dames Child Study
group meets Mon., 8 p.m., at the
home of Mrs. Warren W. Chase,
500 Huntington Drive. Miss Ade-
lia Beeuwkes, of the Public Health
School will speak on "Nutrition
of the Young Child."
Audio-Visual Education Center
of the University of Michigan Ex-

tension Service. The following
filmĀ§ on British Political Customs
will be shown in Kellogg Auditor-
ium, 4:15 p.m., Tues., March 16:
1. "English Criminal Justice."
2. "General Election."
Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering
Stump Speakers' Society Meeting,
Tues., March 16, Michigan Union,
at 7:15 p.m. Circle training and
general meeting.
IZFA: Tues., March 16, 8:00
p.m. Dramatic skit "On Top of the
World." Song and dance group
7:30. All welcome.
The Deutscher Verein will meet
at 8 p.m. Tues., March 16, in Rm.
318-320 of the Union.
Faculty Women's Club: Tea, 3
to 5 p.m., Wed., March 17, at the
home of Mrs. A. G. Ruthven.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society
will hold a full rehearsal at 7 :00
p.m., Mon., March 16 at the Michi-
gan League.

EDlTORS NOTE: Because The Daily ~
prints every' letter to the editor re-
ceived (whice is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)1
we remind our readers that the viewst
expressed in letters are those of the1
writers only. Letters o more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
. . .1
( ulitrelid (I l ii ritu
To the Editor:
by Mr. Jake Hurwitz. This letter1
is to convey my personal appre-
ciation of the thoughtful approach
to the muddle humanity finds it-
self in today.
--D. S. Dosanjh.I
Czech Students
To the Editor:
1 R. ZWERLING, in his editorial,l
"No Rationalizations" claims1
that in Czechoslovakia, students,
in demonstrating at President
BeIes' palace are "shot and
clubbed by the action committee
who would rather not have the1
students reach their president."
He goes on to hail Jim Smith
and Bill Ellis' resignation as in-
terim delegates from the NSA to1
the IUS and wonders why they
are not applauded--In all of this,
Mr. Zwerling evaded some very
important facts.
1> No student was killed in any
demonstrations in Prague-This
comes from Jim Smith himself;
The Daily staff might try one of
its transatlantic telephone con-
versations to verify it, or insist
that the United Press release all
of its information over the wires.
(2) One student was injured by
a passing automobile; one other
student was hit in the leg by a
gun which went off accidetaly.
Neither of the students are ser-
iously injured. This, too, comes
from Jim Smith, NSA representa-
tive to the IUS.
(3) The government in Czecho-j
slovakia has given the IUS secre-1
tariat permission to send a dle-
gation consisting of the Presi-
dent of the IUS, the British dele-
gate to the IUS, and Jim Smith,
the American delegate to inves-,
tigate all charges made against
any students demonstrating; to
sit in on all hearings against these
students; to. study all of the facts,
attendant upon the student dem-
onstration before the Palace.
I should like to ask Mr. Zwer-
ling if the students he urges to
demonstrate against the Czech
government have protested about
American action in Greece, China,
and Turkey. I should like to ask
Mr. Zwering if he has been con-
cerned over the fate of any of the
guerrilla students of Greece who
are being shot down by American
arms. He can go to the Hearst
press tor evidence. They have been
printima with sadistic delight ni-
merous photographs of youth be-
ing executed by the Royalist gov-
ernment with wholehearted sanc-
tion of its American advisors.
-Ernest Ellis.
Student Director, CP of
Union. Cafeteria
To the Editor:
Mr. Cochran upon his fine let-
ter about the Union cafeteria. Of
course he does not have figures
to back up Ilis statement! The
Board of Directors of the Michi-
gan Union are careful never to
publish a financial report. It
makes one sort of wonder, doesn't
it Bill?
But I can tell Mr. Cochran
where some of the profits from
the cafeteria are going. It is for

the salaries of the managers of the
cafeteria. Where one man did a
good job during the war, there
are now at least three men and
a woman, counting the manager of
the soda bar. They are all so in-
flated with their self importance
that they cannot really accomplish
anything useful. They merely
stand around and keep telling the
servers to cut down on the quant-
ity of food and reminding them
that each manager has the power
to hire and fire.
As long as the Union continues
to keep such incompetent manag-
ers, the student, for whom the
Union was originated, will con-
tinue to pay outrageous prices for
the food at the Union.
-Robert Fischer
Coll et rtti ve Ideas
To the Editor:
The Daily of the past week (to
paraphrase Ben Zwerling) tells
re that the first mention The
Daily has chosen to make of Jim
Smith's resignation from the IUS

is in an editorial of March 11
which condemns the NSA Com-
mnittee for not condemning the
Czechoslovakian situation. The
Daily has had a policy statement
issued by the national office since
March 4.
Zwerling moans that nobody
has passed any resolutions yet.
This seems like the use of a typi-
cal left-wing technique which im-
pes that everyone who does not
take a stand by passing resolu-
tions which can be printed in The
Dailyifavor of something, is
automatically against it.
Personally I have the greatest
respect for the integrity of both
Jim Smith and Bill Ellis. In their
shoes would have doubtless done
the same thing. I have already
written to the national office in
an attempt to bring Smith here
as soon as he returns from abroad.
It should be clear, it seems to
me, that the abridgements of aca-
demic freedom are only a part of
the total picture in Czechoslovakia
where democracy has lost. I, for
one, Mr. Zwerling, am much more
concerned with what we can do
from here in a rational construc-
tive vein than I am in hysterical
condemnations which only en-
courage our people to think emo-
tion lly.
As an NSA delegate I am con-
siderably distressed. For a long
time many of us have supported
NSA's participation in the IUS
because it offered one of the few
remaining channels of commun-
ication with the students of East-
ern Europe. The situation in
Czechoslovakia has apparently
closed that possibility.
-Tom Walsh
Some Facts
To the Editor:
confused concerning the abil-
ities of many avowed presidential
candidates. Among the latter we
include General Douglas MacAr-
thur. We freely admit, however,
that we are not familiar with his
policies, although admiring his
role in Japan, but we are more
than anxious to become acquaint-
ed with the facts. We have been
unable to gain any information
from any of The Daily's articles.
Sheila Millman, Dick Maloy, and
other supporters of VAM, would
do well to inform the voters of
why they are against MacArthur
rather than spout petty inferences
as witnessed in the March 12th
Daily. Such editorials do not in-
fluence voters, they serve, only to
give notice that their authors are
not sure of what they are writ-
More information, less propa-
ganda, please!! We want to vote
intelligently, not emotionally come
next November.
-1arold Edw. Evans.
-Samuel F. Jackson
-Clarence Baxter, Jr.
iE Y
Fi f t yEighth Year




AN INCIDENT which occurred in an East
Quad dining room Friday night was typ-
ical of what has been happening recently. A
student was detected with two glasses of
milk. The supervisor caught up with the
man in the dining room and a lengthy dis-
cussion ensued. The student was forced to
hand over his weekly meal ticket. The im-
pression created was that he had been re-
quired to surrender his dining hall privi-
leges for the remainder of the week.
This was not the case, however, Tactlessly
the supervisor had demanded the ticket only
to be sure of the student's name. The mat-
ter was to be referred to the house director
for, action and the meal card returned.
That the student was in the wrong is self
evident. However, such tactless action by
the residence hall supervisors has served as
a stimulus for further misdemeanors, and
has built up considerable resentment among
the residents.
At present, there is no way to obtain an
extra glass of milk other than the method
described above. This is a constant source
of' irritation. The problem has been suc-
cessfully solved in other schools by selling
additional units of milk at near cost. There
is no reason why such a plan would not work
here. Action on such a plan by the resi-
dece hall directors and the rational hand-
ling of disciplinary cases would be a step
in the right direction.
-William Dean.
INo Boycott
IRA has urged that a student boycott be
placed on the Dascola barber shop. In
taking this action IRA is assuming that
public sentiment on discrimination has un-
dergone a fundamental change.
Although there have been signs of a
loosening attitude towards racial discrimi-
nation on the part of the American public,
the change hasn't been drastic enough to
make a boycott feasible. An attempt at
forcing a policy change through economic
pressure will fail to produce any practical
results. There just isn't enough general in-
terest in the issue at this time,
Economic pressure, instead of changing
Dascola's mind about anything, would just
serve to strengthen his conviction that he
is being persecuted by a small group of
campus trouble makers. Furthermore, a
boycott attempt on Dascola would provide a
rallying point for other Ann Arbor barbers,
who share Dascola's attitudes. Their sym-
pathy for Dascola's plight as a scape-goat
would increase.
In a democracy, changes in the social,
economic, or political structure, are made
with the consent of the people. Drastic in-


1939. A Novel by

Kay Boyle. Simon and

KAY BOYLE has spent a good deal of her
life hob-nobbing with skiers and moun-
taineers in the French and Swiss Alps. She
knows and feels the mountains intensely.
Thus her story concerning a narcissistic
Austrian ski-instructor and his French girl-
friend fits comfortably into an Alpine vil-
lage setting. Corrine Audal and husband
some to this particular village to ski. Blond,
handsome Ferdl Eder teaches them. Hus-
band goes home alone and Corrine sets up
housekeeping with Ferdl. The Great Love
goes on undisturbed until the war requires
certain choices regarding loyalties, personal
and national. The choices are made and as
far 'as I can see the point of the story is
that sooner or later people have to make
choices. It could have happened to a tennis
player or an insurance salesman.
Kay Boyle presents this rather pallid ma-
terial in the language of the "avant garde."
The resutant blend is quite unsuccessful.
Miss Boyle is familiar with experimental
techniques and her previous attempts at
unconventional writing have been on the
whole rather good. In 1939, however, her
style fails to jell. The total impression is
one of confusion and awkwardness. The nu-
merous flashbacks, flights of imagination
and free-association seem to block the flow
of the writing. Many pages require two or
three readings before becoming understand-
able. Possibly it is the content and not the
style of the book that is at fault. One gets
the feeling that too many productive agents
have been applied to too little raw material.
Miss Boyle's style has developed out of a
long association with writers like Djuna
Barnes, Ezra Pound, and Gertrude Stein.
The anaemic content of 1939 does not merit
any connection with this tradition.
Corrine and Ferdl appear, unfortunately,
as "slick" magazine figures. Ferdl is Nordic,
tall, lithe, burned black with crinkles around
his eyes. Corrine is familiarly slender and
athletic, a firm and severe personality, but
humble in her love for the Eugenicist's
dream-man. I don't think that this is the
way Miss Boyle wanted her heroes to turn
out. She has far greater success in handling
the villagers, catching with great insight the
sly and suspicious, yet compassionate and
warming nature of the Savoy peasants. Tar-
boux, the village chemist and friend of



Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority or the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell.......Managing Edito2
Dick Maloy .............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor
Joan Katz.............Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate ,Editor
Dick Kraus.............Sports Editor
Bob Lent .....Associate Sport's Editor
Joyce Johnson ........ Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helimick.......General Mana&E
Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
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