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November 01, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-01

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Fifty-Eighth Year

Civil Rights Report


Letters to the Editor..

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of ichigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus.....................Sports Editor
Bob Lent... ...........Associate Sports Editor
JO. Johnson...................Women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal..............Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick...............General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

.. n "T w .

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for r-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
"matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mch-
Igan, as second class mal matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
LIFE'S Labour Lost
LIFE MAGAZINE is trying to slip around
end in its coverage of Michigan's home-
coming weekend-and in our opinion it
ought to be smeared for a 60-yard loss.
Carried by a backfield of the zaniest
photographers and reporters who've ever
set foot on campus, the page one story
completely skirts the spirit of the Home-
coming celebration, leaves out many of
its most colorful features, and tries to
sell America on the nfumber of wierd char-
acters who clutter up our stadium each
game day.
Let's put it this way: Both LIFE and Mich-
igan's student body went to the Minnesota
game last week end-both went to the pep
rally Friday night, both saw the little brown
jug-and both had a decided thirst. Here
they parted company and went their sep-
arate ways.
Most of the students saw an excellent
Varsity Night program, some clever and
prize winning Homecoming displays, the
annual "Sun Bowl Game" Saturday morn-
ing and a big Homecoming dance Satur-
day night.-
Life, on the other hand, saw and re-
corded the biggest set of teeth in photo-i
graphic history, the first Homecoming dis-
play it tripped across, a lady yodeler with
a cabbage on her head, a would-be drunk
sporting a baggage ticket and a thoroughly
soused citizen basking in the autumn sun-
shine. n
While Life's coverage of our homecom-
ing weekend was an honor accorded to few
Universities during its 11 year history the
story was received as an anti-climax by
most of the campus. The team of acrobats
sent here to do the story was headed by a
University alumnus who should, we be-
lieve, have caught more of the actual
student spirit of the occasion and less of
the sensationalism Mr. Hearst would be
so sure to find.
Come up and visit us again sometime,
Life-but next time come with the idea of
covering an enthusiastic University's en-
thusiastic Homecoming celebration and not
a freak show in a circus.
-Harold Jackson, Jr.
DIPLOMATS AND WARS may divide the
nations of the world, but only an under-
standing between individual people of dif-
ferent nationalities can weld it together.
Acting on this theory, the International
Students Association was formed at the be-
ginning of this term to fill a vital need by
providing an organization and a place where
foreign and American students at the Uni-
versity can get together to know each other
In the past, relations between foreign stu-
dents studying at the University and Amer-
ican students have' been practically non-

existent, with the attitude of both groups
being that the International Center was
strictly for the use of foreign students.
It is this belief that the ISA hopes to
A i -r nf- vvvnlpxoff-+hpLan] s, e~ £fforts

WASHINGTON-The timing of the report
of the President's Committee on Civil
Rights was accidental. The most astute
strategist, however, could not have seized
upon a more appropriate moment to thrust
document before the American people.
The report comes at a time when Amer-
icans are dangerously far advanced along
the road of chauvinism and super-national-
ism. It comes at a time when we are turning
our backs more resolutely to the flaws in
our own democracy, when the insidious doc-
trine "my country, right or wrong" is begin-
ning to take firm hold of large portions
of our population. It comes at a time when,
in our international dealings, we are becom-
ing as inflexible and self-righteous as we
accuse the Russians of being.
The committe's report deals with in-
Lurching; Policies
LAKE SUCCESS-President Truman's bold
calling of a special ssession of Congress
for saving western Europe was an electric
shock to this UN Assembly. It thoroughly
discredited those delegates who have insisted
that the United.States was going isolationist
and therefore offered no sure leadership in
international affairs.
As excuse, these blunderers can point to
the fact that of all countries, the United
States is the most difficult to interpret. In-
formation-accurate, exhaustive - can be
had for the asking. But how seize the policy
of a country where the President says one
thing, Congressional leaders say something
different, members of the President's own
Cabinet sing a third tune?
American newspaper editors interpret this
bable more or less by instinct, shrewdly
guessing which of the many voices is likely
to prove ultimately the loudest.
To them, the foreign policy of the United
States is a series of lurches, none of them
smooth, each going too far and having to
be corrected at the last possible moment
by a lurch in the other diretion
, Thus, during the war, the Administration
lurched heavily in favor of the Soviet Union,
discarding elementary safeguards in the
process. During two post-war years Secre-
tary of State Byrnes, slowly educated to the
facts of international life, throttled down
the appeasement policy.
Meanwhile, two new waves of opinion
grew within the U.S.A.-a stop-Russia wave
and an isolationist wave. In his recent book,
"Speaking Frankly," the ex-Secretary of
State actually proposes going to war with
the Soviets. Over mistreatment of our allies
the Poles and the Yugoslavs? Not at all.
Over Germany. Thereby creating the un-
doubtedly erroneous but general impression
that the United States is more concerned
about the political welfare of our ex-enemies
than that of our ex-allies.
You may ask, what difference does it
,make if foreigners find it difficult to inter-
pret our movements?
The answer is, all the difference between
success and failure. The United States, after
two lost years, is now whole heartedly en-
gaged in building' up a defensive alliance
against further Soviet expansion. The first
requirement of countries willing to throw in
their lot with us, is certainly of an eco-
nomic assistance and, if necessary our mili-
tary protection. Hence the importance of the
Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine.
But foreign policy in America is still far
from being the stream-lined affair that it is
in most other countries. We have achieved
a sort of bi-party agreement that is an im-
mense improvement over the former part-
isan approach to these life-and-death prob-
lems. But the nearer we come to major elec-
tions, the greater the temptation to play
politics with the future of the United States.
Our President's hands are tied by the
fact that the Congress is in the hands of

the opposition-something no other country
would tolerate. We could probably avoid
this monstrosity by electing a House of Rep-
resentatives for four rather than for two
The Senate and House committees for
dealing with foreign affairs are handicapped
by the fact that their members are picked
for seniority. The Senate and the House
obviously will not delegate authority to
groups of their colleagues whose only qualifi-
cations for their position is that they were
first elected a long time back. Yet it is es-
sential that the Administration should be
able to act quickly-with the certainty of
Congressional support. Such support could
be obtained only fiom committees chosen
from both houses by the full membership.
The Sate Department is handicapped by
the fact that almost no American Secretary
of State ever has enough international ex-
perience to function on his own. Those high
officials who should lend stability and con-
tinuity to the policy, are paid so badly that
few of them ever stay long in govern-
ment service.
In short,;the American appartus for mak-
ing and applying our foreign policy badly
needs stream-lining for the new age.
Until it is, the United States will con-
4in nic r npcar to fA1'Pi~YLPrs s a"'lVPsidel-

fringements of civil rights within our own
country, and is not primarily concerned
with the conduct of our foreign policy.
But there is a most significant lesson
that can be derived from the report to
guide us in our attitude toward other
nations, and particularly and most ur-
gently, in our attempts to achieve per-
manent peace.
There can be no promise of peace as long
as we condemn every denial of civil liberties
in Russia and eastern Europe and, at the
same time, shut our eyes to our own trans-
gressions against individual rights. Only by
proving, not only to Russia, but to ourselves
and to the rest of the world, that democ-
racy is not weakened, but immeasurably
strengthened, by the effective guarantee of
all civil rights, can we hope to vanquish the
fear which everywhere lies behind restric-
tions against civil liberties.
We must make democracy a rich, mean-
ingful concept in the every-day pattern
of living of this powerful and influential
nation, if we are to remove the barriers
of fear and suspicion which prevent full
recognition of civil rights in all nations.
Russia is seriously deficient in wide areas
of civil liberty, but, lest we become com-
placent, let's remember that in at least
one important respect-equality of racial
and religious groups-the Soviets have it
over us.
The President's committee has offered the
Administration, the Congress, and the people
a challenge to write a monumental chapter
in human history. It has pointed the way
to sweeping action that can help produce.
an America in which the present flagrant
infringement on civil liberties by the House
Committee on Un-American Activities in
its investigation of Communism in Holly-
wood will be only a shoddy and shameful
memory. The President's Committee deplored
the "near-hysteria" over Communism. The
report did not mention the House investi-
gation of Hollywood, and, for some- reason,
a few of the committee members said later
they thought the Congressional inquiry into
political beliefs was not a civil rights viola-
tion. But, in this writer's opinion, a worse
violation would be difficult to find.
The President's Committee has laid
down, not glowing generalizations, but
recommendations for immediate action-
anti-lynching laws, elimination of the poll
tax, wiping out of segregation and dis-
crimination against minority groups, and
many others.
Some of the goals set down by the com-
mittee can be accomplished by legislation,
but many of the others cannot effectively
be achieved except through far-reaching
education of all the people in all aspects of
civil rights. As President Truman said, the
document should be given the most wide-
spread study.
Rancist Harnage
ARECENT ISSUE of The Daily carried a
statement made to newsmen by Acting
Governor Oscar Wolfe of Mississippi. Gov.
Wolfe was apparently irked by the recent
recommendation by President Truman's
committee on civil rights to end racial seg-
At any rate, Wolfe's harangue was replete
with mouthings of hate like:" . . . History
shows that where any nation has not prac-
ticed segregation of races, but allowed mis-
cegnation and amalgamation of races, this
custom has always resulted in the destruc-
tion of the nation that permitted this crime
against nature.
"We of the South know this and ask the
aid of all decent white people of this coun-
try to help stem this concerted effort on
the part of misguided people and foster a
scheme advocated by outside and meddlers
to destroy this nation."
Here indeed is a man who out-Rankins

The first question that comes to mpind is
where did Wolfe study history. Most history
seems to attest to the fact that civilizations
have perished when their members persisted
in treating other mmebers as something
less than human. A tendency to shove man-
ual labor onto others was largely responsible
for the downfall of Greece, Rome and sev-
enteenth century Spain.
Furthermore Wolfe ought to recall that
the only crime against nature regarding
Negroes was originally perpetrated by av-
aricious white men in tearing the Negro
from his African home and selling him into
slavery. This is something to trouble the
conscience of even Wolfe.
Mouth-wash is the term to apply to
Wolfe's fears of outside intrusion. Without
outside instruction there is little doubt but
that the abomination of slavery would still
be with us.
The only conclusion that can be drawn
from Wolfe's racism is that its basis is a
continuing desire for economic exploitation
of the Negro.
--Jacob Hurwitz.

University will be held in Hill
Auditorium at 11 o'clock, Monday
morning, November 3, in com-
memoration of the centenary of
Dutch settlement in Michigan. The
Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg,
United States Senator from Mich-
igan, President of the Senate and
Chairman of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee of the Senate,
and Dr. Eelco van Kleffens, Am-
bassador of the Netherlands to
the United States, will deliver ad-
dresses. All University classes will
be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. in order
that faculty members and stu-
dents may attend.
Members of the faculties will
assemble immediately after 10:30
a.m. in the Ballroom of the Mich-
igan League for the academic pro-
cession to the stage. Academic
costume will be worn. The pro-
cession will move at 10:50 a.m.
and the exercises will begin
promptly at 11:00 a.m.
If the weather is rainy, the
academic procession will be omit-
ted and faculty members will robe
in the second floor rooms at the
rear of Hill Auditorium and take
their places on the stage individ-
Regents, Deans, and other mem-
bers of the Honor Section will robe
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Michigan League and take part
in the academic procession. If the
weather is rainy and the proces-
sion is omitted, this group will as-
semble in the dressing rooms on
the west side of the first floor,
rear, of Hill Auditorium, and pro-
ceed as directed by the marshals
to their places.
A large attendance of faculty
members is desired.
The seats reserved ror invited
guests, on the main floor, will be
held until 10:50 a.m. Alluother
seats are available for students
of the University and other citi-
Faculty Meeting, College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts:
Mon., Nov. 3, 4:10 p.m., Rm.
1025, Angell Hall.
hayward Keniston
1. Consideration of the minutes
of the meeting of October 6, 1947
(pp. 13'66-1376) .
2. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call of this meet-
a. Executive Committee-Prof.
C. S. Schoepfle.
b. University Council-Prof. K.
K. Landes. No report.
c. Executive Board of the
Graduate School - Prof. I. A.
d. Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs-Prof. R. C.
e. Deans' Conference - Dean
Hayward Keniston.
3. Discussion: How can the
work of the last two years in the
College contribute more effective-
ly to a liberal education?
4. Announcements.
5. New business.
Seniors: College of L. S. & A.,
and Schools of Education, Music,
and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for
February graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in
Room 4 University Hall. If your
name is misspelled or the degree
expected incorrect, please notify
the Counter Clerk.
February 1948 graduates in
Business Administration, Mechan-
ical and Chemical Engineering:
Mr. R. H. Zitzmann of Colgate-
Palmolive-Peet Company will in-
terview students in the above
groups on Wednesday, Nov. 5, in
Rm. 249, W. Engineering Bldg.
Business Adm. students may sign
for interviews in their department
office. Engineering students may
sign the interview schedule posted

on the bulletin board at Rm. 221
W. Engineering Bldg.
February 1948 Graduates in Me-
chanical, Chemical, Electrical En-
gineering, Engineering-Physicists,
Electro Chemists:
Mr. S. F. Arnold of NATIONAL
land, Ohio, will interview gradu-
ates in the above divisions on
Wednesday, Nov. 5, in Rm. 218, W.
Engineering Bldg. Interview
schedule is posted on the bulletin
board at Rm. 221, West Engineer-
ing Bldg.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 pm. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 35

A Special Convocation

of the

February 1948 Mechanical grad-
uates, Electrical & Civil Engineers
with Mech. background:"
A representative of the Erie
Railroad Company will interview
Mechanical graduates and others
for their training course on Mon-
day, Nov. 3, in Rm. 218, W. En-
gineering Bldg. Interview schedule
is posted on the bulletin board at
Rm. 221, W. Engineering Bldg.
February 1948 Graduates in
Mechanical & Industrial-Mechan-
ical Engineering:{
Students who expect to gradu-
ate in February 1948 in the above1
divisions should call at once at
the Mechanical Engineering De-1
partment office and fill out a per-
sonnel record form. This is neces-
sary for those who wish to take
advantage of interviews for posi-.
tions with industrial organiza-
tions; and is important as aperm-
anent record for future reference.1
Interview schedules are now being
Women students are notified
that regular weekend rules apply
to those wishing to attend out-
of-town football games: "Week-
end--(a) Overnight: Any girl ex-
pecting to be out of her house Fri-
day, Saturday, or Sunday night
must notify the head of the house
personally, leave address in ad-
vance, and sign in when she re-
turns. (b) Late permission: Rou-
tine requests for late permissions
must be made in advance to the
Office of the Dean of Women ex-
cept for Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday nights. For Friday, Sat-
urday, and Sunday nights, house-
mothers may grant this permis-
sion if they approve and if they
have -been asked in person by the
student before she leaves her resi-
dence. In such cases, the house-
mother is requested to attach to
the sign-out sheet an explanation
of each late permission granted.
Physical Education - Women
Registration for the next eight
weeks work in physical education
for women will be held in the Cor-
rectives Room in Barbour Gymna-
sium at the following hours:
Saturday, Nov. 1, 8-12 noon.
University Lecture. "Human De-
velopment in its Earliest Stages"
(illustrated). Dr. ARTHUR T.
HERTIG, Pathologist arId Visit-
ing Obstetrician to outpatients,
Boston Lying-in Hospital, Assist-
ant Professor of Pathology and of
Obstetrics, Harvard Medical
School, and Pathologist, Free Hos-
pital for Women, Brookline; aus-
pices of the Department of Anat-
omy. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 7, Nat-
ural Science Auditorium.
The University Musical Society
will present DANIEL ERICOURT,
French pianist, in the third con-
cert in the Choral Union Series,
Tuesday, November 4, 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Ericourt will play composi-
tions by Mozart, Mendelssohn,
Schumann, Prokofieff, Debussy,
Ravel and Liszt.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower.
Exhibit: Living Fall Fungi of
Washtenaw County, Michigan.,
Department of Botany, 2nd floor,
Natural Science Building, through
November 1st.

Events Today
Varsity Debating: All debaters
are urged to attend the Debate
Clinic, Kellogg Auditorium, 10I
a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
U of M Sailing Club: Meeting of
representatives to the M.S.C.A.,
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. All
members of the University of
Michigan Sailing Club are wel-
The Crop and Saddle Horse
Show: 1 p.m., Golfside Stables. In
case of inclement weather, the
show will be held indoors.
Catholic Students: Today, the
Feast of All Saints, is a holy-day
of obligation. Masses at St. Mary's
Student Chapel at 7, 8, 9 and 12
Congregational-Disciples Guild
Fireside this week will have Dr.
Malcolm Adiseshiah, General Sec-
retary of International Student
Service as guest. He will speak on
his 17 years spent working with
students in Europe and Asia.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily i
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of thef
writers only. Letters of more thanv
300 words are shortened, printed orF
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Dating Situation
To the Editor:
tablished opinion held by most7
of the men on this campus, but
we have news for you: Fellows
think that the girls are so datedc
up, that the former won't event
bother to ask the latter out. Well,
as transfer women, how can wet
be so dated when we haven't even
had the opportunity to meet the t
males on campus?E
So instead of sitting back with a1
resigned air, men, why don't you
phone some of these transfer
women you have met? Two to one
they are not busy.
-Janet Wilden.
-Pat Kefens
* m m 1
To the Editor:1
RE THE OXFORD-Michigan de-i
bate: No team won but Oxford
got all the applause. This was
mainly due to the Oxonians' su-(
perior sense of humor and to the(
deplorable tendency we have to(
cheer wildly at any kind of Brit-
ish accent, regardless of what thea
actual meaning is.
Our own debaters did a poor job
of public speaking and though
many of their arguments were
sound, the audience either mis-
interpreted them or disregarded,
them entirely.
As to reader Stone's reference
the football vs. brains in Friday's
Daily, there is this t be said-
that, were we to show our team's
training and quality in our cur-
ricular activities we would criti-
cize our debating team with more
tolerance, more fairness, and more
-Edwin Yahiel.
* * *
AVC Letter
To the"Editor:
THE FOLLOWING letter has
been sent to Rep. J. Parnell
Thomas, chairman of the House
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee, by the U. of M. AVC chapter.
By conservative estimates the
people here at the University of
Michigan and the town of Ann
Arbor are rapidly becoming in-
censed at the undemocratic pro-
cedure employed by your commit-
tee at your hearings.
We, of the University of Mich-
igan, AVC chapter cite as evidence
of rising opposition against the
continued functioning of your
committee, the editorial comments
contained in THE DETROIT
FREE PRESS, Tuesday, Oct. 28,
"The Most Un-American of All"
The Committee.
"The most un-American activ-
ity in the United States today is
the conduct of the Congressional
Committee on Un-American Ac-
It is so viciously flagrant a vio-
lation of every element of common
decency usually associated with
human liberty that it is foul mock-
ery on all that Jefferson and Lin-
coln made articulate in their
dreams of a cleaner and finer or-
der on earth. The hypocritically
named "Committee on Un-Amer-
ican Activities" should be abol-
ished at the earliest possible mo-
ment by the United States Con-
gress and so deeply buried that no
other group of publicity-mad zeal-
ots could ever again be allowed to
tarnish with their stench the
greatest institution of our democ-
racy, our halls of legislation."
"No Congressional Committee

that robs men and women of their
good names for sheer sadistic glee
of getting headlines should be al-
lowed to exist."
"The greatest single weapon
within the power of our govern-
ment is the power of inquiry so
that democracy shall always be
cleansed before the eyes of the
sovereign people. So vital is it that
Meeting -starts at 7 p.m., Guild
House, 438 Maynard Street.
Coming Events
Association of University of
Michigan Scientists: Mon., Nov. 3,
8 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Dr. Richard
Meier, Executive Director of the
Federation of American Scientists,
will discuss the national program
of political activity by scientists.
The' public is invited.
Inter Co-operative Council pre-
sents Lester Beberfall, member of
'the faculty active in counter in-
telligence in Germany during
World War II, who will speak on
(Continued on Page 4)

t should forever be safeguarded
s sacred and inviolate." ,
"But the "Un-American Com-
nittee" has prostituted that great
function and has dragged down
with it to the gutters our great
Palladium of human liberty."
"Let Congress Abolish this
Smear Gang."
-U. of M., AVC Chapter.
To the Editor:
ONE OF THE most striking un-
American activities that is oc-
curring in this country today, is
that of the House Committee in-
vestigating Un-Americanism. By
the canons of this committee, any-
thing that is not in keeping with
the present set policy of our gov-
ernment is essentially "Commu-
We find our rights to demand
>etter housing, to organize labor
and strike for better wages, or to
attempt any change in the status
quo, rapidly evaporating. Clearly,
by thinking, criticizing, and acting
as citizens of a democracy, we are
undoubtedly receiving on out mil-
lions of secret radio sets, special
instructions from a famous city
in Europe.
The activities of the House
Committee are in direct violation
of the first amendment to the
Constitution, a constitution which
governs the representatives of the
people as well as the people be-
ing represented. To forestall the
now-standard reaction of those
speaking of "constitutional rights"
lets put it on another level.
I believe they are in violation of
commonly accepted standards of
basic decency.
If the money and manpower of
this committee were utilized by
Congress in intelligent planning
and remedial action regarding
pressing needs of many of the peo-
ple, they would not have to cam-
ouflage real issues with a coat of
red paint.
-Addi Geist.
* * *
'U' Library
To the Editor:
BELIEVE ME, I have used a
good many libraries in my
day, from the one at the Univer-
sity of Hawaii to the little one at
Astoria, Oregon, and to Widener
at Harvard College, not to men-
tion a dozen or so. others; and I
mention these not to seem pe-
dantic but merely to state facts
to emphasize my point; but I
have never known one to be oper-
ated 'with such ridiculous rigidity
as this one here at Michigan.
Call these the ravings of a
harmless drudge, suffering under
the affliction of his kind-absent-
mindedness; or the heated objec-
tions of a Mammon worshiper
who just lost a buck through fines
and feels it-call it anything you
want. The point I want to stick
into somebody is-I don't like it.
I mean I don't think it's at all
necessary. Yes, I suppose all li-
braries have rules. Perhaps Wid-
ener's rules are, per se, as strict
as Michigan's library rules. But
for some reason (I should say
a good one), there is no repeated
demand for identification; no cold
refusals if, somehow, you hap-
pened to forget your Cashier's stub
-Oh, the mercenary ring of that
And the fines! My gosh, who
ever heard of getting slapped down
with a buck fine for not bringing
back a book on time? It never
happened to me before. It
shouldn't happen at an institute
of learning.
Does this mean that I must now
acquire this petty efficiency? Must
I keep an eye cocked forever on
that stupid little date slip? And,
please, does this mean too that
the little fund I have been saving
for a car when I am released here

must be set aside as "A Library
Fine Reserve?"-the incidence of
which will burden me alone?
Tell me no to these things. Tell
me I've just had a bad day and
that this cup will pass.
Let me leave the matter this
way. I will concede the fact that
all libraries have rules; I will
grant this. But let me add that
few, if any of them, abide by
these rules with the reverence (if
I may say so without irreverence)
due only to the Bible.
Thus, the responsibility for this
lamentable condition seems' to le
in the laps of these efficient myr-
midons who function behind the
desks-all of whom understand,
because they are the Children of
God, I love, but who (it is my
prayerful hope) will in future be
a little more liberal and Christian
in their interpretation of the li-
brary's book of guiding principles.
-Richard Ward.
* * *
To the Editor
4O, MR. CHARLES H. Buswell
would like to put "more ob-
jectivity" into the MYDA-Comn-
munist argument. He may have
intentions of being "objective"




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