Stake as
Wolverines, Illinois Clash
Michigan Seeks
Today is THE-day for Michigan's 1947 football team.
THE-day it tries to hurdle its biggest obstacle to an undefeated
season, a Big Nine championship and a Rose Bowl bid. THE day to
revenge the 1946 upset that kept it out of the Western Conference
throne room and last year's Pasadena shindig. In other words, THE
day of the Illinois game.
When the capacity homecoming crowd of more than 71,000 rises
to its feet for the opening kickoff at 2:30 p.m. (EST) this afternoon,
the showdown battle of the champion and the challenger will be
Preliminary Outlook
The preliminaries leading up to this year's get-to-gether are just
about the same as they were last year when an underdog Illini eleven
blew into Ann Arbor, and blew out with a 13-9 victory, a league
crown and an invitation to California.
One thing is different this year, however. The Wolverines have
been pointing for the Fighting Illini all year and are out for revenge
blood. There have been no "Army blues" this year. Nor has there
been any light regarding of the Ray Eliot's grid machine. There has
been only grim determination.
Illinois also has been pointing for this game. There has been a
great deal of dissension in the ranks of the Champaign faithful
as to insinuations that last year's squad "lucked out" on the game
Since it looks like the ban on consecutive Rose Bowl trips will
be lifted, the Orange and Blue also stand to gain another westward'
trip if they can win today.
Last Saturday's Surprise
In fact, both clubs have been so concerned with each other, that
both were surprised last Saturday while they had one eye cocked
To Avenge 1946
towards Champaign. Illinois came off the worse of the two, by drop-
ping its first game of the season to Purdue, 14-7. Michigan almost had
the Brown Jug shaken off its trophy shelf by Minnesota but outlasted
the Golden Gophers to win 13-6.
Mr. Chappuis vs. Mr. Moss
Those fans who like to play around with football psychology
contend that the Fighting Illini will be twice as hard to beat on the
rebound, but most corners are figuring at least a one touchdown
victory for the Wolverines. They contend that the Wolverines had
their big scare last Saturday and will be all the better for it this
All statistical information points to a wild and wooly affair in
the scoring department. Both outfits put the asccent on offense with
the result that the Maize and Blue leads the Conference with a 31
point average while Illinois is close behind with 27. Michigan tops
the nation in total offense and leads the Big Nine in passing with a
133.5 average while Illinois is second with 127.
Both teams feature a devastating passing attack aided and abetted
by a crop of fast and hard running backs who can score from any
place on the field at anytime.
Will Feature Aerial Duel
Bob Chappuis and Perry Moss will be the principals in the aerial
duel that looks like a "natural." The Chap has completed 19 of 30
passes for a total gain of 502 while Moss has tossed 72 times with 44
completions good for a net gain of 482 yards.
There is little to choose in the rest of the backfild. Russ Steger
drives just a little bit harder at full, but Jack Weisbgrger has done
more in the gaining department. In fact, the slippery 178 pound
Weisenburger is on his way to a new conference rushing record if he
can maintain the 8.2 rushing average he has racked up to date.
Dike Eddleman has been just a shade more sensational at right
kene, Michigan tackle, and Cap-
BOSSMEN: Captain ruce Hil- Mm
tan Art Dufeime er, Ilinois left
halfback, lead their teams into
half than Bump Elliott has, while Art Duffelmeier's different type
of role has given him a wide yardage advantage over Howard Yerges.
In the line there is even less to choose between the two clubs.
Both are light and fast. Both have been brilliant at times and both
have had off days.
Wild and Wooly Affair
DUEL IN THE AIR-Bob Chappuis and Perry Moss, Illini aerial
gunner, will match good right arms in what may well be the
decisive phase of this afternoon's warfare when the Wolverines
meet the Illini for the 33rd time.
So in the final analysis, it looks like the deciding factor will be
whether Mr. Chappuis is hotter than Mr. Moss or whether Mr. M. is
hotter than Mr. C.
Regardless of which way the temperature blows, it's bound to be
a hot afternoon on the Champaign gridiron today.
See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVIII, No. 35
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"Air Disaster Claims)
Coast Guardsmen Find Wreckage
Of Airliner Missing Since Sunday
By The Associated Press
KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Oct. 31-The terse message, "no survivors,"
from a Coast Guard climbing party near the top of snow-tipped
Mount Tamgas on Annette Island, confirmed late today the deaths of
18 persons aboard a Pan American Airways Airliner which crashed
last Sunday.
Charts which give the mountain's altitude as 3,610 feet, although
the summit is apparently several hundred feet higher, may have con-
tributed to the disaster, William L. Baker, Editor of the Ketchikan
Chronicle, reported. He flew in one of the searching planes.
Earlier today, searching planes first sighted the partly burned
wreckage about 200 feet below the
Waring Gives
F ial Concert
Tonight in Hill
Variety of Soloists,
Songs, Are Featured
Fred Waring and his superduper
Pennsylvanians will present their
second concert here at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Success for the jivey group came
after their first appearance here
in the 1921 J-Hop. Now, Fred
Waring is celebrating his 30th
year as leader of the Pennsylvan-
ians with six radio shows and a
nationwide tour.
Waring's spectacular success
with vocal numbers has been at-
tributed both to special tonal ef-
fects and his large staff of ar-
rangers. His staff, the largest of
any musical group, has produced
such outstanding work as the
famed Ringwald arrangements.
Appearing with the Glee Club
and orchestra will be soloists Jane
Wilson, Stuart Churchill, Joan
Wheatley, Joe Marine, Poley Mc-
Clintock, Daisy Bernier, "Lumpy"
Brannum, Joe Sodja and Mac Per-
Works by Kern, Porter, Gersh-
win, Arlen, Berlin and other
American composers will be pre-
sented in today's concert. Some
of the more than a hundred col-
lege songs, composed by Waring,
will also be heard.
Tickets for the concert may still
be obtained at the Hill Auditorium
box office.
'Black Friday' Will
Be Depicted on Air
.u.,,~a 11 0 14 rr i If
top of the peak. The plane, flown
by Pilot Alf N. Monsen, veteran
pilot, was bound from Seattle to
the Annette Island Airport last
Sunday and its last message saidl
that extreme air turbulence over
the island would compel the plane
to fly on to Juneau.
Lieut. Comdr. F. S. Schreiber,
Executive Officer of the Coast
Guard party at the scene, mes-
"Plane scattered over wide area.
Apparently exploded and partly
Pan American Airways reported
a short time later that the climb-
ing party had messaged that four
bodies, not identified, had been
found immediately in the wreck-
age. Part of it was buried deeply
in the snow and other parts scat-
tered over a wide area.
Cartier Stars
In 'avalcade'
In the second Oratorical Asso-
ciation presentation of the year at
8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Audi-
torium, Jacques Cartier, "One
Man Theatre," will present a
"Theatre Cavalcade."
Portraying historically signifi-
cant dramatic scenes and famous
actors, in authentic costumes, Car-
tier will dramatize progress in the
theatre since its birth in ancient
Chinese temples.
Tickets for "Theatre Cavalcade,"
may be obtained from 10 a.m. to
noon tomorrow and from 10 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m Sunday in the Hill
Auditorium box office.
European Aid
Report Made
Over 19 Billions
Supplied by U.S.
By The Associated Press
ministration officials working on
aid-to-Europe plans received a
Congressional estimate today that
the United States has already
poured between $19,000,000,000
and $20,000,000,000 into foreign
relief since V-E and V-J days.
The estimate, announced by
Chairman Byrd (Dem., Va.) of a
joint Congressional committee,
does not take into account the
multi-billion dollar outlay con-
templated under the Marshall
Plan to aid Europe.
Includes Russian Aid
Byrd said in a statement, how-
ever, that it does include nearly
$60,000,000 "earmarked for Rus-
sia and her satellites."
The President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers which is repbrted
to have told Mr. Truman that the
Marshall Plan can actually help-
rather than hurt-the stability of
American propserity.
One official said the council's
report, slated to be made public
tomorrow night, will advise that
the sending of more American bil-
lions to Europe will not have an
inflationary reaction at home if it
is accompanied by certain regu-
latory safeguards.
To Outline Ideas
Mr Truman is expected to out-
line his ideas on those safeguards
in a message to Congress opening
the Nov. 17 session on emergency
foreign aid and high prices.
The Justice Department, seek-
ing to check high grain prices,
announced that its investigation
of speculation on commodity ex-
changes will be concluded "in a
few days."
Illini-Michi gan
Vs. .ud Today
The Wolverines face the
prospect of a muddy battle to-
day in Champaign with cloudi-
ness and probable rain forecast
to dampen the players and fans
assembled for the Illinois game.
UAW To Comply
With Labor Law
Submits to Taft-Hartley Deadline
For Filing of Non-Red Affidavits
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-In a last-minute rush to beat a dead-
line, hundreds of unions, including the big CIO-United Auto Workers,
tonight signified their compliance with two key provisions of the
Taft-Hartley Labor act.
These provisions say that union leaders must swear they are
not Communists and must file financial statements; otherwise their
unions cannot use the machinery of the National Labor Relations
Board. The deadline for signifying their intentions was midnight
The auto workers, reversing a previous stand, notified NLRB'
PAVLOVAS AND A PIGSKIN-Jumpin' Gene Derricotte highlights this football ballet, outleaping
Bud Grant of Minnesota in last week's almost disastrous preview to this afternoon's battle of 'the
title contenders. J. T. White tries to get into the ac t but finds his prospective partner, the official,
extremely uncooperative.
SL Announces
Election Date
For Campus
Elections for senior class offi-
cers, J-Hop and Soph Prom Com-
mittees and members of the Board
in Control of Student Publications
will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30,
p.m. Thursday, Dick Kelly, chair-
man of the Student Legislature.
Elections Committee, announced
Senior class officers will be
elected bynseniors in the literary
college, only; J-Hop committee
members by juniors, only; and
Soph Prom committee members by
sophomores. Students voting for
J-Hop and Soph Prom candidates
may be from any school.
Tentative plans place three poll-
ing booths on the center of the
diagonal and one in the Law
All students may vote for can-
didates for positions on the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
There are 47 candidates for the
See ELECTION, Page 4
WSSF Lands American Aid
To Students in Foreign Lands
The aid American students are
sending to students in foreign
countries - aid without which
many simply could not live-is
practical and realistic proof that
American students are concerned
with the welfare of students in
foreign nations, according to Jack
'Passfield, chairman of the World
Student Service Fund drive.
Commenting on the story in the
New York Times, which stated
that the State Deparmetnt feared
that we were losing our leadership
in international culture, Passfield
Local Ghosts
Show Sense
Of 'Humor'
Ghosts invaded the streets of
Ann Arbor last night, throwing
rocks through windows, shooting
out . street lights and stealing
signs, as harassed police, indig-
nant householders and ghoulish
funnymen entered wholeheartedly
into the spirit of Halloween.
On Seventh St, several boys ap-
parently became convinced that
said, "The fear is well-founded.
There should be many more for-
eign students coming to this coun-
Buys Essentials
He went on to state that neither
foreign governments nor private
organizations such as the WSSF
c'ould afford to bring large num-
bers of students over.
Passfield explained that the
money raised in this country by
the WSSF is used to buy the es-
sentials of living for students over-
seas, not those in our own coun-
Will Show Scope
In order to acquaint University
students with the scope and need
of world student relief, in prep-
ration for the WSSF fund cam-
paign to be held here Nov. 5, Mal-
colm Adiseshiah, associate secre-
tary of International Student
Service, and Prof. James K. Pol-
lock, of the political science de-
partment, will speak at 8:15 to-
morrow in Kellogg Auditorium.
Fund Drive
Goal Is Near
AnnA,,r .hr'c. (Inmr, ' ( .+
it would comply as soon as pos- C
Still ignoring the requirements
and thereby waiving use of the
NLRB: were the CIO-Steelworkers
headed by CIO, President Philip
Murray, John L. Lewis' AFL-Unit-
ed Mine Workers and the CIO-
United Electrical Workers.
The steel workers, with 800,000
members, entered a last minute
challenge of the Board's right to
dismiss its pending cases for not
submitting the non-Communist
oaths from officers.
A similar legal step already had
been taken by the UAW, but its
president, Walter Reuther, wired
NLRB Chairman Paul M. Herzog,
saying his International Execu-
tive Board had "voted to comply
with the requirements specified in
the Taft-Hartley Act as prelim-
inary to utilization of NLRB ma-
World News
At a Glance'
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct. 31-A series
of basement explosions rocked the
area around the huge, 70-story
RCA building in New York's Rock-
efeller Center tonight and the
first, unofficial word from the
scene was that the trouble cen-
tered in an electrical transformer,
with no one injured.
MANILA, Saturday, Nov. 1-
Government and private relief
agencies mobilized today to aid
the central Philippines, stricken by
a typhoon which missed Manila
and swept out into the China Sea.
OSLO, Norway, Oct. 31-The
Nobel Peace Prize for 147 has
been awarded to two Quaker or-
ganizations, the American
Friends Service Committee (in
Dutch Envoy
To Talk Here
Will Honor Centenary
Of Holland Settlers
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg and
Eelco Nicholaas van Kleffens,
Netherlands ambassador to the
United States, will pay tribute to a
century of Dutch settlement in
Michigan at the special convoca-
tion to be held at 11 a.m. Monday
in Hill Auditorium.
Scheduled to speak on American
foreign policy, Sen. Vandenberg
is expected to deliver an important
address pertinenteto the special
session of Congress called for Nov.
Classes will be dismissed at
10:30 a.m. to allow students and
members of the faculty to attend
the convocation.
The convocation will be preced-
ed by an academic procession and
will then open with an organ pro-
logue by Charles Vogan of the
music school. President Alexander
G Ruthven will introduce the
U' Students
Fifty Uniyersity students nar-
rowly escaped serious injury last
night when a bus carrying them to
the AVC Halloween picnic at the
Fresh Air Camp collided with a
coupe on Patterson Lake Road.
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