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October 04, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-04

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Fifty-Seventh Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman ...................... Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.................Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey ............................ City Editor
Mary Brush ...........................Associate Editor
Annutz...........................Associate Editor
Paul arsha........................ Associate Editor
Clark Baker .............................. Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ............................. Women's Editor
Lynne Ford..................Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff~
Robert E. Potter ..................... Business Manager
Evelyn Mills...............Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork ................ Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches creditedtoitor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offcie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Poker Players'
"THE DAILY'S legislative poker players," as
Lou Orlin picturesquely terms Walsh and
Fink, have been asked to "lay off" the Student
In a moist, but properly indignant, appeal
Mr. Orlin makes it quite clear that he is shocked
by the attitude of The Daily toward student
government as reflected by its spokesmen.
In the first place The Daily has no official
spokesmen and its editorial policy is clearly
stated in every issue: "Editorials published in
The Michigan Daily are written by members of
the staff and represent the views of the writer
In the second place we are not able to
find in the editorial to which Mr. Orlin re-
fers the "sarcastic implication" which he re-
sents so deeply. It is indeed surprising that
Mr. Orlin, who obviously wants more publicity
for the Student Legislature, should object to
a constructive enumeration of the issues upon
which the Legislature is committed to action.
Mr. Orlin complains bitterly that The Daily
has been indifferent toward student government.
The fact that Daily staff members were among
the original supporters of student government
sems to have escaped Mr. Orlin. Moreover, the
extensive publicity received by the backers of
student government before its initiation and
during the election and the competent cover-
age of all its meetings and the programs which
it has instituted appear to contradict Mr. Orlin.
It is quite possible that Mr. Orlin may have
been influenced by certain other members of the
Legislature who are convinced that The Daily
is involved in an unholy campus conspiracy to
undermine student government.
Mr. Orlin must realize that about 85 per
cent of the students now on campus did NOT
vote for student government. In most cases
the indifference can be charged to ignorance
of the function that can be performed by stu-
dent government or lack of confidence in a
student administration. Mr. Orlin and others
of the Legislature who are so terribly con-
cerned with the necessity of having strong
student support behind them will find that
it is ACTION, not words, that will gain ap-
proval from this group.
The prevailing opinion among some members
of the Legislature seems to be that "those peo-
ple are against us." .We are weary of the spec-
tacle of elected representatives playing with
student government as though someone were

going to take it away from them.
From the tone of Mr. Orlin's letter we are
led to believe that he is afraid student govern-
ment will crumble like a house of cards under
the slightest external pressure. We do not share
this fear.
The important point is that apologists for
the Legislature might better concentrate their
efforts on achieving the program which they
have proposed. Otherwise the Legislature will
be remembered by the student body as a group
whose only original and constructive action
was an investigation of its own election.
-John Campbell
No Security
NSTEAD OF deluding ourselves that we can
purchase security by backing oligarchies-
throuwh armed forces or other means - in Ja-

To the Editor:
AS A CONSTANT reader of The Michigan
Daily for the past two years I have often
felt like writing in regard to articles published
in The Daily. However, I have always restrained
myself because I felt that mistakes were inevit-
able and that to point out a mistake would be
taking advantage of my safe refuge as a reader.
Now, however, I feel that it is time someone
mentioned the fact that many Daily articles
seem to get into the paper without having been
proofread, though they need it very badly.
I feel it would be unjust to write a letter of
this sort without some form of proof of my point.
Therefore I would like to draw attention to Clark
Baker's statement which occurred in the Sept.
24 issue of The Daily under the title Second
Guessing. His statement was "Just why Williams
was accorded such an honor, we never could
War Morals
ONE OF THE charges on which a number of
the Nuremberg defendants will hang is that
they planned aggressive war, or conspired to
plan it. This has never been a crime before;
it is a crime now; and men will dance on the
air for having committed it. And 'so the clear
and obvious point to make about the Nuremberg
verdicts is this: Where, in law and morals, do
those men stand, American and others, who are
today heedlessly talking war, pointing toward
war, and in some cases, coming to the very edge
of preaching war?
Where do radio commentators and colum-
nists stand, when they burble about a pre-
ventive war? All of Hitler's undeclared wars
were preventive wars, to hear him tell it. But
if the Nuremberg trial establishes any doc-
trine at all, it is the doctrine that any war,
upon which any nation embarks for its own
advantage, except in the case of clear self-
defense, is illegal and, in fact, criminal, and
that government officials who further plans
for such wars can be tried and punished as
common felons.
This is our own principle, an American prin-
ciple, stated in masterly form at Nuremberg by
the American prosecutor; and on it we are hang-
ing men. While the principle, apparently, ap-
plies mainly to government officials, it raises a
moral question for any publicist who turns to
his typewriter to compose an appeal (however
well qualified, or shrouded in weasel words)
which tends in the direction of "preventive"
war. The moral question is especially acute in
the case of men who seem to have no difficulty
in combining a deep feeling of loyalty to the
United Nations with a penchant for speculating
coyly about a preventive war.
The great point in discussing Nuremberg
is not to hash over the fates of the historical
has-beens who sat in the dock, but to see
where Nuremberg leads.
Nuremberg may help the world to solve its
problems. If we make it part 'of the very tex-
ture of our thinking we may find it easier to
locate the door to the future; especially now
that it is the only one, the other just having
been slammed shut at Nuremberg by the or-
ganized conscience of mankind.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
At the State
Earl Carroll's Sketch Book (Republic); Con-
stance Moore, Wm. Marshall.
IF YOU don't demand too much you should be
able to enjoy this musical effort. It's one
more proof that Republic can do well enough
outside the western field. The plot is the usual
boy loses girl, boy gets girl via girl's hard work,
to get him, but you can ignore that. The mu-

sical numbers are nicely done, especially John-
ny Coy's dancing. There's one very amusing
scene in which Edward Everett Horton kids
the psychiatric profession. And there's also
some fun with radio sponsors and their singing
* ** *
At the Michigan
Rendezvous with Annie (Republic) ; Eddie Al-
bert, Faye Marlowe.
THIS IS another low budget -comedy that
comes off better than one might expect.
Briefly the plot concerns a young man who is
overseas for two and a half years except for a
brief and very secret six hours back in the States
with his wife. How he obtained them and the
results of those six hours build for some pretty
screwy comedy. Most of it is carried by Eddie
Albert, whose perpetually puzzled expression
and naivete seem to have survived his war ser-
-Joan Fiske

understand. The 'Splendid Splinter' all season
long hit well below his own lifetime batting
mark." Now this was written because of the
rather unfortunate fact that Williams hit a
long fly ball which would ordinarily have been
an out and it went for a home run which
clinched the Pennant.
But how any baseball fan or follower could
make such a statement about Williams is a
mystery to me. Of course Williams has only
hit about 38 home runs, batted in about 120
runs and hit around 340. Of course the fact
that Mr. Baker is statistical minded and found
that Williams is hitting below his lifetime av-
erage may have had a great influence on him,
but it strikes a dull note in the mind of the
average baseball fan, I am sure.
Another example of the need for proof-read-
ing, it seems to me, is present in an article in
the Sept. 29 issue under the title Veterans Notes.
Now Tom, Walsh seems to have been well pos-
sessed with the facts, but he certainly has given
a false impression and one which is quite serious
since it is written to provide accurate informa-
tion for veterans. I refer to the statement that
"veterans in school are charged the out-state
rates for tuition."
This is in truth provided for in the GI Bill,
but it is a procedure which may or may not be
followed, depending upon the policy of the col-
lege or university. The University of Michigan
has not followed that procedure and it appeared
to me unjust to omit that information and infer
that the University and all other schools are
reaping profits due to the fact that all veterans
are classed as out-of-state, for they would profit
by excluding in-state civilians and taking most-
ly veterans.
I believe mistakes are inevitable, but it seems
quite obvious that The Daily could improve the
accuracy of the articles contained therein and
prevent the readers from being disgusted by
outspoken and misleading, illogical statements.
There seems to be definite room on the staff
for some good proof-readers. I am not a can-
didate for such a position and wish to remain
as a reader only, but I believe you could find
those who would enjoy such a task.
-Kenneth J. O'Morrow
Georgia Vote
CERTAIN CITIZENS of Georgia went into the
Federal Court in that state recently to find
out whether or not there is a republican form
of government there as guaranteed by Section 4
of Article 4 of the Constitution. Eugene Tal-
madge is claiming the Democratic nomination
for Governor although he received only a min-
ority of the votes cast in the primary. This
extraordinary claim is based upon a cunning
device known as the "county unit system."
This would seem, to one not addicted to
judicial hair-splitting, to be a wanton disregard
of Section 1 of Article 14 of the Constitution
which provides that "No state ... shall abridge
the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States." Section 2 of the same Article
even provides a penalty if the rights of citizen
of the United States shall be denied "or in any
way abridged . . ." and Article 15, Section 1,
apparently assumes that, generally speaking,
"The right of the citizens of the United States
to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the
United States or by any state." And yet, a
three-judge Federal Court in Atlanta, al-
though agreeing that there was "glaring in-
equality under Georgia's unit system," decided
that there was no remedy in law for the citi-
zens of that state whose right to vote had
undoubtedly been abridged. These sympathetic
judges could do nothing about it because the
complainants had gone into court too late, al-
though they got in as fast as they could after
the primary election. This was as much as to
say that a murderer may not be reached by the
law unless the victim speaks up in time.
The judges reasoned that since the Con-
stitution provided for two Senators from each
state regardless of population, and since, un-
der our cumbersome and shopworn electoral
system, there might be an inequality in voting
that would result in a President being declared

elected who had received only a minority of
the popular vote, therefore it was perfectly
legal for the State of Georgia to thumb its
nose at Constitutional guarantees against
abridgment of the right of citizens to vote.
"So sorry, please," in effect, said these wise
ones. In substance they gave judicial sanc-
tion to Talmadge's political skullduggery.
Minority rule by crooked means in Georgia
seems to be more precious in the eyes of the
law than the right of the citizens of that
state to enjoy a republican form of govern-
I would not have thought that such a jig-
saw conclusion could have been arrived at by
any three Federal judges in the country holding
that, because each state may elect two Senators
regardless of population, Georgia has the Con-
stitutional right to give a voter, let us say, in
a hill-billy county ten times the voting power
of a voter in Atlanta. No amount of judicial
mumbo jumbo can make this anything other
than it is. It is nothing less than an abridgment
of the right of the citizens of Atlanta to vote.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

W r
Andri Grykwk hpr. 14 by Untd picketr ine-Ne s
t.OT 7m. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.-All rights reservd
Andrei Gromyko walks through New York picket line-(.News Itemn).

New Liberalism
CONSRVATIEs who read the
declaration df policy of the re-
cent "progressive conference" in Chi-
cago must have been shocked. The
strange coincidence is that any Com-
munists or "fellow travelers" who
read the same announcement also
would have been surprised.
For at the meeting, attended by
300 representatives of liberal organi-
zations throughout the country, a
liberalism was outlined which may
seem new and different to Ameridans
in today's world.
What is surprising about the re-
sults of this conference are not such
statements as "there must be an end
to imperialism" and that Spain and
Argentina must be quarantined.
What really has been enunciated
is a liberalism through which Amer-
icans may unite in endeavors to
create "world good-neighborliness."
An attitude has been p r o p o s e d
through which progressive Ameri-
cans may be global-minded without
feeling that they must become pro-
If the new policy is accepted, the
defense of Russia by liberals will be
a thing of the past and an objective
and realistic viewpoint of Russia's
and of every other country's actions
will be adopted.
If the "red-baiters," "America
firsters" an d Russia-denouncers
would adopt a similarly realistic at-
titude, global thinking and world
friendliness might become a reality.
-Harriett Friedman


(Continued from Page 2)

is requested. It should be accompan-
ied by written acceptance from two
and, in the case of fraternities and
sororities, by approval from the fi-
nancial adviser. APPROVED CHAP-
ERONS may be: 1) parents of ac-
tive members or pledges, 2) prof es-
sors, associate professors, or assistant
professors, or 3) couples already ap-
proved by the Committee on Student
Affairs. A list of the third group is
available at the OFFICE OF THE
Seniors and Graduates in Mechani-
cal and Industrial-Mechanical En-
gineering: Students who expect to
graduate in Feb. or June, 1947, should
call at once at the Mechanical Eng.
Office, Rm. W. Eng. Bldg., and fill
out a personnel record form. This is
important as a permanent record for
future reference and is necssary for
those who wish to take advantage of
interviews for positions with indus-
trial organizations.
Choral Union Ushers. The follow-
ing ushers please report at Hill Audi-
torium Box Office today from 4:30-
5:30 for Main floor assignments:
Mary Jean Athay, Ben Batton,
Bary Benson, James Boggs, George
Charatis, Philip Dickinson, Franklin
Essenburg, Jerry Gaffney, Jacqueline
Harper, Donna Harrison, K a t e
Hearst, Eugene J. Hirsch, Ralph Ken-
yon, Thomas Loomis, Martha Lunny,
Madalyn MacNaughton, Oscar Menis,
Jean Morgan, Nick Muhbach, Betty
Nancarrow, Nan Perry, David Post,
Elizabeth Publisi, Roger Reed, Eliza-
beth Rettew, N. J. Riccardo, Alexan-
der Rugala, W. C. Shadford, Bruce
Suthergreen, Arthur Upton, Elizabeth
Upton, Elizabeth Walker, Phyllis
Wilman, Pamela Wrinch.
Choral Union Ushers. The follow-
ing ushers please report at Hill Audi-
torium Box Office today from 4:30-
5:30 for First Balcony assignments:
Betty Barna, Pat Candea, David
Cornell, Virginia Councell, Jane
Dahlbery, Edith Dobbins, Bernard
Feldman, Phyllis Fishman, Ruth M.
Flynn, Joseph Frein, Frances Good-
fellow, Charles Hill, Carolyn Lauer,
Ann Lewin, Nadine Literaty, Kate
Lloyd, Virginia Mast, Harvey Miller,
D. A. Augsberger, Ruth Rodenbeck,
Theresa E. Shea,' Ralph Shively,
Leonard Sonnenberg, Ruth Stine, C.
J. Talsania, Myron Unger, Naomi
Vincent, Melva Weinberger.
for veterans and their wives. West
Court Community Building, 1045
Midway Blvd., Willow Run Village.
Fri., Oct. 4, 9:00-11:00 a. m.: Reg-
istration for children who have been
enrolled in the Cooperative Nursery
School; 8:00 a. m.: Classical Record-
ings, Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commenta-
Oct. 9: Goodyear's Style Show,
sponsored by the Wives of Student
Veterans' Club. Everybody is cor-
dially invited.
Oct. 16: Dean Hayward Keniston
will speak. This lecture will inaug-
urate a series of Wednesday night
lectures at West Court. They will
be given by outstanding people from

the University and are open to the
University Lecture: "The Possibili-
ties of Educational Measurement in
Higher Education," by Dr. Kenneth
W. Vaughn, Director of the Gradu-
ate Record Examination and of the
Pre-Engineering Inventory. This lec-
ture will be of interest to faculty
members and students who are con-
cerned with the future of objective
achievement and ability tests. The
lecture is sponsored by ,the Bureau
of Psychological Services of the In-
stitute for Human Adjustment.
Rackham Amphitheater. Tues., Oct.
8, at 4:15 p.m.
Academic Notices
Business Administration 123: Will
the following students report for lab,
Rm. 106 Rackham, at the specified
times. Fri., Oct. 4, 1:00 p.m., H. Mar-
tin and E. Miller; 2:00 p.m., M. Hag-
gerstrom and J. Schaefer; 3:00 p.m.,
D. Olson and R. Pierce. Mon., Oct.
7, 10:00 a.m., M. Savas, and H. Wil-
liam's; 1:00 p.m., S. Simmons and P.
Wiledon; 3:00 p.m., W. Hibbard, L.
Daugherty, T. Fellows, and J. Nickel.
Tues., Oct. 8, 8:00 a.m., R. Sepell
and D. Miller; 9:00 a.m., R. Brown, L.
England, C. Mintline and W. Radell;
11:00 a.m., F. Baumgardner, P. Clif-
ton, R. Cojeen, and M. Rubin; 1:00
p.m., E. Crosley and W. Kohler; 2:00
p.m., D. De Waard, W. Johnson, A.
Medalie, J. Rolley, N. Singer and R.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held today at 3:00 p.m. in Rm. 319
W. Medical Bldg. Subject: 'Trypto-
phane in Nutrition." All interested
are invited.
The Botanical Seminar will meet
in Rm. 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
at 4:00 p.m. today. Dr. P. Mahesh-
wari of Dacca University, India, will
give a lecture concerning "Botanical
Research in India." All interested are
invited to attend.
following seminars will be conducted
in the Mathematics Department:
Algebra - Professor Thrall. First
meeting Fri., Oct. 4, 4:15 p.mi, 3201
Angell Hall.
Applied Mathematics - Professor
Churchill. First meeting Wed., Oct. 9,
3:00 p.m., 315 W. Eng.
Banach Spaces - Professor Hilde-
brandt. First meeting Tues., Oct. 8,
4:00 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall.
Dynamical Systems - Professor
Kaplan. First meeting Mon., Oct. 7,
3:00 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall.
Orientation-Prof. Rainich. First
meeting Thurs., Ot. 3, 7:00 p.m. 3001
Angell Hall.
Special Functions - Professor
Rainville. First meeting Wed., Oct.
9, 10:00 a.m. 340 W. Eng.
Statistics-Professor Craig. Next
meeting Wed., Oct. 9, 11:00 'a.m. 3003
Angell Hall.
Stochastic Processes - Professor
Copeland. Hours to be announced.
Topology-To be announced.
Makeup Examination in Econom-
ics 51, 52, 53, 54 final will be given in
Rm. 207 Economics Bldg., at 3:00 on
Thurs. Oct. 10.
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in
Economics will be held during the
week beginning Mon., Oct. 28. Each
student planning to take these ex-
aminations should leave with the sec-

Tues., Oct. 8. Dr. Vaughn will discuss
in detail the results of the examina-
tion taken by sophomores and senits
in May of the Spring semester. The
meeting will be of interest to stu-
dents who have taken the examina-
tion and to those who expect to. All
are urged to attend. Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. 8:00 p.m. Dean Keniston
will preside.
First Semester Juniors. The re-
sults of the Graduate Record Exam-
ination which you took during the
Spring Term are now available. The
test scores should be useful to you in
helping to plan the remainder of
your University program. You may
obtain your individual profile chart
in the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors according to the following
A-F...... Tues., Oct. 1
G-L.....Wed., Oct. 2
M-R.....Thurs., Oct. 3
S-Z.......Fri., Oct. 4
First Year Graduate Students. The
results of the Graduate Records Ex-
amination which you took as sen-
iors at the University last May are
now available. Your own profile may
be obtained at the Graduate School
office, Oct. 1-4.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts:
Courses may not be elected for
credit after the end of the second
week. Sat., Oct. 5, is therefore the
last day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
instructor to admit a student later
will not affect the operation of this
E. A. Walter
Events Today
VISITORS' NIGHT will be held at
the Angell Hall Observatory on Fri.,
Oct. 4, from 7:30 to 9130 p.m. The
Moon will be shown if the night is
clear. Children must be accompanied
by adults. If the sky is cloudy, the
Observatory will not be open.
The regular weekly program of the
English Language Institute will be
held in the West Conference 'Rm.,
3rd floor of Rackham Bldg., at 8:00
p.m. this evening.
International Center: The infor-
mal Friday afternoon tea dances will
be held again in the International
Center, starting today at 4:00. For-
eign Students, their friends, and in-
terested American students are cor-
dially invited to attend. Music will
be furnished by records.
will leave Lane Hall today at 4:00
p.m.. All delegates must bring their
own bedding. Busses will return from
Pinebrook Farm at 9:30 Sat. evening.
Association Coffee Hour will be
held today from 4:30 to 6:00 in the
Lane Hall Library.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a Scavenger Hunt to-
night, meeting at its Lutheran Stu-
dent Center, 1511 Washtenaw Ave-
nue, at 8:15.
Coming Events
is planning a bike hike for Sun., Oct.
6. All graduate students, faculty
members, and veterans are invited.
Sign up and pay supper fee at the
check desk in the Rackham Bldg.
before noon Sat. Meet at the Outing

How conscientious of your father, m'boy. To ask for
guidance on educational matters. How fortunate, too,
that I m at hand to hear his olea- J. J. O'Mallev.

I was afraid you'd
be mad at Pop, Mr. Oan
O'Mallev. Because


To teach the child is a gratifying
experience. True. But to guide the
teacher. To tell HIM what to teach-



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