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October 03, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-03

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Panhellenic Association Issues
Plans for Old, New Members

Petitions for Tea
Co-chairman Due
Panhellenic petitions for a co-
chairman of the Faculty Teas, to be
held once a month, are due Monday
in the Undergraduate Office of the
Any Panhel member who is eligi-
ble may apply for the position. Pe-
tition forms may be secured in the
Social Director's Office in the League,
and must be completely filled out.
Any new ideas and plans for mak-
ing these teas a success should also
be included.
Each candidate, when submitting
her petition, should also sign up 'for
an interview, which will be held Wed-
nesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Every
interviewee will be required to pre-
sent a University eligibility card
signed by the Merit-Tutorial Com-
mittee of the League when she is in-
Another chairman, selected fron
Assembly, will also work on this
committee. The two students will
jointly sponsor these affairs de-
signed to further informal relations
between the faculty and the students.
These teas will offer an excellent op-
portunity for all students to get to-
gether to know their professors in an
out-of-classroom relationship.
These affairs will be held the first
Thursday of every month, begin-
ning Nov. 7, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in
the Kalamazoo Room of the League.
Clubs To Give
Supper Hike
Outing and Camp Counsellor's
Clubs will sponsor a supper hike to
the Island at 5:30 p.m. today.
Those women interested in attend-
ing are asked to meet at the WAB,
bringing their own suppers. In case
of rain, the meeting will be held in
the WAB.
Plans for this year's activities will
be made and the time of future
meetings will be decided. Outing
Club sponsors such projects as bike
hikes, supper and breakfast hikes,
hostelling, skiing, and canoeing.
Those interested in the club who can-
not attend the first meeting are
urged tocall Joan Richardson, club
manager, at 3018.
Camp Counsellor's Club offers in-
struction in activities such as camp-
craft, songs, games, and sports, and
presents an excellent opportunity for
all students interested in learning
about camp life.


Transfer Women

To Sign at League
All transfer sorority women are
urged to sign their names, addresses,
and telephone number from 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m. Monday in the Panhellenic
Office in the League, according to
Betty Pritchard, Panhel vice-presi-
The purpose of this project is to
help promote a closer relationship
between the affiliated women on
campus and those who have trans-
rerred from other schools this semes-
ber. From the lists procured from
the League the* various sororities will
be able to tabulate how many out-
3ide coeds belong to their respective
3rganizations, who they are, a'nd
where they live. In this way ar-
rangements can be made to get to
know these students better, and to
acquaint them with the sorority, its
members and functions.
Any transfer affiliates unable to
sign up at the scheduled time may
call Miss Pritchard at 2-4514.
Wdgsand ..
Engagemen ts
Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Ball of
Evansville, Ind. recently announced
the engagement of their daughter
Sally, to Richard Cruise, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John D. Cruise of East
Lansing. Miss Ball is a member of
Alpha Chi Omega sorority.
The engagement of Ruthann Per-
ry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Perry of Indianapolis, Ind. to Joseph
M. FitzGerald, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph P. FitzGerald of Detroit, was
revealed recently. Miss Perry is a
member of Sigma Alpha Iota music
sorority and Wyvern. Mr. FitzGerald
is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Strauss of
Hewlett, Long Island, N. Y., an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter Jane M., to Gerald M.
Bronstein, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward L. Bronstein of Lawrence, Long
Miss Strauss was Secretary of the
Women's League Council. She was
a member of Mortarboard and Sigma
Delta Tau. Miss Strauss graduated
in 'June 1946. ,Mr. Bronstein attended
New York University.

FIGHT, TEAM, FIGHT - Capacity football crowds throughout the
country thrill to the color added by strutting drum majorettes.
Solutions Offered To Relieve Present
Congestion Which Leads to Indigestion

Wyvern Plans
Coffee Hour
Informal Social Will Honor
Former Members of Society
Wyvern, honor society for junior
women, will present an informal cof-
fee hour at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Octo-
ber 9, in the League, in honor of last
year's Wyvern members.
The purpose of the gathering will
be to acquaint the old and new mem-
bers, and to discuss policies and Wy-
vern project. At the first meeting,
held last Monday, the society planned
to continue with last year's project
which was the orientation of foreign
women students on campus.,
Last year Wyvern sponsored such
social affairs as informal teas and
skating parties in an effort to be-
come better acquainted, and assisted
the foreign students with such prob-
lems as shopping. Pamela Wrinch
will head the project this year in co-
operation with Mrs. Grey at the In-
ternational Center.
Mrs. Elsie R. Fuller, Administra-
tive assistant in the Office of the
Dean of Women, will replace Mrs. Lu-
cille B. Conger, Executive Secretary
of Alumnae Council, as Wyvern ad-
visor this semester.
The new Wyvern offiers, elected
last spring following the initiation,
are Carol Lieberman of Martha Cook,
president; Virginia Olberding of Al-
pha Phi, secretary; and Betty Hahne-
man of Betsy Barbour, treasurer.
WAA Notices
Volleyball teams competing in the
WAA interhouse tournament may
practice from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
Mondays through Fridays at Bar-
bour Gym.
Any team may reserve a court for
practice time by signing up in the
gym, according to Betty Eaton, WAA
intramural manager.
Coeds who expect to receive par-
ticipation points for serving as tim-
ers and scorers for their teams in
the WAA volleyball tournament will
be required to attend a meeting at
7:30 p.m. today in Barbour Gym.
Officers Are Selected
By Ball, Chain Club
The Ball and Chain Club, former-
ly called the Vets Wives' Clubran-
nounces the results of their recent
New officers are Mrs. Haskell R.
Coplin, president; Mrs. John Ricker-
son, vice-president; Mrs. L. Carrel
IDaugherty, secretary; and Mrs.
Ralph Helber, treasurer.
Mrs. John F. Howell, program
chairman; Mrs. Douglas Wilson, so-
cial chairman; Mrs. Robert Matson,
membership chairman; and Mrs.
Jan Cooper, publicity chairman were
also elected.
The Ann Arbor Field Hockey Club
will hold its first meeting at 8:30
a.m. Sunday in the Women's Athletic
All women graduate students are
invited to attend. Those interested,
but unable to attend the organiza-
tional meeting, may call Mildred
Anderson at the Department of Phy-
sical Education for Women.

MICHIGAN'S immortality is for-
ever assured and the busts of
Bean and Bean will grace the Halls
of Fame-that is as soon as Wash-
ington receives our report that a
vital post-war shortage has been
solved and prosperity is at hand.
We have decided to reveal the story
of our discovery to the world before
a grateful public beats its path to
our door with repulsive financial re-
Armed with safari helmets, 2
dozen handkerchiefs, sun glasses,
binoculars, and a $1.00 official
program, reputed twice as bene-
ficial as thesmediocre 50 cent edi-
tion, we pushed our way through
throngs of perspiring football en-
thusiasts toward the upper-class-
men's section of the Michigan sta-
THE LOCATION of section 33
proved a poignant shock. With a
sweltering sun determinedly follow-
ing us, we finally prepared to flop
into seats 14 and 15 in the mythical
shade of the Northern goal posts.
However, by the adroit crossing of
legs and tilting of thighs, we eventu-
ally managed to bring our two bodies
into harmonious communion with
seat 15. (Fourteen had shrunk out
of existence-some grad veteran,
grown fat on war profits, no doubt.)
By adjusting helmet and sun-
glasses and making judicious
swipes at his brow with a handker-
chief, my husband discovered that
what he had Considered sunspots

could be distinguished as a ser-
ies of Lilliputian figures on the
field, drawn up, he perceived by
adjusting his binoculars to dis-
tance plus (hitherto reverently re-
served for luscious blondes), "in
playing formation."
THE END of the first quarter
found my astigmatic orbes
bleared. "Darling,"said my husband.
"there's only one pair of field
bleared. "Darling," said my husband,
sides, 'I know more about football.
I'll watch the game while you rest."
This seemed an excellent suggestion,*
and I settled back to enjoy my first
legitimate stick. of post-war gum.
After an hour I began to feel
judiciously under the bench with a
mind to reclamation. Then I made
the tremendous discovery which
will bring us fame. There are
mountains, veritable stalactites of
gum under those benches! At once,
I realized here was our chance to
avert the coming depression. This
gum could be collected at the end
of each game, purified, and recon-
verted into a permanent gum to
supply a starved market.
PRODUCTIVITY of other items
would increase-cigars, vacuum
cleaners, diapers. America and the
world would be on the road to pros-
perity! I notified my husband of the
idea at once, and as the game was
already over, we left immediately.
Well enough of this-sufficient to
say we have talked to rubber ex-
perts (who prefer to remain anony-
mous) and they agree re-vitalized
gum will save the nation.


Vital Post-War Shortage Solved
By 'U' Students Behind Qoal Post

"Try to laugh on the outside -
cause it's crowded on the inside"
could well be the theme song of this
campus during meal times. The in-
terminable lines at registration, for
Ohio State football tickets, and the
Willow Run bus are small compared
to the hordes of people all trying to
jam into any available hamburg
stand for lunches and dinners. The
milling crowds that arrive in town
for football games do not add any
brightness to the situation.
The only thing to do to alleviate
this state of affairs is to work out
an infallible system - if possible.
Some desperate students have band-
ed together, bought their own sup-
plies and set up light housekeeping.
However, for those who can't cook
or open cans, still other solutions
can be found.
A Friend Indeed
Very often students have friends
who come early (say 2 or 3 hours)
and save a choice spot. At such times
ten or fifteen people are seen crowd-
ed together at a table for four, eat-
ing from everyone else's plate.
Some have resorted to ordering
while standing, in the hopes that by
the time the food is brought, a table
will be secured. Another trick is to
make friends with the owners and
waitresses, so that special attention
and courtesy will be extended.
Inside StoryI
However even when a student is

among those fortunate to get in-
side a restaurant, and even to a ta-
ble, he is met with the glares of o-
thers left standing in aisles who are
pushed back anci forth by the dash-
ing waitresses. These hungry vul-
tures stand ready to grab a seat as
soon as the dessert is served, or
someone gets up to get a pack of cig-
In spite of these conditions, res-
taurant owners have tried to coop-
erate in every possible way to ac-
commodate the students in the
quickest, most efficient manner.
Duringthe present meat shortage
they have also tried to vary the menu
to as great an extent as possible. In
order to be fair 'regular' customers
will get top priority.
Students Can Help
The students themselves can help
solve the problem by coming a little
before or after rush hours whenever
possible. Lingering over a last cig-
arette while others wait, reading the
paper or doing homework at the ta-
ble, changing orders, and visiting
with friends all help to slow the serv-
Perhaps the crowded situation as
it stands today will be improved
soon, but until then there is still one
suggestion that few people have ever
thought of. That is, eliminating the
habit of eating entirely. However,
there are too many who would ob-
ject to this suggestion-all of which
leaves us back where we started.

It's "To Each His Own" this week with popular
Eddy Howard's band . . . or perhaps you're more
interested in oldies 'like "hum-boogie" and "Well
All Right!" featuring the Andrews Sisters or "We
Three" and "Java Jive" by the original Ink Spots
. . . Another memory snatcher is T. Dorsey's fine
album containing "I'll Never Smile Again," "Star-
dust," "Song Of India," and "I'm Getting Senti-
mental Over You." Make it one of your major
vices to stop in and see us at the - . .
715 North University, Phone 3542
Across from the Diagonal - Ann Arbor


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dispensable for out-
r . . .sportswear .
ack, Brown, Grey.
l95 to 10,9
Sizes 10 to 18

In the face of rising prices, the MICHIGAN-
ENSIAN offers you MORE for your money!
Have your Senior Picture taken AND
printed in YOUR book for the former print-
ing price of $2.00.
Pictures being taken from October 14th
to November 1st only. No other pictures will
appear in the yearbook.
Make annointments NOW at the Stu.



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