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October 03, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-03

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Fifty-Seventh Year

Conservative ' Dream World

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman...................Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim...............Editorial Directo
Clayton Dickey ............................ City Editor
Mary Brush ........................... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............................. Associate Editor
Paul Harsha .......................... Associate Editor
Clark Baker .............................. Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ............................. Women's Editor
Lynne Ford..................Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter....................Business Manager
Evelyn Mills...............Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.................Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches creditedtoitor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offeie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Yale Research
FROM TIME TO TIME instances are brought
to light in which one of our universities is
performing some outstanding service for the
American public. One of the most recent of
these was made known by the publication of
the first interim, report of the Labor and Man-
agement Center of Yale University.
This group has undertaken research studies
on problems basic to an understanding of
labor and management relations. The five
branches of this work cover union policy and
1pactice, management policy and. practice
in industrial relations, and the supply of and
demand for labor. In addition, the studies in-
clude the impact of technological innovations
on industrial relations, and the reaction to
unions by workers, management and public.
In this work a concerted effort is being made
to find the way through the network of con-
flicting policies and actions to determine the
basic principles which will lead to mutual un-
derstanding. To test the reaction to unions by
management, the director of the Center, E. W.
Bakke, discussed union-management relations
with sixty leaders from each field. It is not ex-
pected that such a survey willprovide an im-
mediate answer to the labor problem, but that
this co-ordination of views will lead to a greater
appreciation of the difficulties that each must
The tendency to guide one's actions by one's
own welfare has long aggravated the field of
labor relations. With the survival of democratic
principles resting, in large part, on the ultimate
reconciliation of union and management pol-
icies, Yale University is to be commended in
performing this service.
-Ken Herring

CONSERVATIVE commentators are having an
hysterical, thigh-slapping good time out of
Mr. Wallace's forced exit from the Cabinet. They
murmur that Mr. Hannegan will be the next
man to go, and that when he goes, liberals will
not even be able to put a phone call through to
the White House any longer. One conservative
commentator says gurglingly that with Wallace
and the liberals now on the outside, the Demo-
crats themselves are "certain" to amend the
Wagner Labor Relations Act after the election,
if they win; if they don't, the Republicans will
amend it. If these results are "certain," no
matter who wins the election, one wonders why
we should have an election; for the campaign
then becomes an all-conservative derby, strictly
intramural sports.
It is barely possible, however, that the con-
servative commentators are wrong, and that
so is their pretty picture of two identical con-
servative parties, contending from now on in
meaningless election campaigns, with nothing
more important at issue between them than a
loving cup.
Has conservatism really driven the liberals up
an alley, and has it barred the gate against their
exit? One wonders. There are certain facts
which conservatives will find it hard to fit into
this picture. One is the fact that there are
more than twelve million fully organized work-
ers in America, and you can't keep twelve million
people and their families in an alley; no alley
will hold them. Another is the fact that the
liberal wing has been the decisive wing in the
Democratic party, in the sense that Roosevelt
would have won all four of his elections even if
the entire Solid South had gone Republican each
time. A third is the plain fact that this is 1946,
the year of a world-wide leftward movement;
the United States cannot pick this as the year in
which to have the liberal movement disappear
without running counter to a world trend; and
while some such obscure and unique role may
lie ahead of us there is nothing to indicate that
is necessarily so.
It is easy to see why conservative commenta-
tors should be tickled by the notion that the
liberal movement has been permanently exiled
from American politics, and that from here on
out, two conservative parties are going to divide
the field between them, on the basis of amiable
potato races, held every two years. But the
conservative who tries to fit the above facts into
his sketch will find his jig-saw puzzle coming
out with five corners.
" Column for Sale
What Dictionary?
ONE OF OUR ex-Marine friends was putting
his English I section through some diction-
ary work the other day, making a distinction
between slang and colloquialisms.
Our man asked for an example of slang with
an English equivalent as a starter, and one of
his students, also an ex-Marine, came up with
this one:
"How about 'slop shoot' for 'beer joint'?"
,,..jc *
That Column Again
To The Daily:
TODAY IN THE DAILY section "It So Hap-
pens" in an article entitled "No Pushing
Please," I noticed a reference to a Portugese
edition of the Student Directory that is being
released in Buenos Aires.
I don't believe that such a statement is go-
ing to be a big help in answering a question
that I have been asked many times since I
came to this country. "What language do you
speak down there, Portuguese or Spanish?
Dear editor, we speak Spanish.
-Enrique G. Valente
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Short and to the Point
THE FOLLOWING fragment, found in one
of the office typewriters, is reprinted in

Dear Bert,
This is the long-delayed letter that I should
have written quite awhile ago. There isn't
a hell of a lot to say
*' * * *
Clssi fied
0NE OF OUR BOYS who has long since been
deflated from a veteran down to his nat-
ural size as a reporter, was given a shot in the
arm the other day. Stepping off one line and
on to another with the poise of the inveterate
perrenial student he automatically reached in-
to his pocket to pay for a copy of his blueprint.
When his turn finally came, the clerk told him
that no payment would be necessary.
"How come?" inquired our man, "I thought
there was a charge of fifty cents."
"Not for you," was the sweet reply, accom-
panied by a fluttering of the eyelids. "You've
been away and come back."
* * * *
Contributions for this column come from all
members of The Daily staff and are the re-
sponsibility of the editorial director.

WE MUST REMEMBER that the fight be-
tween the liberal and conservative wings of
the Democratic party is an old fight, not a new
one. We must also remember that for many
years the conservative wing seemed even farther
"out" than the liberal wing is today. It has come
back. It has come back because it became con-
scious of itself, because it organized, because it
sought and won allies in the Republican party,
and because it mastered the trick of opposing
the President without leaving the party.,
Liberals did not have to use these tactics,
because they had Roosevelt. It has taken them
a year to realize that he is gone, that a bril-
liant inter-wing tactician has been replaced by
a man who is merely an unhappy football be-
tween the factions, a man who takes much too
seriously the same editorials which failed, four
times in a row, to defeat Roosevelt. But this
need not mean that the liberals are out of the
party. They enter now a molecular stage of
organization and building, similiar to that on
which the disgusted conservative wing embarked
in 1936; and they will be helped if they but
realize that they have as much right to remain
in the party, and to make themselves at home
in it, as the conservatives had, back then. They
need to organize, to seek allies, to win local
victories, with the feeling that they will be in
the party when Mr. Truman himself shall have
left the scene.
They can even carry with them the thought
that if a new party alignment ever does become
inevitable, that should arise when the conserva-
tives leave; and not because the decisive wing
of the party troops tamely out under one man's
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
oCPeti to tle 6c/to,.
EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the editor will be
printed unless signed. Letters over 300 words in
length will be shortened or omitted.
MYDA Seeks Members
To the Editor:
TONIGHT AT 7:30 in the Union the first
meeting this semester of MYDA will be
held. There are a great many people on campus
who have never heard of Michigan Youth for
Democratic Action and there are some that hold
odd misconception as to the purpose and func-
tion of such an organization. This letter will
serve as an introduction to the club and an in-
vitation to all who can meet this minimum pro-
gram to attend its meeting.
MYDA is an affiliate organization of the
national club, American Youth for Democracy.
It is composed of people who believe in trans-
lating into action what all of us profess to be-
lieve in: American Democracy. To MYDA this
means racial equality, so MYDA is an inter-
racial organization. It means education for all,
so MYDA is for lowering instead of raising ed-
ucation costs. It stands for a foreign policy dic-
tated by reason and understanding, not one re-
lying on sheer force.
Perhaps the main function of MYDA is an
educational one, an opportunity for people who
do not believe Henry Wallace, 'Claude Pepper;
and the CIO to be "dreamy-eyed visionaries"
or "members of the lunatic fringe" but men far
more realistic than those who dream of an
American Century and Peace with half the world
free and half slave to come together, express
themselves and act on their convictions.
What MYDA needs is a great many new
members. If you have valid criticism on the
club in the method by which it carries out its
program or suggestions for the future, come to
the meeting t o n i g h t and find out more
about it. We want your ideas and we want you
to stay and work with us. Election of officers
will be carried on with voting open to all new
members and all old ones in good standing.
-Max Dean
Football Seat Injustice
To the Editor:
FOR THE PAST few weeks I have been listen-
ing to threats of what will happen to under-
classmen who don't turn in upperclass football
tickets they "illegally" hold. And now they are
encouraged to, see the "justice" of their doing
so. This, it is hoped, will bring in more tickets

for juniors and seniors.
When the word "justice" is used, we must
be careful to use it correctly. The real justice,
of course, is that all students and faculty should
be given the best seats in the stadium and out-
siders then may have those left. I have been
entertaining this naive notion for some years,
and believe it is too bad that one must wait
until his senior year to sit close enough to view
the "character" Mr. Crisler builds in 55 stu-
dents out of some 18,500.
The student government might well inves-
tigate why the public, merely because they can
afford to pay more, always receive better con-
sideration than students at University affairs
such as this. Student seating at football games
is a token discharge of! an obligation those in
the administration no longer bother to fulfill.
Hunting down freshmen and sophomores who
are only rightfully claiming what is theirs is
avoiding the real issue. I dislike sitting in sec-
tion 30 after 12 semesters in the University,
but I dislike even more being told it is the un-
derclassmen's fault.
-C. N. Ballentine, '48Med.

b \
M~Copr. 1946 by U,,ud Feat,,. -Syndcate, ac.
Tem. Reg. U. S. Pat. Of.-All rights reservaed
"Well, at least it breaks the wind."


(Continued from Page 3)

in regard to both their scholastic
work and any outside experience they
may have had. A statement should
also be made about their plans for
further study in Aeronautical Eng.
The present draft classification
and any service record should be
mentioned.sApplications will be re-
ceived up to Oct. 9.
for veterans and their wives. West
Court Community Building, 1045
Midway Blvd., Willow Run Village.
Thurs., Oct. 3, 8:00 p. m.: Sewing
Fri., Oct. 4, 9:00-11:00 a. m.: Reg-
istration for children who have been
enrolled in the Cooperative Nursery
School; 8:00 a. m.: Classical Record-
ings, Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commenta-
Oct. 9: Goodyear's Style Show,
sponsored by the Wives of Student
Veterans' Club. Everybody is cor-
dially invited.
Oct. 16: Dean Hayward Keniston
will speak.- This lecture will inaug-
urate a series of Wednesday night
lectures at West Court. They will
be given by outstanding people from
the University and are open to the
Dr. Erwin Panofsky, Professor of
history of art in the Institute for Ad-
vanced Studies, Princeton, N.J., will
lecture on Wed., Nov. 6, at 4:15 p.m.,
in the Rackham Amphitheater under
the auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts. His subject will be "Et in
Arcadia Ego." The public is cordially
Academic Notices
Graduate Record Examination will
be offered for graduate students on
Oct. 22 and 24, beginning at 6:30
p.m. Students taking the examina-
tion must attend both sessions.
Graduate students who have not
turned in to the Graduate School of-
fice the fee receipts for the Gradu-
ate Record Examination will not be
eligible to take the examination this
First Year Graduate Students. The
results of the Graduate Records Ex-
amination which you took as sen-
iors at the University last May are
now available. Your own profile may
be obtained at the Graduate School
office, Oct. 1 through Oct. 4. The re-
sults are useful in revealing strengths
and weaknesses in your preparation
for continued work and hence, will
be a useful guide to you.
First Semester Juniors. The re-
sults of the Graduate Record Exam-
ination which you took during the
Spring Term are now available. The
test scores should be useful to you in
helping to plan the remainder of
your University program. You may
obtain your individual profile chart
in the Ofice of the Academic Coun-
selors according to the following

A-F......Tues., Oct. 1
G-L......Wed., Oct. 2
M-R...... Thurs., Oct. 3
S-Z.......Fri., Oct. 4
Courses may not be elected for
credituafter the end of the second
week. Sat., Oct. 5, is therefore the
last day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
instructor to admit a student later
will not affect the operation of this
E. A. Walter
Algebra Seminar: First meeting at
4:15 p.m. Fri., Oct. 4, to select topics.
Rm. 3201 Angel Hall.
The Botanical Seminar will meet
in Rm. 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
at 4:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 4. Dr. P.
Maheshwari of Dacca University,
India, will give a lecture concerning
"Botanical Research in India." All
interested are invited to attend.
Fencing classes for men will meet
in the combat room of the IM. Bldg.
on Tuesday,. Wednesday and Thurs-
day afternoons at 4:30 p.m. sharp and
last until 5:30 p.m. Beginners wel-
come. Foils and masks will be fur-
MATHEMATICS 30: Orientation
Seminar will have its first meeting
Thurs., Oct. 3, at 7:00 p.m. Rm. 3001
Angell Hall.
following seminars will be conducted
in the Mathematics Department:
Algebra - Professor Thrall. First
meeting Fri., Oct. 4, 4:15 p.m., 3201
Angell Hall.
Applied Mathematics - Professor
Churchill. First meeting Wed., Oct. 9,
3:00 p.m., 315 W. Eng.
Bamach Spaces-Professor Hilde-
brandt. First meeting Tues., Oct. 8,
4:00 p m. 3201 Angell Hall.
Dynamical Systems - Professor
Kaplan. First meeting Mon., Oct. 7,
3:00 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall.
Orientation-Prof. Rainich. First
meeting Thurs., Oct. 3, 7:00 p.m. 3001
Angell Hall.
Special Functions - Professor
Rainville. First4meeting Wed., Oct.
9, 10:00 a.m. .340-W. Eng.
Statistics-Professor Craig. N'ext,
meeting Wed., Oct. 9, 11:00 a.m. 3003
Angell Hall.
Stochastic Processes - Professor
Copeland. Hours to be announced.
Topology-To be announced.
Physical Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Thurs., Oct. 3, in Rm. 151
'Chemistry Bldg., at 4:15 p.m. Mr.
Juan D. Curet will speak on "Mag-
netic Properties of Nickel Com-
pounds." All interested are invited.
Spanish la and 2a (Extension Divi-
sion): The first review lesson for
Spanish 2a (Extension Division) will
be given on Thurs., Oct. 3, at 7:30
p.m. Rm. 108, Romance Languages
Bldg. 2 hrs. credit, del Toro. There
will be a great deal of conversational
Spanish la-Beginningdourse-em-
phasis on oral practice. Class meets
on Tues., Oct. 1, at 7:30 p.m., Rm.
108 Romance Languages Bldg. 2 hrs.
credit. del Toro.
Events Today
Mens' Glee Club
The second section of the Glee Club

koski, Laity, Laughrin Le Clair,
Learman, Lindquist, Lloyd, MacVeety,
Madison, Matthaei, .Malitz, McCain,
McGowan, McLaughlin, Miller, Mor-
ris, Morrison, Norris, Petach, Pol-
luck. Plott, Pringle, Quetsch, Red-
ner, Ross, Ryckman, Schafer, Smith,
Sommerfeld, Spencer, Stephenson,
Stewart, Talbot, Tattersall, Toine-
berger, Van Husen. Westphal, Wil-
helm, Wilson, Winters, Witham,
The Thursday Evening Record
Concert, sponsored by the Graduate
School, will be given in the Men's
Lounge this evening at 7:45. The
program will include Beethoven's
Emperor Concerto and the first act
of Mozart's Magic Flute. All gradu-
ate students are cordially invited.
TION CLUB will hold its first meet-
ing of the season on Thurs., Oct. 3,
at 4:15 in the Library of the Uni-
versity Elementary School. Plans for
the coming year will be discussed.
All who are interested are invited to
The American Veterans' Commit-
tee will hold nominations, for all ma-
jor offices at its weekly meeting on
Thurs., Oct. 3, at 7:30 p.m., in Rm.
308, Michigan Union.
The Willow Village AVC chapter
will have a "Report to the Veteran"
rally this evening at 8:00 at West
Court Community Bldg. John Field
from the Michigan AVC Area Coun-
cil will speak on the subject, "What
AVC Has Done," and Jerry McCos-
key of the Village chapter will speak
on the subject, "What AVC Can Do."
International Center: The second
in the series of weekly teas will be
held today in the International Cen-
ter at 4:30 today. Foreign students,
and their friends are invited to at-
Sigma Gamma Epsilon will meet in
the Russell Seminar Room, 4065 Nat-
ural Science today at 4:00. All mem-
bers are urged to attend.
Inter-Faith Discussion group will
meet at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30.
Association Departmental meetings
are scheduled for Thursday evening
at 7:30 at Lane Hall.
The Modern Poetry club will hold
its first meeting tonight at 7:30 in
the League. Plans for the coming
year will be discussed. Anyone inter-
ested in modern poetry is invitedto
attend. The, room will be posted on
the bulletin board in the League lob-
The Inter-Racial Association will
hold its first meeting of the semes-
ter tonight at 7:15 in the Kalamazoo
Room of the League in order to for-
mulate plans for the coming year.
All interested persons are urged to
attend. Representatives of all racial
groups are invited to participate in
order to make this a campus wide
Inter-Racial Association.
MYDA meeting tonight at 7:30 in
the Garden Room of the Leagu.
Plans for the coming semester will
be discussed and a report of previous
meetings will be given. Group sing-
ing will be included. All.invited.
B'ail B'rith Hillel Foundation:
The Hillel News staff will meet to-
day at 4:15 p.m. All interestedin
joining the staff to write for or help
plan the paper are invited to attend.
Coming Events
WISITORS' NIGHT will be held at
the Angell Hall Observatory on Fri.,
Oct. 4, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The
Moon will be shown if the night is
clear. Children must be accompanied
by adults. If the sky is cloudy, the

Observatory will not be open.
is planning a bike hike fo' Sun., Oct.
6. All graduate students, faculty
members, and veterans are invited.
Sign up and payhsupper fee at the
fcheck desk in the Rackham Bldg.
before noon Sat. Meet at the Outing
Club rooms in the Rackham Bldg. at
2:30 p.m. on Sun. Use the northwest
International Center: The Annual
Fall Assembly for Foreign Students
will be held in the Rackham Audi-
torium at 7:30 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 5.
Theme of the evening: "A Century
and More of International Education
at the University of Michigan." A
Reception, by invitation, Will be held
in the Assembly Hall immediately
following the Assembly.
will leave Lane Hall at 4:00 p.m. on
Friday, Oct. 4. All delegates must
bring their own bedding. Busses will
return from Pinebrook Farm at 9:30
Sat. evening.
Le Cercle Francais will hold its
first meeting of the year Tues., Ot.
8 at 8:00. p.m., Rm. 305 Michigan
Union. Program: Election of the of-
ficers of the club, group singing, a
social hour and an informal talk by
Professor Charles 'E. Koella entitled,
"Ou va .a France?"
All students on the Campus (in-
cluding Freshmen) with one year of

Monetary Fund
ONE OF THE most disastrous mistakes in
United States history was made after the
first World War when the country allowed a
series of successively higher tariffs to be passed,
culminating in the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930,
which brought international trade to a com-
plete standstill.
The economic, if not the political, inter-
dependence of the world has finally been rec-
ognized by nations. International trade is
the only peaceful means by which the econ-
omic needs of one nation can be satisfied by
the surplus commodities of another. It is
vital that such trade be relatively unrestricted.
At present it is not enough merely to lift
tariff restrictions. The monetary policies of all
countries must be stabilized to facilitate ex-
For the purpose of such stabilization, the In-
ternational Monetary Fund has been set up. At
the first business meeting of the board of gov-
ernors of this fund last Saturday, President
Truman spoke, outlining the responsibility of
this group in providing a stable economic world.
In addition, the United States, Britain and Can-
ada have paved the way for the work of the
fund by recently stabilizing their money values
on an international basis.
It is encouraging to note that the United
States is one of the leaders in this movement
toward world economic control. International


rI'm sorry, son. But that imaginary
pixie has put in his application
too late. We signed new contracts

It was an interesting session,
Ellen. How easy it is to arrive
of a just solution when people

ef~gtfA. .. N s s p. Pon .

Still- My main interest is
the education of children-
And1 there's s much for me

From anyone
who's really

-Ucd -ero





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