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January 19, 1947 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-19

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JANUARY 19, 194


Lrmy Court Martial Reform
Supported by_'U' Veteran

Insuring that the officers as-
signed to court-martial work are.
ualified lawyers is equally as im-
ortant as enlarging the Army's
udge Advocate General's Depart-
ent in eliminating the defects in
e present military judiciary sys-
em, according to Leonard Men-
elson, pre-law student at the Uni-
Mendelson, who served with the
A Section of the 8th Army in Ja-
an as a Trial Judge Advocate,
fense Counsel, and law member
of a General Court-Martial, de-
lared that "an adequate trial
rocedure demands that these po-
itions be filled by graduate law-
ers, not used as proving grounds
for would-be lawyers as in my own
Influencing Court
Commenting on other phases of
a House bill to overhaul the Army's
court-martial system, Mendelson
strongly favored the proposal
which would make it illegal for a
commander or other person to at-
tempt to influence a court or the
eviewing authority or to repri-
mand a court or its members for
their decisions. "A number of
times in my own experience," Men-
delson declared, "a commanding
fficer has officially reprimanded
court for its actions. I believe
hat the courts should be able to
unction free from coercion by the
.ommand authority," he said.
"Officers most always get lighter'
sentences than enlisted men,"
Mendelson asserted, adding that in
cases in which he participated very
few officers received what he con-
sidered adequate sentences.
Lichfield Case
Mendelson pointed to the Lich-
Forein Students
Will Be Honored
Graduating foreign students will
be honored at this week's tea at
4:30 p.m. Thursday in the Inter-
national Center.
Although the exact number of
students from other countries who
are graduating is not known, about
25 Chinese students are included
in the group who are leaving.

field case as the most prominent
example of biased courts. In this
case Col. Killian, commanding of-
ficer of Lichfield barracks where
American military prisoners were
maltreated as a result of his or-
ders, received a small fine and a
reprimand whereas a number of
his enlisted men received prison
terms even though the prosecu-
tion admitted that the subordi-
nates were following the Colonel's
Permitting enlisted men to sit
on courts-martial of enlisted men,
another of the Congressional pro-
posals, is not favored by Mendel-
son. He maintains that this would
do nothing to change the trials of
officers and would still leave a
two-thirds majority of officers on
the EM's courts.
Death Sentence
Contrary to popular belief; the
death sentence is mandatory only
in the case of spying, he said, ex-
plaining that a court-martial can
give a sentence of life imprison-
ment for rape or murder. All Gen-
eral Courts Martial decisions are
reviewed by not only the local
commander, but by the JAG's of-
fice in Washington as well.
Church News
CIPLES GUILD will meet at 6 p.m.
today for supper at the Memorial
Christian Church.
Reports of the Chicago, Merom
and Urbana conferences will be
given by George Shepard, Melvin
Marcus, Barbara Stauffer, Russell
Fuller, Margaret Long, Don Ervin
and Bill Rich.
* * *
Dr. Richard T. Baker, lecturer
and writer, will speak at WES-
LEYAN GUILD, at 5:30 p.m. in
the First Methodist Church.
"The Place of Apologetics in the
Christian Faith," will be discussed
at the meeting of the MICHIGAN

Pastors o Attend Conference;
Baker To Discuss Paradoxes

Journalist Will Speak
At Methodist Church
Dr. Richard T. Baker, who re-
cently spent six months as a jour-
nalist and photographer in the
Far East, will discuss "Paradoxes
of our Time" at 5:30 p.m. today at
the First Methodist Church.
In the summer of 1945, Dr. Bak-
er returned from two years spent
as a teacher and acting dean of the
Post Graduate School of Journal-
ism in Chungking, China. A few
months after his return to Amer-
ica he received the journalistic
assignment that sent him abroad
Dr. Baker has traveled twice'
around the world and twice to Eu-
rope. In 1927 and 1938, he visited'
thirty-two foreign countries on
the terms of a Pulitzer fellowship
awarded by Columbia University.
In 1939 he was a member of the
American delegation to the World
Conference of Christian Youth in
Amsterdam, Holland.
Dr. Baker will also speak at 7:15
p.m. Wednesday in the Methodist
Hold Those Bonds!

'Meeting Will Include
Lectures, Discussions
The three-cay Pastors' Confer-
ence to be held tomorrow through
Wednesday at the University will
be attended by more than 500
Michigan ministers.
Principal speakers at the con-
ference will be Dr. Walter M. Hor-
ton, professor of theology at Ober-
lin College, who will deliver four
lectures; Rev. O. Walter Wagner
of Jackson, who will speak on "Eu-
rope's Children" and Erwin L.
Shaver, of the International Coun-
cil of Religious Education, and
Conrad H. Moehlman, professor
emeritus of Colgate-Rochester
Theological Seminary, wh- will
lead a discussion of religic- 8edu-
cation in the public schools.
A series of small group confer-
ences and forums have also been
arranged for ministers attending
the Conference.
Dr. Richard T. Baker, who has
recently returned from the Orient
where he represented the Religious
News Service, will speak to the spe-
cial youth section meeting Tues-
day and Wednesday.
All sessions will be held in the
Rackham Building, with the ex-
ception of the dinner meeting
Tuesday at the First Methodist
Church and the dinner meeting
Wednesday in the First Presby-
terian Church.
Read and Use
The Daily Classifieds!

Old Episcopal ean Bursley I
Prayer Books At End of Pres
On Exhibition (Co ed from Page 1)
Disp y Prepared coming back. He commented that
Dislay 'ie~lredf o. 'he has met many students this
Pastors' Conference past semester who are the sons of
students he knew when he first
A display of Anglican and Prot- took office.
estant Episcopal prayer books at Students the Same
the Clements Library will com- Commenting on his acquaint-
memorate the 340th annversary ance with students during the past
of the first Anglican Communon quarter of a century, Dean Bursley
service in America. I said that students of today are no
The exhibit ranges from a copy different than before. He said they
of an Anglican prayer book of the are no more serious, or wild, now
reign of Queen Elizabeth to a copy than in the past. "Still students,"
of the Book of Common Prayer au- was his way of summing it up.
authorized in 1928 which now Recounting a story about a fa-
is used by the Protestant Episcopal vorite student trick of calling up
Church in America. a dean at an unkind hour, Dean
Prepared especially for the Bursley related that once he was
Michigan Pastors' Conference called at 2 a.m. by a student who
here, the display will run until blurted out "s'at you s'Joe?" When
Feb. 8. Dean Bursley admitted his iden-
Most valuable book in the ex- tity, the student said "Well s'Joe,
hibit, according to Clements' Li- you old scoundrel, Whatch you
brary officials. is a copy of Thomas doing up at this time o'night?"
Hariot's "Virginia," which tells of Dean Bursley said he told the
the religious services in 1585 at anonymous caller he was talking
Roanoke Island, N.C., the first to him' and suggested they both go
English colony in America. The back to sleep.
book was printed in London in Aided Union Plans
1588 and is the only perfect copy The men on campus who treas-
known in America. Temno apswotes
Also on exhibit is the prayer ure their center, the Union, owe a
book proposed by Archbishop Laud vote of thanks to Dean Bursley. He
in 1637 at St. Giles, Edinburgh, was chairman of the first jhousing
Scotland. The use of the book committee for getting it built, and
prompted a lady member of the he worked on the campaign for
congregation to throw her stool Whnag money for its construction.
at the clergyman and led many When the plans for the Union went
Scotsmen to emigrate to America through, Dean Bursley became
in a Presbyterian protest against chairman of the building commit-
Anglican liturgy. tee. He also served as financial
The first picture of an Episco- secretary of the Union fora num-
pal church in America ever to be ber'of years.
printed in this country, engraved During World War I Dean Burs-
in 1787 at Philadelphia, may be ley organized a course in Army
viewed by visitors to the exhibition. stores to train men in ordnance.
The earliest record of the first He was called to Washington by
communion service held in the the War Department to take
British colonies in North America charge of training courses in oth-
in 1607 at Jamestown is recorded in er colleges for the Ordnance
John Smith's "General Historie of Corps. The course Dean Bursley
Virginia," printed in 1624 in Lon- set up here was copied by other
don. This book and another by colleges throughout the country.
John Smith, "Advertisements," are Bursleys Gave 'Teas
included in the display. One of Dean Bursley's jobs is

Our Specialty .. .

Iue To Retire
ant Semester
Membership on the Committee of
Orientation Week. Dean Bursley
said that for a number of years he
and the late Mrs. Bursley used to
give teas for the freshmen at their
home. They would hold two teas in
two days, he said, so that they
could meet all the freshmen.
The teas featured ice cream and
cake for refreshments, and usually
1,000 to 1,200 dishes of ice cream
were consumed. Dean Bursley re-
marked with a smile that he has
an idea there were repeaters- at
the ice cream tables.
Read and Use
The Daily Classifieds!




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