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January 19, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-19

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Le Corbusier's Architecture,
Art Are Dsplayed in Exhibit

colleges Copy_'U' Registration Systei

Le Corbusier is one of the most
outstanding present-day architects
in Europe and in the world, ac-
cording to Prof. Jean Paul Slusser;
director of the University art
An exhibit .of Le Corbusier's
works is now on display in the
Alumni Memorial Hall Art Gal-
Although Le Corbusier, an archi-
tect, has attained international
fame for his ultra-modernistic
buildings, his talents have not been
limited to the realm of structural
design. Le Corbusier has won Eu-
ropean acclaim also, as an artist
and writer. In the present exhibit,
examples of his cubistic drawings
and reprints of his magazine arti-
cles are included with the plans
and photographs of his architec-
tural ventures.
Le Corbusier was born sixty
years ago in La Chaux-de-Fonds,
Switzerland. He began his studies
under the painter Amedee Ozen-
fant in 1918. Later he combined
his creative imagination with the
engineering skill of his cousin
Pierre Jeanneret to form a part-
nership which designed and exe-
cuted such giant and modernistic
edifices as the Salvation Army.
Building in Paris. During his as-
sociation with Jeanneret, Le Cor-
busier won first prize for his de-
sign of the Geneva League of Na-
tions buildings.
Le Corbusier led the way for
"the new spirit" in design. Simplic-
ity is the keyword of the move-
ment. Principally an architect, Le
Corbusier has combined the prin-
ciples of cubistic painting, the con-
struction of Greek and Roman .an-
tiquity, and the freedom of sim-

plicity to form a new architecture
with inseparable relationship be-
tween construction and design.
At present this noted archi-
tect is busy in Paris with new
projects for rebuilding France. The
exhibit of his work will remain in
the Alumni Memorial Hall Galler-
ies through January.
Children's Art
Exhibit Shows
Varied FTwalents
Young Artists Use
Color, Imagination
Something new, and different
in the way of art shows is being
presented in the current chil-
dren's exhibit at the Rackham
The 125 local school childre:'s
drawings and paintings in the
exhibit,, being sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Art Association, were
chosen by an out-of-town jury
from examples submitted from
all the Ann Arbor elementary and
high schools.
Imaginations Expressed
In their illustrations the young-
sters have taken full advantage
of the opportunity to express
their imaginations freely and col-
orfully. Every means of art ex-
pression has been employed in
the works selected for the ex-
hibit, which include pencil sketch-
es, charcoal drawings, and finger-
paint, watercolor and oil paint-
The exhibit is divided into
grade and age levels. There is
evidence of the child's experiences
in his bewildering environment in
the works of the nursery and kin-
dergarten division,
Sixth Graters' Work
Jack Burbridge and Juanita
White, sixth grade Jones School
students, submitted modernistic,
vivid color designs in their group.
In the junior high school di-
vision Karl Stanbach, 14, a ninth
grade Tappan student, entered an
unusual modern pencil sketch en-
titled "Snake Charmer."
In the advanced high school
section abstraction, caricature,
realism and symbolism have been
developed and perfected to a
greater degree than in the younger
"Children are natural creators,"
Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, director
of the art school, commented af-
ter seeing the children's show.
"The exhibit is an interesting ex-.
perinment," Prof. Slusser contin-
ued, "and one for everyone to

Colleges and universities all ov-
er the country have observed and
copied the registration system set
up by this University in 1930 as a
model of concentrated and effi-
cient organization.
It was Prof. Daniel L. Rich, of
the physics department, then As-
sociate Registrar, who changed
the system which forced students
to trek all over campus from
building to building to get cours-
es approved, residence checked,
pictures taken and fees paid. In-
dignant at the sight of students
waiting to pay their fees, stand-
ing in the rain in lines extending
from University Hall to State
Street, Prof. Rjich approached
Dean Effinger, of the literary col-

lege, with his complaint. The
dean exclaimed, "If you can do
better go to it. I'll make you czar
of the whole thing," and Prof.
Rich went to work.
"The biggest problem was to
convert the faculty to the idea of
congregating in one building,"
Prof. Rich said, but once the sys-
tem was tried in the literary col-
lege, the music, forestry architec-
ture and education schools joined
in, recognizing the advantage of
the new system.
Few changes have been institut-
ed in the arrangement since Prof.
Rich set it up, except for length-
ening the registration period to
three and a half days. "I think
they are still using my old bul-

letin boards." he said, "and
ably the same old numbers
Prof. Rich modestly discl
"too much credit" but he a
ted he was "pleased with the
it had worked out."
Iaifluenza Preventjo
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr.,
man of the epidemiology d
ment of the School of
Health, will be in Hartford,
tomorrow to deliver a lectt
"The Prevention of Influ
before the Hartford Medica
Hold Those l.ond

ARMY AND NAVY LEADERS EXPLAIN MERGER PLAN-Army and Navy leaders assemble at
the White House for A news conference to explain details of their agreement on a compromise
merger plan. Seated, left to right, Sec. of Navy James Forrestal, and Sec, of War Robert Pat-
terson; standing, Maj. Gen. Lauris Norstad, assistant chief of air staff, Army Air Forces; Fleet
Adm. Wm. D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to the President; Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, Army chief of
staff; Fleet Adm. Chester Nimitz, Chief of Naval operations; Vice Adm. F. P. Sherman, Deputy
Chief of Naval Operations.


Minnesota Conducts Tests o
Measuring of Brain Acti'vity,

MacArthur Aide
Wmill ViNt Here

The Hon. Nelson T. Johnson,
secretary-general of the Far East-
ern Commission, Washington, D.C.,
will visit Dr. Esson M. Gale this
Johnson served as United States
Ambassador to China during the
earlier war years, and was later
appointed first United States Am-
bassador to Australia.
As secretary-general of the Far
Eastern Commission, Johnson
transmits the Commission's direc-
tives to Gen. MacArthur in Japan.
The Commission is made up of
representatives of eleven nations.
Johnson was formerly Dr. Gale's
colleague in the United States
Foreign Service in China.

"Not the amps in your pants,
but the volts in your vacuum" are
being measured by a new set of
apparatus measuring the brain's
electrical activity at the Univer-
sity fo Minnesota.
Going by the name of electro-
encephalograph, or EEG for short,
this device was used in the Univer-
sity's hospital in 1931 after it had
been developed in Germany in
1928 but was discontinued later.
During the spring and fall terms,
students in neurology and psychi-
atry will be able to take courses
in the use of this device.
Construction at MSC
Michigan State College expects
to open the spring semester with
actual construction work for a vast
U' Health Service
WillRteiain Open
Regular medical service will be
available for students during the
final examination period and be-
tween semesters, Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director of He;lith Serv-
ice, announced yesterday.
Physical examinations for new
freshmen and transfer students
will be held at Health Service for
the women and at Waterman
Gymnasium for the men during
the orientation period.

expansion program for the Union
Memorial building. Included
anong the projects, for which pre-
liminary work has already been
done, are additional lounging
rooms, guest rooms, dining facil-
ities and offices. First to be con-
structed will be the south wing
with various recreation rooms and
faculty rooms.
Students at Purdue University
will have an opportunity to show
livestock at the Purdue Royal
Livestock Show. Besides showing
various farm, animals, they will
see special features: a display of
top saddle horses of the state, a
greased pig catching contest and
a sheep dog exhibition. Highlight-
ed is a hog calling contest open
only to the faculty members.
Northwestern Apartments
A seven story apartment build-
ing is Northwestern's contribution
to solution of student and faczulty
housing shortage. Sheduled to op-
en this month, it will be open for
occupancy this summer because of
material and labor shortages.
Apartments consist of one to five
rooms for some 200 families; ad-
mittance will be limited to facul-
ty members and students at the
present but will be open to the
public later according to the orig-
inal plans for the endowment-
backed structure.

... at the Village
Civic Orchestra . . .
The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra
will give a concert at 8 p.m. today
at West Lodge.
Warren E. Ketcham will direct
the orchestra and Sidney Straight
will be baritone soloist.
4 *
Voting Registration ...
Residents of Willow Village will
have an opportunity to register
for the coming primary election
Feb. 17 of town and county offi-
cials from 2 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8
p.m., Jan. 24 and 25, Ollie Lyon,
Village AVC registration drive
chairman announced yesterday.
Ypsilanti township residents in
the Village will register at West
Court, but a place has not yet been
designated for Superior Township
registration, Lyon stated. Those
voters who registered last fall do
not have to re-register since both
townships now have permanent
Adult Classes . .
The clothing and foods classes
now being offered to adults at
Willow Run met with success at
their first meetings last week, Al-
fred E. Brose, director of recrea-
tion and adult education at the
Village, stated yesterday.

Just One of a Group
$22-95to$ .00
Riotous prints . . . in crepe
or jersey . .. with pastel or black
backgrounds. Your most flattering
one- or two-piece styles in the
colors to suit you and your wardrobe.
Sizes 9-13.




Main at Liberty


4 f
for Average Figures - $15.
An exquisite foundation with
the famous Flexees "free-
action" back. Front and back
panels of lustrous, durable
Flex-Chine. Boned. Side sec-
tions made of net lastique.
Lace Bra.

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