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January 16, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-16

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VA Goobleygook

more foolish stunts of 1947 As an expedient for raising veteran
Y the Veterans Administra- scholastic standards the order is futile-
en it enforced the rule that since it doesn't alter existing regulations
ent veterans to report the which already provide that student vet-
rs missed. erans will not be eligible for government
the ruling, made in June, help unless they are doing satisfactory
rill deduct the number of work.
is absent from class from Saving money can't be the object of the
ave to which he is entitled.
I have two effects: ruling, since the tremendous cost of en-
financial slap on the wrist larging the VA clerical staff throughout the
o cut classes, by docking nation in order to handle the increased
heir leave pay. paper work will be more than offset by the
vn clerical staff.(On Dec. 12 revenue gained by docking students who
seventh of the University's cut classes. Students will cut classes very.
terans had not yet received seldom if it costs them money.
checks for September.) The senselessness of the ruling is illus-
trated by the fact that a cut on a day when
a student has five classes counts for one-
hed in The Michigan Daily fifth of a day's subsistence, while for cut-
nembers of The Daily staff ting the only class on another day a veteran
e views of the writers only. will be docked a whole day's pay.
-- a~ The next thing will be Saturday morn-
ing inspections.
[ORS: Levy and Recht
. -- -Stuart Finlayson
Battle of T eories
RS to be the usual argu- includes the removal of many of the pres-
roposed tax changes prom- ent controls from the business scene in or-
into a full-scale battle der to encourage industry, and to make
ting economic theories. possible the tax reduction.
ration's opposition to the rms PROGRAM is not without merit. The
ram for slicing income and
eam uerstacing nabme wind present scale of business activity can-
eadily understandable with not be called "normal" because of the arti-
[eral debt clouding the pic- ficial stimulus given by accumulated war
Truman has taken the stand savings. But this level must be maintained
rtax level must remain if if we are to have lasting prosperity and
repayent ofithiebngtHe continue the current price level. The way
inther with retaining the to accomplish this is via the good, old Am-
tic controls that have beenpast 12 years erican capitalism, they feel, and they ap-
deficit financing included pear determined to see the policy through.
the idea that money spent The task of repaying the federal debt has
pression should be repaid not been forgotten in this plan, but merely
ods of prosperity. Accord- postponed until that time when we shall
er time than now to fulfill have reached a permanent basis of pros-
we imposed on ourselves -perity
nd during the war repre- With a Republican majority in both
cratic view. Houses, it would seem certain that their
hand, the Republicans are final tax revision plan will be adopted, re-
ig at giving the country a gardless of its nature. For those who hold
they talk of lower taxes, true to the American tradition, there could
n the manner in which the be no better time than now to show the
;creasemay come. The low rest of the world that you can attain both
do not stand to gain ap- prosperity and freedom, permanently and
a revised tax program, but simultaneously. If the Republican goal can
arning upwards of $10,000 be reached, we shall have forged the strong-
est defense possible against the attack of
ran feeling is that these foreign economic influences upon our way
osed during the war, rep- of life.
sing influence on the group --Ken Herring

IPPINES, by Hernando Abaya, with an
introduction by Harold Ickes, brings out
from under the rigorous censorship of Am-
erican doings in the Far East, the callous-
ness of our imperialism.
Mr. Abaya, a Filipino journalist, and a
former confidential secretary to the late
President Quezon, has presented a factual
account of the growth of the people's Huk-
balahap army, their resistance against the
Japanese, the development of their agrarian
land reforms, the treatment they received
at the hands of the American puppet, Roxas.
In short, here is a complete record of what
MacArthur chooses to call "the mantle of
American sovereignty"; which in reality is
a vicious exploitation of a subject people,
no less destructive in its ultimate manifes-
tations that the British or Dutch treatment
of the East Indians.
There has been a popular notion in this
country, introduced and reiterated by the
apologists for American imperialism, even
down to the level of the high-school history
books, thatourusurpation of the islands from
Spain in 1898 was a Godsend, that the peo-
ple of the Philippines would profit from the
benevolence of the American capitalist.
Whatever has accrued to the material
growth of the Islands, in the way of roads,
sanitation, public health, etc., was the by-
product of American rule, by no means the
essence of it.
Since Mark Twain wrote in 1901, in an
article, "To The Person Sitting in Dark-
ness," while the American armies were
trying to subjugate Andres Bonifacio s
people's army, "There must be two Amer-
ica's: one that sets the captive free, and
one that takes a once-captive's new free-
dom away from him, and picks a quarrel
with him with nothing to found it on,
and then kills him to get his land," the
American capitalists, who have been the
real rulers of the Islands, have kept the
people in the same feudal-colonial state
in which they were found.
Nor has our official position changed. The
recently passed Bell Bill (the Philippine
Trade Act) assures the American capitalist
complete control of the Philippine economy
for another twenty-eight years. By this in-
famous piece of legislation, the Congress has
granted to all of us the right to equal cit-
izenship with the Filipino in his own land.
That the Filipinos had to accept the bill
goes without saying; the threat of the with-
drawal of rehabilitation resources was held
over their heads.
ASIDE from the Islands being so necessary
to replenish the coffers of the sugar and
hemp interests, they are an integral part of
the Pacific "Mare Nostrum" idea. Paul Mc-
Nutt, in a Colliers article, destroyed the myth
that the islands were being maintained for
defensive purposes. They are now our first
line of offense. "We are already committed
to the maintenance of naval and air bases
in the Islands. These are not designed mere-
ly for the protection of the Philippines, nor
even for the defense of the United States.
These bases are expected to be secondary
supporting installations for supply, repair,
and staging activities for all our armed
forces in the Far East." The year before,
he put everything even more succinctly.
"Manila, Tokyo, and Shanghai . . . those
three cities form a triangle comprising the
heartland of the Far East. Within the boun-
daries of this triangle the future of the Far
East will be decided."
This is the sentiment which is guiding
the Truman Administration in a policy
of which every decent American must be
If the men who control American foreign
policy are at all interested in bringing to
the world some of the "lasting peace" of
which they so often speak, they can begin
by cleaning our own house.
-E. E. Ellis

Some people along radio row are saying
that the news commentator is on the way
out. But what is taking his place . . . is that
the liberal commentator . . is being pushed
out . . . Many radio executives argue they
are in business not in order to present
ideas, but chiefly just to provide entertain-
But radio's resistance to ideas seems
mainly opposition to liberal ideas.
-New Republic
W E HAVE enough scientific knowledge to
allow us to nourish properly the three-
quarters of the earth's population -1,500,-
000,000 people - who never get enough to
eat, Dr. Charles F. Kettering, General Mo-
tors research head, told the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of Science
in Boston in his retiring presidential address.
-Science News Letter
SENATOR Robert F. Wagner of New York,
in the midst of a congressional scramble
to rewrite the rights of labor, has proposed
a constructive approach to labor-manage-
ment relations. Wagner favors an expansion
of the existing US Conciliation Service into
a stronger agency with greater prestige, the
better to assist management and labor
-New Republic

p PRo y
~ . ~Tm. 3'. U. S. at. Off.-...All rghts reserved
"Poppa is only a scientist, Junior. The SMART men decide how
to use my inventions."

Letters to the Editor.

EDITOR'S NOT: No letter- to the
editor will be printed unless signed
and written in good taste. ILetters
over 300 words in length will be
shortened or omitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed, at the
discretion of the editorial director.
* * *
Answer on Spaint
To the Editor:
OUR issue of Jan. 15 contains
a communication by Associate
Professor F. Sanchez y Escribano
about the report of a talk given
by me before the Knights of Col-
,umbus on the Spanish Question.
The report was printed earlier in
the Ann Arbor News. The com-
munication is written with more
heat than light and displays com-
plete misunderstanding of the na-
ture of my remarks. It is also, un-
fortunately, the vehicle for a bit-
ter and partisan attack on the
Catholic Church. It is ordinarily
customary for scholars to discuss
what another scholar said rather
than the report of his remarks,
necessarily brief and incomplete,
as carried by a newspaper..Briefly
Professor Sanchez can be an-
swered as follows:
1. Professor Aiton (the writer)
did not say that the Communist
P a r t y dominated Republican


(Continued from Page 3) Everett. 3011 AH; Gram., NS Aud;
Johnston, E Haven; Jones 1121
mean China's total intellectual' NS; Murry, NS Aud; Needham,
surrender or the birth of a new 2231 AH; Park, NS Auditorium;
synthesis? Perkins, 2003 AH; Rich, 225
AH;Savage, 2231 AlH; R. Shedd,
~~ 2. Gallery, AMH; E. Stan-
Academic Notices h;, 4003 AHl; P. Stanlis, W Gal-
Doctoral Examination for Henry lry, AMH; Swift, W Gallery,
Levinstein, Physics; thesis: " AMH; Wolfson, W Gallery, AMH.
Study of the Growth and Structure

* Brightening Dark Week

of Thin Metallic Films," at 3 p.m.,
Thurs., Jan. 16, East Council Rm.,
Rackham. Chairman, H. R. Crane.
. Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Walsh Hagerty, Engineering
Mechanics; thesis: "A Study of
the Motion of a Viscous Fluid in
a Bounded Annulus of Variable
Length," at 4 p.m., Thurs., Jan.
16, Rm. 406, W. Engineering Bldg.
Chairman, R. A. Dodge.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
4:150p.m., Thurs., Jan. 16, Rm.
151, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. E. F.
Westrum will speak on "Thermo-
dynamics of potassium bifluoride."
All interested are invited.
Sociology 90: The hours listed
for this course in the Time Sched-
ule for the second semester are in-
correct. Section 1 will meet MF
at 8 in 307 H.H. and W at 8 inj
3003 A.H. Section 2 will meet TTh
at 8 in 307 HH and S at 8 in 3003
Zoology Seminar: 7:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Jan. 16, Rackham Amphi-
theater. Mr. Richard Manville
will speak on "A study of Small
Mammal Populations in Northern
Michigan." Mr. Sidney Shapiro
will speak on "Variation and Dif-
ferentiation, as Correlated xvith
Distribution, in tie Fish Fuindui-r
lus diaphanus."

English 85 final examination
will be in 2014 AH, Thursday p.m.,
January 30.
English 149 final examination
will be in 2014 AH, Monday p.m.,
January 27.
Room Assignments for German
1, 2, 31, 32final examinations to
be held Saturday, January 25, 1947,
2-5 p.m.
German 1, see. 1, Gaiss, B HH;
German 1, sec 2, Philippson, 2225,
Al; German 1, sec.3,Willey, 3017
AH; German 1, sec. 4, Graf, D AH;
German 1, sec. 5, Philippson, 2225
AH; German 1, sec. 6, Pott, 2003
AH; German 1, sec. 7, Reichart,
206 UH; German 1, sec. 8, Van
Duren, G HH; German 1, sec. 9,
Braun, 101 Ec.; German 1, sec. 10,
Gaiss, B HH; German 1, sec. 11,
Thomas, E HH; German 1, sec. 12,
Bettger, C HH; German 1, sec.
Fihn, 35 AH; German 1, sec. 14,
Dewey, 205 MH; German 1, sec.
15, Brown, 1025 AH; German 1,
sec. 16, Yates, 2003 AH; German
1, sec. 17, Bettger, 2231 AH; Ger-
man 1, sec. 18, Fihn, 35 AH; Ger-
man 1, sec. 19, Van Zwoll, 1025
AH; German 1, sec. 20, Kahan,
C HH; German 1, sec. 21, Reiss,
German 2, sec. 1, Yates, 2003
Al; German 2, sec. 2, Brown, 1025
AH; German 2, sec. 3, Norton,
1025 A: German 2, sec. 4, Willey,


COMPETITION is now open to editorial
columnists, music, book and record
reviewers who wish to write for The
Daily this spring.
Articulate students representing every
shade of opinion are urged to submit
sample columns.
Opinions of columnists will be judged
on the criteria of clear-thinking and
eloquence. They will not be selected to
represent the personal views of The Daily
staff or editors. From those samples
submitted which are satisfactorily writ-
ten, columnists will be selected to repre-
sent more than one major section of
campus opinion.
Student columns will appear either
two or three times weekly.
Columns should deal with 1-issues
on this campus; 2..-issues of direct
interest to students.
Three sample columns must be sub-
mitted by each applicant, in the editors'
office (second floor, Student Publications
Building) before Monday, Feb. 10. Be-
tween semesters, mail samples "To the
Editor, Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor."
-Milt Freudenheim
(editorial director)

Life Subscription Free
ONE OF our correspondents reports that
a weekly newspaper, publishing out of
Hart, Michigan, has brought a touch of
Thoreau into this otherwise competitive
modern world.
. The weekly's subscription rates run: one-
quarter year-$2.00; one-half year-$1.00;
one year-$.50.
*, ',a
WE ENCOUNTERED one of our profs.
smoking in Haven Hall the other day
and, reminded of the worries of University
vice-presidents concerning fires, lightly rep-
rimanded the fellow.
He retorted, just in case we wished to
know, that the sooner that particular house
of learning burned to the ground, the hap-
pier he would be.
We retreated thoughtfully.
Ready Wit
PROF. Donal H. Haines of the journal-
ism department is confirming his rep-
utation of always having a word appropriate
to the occasion.
In the midst of a colorful story Wednes-
day, a student's chair gave up the ghost
and deposited her with a crash beneath
the table.
As she rose from the splinters and dusted
herself off, Haines announced, "I suppose
that is what is technically known as laying
them in the aisles."
Contributions to this column are by all mein
bers of The Daily staff, and are the responsi-
bility of the editorial director.
Path to Failure
THE FAITH of the five major powers of
the United Nations in the ability of that
organization to maintain peace is touch-
ingly illustrated by the fact that each of
these countries is planning, or has in exis-
tence, some program to provide a period of
compulsory military training for all its
young men.
The fact that future peace is ultimately
based on force even under the provisions
of the United Nations Charter is undeniable.
No one can fail to see the need for pro-
viding "teeth" for the UN in view of the ex-
periences of the League of Nations. How-
neriences of the L e a g u e of Nations.

Political Science 51, examina-
tion. Wednesday, January 29, 2
p.m. Sections 1 and 2 (Mr. Laing)
in Rm. 1025 A.H. Sections 3 (Mr.
Lederle) in Rm. 2003 A.H.
Political Science 85, Examina-
tion. Monday, January 27, 9 a.m.
Rm. 101 Economics Bldg.
Political Science 150 will not be
given in the spring semester.
Freshman Health Lectures For
It is a University require-
ment that all entering freshmen
take, without credit, a series of lec-
tures on Personal & Community
Health and to pass an examina-
tion on the content of those lec-
tures. Transfer students with
freshman standing are also re-
quired to take the course unless
they have had a similar course
elsewhere. Upper classmen who
were here as freshmen and who
did not fulfill the requirements are
requested to do so this semester.
These lectures are ndt required
of veterans.
The lectures will be given in
Room 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m.
and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per
the following schedule.
Lecture No. 1, Mon., Feb. 10
Lecture No. 2, Tus., Feb. 11
Lecture No. 3, Wed., Feb. 12
Lecture No. 4, Thurs., Feb. 13
Lecture No. 5, Mon., Feb. 17
Lecture No. 6, Tues., Feb. 18
Lecture No. 7 (examination),
Wed., Feb. 19.
Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
Required Hygiene Lectures For
All first and second semester
freshman women are required to
attend a series of health lectures
which are to be given the second
semester. Upper-class students
who were in the University as
freshmen and who did not fulfill
the requirements are requested to
do so this term. Enroll for these
lectures by turning in a class card
at the time of regular classification
at Waterman Gymnasium.
Satisfactory completion of this
course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective,
3 hours credit) is a graduation re-
Lecture Schedule
Section I-First Lecture, Mon.,
Feb. 17, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Subsequent Lectures Successive
Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Examination, Mon., Mar. 31,
4:15-5:15, N.E. Aud.
Section I-First Lecture, Tues.,
Feb. 18, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Subsequent Lectures, Successive
Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Examination, Tues., April 1,
4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Concert: Vladmir Horowitz, Pi-
anist, will give the seventh con-
cert in the Choral Union Series,
Friday, January 17, at 8:30, in
Hill Auditorium. Mr. Horowitz
will play the following program:
Mozart Sonata in A major; Kab-
alevsky Sonata No. 2; Variations
on a Theme by Clara Wieck, Schu-
mann; Chopin Impromptu in A-
flat major and Four Etudes, Op.
10; and Legend: St. Francis of
(Continued on Page 6)

Spain. The popular front govern-
ment, however, had as its slogan
"we have our Republic, now let's
have our revolution." The dom-
inant Left Marxist Socialist Party
of Largo Caballero, in collabora-
tion with the Anarcho-Syndical-
ists deliberately sabotaged the Re-
public and it is to be noted that
the youth movement joined the
Third International. During the
Civil War, at the outset, the Rus-
sian Ambassador Moses Rosen-
berg took command in Madrid
and replaced Giral with Largo
Caballero.I am on record as fa-
voring a Republic along Western
democratic lines in Spain.
2. An unbiased and dispassion-
ate account of the record of the
Franco regime in World War II
requires that the Blue Legion epi-
sode be balanced by the neglected
story of aid to the United Nations.
Twenty-five thousand French vol-
unteers had free transit across
Spain to fight Germany. Hun-
dreds of our aviators, forced to
land in Spain, were not interned.
We had the use of Barcelona as
a free port for suppliesto France.
Gui' espionage service operated
freely out of Spain into France.
These aids could be multiplied in
a full account.
3. Currently in Spain the Angli-
can and other churches present
before the Civil War operate un-
molested. How do they function
in Russia and in Russian-held
4. My point of view in other
words was not pro-Franco but
rather anti-Communist. The late
President Roosevelt put it very
well as he said in November, 1942,
when he told Spain that she had
"nothing to fear from the United
States" and "It is because your
nation and mine are friends in
the best sense of the word, and
because you and I are sincerely
desirous of the continuation of
that friendship for our mutual
good, that I want very simply to
tell you of the compelling reasons
that have forced me to send a
powerful American military force
to the assistance of the French
possessions in North Africa." In
the same vein Winston Churchill
said in May, 1944, "There is no
doubt that if Spain had yielded
to German blandishments and
pressure, our burden would have
been heavier . . . I shall always
consider it a service rendered by
Spain, not only to the United
Kingdom and the British Empire
but to the cause of the United
Nations . . . I am here today to
speak kindly words about Spain."
With no desire to provoke a
controversy but merely to set the
record straight these few lines
are submitted.
-Arthur S. Aiton
Truant Officers
To the Editor:
WITH THE VA announcement of
the new attendance require-
ment we envision the addition of
a new civil service position-col-
lege truant officer. Nothing could
be more ridiculous than deducting
from leave pay for absences from
class. Most veteran students are
in school because of a genuine
desire to learn. Many veterans
are even auditing extra classes.
Unnecessary foolishness.
-Howard Baumgarten
In the months ahead Korea
seems likely to replace Trieste as
the number one international sore
spot. Here American and Russian
interests. are grinding against
each other in naked and danger-
ous friction.

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ............City Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director
Mary Brush..........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha ..........Associate Editor
Clark Baker............Sports Editor
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk..........Women's Editor
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E Potter ....Business Manwgel
Evelyn Mills
......Associate Business Managel
Janet Cork Associate Business Manage'
... - - .. .y A

English 1-Final Examination 3017 AH; German 2, sec. 5, Gaiss,
Schedule:I B : German 2, sec. 6, Thomas,
Wed., Jan. 22 2-5 p.m. 35 Al; German 2, sec. 7, Fihn, 2231
Amend, B Haven; Bacon, B Hav- AU; German 2, sec. 8, Striedieck,
en; Bingley, B Haven; M. Brad- D Alumni Hall: German 2, sec. 9,
shaw, 4203 AU; Burd, 2225 AU; Brown, 1025 AU; German 2, sec.
Calver, 201 UH; Carlson, 1018 AH; 10. Braun, 101 Econ.; German 2,
Crockett, 202 Ec; Cummins, 205 sec. 11, Kahan, C HH; German 2,
MU; sec. 12, Binger, 205 MH.
Dewey, 205 MU; Duvall, 2051 German 31, sec. 1, Binger, 205
MU; Fleming, 1035 AU; Hawkins, MU; German 31, sec. 2, Eaton,
2235 Al; Hirsh, 25 AU; Howard, B HH; German 31, sec. 3, Brown,
1025 Al: Karsten, 1025 AU; Kelly, 1025 AU; German 31. sec. 4, Braun,
25 AU; Kert, 25 AU; LaDue, 101 101 Econ; German 31, sec. 5,
Ec; Lean, 18 AU; Madden, 1007 Kahan, C HH; German 31, sec. 6,
AIU; Maliche, B Haven; McClen- Gaiss, B HH; German 31, sec 7,
nen, 1025 AU; McKean, C Haven; Binger, 205 MH.
McLarty, D Haven; Merriman, D. German 32, sec. 1, Raschen, 203
Haven: Moon, 1018 AU-; Muehli, UH, German 32, sec. 2, Graf, 201
206 UH; Norton, 2029 All; O'Don- UH; German 32, sec. 3, Philippson,
ohoe, 101 Ec; 203 UH; German 32, sec. 4, Reich-
Perkins, 2003 All; Phillips, 4208 art, 206 UH.
Al-; Plumer, 2203 All; Puglisi,
1025 AU; D. Riepe, 3209 AlH; P. Journalism 91: The Journalism
Riepe, 215 Ee; Randall, 2082 NS; Department will repeat Journalism
Rock, 101 Ec.; J. Shedd, 1035 All; 91 the second semester for the
Sparrow, 2219 All; Stacy, 2003 benefit of transfer juniors who
NS; Stevenson, 3116 NS; Stocking, I were not able to take it during the
207 Ec; Swarthout, 102 Ec; Tag- first semester. Election should be
gart, 2013 AlH; Thornbury, 229 AU; made thiough the Journalism Of-
Waggener, 3011 All; C. Weaver, C ! fice, 213 Haven Hall.
Haven; Wells, 2225 AUl; Whan,
2054 NS; Wolfinge , 203WUH; History 11, Lecture SectlonIl:
Wunsch, 104W c. Final examination Monday, Janu-
ary 20, 2-5 p.m. Hyma's and Mc-
English 2.-Final Examination Culloch's sections, Rm. G, Haven
Schedule: Hall; Slosson's, Rm. E, Haven
Wed., Jan. 22. 2-5 p.m. Hall; all other sections in Water-
Allen, NS Aud; Boys. NS Aud; man Gymnasium. Make-up for
J. Bradshaw, NS Aud; J. Culbert, those unable to come at this
NS Aud; T. Culbert, 3017 All; Ed- hour, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2-5
wards, NS Aud; Engel. G. Haven; p.m., Rm. 322 Haven Hall.


SPEECH PRODUCTION'S presentation of
"The Truth," opening last night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn, offers one of the nicer
evenings' entertainment. The Clyde Fitch
comedy, dealing with the machinations of a
lady liar, was performed by an able cast.
Their capable projection added to the en-
joyment of a well-written script.,
The story of "The Truth" is that of a
young wife given to telling little white lies
and of the complications that ensue in her
own life as a result of them. The play has
been referred to as a "period piece." It was
first presented in the early years of the
present century. As a dated vehicle the
criticism has been offered that it is too
moTait n+ +w.nrpsant dayau diences ndr1that

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g"r~ihe atom is in

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