AA UMeet To Provide
Stunts at Half
Of Purdue Tilt
Basketball fans will be intro-
duced to another piece of gym-
nastic equipment during half-time
of the Michigan-Purdue hoop con-
test Saturday, when eight nimble
members of the Gymnastic Club
and Newton Loken, assistant sup-
ervisor in physical education, put
on a long horse exhibition.
Bob Willoughby, Lyle , Clark,
Dave Lake, Pancho Saravis, Bob
Schoendube, Loyal Jodar, Glenn
Neff, and Bill MacGowan will fol-
low Loken through the vaulting
feats, with the aid of a spring
The second of a tour of Michi-
gan cities, by the Gymnastic Club,
will take them to Muskegon on
Tuesday. The show, which con-
sists of trampoline stunts, tumb-
ling, and a work out on the high
bar and rings, will be given in
connection with a YMCA member-
ship drive meeting at the west
coast city.
During the next two months the
club will perform at Kalamazoo;
Lakeview, Bay City, South Hav-
en, Frankford, Saulte Ste. Marie
and Marquette, and in iddition
to these cities, exhibitions at Al-
bion and Michigan State College
are also on the docket.
First Test
Wolverine Hopes Dampened
As Balestrn Suffers Injury
Indoor Track Season Opens with Annual
Meet at Yost Field House on February 1
Track will hold the spotlight
at Yost Field House February 1,
when the Michigan AAU meet will
provide the first competition of
the 1947 season for the Wolver-
ine thinclads.
With the entries for the meet
still coming in, over 200 track-
men are expected to churn up the
cinders. Full squads will come
from Ohio State, Michigan State,
University of Detroit, Baldwin-
Wallace and many other mid-
western schools. In addition to
the collegiate athletes, high school
and club trackmen will don their
Full Program on Tap
A full intercollegiate program
of events is on tap for the even-
ing with four invitational races
for high school athletes, and two
AAU events, a 56-lb. weight throw
and a mile walk also scheduled.
National Collegiate and AAU
title-holders will be on hand to
answer the starter's gun. Harri-
son Dillard, Baldwin-Wallace's
NCAA and NAAU king may enter
the high and low hurdles while
Bill Clifford of Ohio State, last
year's indoor mile champion, will
match strides in the mile with
Quentin Brelsford of Ohio Wes-
leyan, who holds the NCAA cross-
country title.
Wolverine Entries Uncertain
Michigan's entries in the mid-
dle distance events depend on
whether Coach Ken Doherty sends
a 2-mile relay team to the Mill-
rose Games in New York, which
are held the same evening. With
Hugh Short, Dick Forrestel and
George Shepherd on hand Michi-
gan's chances to dominate the
quarter-mile are good.
In past years the Michigan AAU
meet has been one of the high-
lights of the Wolverine indoor
season and the stiff competition
offered by this year's list of en-
tries will furnish a measure of
Michigan's track power this sea-
All second semester fresh-
men, sophomores and juniors
interested in trying out for
track manager positions should
report to either Don Canham
or Bud Low at the Yost Field
House between 3 and 5 p.m.
any afternoon this week.
With Michigan's toughest hock-
ey weekend approaching, Wolver-
ine hopes were somewhat damp-
ened yesterday as it became
doubtful whether ace defenseman
George Balestri would be avail-
able for the two-game series with
Minnesota Friday and Saturday.
Balestri Has Nine Goals
Balestri, whose unusual total
of nine goals for a member of the
rear guard ranks second on the
team in this department, sustained
a knee injury in the Queens game
last weekend and has been unable
to report for practice sessions as
yet this week. He also was out
earlier in the season because of
his knee and his absence was
greatly felt as the pucksters
dropped a 6-3 decision to Dart-
If Balestri cannot perform, this
would leave Coach Vic Heyliger
with but three defensemen against
the always tough Gophers: Cap-
tain Connie Hill, Herb Upton, and
hard-checking Bob Marshall.
Minnesota Tough
Coach Heyliger still plans to
use his revamped forward lines
against the onrushing Norsemen.
Gordon MacMillan, who scored
two goals and an assist in last
Saturday's game to take the lead
in scoring with 20 points, centers
the number one line and is flanked
by Lyle Phillips, high goal pro-
ducer of the squad with 10, and
Al Renfrew, recently moved up
from the second line. The num-
ber two line will see Bill Jacobson
at center and Ted Greer and Dick
Starrak at the wings.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15--P-tom)-The
City Council today authorized
Mayor Edward J. Kelly to extend
Chicago's official bid for the 1952
Olympic Games.
A resolution, prepared by Kelly
and adopted by the Council, also
authorized the formation of a 100-
man committee to work toward
bringing the games here.
Kelly said the competition could
be held in Soldier Field-"One of
(Continued from Page 2)
Jan. 17, between the hours of 9:30
and 11:30, and 1 and 4, at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety, Burton Memorial Tower.
After 4 o'clock no passes will be
Women students attending the
"Final Design" Ball on Jan. 17 will
have 1:30 permission. Calling
hours will not be extended.
All Students: It is essential that
registration and classification be
completed according to the pub-
lished alphabetical groupings. Do
not come to the gymnasium be-
fore your scheduled time for regis-
tration. Each alphabetical group
will be admitted during the time
scheduled for that group. Be on
Registration Material: School of
Forestry. Students may obtain
registration materials January 27
in Rm. 2048 Natural Science.
Registration Material: College
of Architecture. Students may ob-
tain registration materials from
their counselors February 4.
College of Engineering Regis-
tration Material: Students en-
rolled in the current term should
call for Spring term registration
material at Rm. 244, W. Engineer-
ing Bldg., beginning Tuesday, Jan.
21, from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to
4:30 p.m.
Applications for grants in sup-
port of Research projects: To give
Research Committees and the Ex-
ecutive Board adequate time to
study all proposals, it is requested
that faculty members desiring
grants from the Research Fund in
support of research projects dur-
ing 1947-48 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School
by Friday, Feb. 7, 1947. Requests
for continuation of present pro-
jects or renewals of previous re-
quests should also be made at
this time. Application forms will
be mailed or can be obtained at
Secretary's o f f i c e, Rm. 1006,
Rackham Bldg., Telephone 372.
Willow Run Village Program:
West Court Community Bldg.
Thurs., Jan. 16, 3 p.m., Bridge;
8 p.m., Psychology Class; 8 p.m.,
Art-Craft Workshop.
Fri., Jan. 17, 8 p.m., Classical
Music Record Concert.
Wood Technology Lecture Post-
poned. The lecture on Wood
Technology by Mr. Leo Jiranek
scheduled for January 16 has been
postponed until further notice.
University Lecture: James J.
Sweeney, former Director of the
Museum of Modern Art, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Henry Moore
and Modern Sculpture" (illus.),
at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 16,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the Department of Fine Arts.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: J. B. S. Hal-
dane, F.R.S., Professor of Biome-
try, University College, London,
will lecture on the subject, "Re-
cent Work in Human Genetics," at
4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 16, Rack-
ham Lecture Hall; auspices of
the Laboratory of Vertebrate Bi-
ology. The public is cordially in-
University Lectures. Dr. T. C.
Lin (Lin Tung-chi), A.B. '28, Vis-
iting Chinese Professor of the
United States Department of
State, will lecture Friday, Jan. 17
at 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre, under the auspices of the De-
Will the contact with the West
Let us give you a Facial, Scalp
treatment for those Exams . . .
a needed lift for that outstand-
ing Blue Book. Your tonsorial
queries invited. Today!
The Daseola Barbers
Liberty off State
partment of History and the De-
gree Program in Oriental Civiliza-
tions. The title of the lecture is as
follows: "The Emerging Ethos."
(Continued on Page 4)
Until Further Notice
Open Daily
9:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M.
j .
President of the American Telephone President of the New Jersey Bell Tele-
and Telegraph Company. Started as phone Company. Started with the
a clerk with the Western Electric Bell System as a clerk in Boston in
Company in 1904. 1909.
President of the Wisconsin Telephone President of The Southern New Eng-.
Company. First telephone job was in land Telephone Company. Started as
New York City as a traffic inspector engineer's assistant in New Haven in
in 1921. 1911.
President of the Southwestern Bell
Telephone Company. Started his tele-
phone career as a clerk in San Fran-
cisco in 1911.
(Just Beyond Main St.)
We have served Michi-
gan Students for 25
years. It will pay you
to come and see us,
"fThe Pen Hospital"
President of the New England Tele-
phone and Telegraph Company.
Started with Bell System as a clerk in
Atlanta in 1913.
These are presidents of' operating telephone companies of
the Bell System. They all started at the bottom of' the lad- (
der. . . Nine years ago the Bell Systein first published an .
advertisement like this, except that there are now thirteen .
new faces in the pictures. These new presidents also started
at the bottom.
President of the Northwestern Bell
Telephone Company. Started as
collector in Fort Madison, Iowa, in 1915.
All-Wool Sport Coats
in solid colors and checks
Formerly $27.50
The Bell System aims to keep the opportunity for advancement
open to all.
One of its traditions is that its executives come up from the
ranks. That has been true of the business for many years and
nowhere is it better illustrated than in the careers of the men
who now serve as presidents of Bell Telephone Companies.
As a group, they have put in 611 years of telephone service,
an average of 36 years each.
President. of the Indiana ',11Btell e-
l!)lone Company. Starteld his telephon,,
career as a gound man in KansaC i y
in 1917.
f Sh. A . :.>::*:K.. -.- .x .,- ,.., . :: :°.,t : . Y., ____?.; ?... ird,. . ., 1 . '. ...r