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January 16, 1947 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-16

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ANUARY 1, 194f" ' r HE lMCIGAN DAlY


Engineers Will Hold Final Design
Dance To Be Semi-Formal he To PlanUnion Da
Ticket Sales Continue TodayPanl P

' Tomorrow at Union

nce Argentinian Coed Finds Life,
apt Education at 'U' More Liberal


Art Jarrett's Band
Will Be Featured
"Final Design," to be presented
by the Engineering Council from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow in the
Union Ballroom, will be semi-for-
mal, dress attire for men being
optional, it was announced yester-
day by the Council.
A limited supply of tickets is
still available for all students on
campus and may be obtained from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and tomor-
row at the Engineering Arch and
in the Union.
Caricatures To Adorn Walls
"Final Design" is 'the first post-
war revival of the traditional win-,
ter dance given by the engineers.
In keeping with the engineering
theme, caricatures of well known
professors in the School of Engi-
neering will decorate the walls.
Special programs have been
planned, and refreshments will be
MUsic for the dance wilLtbe pro-
vided by Art Jarrett and his or-
chestra. Jarrett, equally famous
as a bandleader and a vocalist,
started his bandleading career in
Chicago. As a soloist, he distin-
guished himself with Ted Weems
and Isham Jones, and later co-
starred in the movies with Joan
Crawford, Ann Southern, Sonja
Henie, and Carole Lombard.
New Orchestra Featured
While in the Navy, Jarrett was
put in charge of entertainment for
all branches of the Service in the
San Francisco area. He then
moved out to the Central Pacific
theatre where he commanded the
Armed Forces Radio Show for the
Nimitz Navy.
Upon being recently discharged
from the seryice, Art Jarrett or-
ganized his new orchestra, using
with Flowers on c
Her Birthday.

several members of the late Hal
Kemp's band.
Late Permission Granted
Eugene Sikorovsky is general
chairman for the "Final Design."
The other committee chairmen are
as follows: Hal Walters, decora-
tions; Ev Ellin, publicity; Herb

Perspective rushees may regis-
ter for spring semester rushing
February 10, 11 and 12 at the
All coeds, except first semester
freshmen, are eligible for rushing
and should bring their report cards
with them to registration if pos-
sible. A small registration fee will
be charged.
A compulsory meeting for all
rushees will be held at 7:30 p.m.,,
Wednesday, February 12, in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
The open house teas will start
Thursday, February 13, and will
continue through Friday and Sat-
urday. Rushing will be over on
March 2.
At recent Pan-hellenic meeting
Grace Lathrop, Alpha Chi Omega,
was announced Chairman of the
Pledge Tea Committee.
Miss Lathrop's committee will
be Lisbeth Hildebrandt, Collegi-
ate Sorosis; Barbara Brown, Kap-
pa Delta; Marjorie Reber, Delta
Delta Delta; Harriet Mermelstein,
Sigma Delta Tau; and Corinne
Schild, Alpha Omicron Pi.

o interri

Finals Strain
To provide a relaxation period
from the stress and strain of final
examinations, the Union Executive
Council will present the semi-
annual "Blue Book Ball" from 9
p.m. to midnight Saturday, Jan.
25 in the Union Ballroom.
The dance, offered each semes-
ter, will feature Frank Tinker and
his 14-piece orchestra. Tinker is
heard at the weekly Union dances.
Favors in the form of miniature
blue books are to be presented to
each couple. During the intermis-
sion, the guest holding the highest
graded program will be awarded
a prize.
In addition, a quiz program will
be held during the intermission.
The winners will be presented with
four record albums.
Tickets for the informal affair
will be placed on sale Monday at
the main desk of the Union, and
may be purchased by those holding
Union Cards.
General chairman of the dance
is George Shaffer.

One of the many foreign coeds
who are concluding their first se-
mester here is Josefa Sastre, a
graduate from the University of
Tucuman in Tucuman, Argentina.
She is one of 150 students from
Argentina who was chosen for the
cpportunity of continuing her
education in the United States.
Miss Sastre was teaching child
psychology in the normal school
connected with the University of
Tucuman before she came here.
During the course of her work.
she received an invitation from the
Inter-American Educational Foun-
dation, connected with the United
States State Department, to spend
10 months in this country--one se-
mester at any university, and the
remaining months visiting other
schools throughout the country.
The Educational Foundation in
Washington found a place for her,
at Michigan.
The educational system in Ar-
gentina is quite different from
ours. Miss Sastre received her
degree of Prof. of Philosophy
and Education from the Uni-


Schreiber, band; Andy :Poledor,
programs; Bill Hannig, tickets;
and Lenore Olson, refreshments.
Special 1:30 a.m. permission will
be granted to all coeds attending
the affair.
Coeds To Practice
For Rifle Match
Advanced shooters in the WAA
Rifle Club will meet from 4 to 6
p.m. today at the ROTC Range for
Members will shoot between 1
to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the ROTC
Range in°a match to be held with
Drexel Institute of Technology at
Philadelphia and Carnegie Insti-
tute of Technology at Pittsburgh.
Members have been divided into
teams of 10 shooters; each partici-
pant will shoot 10 bullets. The five
highest scores will be mailed to
the other two schools who will send
their scores here, in this manner
the winner of the match will be
There will be no instruction for
beginners this week. The match
concludes the activities of the
club until next semester.
About this time winter skirts
and dresses are taking on a tired
look-brighten them up with a
smart leather belt, elever buttons,
or a new piece of costume jewelry.
You may discover when you've
finished that you like the outfit
better than ever.


versity of Tucuman. Before that
she attended secondary and nor-
mal school.
Secondary school education in
Argentina is five years in length
and is divided into two periods.
The first three years is the same
fOr everyone, but the next two
years is alternative. Some stu-
dentsS tay on to receive their de-
(gree. called the ' .ac illir" and
others go to normal school if they
wish to teach in elementary
Afer receiving the "Bachil-
ler," id nts may go to any uni-
versity. if they wish to teach in
seC(Oldary schools, they must re-
ceive the degree of Professor in
whaLever subject they wish to
teach from the Faculty of Phil-
osophy and Letters. Faculty,
frni the Spanish word "facul-
tad," means schoal, as different
from our sense of the word.
On Aug. 28 Miss Sastre left
Buenos Aires by plane, and-after
a brief stopover in Miami, Fla., and
Washington, D. C., arrived in Ann
Arbor on Sept. 18.
"There are some wonderful
things here I would like to have
in my ofa country," Miss Sas-
tre . tatud."There is; more gen-
eral order and =more freedom in
everything here, particularly in
« reUgion. Students here can
choose their own subjects. At
home the subjects in our partic-
ular plan of study are compul-
The student government at uni-
versities in Argentina is quite
strong. Each faculty or school
within the university is governed
by a council, made up of seven or
eight professors and three stu-
dents. The dean of the school is
also a member of the council.
Every student in each school is a
member of a student union, and
these unions make up the Univer-
sity Federation of Students. The
members of this federation in turn
are automatically made members
of a National Federation of Stu-
dents, which lately has been con-
ducting student strikes against
the unfair practices of the national
government against the country's

!Officers Elected
The Ball and Chain Club elect-
ed officers for the spring semester
at a meeting last night.
The new officers are: president,
Mrs. John S. Howell, 1364 Geddes
Avenue; vice-president, Mrs. Ker-
mit S. Watkins, 1617 Cambridge;
secretary, Mrs. Raymond S. Davis,
Jr., 215 North State Street; and
treasurer, Mrs. Richard B. Strib-
ley, Pittsfield Village.
The Ball and Chain Club was
organized in the fall of 1945under
the name Veterans' Wives' Club.
It is a purely social club and the
members are all wives of student
veterans enrolled at the Univer-
The essentials of laundering wool-
ens are gentle temperatures and
gentle handling. Use only luke-
warm water and squeeze the suds
through the garment instead of
rubbing. doll in towels to remove
excess moisture and spread flat
o dry.

ROOMS for 4 ight Chinese Students.
Call 7140 after 2 P.M.
LARGE Ploasant, Single across from
League. Exchange for double, quiet
house. 2-4401, 401 Michigan House.
IN WASHINGTON D.C., 4-room apart-
ment, furnished or unfurnished, in
exchange for suitable apartment or
house in Ann Arbor. Call 2-7441. )4
AVAILABLE: Double, heated Room,
beautiful location. Only in exchange
for single heated room. Contact Mrs.
Forshee, 1137 Forest. Phone 3436. )9
LOST: Green end Gold Parker "51"
near N.S. Building.rFinder call 2-
4561, Room 374. Reward. )52
LOST: Set of keys Saturday at Paul
Bunyan Dance. Finder call Harvey
Ragland at 7332. Reward. )5
NOTEBOOK, Tan Spiral, containing
notes for final exams. Lost Monday.
Please call Marge Morse, 2-0018. )55
LOST: Ladies Wrist Watch. Bulova,
gold case and band, sweep second
hand. Call Jane, 6032, before 5 p.m.
LOST: Smal gold ident bracelet. Psi
U badge on front. Sentimental val-
ue. Call 2-3159. )19
tan pigskin pocketbook (red-lined),
lost on canpns last week. Please call
Lida Dailes, 9032. )28
LOST: Slide rule, Jan. 8, East Eng. or
Bus. Ad. Lbrary - urgently needed.
Reward. Call Dean Rockwell, 4121,
Ext. 2170. )27
LOST: gold neckti eclasp, N. R. O. T. C.
Quarterdeck Society wheel attached.
Initials R. J. R. on back. Reward.
Mrs. R. J. Ruff, Extension Service,
107 Haven Hail. )12
LOST: tortoise shell glasses on er near
Forest. Will flunk exams without
them. Reward. Mary Lou Stegner,
2-4895. )16
LOST: one -Iver evening slipprr-Sat-
urday nignt, between Waterman Gym
and Lawren;e Street on State. Finder
please call 9263. Reward. )75
LOST: Gold Watcl with name en-
graved on back. leeward Call 2-2565.
) 60

1947 KAISEfi SPECIAL, 4-Door. Best
bid over $1950. Write Box 754, West
Lodge, Ypsih ntl, immediately. )13
i5 PLYMOtJI{ 2-DOOR. Excellent me-
chanical cudition. Good tires and
battery. Heater. $310. Call 5215 after
6 p.m. 93$ Dewey. ) i
TYPEWRITER: Underwood Noiseless
Portable, 194e Model. 424 Wenley
FOR SALE: Tuxedo, like new, 44-long;
$30. Call 2-4963. )31
FOR SALE: Large "Arvin" Hot Waterj
Car Heater, recently overhauled. Call
Ypsi, 1059W3 after 6 p.r. )54
KEESTONE 3 mm Movie Camera. f2.5
lens, 3 speeds, Like new. Ph. 2-4401,
324 Wentey.-)3
FOR SALE: Balloon tired Bike, $22.
1026 Greenwood, afternoons. Tel. 2-
6469. )7
GREY KIDSK N JACKET. Size 12, nev-
er worn, >20.00. Ph. 9573. 106 Long-
man Lane. )1
JEEP, steel body and top, excellent
condition. Call Ypsilanti 9264 after
7; ask for Patterson. )25
1939DODGE COACH, recent complete
motor overhaul. In top condition.
Call Mr. Miller at 4093 after 9:00 ev-
enings. )22
'36 PLYMOUTH TUDOR, good tires;
good transpcrtation. Call Ypsi 9242,
after 6; ask for Owen. )61
ARMY-NAVY Surplus Goods-Many
items. Come in and look around.
Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )14
Hold Those Bonds!

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
FOUNTAIN SALES: Steady Position,
Good Pay. Uniforms and meals free.
Manager, Willow Run Cunningham
Store, 1719 Stanford, Willow Run. )21
WANTED: 7 waiters for J-Hop. Call
2-1214, ask for house manager. )29
STUDENTS for part-time work at soda
fountain. Swift's Drug Store, 340
South State, Phone 20534. )23
WANTED: Experienced counsellors for
Summer Camp in Northern Michigan.
Jewish clientele. Write for interview.
Box 3, Michigan Daily. )17


Acting tryouts for Junior
Girls Play will be held at 7
p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, Feb. 4, 5 and 6 in
the League. Singing and act-
ing tryouts will be held at 7
p.m. Monday and Tuesday,
Feb. 10 and 11, and dancing 410 WOLVERINE BLDG. Phone 6019
tryouts are scheduled for '4
p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12.

_... i


SEWING: Alterations on formals and
other garments. Miss Livingston, 315
S. Division, 2nd floor front. )30
Remodeling-Alterations. "Bring your
sewing problems to us." Hildegarde
Shop, 116 E. Huron, 2-4669. )45
ALTERATIONS: Ladies garments, Ev-
ening Dresses, Coats, Suits. Near
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. )6

/ou are mod
. to visit your new, modern
centrally located Balfour Store at

thirteen nineteen South


si ty.

Pledge Pins
G ift
Prog rams
Jewel ry

Beer Mugs
Invi Lotions
Place Cards

LOST:-SAM pin. Initialed RBB and ZL
Between Michigan Theatre, Angell
Hall and Main Library. Call 2-4561,
Rm. 409. )2
LOST: Bl ackSheaffer Pen between
Rackham and Newberry. Reward M.
J. Bathebin, 2-2591. )10
UNWANTED HAIR: Permanently re-
moved .Short Wave Method-Faster,
Painresa. Phone 6373. First National
Bldg. ) 24
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Liberty.
We have rebuilt used bikes Tor sale
Your bike can be expertly repaired
also. -)56
best in flight instruction and equip-
ment. Located on Milan Road (US
23) between the Expressway and
Michigan Avenue. Phone Ypsilanti,
19272. ) 20
you are leaving Ann Arbor and would
like to exchange an apartment for a
1946 automobile (at a reasonable
price), send postcard to J. C. Mc-
Kenzie, 927 Heath, Willow Run, Mich.
The Daily Classifieds!
Read and Use
- s

Roll and Cut Film
Chemicals and Papers
Receivers, Tubes, and Parts
1947 A.R.R.L. Handbooks and
New Callbooks
Purchase Radio & Camera Shop
Phone 8696 W8RP W8WOJ 605 CH'uJci-i ST.
Table model phonographs and radios are arriving I
steadily these days . . . R.C.A., Farnsworth, Zenith and I
Stromberg-Carlson models are amongst those available
there are some portables, too, operating on either AC
or DC current or battery, all very attractively designed.
Popular numbers that are crowding forward include
Dinah Shore's "And So To Bed" coupled with "Sooner
Or Later," Elliot Lawrenc's "Once Upon A Moon' and
"Sympathy," Les Brown's "You Should Have Told
Me" and "My Number One Dream Came True"
two old favorite classical releases still very much in
demand are the Rachmaninoff recording of the Chopin
Nocturne in E Flat Major and Toscannini's Prelude to

, , ^r
rte . ,. ;
a.i '"r _
Jr r'ti
ti . 7

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for longer pleasure-giving wear, try the famous flexible Ral/y-
Flex Shoes --- exclusive with cunTIS.

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4 Tickec/s
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_. _-- - .. _. _., -- .. ___ ._.. _. _.

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