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September 24, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-24

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No Quick 'Pushbutton'


Robert Goldman ...................... Managing Editor
W3lton Freudenheim.................Editorial Director
layton Dickey .............................City Editor
Mary Brush........................Associate Editor
annutz...........................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha........................ Associate Editor
Clark Baker .............................. Sports Editor
Des Howarth...................Associate Sports Editor
Joan ik.......................... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford................. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ..................... Business Manager
veiyn Mills .............. Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.................Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited toitor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of al other matters herein also reserved.
entered at the Post Offcie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50; by mail. $5.35:
Member, associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Football Tickets
puring registration 19,600 football tickets
starting at the 40 yard line were made avail-
able to Michigan students.
According to University tradition the strugg-
1ing frosh get their first seats near the end
cone and sometime before they are seniors they
are supposed to move up to the realms of the
50 yard line. This year by an oversight of the
administration, the not-so-verdant freshman
seem to be occupying the choice seats in the
stadium and the seniors and grads will find
themselves indignantly staring into the sun in
the end zone.
Ray Davis, Student Legislature president, said
1vonday that students guilty of assuming a few
too many semesters on their football stubs will
be given "an exchange opportunity with no
questions asked". They also threaten a plan
to remedy the situation by force if the students
do not cooperate.
The sentiment is noble and the idea a
good one, but it seems that this is another
case of doing too little too late. In the first
place, students who were willing to put false
"iiformation on their football stub will be
equally ready and willing to keep their tick-
ets until they know that the Legislature
means what it says and that drastic penal-
ties will be invoked for lack of cooperation.
The question then is whether the Legislature
can carry out its threat. With the first game
only three days away, they face an almost im-
possible task even if the students cooperate vol-
untarily. From campus talk it seems that the
distribution now is such that probably 15,000
tickets would have to be turned in, set up for
distribution and then returned to the students.
That something should be done to remedy the
situation is obvious, but it seems wrong that in
the necessary confusion of settling the largest
number of students ever to invade the Michi-
gan campus, things should be further runsettled
by straightening out a mess of this type.
The fault, of course, lies with the students
but we can go farther back than this to lay
the real blame. The practice of being promoted
a few classes before reaching the football
coupon on the registration card is an old one
-one of the best student "rackets." Surely of-
ficials have been aware of the situation before
this year.
If the administration was aware of the prac-
tice, and they should have been if theyweren't,
it seems they could have saved themselves a great
deal of trouble if they had arranged to stamp or
punch or in some way officially designate the
student's class on his football coupon.

Failure to do so is an oversight, perhaps a
small one, but it will probably produce one of
the most colossal mess in what promises to be a
urbulantly confused semester.
-Gay Larsen
CPA To Crack Down
The Civilian Production Administration is
getting ready to crack down on violations of its
style regulations. For many months the CPA
regulations forbidding Dolman sleeves, very full
skirts and longer length dresses have been ig-
nored about as often as they were observed. The
.hr windos are full of fall and winter clothes

MAYBE we had better change some of our
ideas as to what the next war will be like.
A number of editors have plunked for the so-
called push-button war. They say the next war
will end almost as soon as it begins; atomic
rockets will destroy the enemy's basic installa-
tions at midnight, and we shall receive his sur-
render in the morning. (There seems, for some
reason, to be a special affinity between editors
and push-buttons, as between fight managers
and cigars, or old ladies and small dogs.) Very
modestly, I raise the contrary idea; that the
next war will be long, rather than short; in
fact that the next war will, in a sense, never
For the weapons now available are so ter-
rible that there can be no question of ending
the next war in the shapely form of surren-
der. There will be nothing to surrender, and
there will be nothing left to save by surren-
Science marches on, ugh; and we are now
told about a poison, lately devised by the U.
S. Chemical Warfare Service, so powerful that
one ouhce can kill more than a hundred mil-
lion people; and about substances which can
starve entire countries by destroying all plant
and animal life. Put these enchanting devices
alongside the atomic bomb, and the necessary
result is that the next war must lead to occu-
pation of the attacked country, by troops which,
in the manner of our late Indian Scouts, must
search endlessly, through wrecked and emptied
terrain, for whatever scattered bands of sur-
vivors will remain.
Such occupation will have to be permanent.
It will have to be permanent for the very plain
reason that no nation which uses the weapons
described above will ever dare allow the bea-
ten enemy a chance at revenge. The trend to-
ward long occupation has been growing, any-
way; from the stately surrenders of the last
century, which polished off defeat by the pay-
ment of an indemnity, to our present predica-
ment, in which we quite obviously do not know
how to let go, once we conquer. After the use
of the annihilatory weapons, no victor will ever
let go; the next war, no matter who wages it,
must end as a war of permanent conquest.
For the same reasons, the conqueror in
the next war, whoever he is, will have to deny
all of science and most of humandknowledge
to the conquered. We have already made a
start, by denying nuclear physics to the Ger-
mans and the Japanese; but after the next
war the chemical and biological sciences too,
will become official, and will be limited to
the trusted servants of the victor, while there
THE STUDENT Legislature meets tonight.
We hope that this fall it will finally be able
to enact some of the concrete proposals upon
which little or no action was taken last spring.
So far the Legislature has called into exis-
tence the Student Book Exchange and planned
a series of pep rallies for the football games.
They have, however, merely scratched the sur-
With the great hue and cry about the "end-
zone" football tickets which were given to
students this year, the Legislature has an ob-
ligation to the student body to determine just
how and why this policy was determined and
to prevent a recurrence in the future.
The Academic Committee which floundered
about indifferently this spring was supposed to
establish a faculty grading system for the stu-
dents at the University. We propose that the
Legislature secure the University's cooperation
in having cards printed which students could fill
out at the end of the semester for each class, and
which the Student Legislature could subsequent-
ly evaluate in a tabulated report to the Univer-
sity in whose hands the responsibility would
then rest. This system would enable the stu-
dents to grade their professors, to make specific
suggestions as to particular courses and teaching
methods, and to reveal any glaring injustices.
A substantial segment of the campus has
long demanded a complete and accurate report
on the Michigan League and Union. The finan-
cial administration (or "what happens to our $5
a semester?") is a ripe subject for thorough in-
vestigation. The functions of the Union and

League buildings and the controlling bodies of
these all-campus non-profit organizations sorely
need clarification. The extent of student voice
in the administration of the Union and League
and the extent of faculty and alumni control is
a topic well worthy of exposition.
The sponsorship of joint student-faculty ac-
tivities such as outdoor musical concerts, de-
bates, or panel discussions can and should fall
within the realm of our Student Legislature's
work, To create an opportunity to improve stu-
dent-faculty relations the Legislature should
take the lead in reestablishing the weekly Coffee
Hours at the Union at which students and fac-
ulty members will have an opportunity to meet
informally on a social level.
These are but a few of the things which the
Legislature should do. How soon and how well'.
these functions of the Legislature are carried
out will depend not only on the interest of the
18 legislators themselves, but upon how soon
the student body itself demands it. Tomorrow
night's meeting is open to all students.
-Tom Walsh
Richard W. Fink

will be something like the Dark Ages for the
rest of the world.
The danger of revenge will be so great, the
possibilities for it so easy (we are told that the
vigorous poison described above can be pro-
duced by anybody with enough sense to run a
brewery) that science will become as official
as theology once was. (Perhaps, as the wheel
turns, we may yet see religion coming to the
rescue of man, with a demand for the separa-
tion of science and state.) It will become poli-
tically dangerous to know how to add too well;
all chemists will have to take oaths of loyalty
to the secular authority; and science will en-
ter the government buildings, never to come
out again.
The next war must necessarily then become
a prolonged war of permanent conquest, lead-
ing to the degradation of mankind, at the hands
of a monolithic police state, accompanied by
the complete depopularization of knowledge.
Push-button war, indeed! One of the troubles
with the world today is that too many people,
as at Paris, are pushing buttons without being
quite sure of what is attached at the other end.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
River Pollution
rTHE POLLUTION of our rivers, streams and
beaches is an ever-growing menace. It is a
threat to our recreation, our health and our food
and water supply, and, like some of our other
vices, it is extremely expensive. More than 3,400
cities and towns inhabited by 29,000,000 per-
sons discharge into our waterways a volume of
2%'/ billion gallons of raw sewage plus 3% bil-
lion gallons of industrial waste each day.
As a result, rivers that normally would pro-
vide ideal areas for play and sport have degen-
erated into stinking, disease-bearing cesspools
of sewage and refuse. Fish cannot survive in
them, swimming is suicidal, and from the es-
thetic standpoint they are decidedly unpretty.
There is also the expense involved in treating
them to produce drinkable and usable water.
The annual economic loss resulting from water
pollution has been variously estimated at from
a hundred million to a billion dollars.
The history of local and state attempts at
effective pollution control is a record of fu-
tility. For over 50 years now municipalities
and industries, states and individual polluters
have wrangled among themselves as to who
should pay the bills.
There are now, to be sure, pollution control
laws in most of the states, but the enforcement
of those laws is a joke without humor, for a
river may flow through any number of states
and cities. If one state decides to enforce its
anti-pollution laws, industry will threaten to
move to another state, where it will be free of
the expense of waste treatment.
Industrialists argue that it is a great deal
cheaper and easier to dump waste into the
nearest river than it is to keep our waters .
clean. It is only cheaper for the industrial-
ists. It is not cheaper for the community.
It is not cheaper for other holders of lands on
the edge of the polluted waters. Would the
reader, for instance, be willing to pay more
for land on the edge of a clear sparkling river,
or for land bordering on an open sewer? In-
dustrial polluters even ignore the fact that
some wastes can be profitably treated.
What could be done was clearly indicated
under the Public Works Administration. Its
programs of sewage disposal systems, treatment
plants and water plants comprised nearly 5,000'
undertakings constructed at a total cost of $800,-
000,000. The Mansfield Bill, the most recent
effort of pure streams advocates, was reported
favorably by the Committee on Rivers and Har-
bors of the House before Congress adjourned.
It was by no means a perfect solution of' the
problem, but its passage would have meant a
good start. It recognized the importance of es-
tablishing contyol on a water-shed basis, re-
gardless of state boundary lines; it encouraged
the enactment of uniform state laws, interstate
compacts and the cooperation with state agen-
cies; and offered Federal aid to states, munici-
palities and industrial enterprises.
The bill had a good many loopholes through
which acute industrialists might have squirmed,
as industrialists are sometimes prone to do.

But it was a start, and similar legislation should
have a high place on the agenda of the next
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Jewish New Year
Jews throughout the world will celebrate Rosh
Hashonoh, the Feast of the New Year, to-
night. With the sounding of the Shofar and
the chanting of traditional prayers, the Jew-
ish Calendar year 5707 will be ushered in.
Rosh Hashonoh is the first of the Days of
Awe, a ten day period closing with Yom Kippur,
a day of fasting. The spirit of Rosh Hashonoh
is one of exaltation-serious and somber exal-
tation recognizing the moral responsibilities of
life which everyone must bear. For it is during
the Days of Awe, according to Jewish tradition,
that the fate of each individual for the com-
ing year is determir.
Be we Jew or Gentile, we may all pray and
wish our Jewish friends: "L'Shonoh Tovoh Ti-
kohsavoo-And May You Be Inscribed = for a
Good Year". -Mal Roemer

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"Let's get our heads together, gentlemen."


Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 2
Telephone Number Change-Business
Recently the switchboard has been
removed from the Business Office. If
you call 81 you will hear the "busy"
signal. Each employee of that office
has been assigned a station with an
individual number. To reach the
Business Office, please dial 4121 and
ask for the person or department de-
sired, or dial 696 and the proper sta-
tion number will be given to you.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Student Football Admissions: Stu-
dents who have not yet received their
football admission tickets must have
presented their physical education
coupons at the Administration Build-
ing, Ferry Field, before 5:00 p.m.,
Thursday, September 26. No student
admission tickets will be available
after that time.
H. O. Crisler
Director of Athletics
LS&A: Transfer S.uents. Yellow
evaluation sheets must be returned at
once to 1209 Angell Hall. Your offi-
cial admission certificate will not be
made up until this sheet is returned.
Green evaluation sheets are your
own, and need not be returned to our
Veterans who were admitted to this'
College as special students will be ac-
cepted as regular students after they
lave successfully completed two se-
mesters' work. A summer session
cannot' be counted as a full smester's
work.tStudents in this categorywho
have failed to earn a satisfactory rec-'
ord will be asked to withdraw.
No special application need be filed
to become a regular student.
E. A. Walter
Tryouts for the Women's Glee Club
will be held today at 4:00 and 7:30
p.m., in the League. Room number is
to be announced.
Civil Service Examination An-
nouncements have been received for
the following positions: Special Edu-
cation, Supervisor III, Special Educa-
tion, Supervisor IV; Arts and Crafts
Instructor A2, Teacher of Adult Blind
Al, and Conservation Education Rep-
resentative III. Envelopes containing
applications for these examinations
must be postmarked not later than
Oct. 16. Anyone interested may re-
ceive further information by calling
at the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
1946-47 LECTURE COURSE of 8
outstanding speakers presented by

the University Oratorical Association
will open Oct. 17,: in Hill Auditorium
at 8:30 p.m. The schedule includes
Gov. Ellis Arnall, Oct. 17, "The South
Looks Forward"; Randolph Church-
ill, Oct. 29, "Socialism In England";
Louis P. Lochner, Nov. 7, "The Nur-
emberg Trials"; Brig. General Roger
Ramey, Nov. 21, "Air Power in the
Atomic Age"; John Mason Brown,
Jan. 16, "Seeing Things"; Mrs. Ray-
mond Clapper, Feb. 20, "Behind the
Scenes in Washington"; Col. Melvin
Purvis, Feb. 27, "Can We Lessen
Crime in the U. S.?"; Margaret Web-
ster, Mar. 22, "The Adventure of Act-
ing." Season tickets are now on sale
in the Auditorium box office which is
open from 10:00-1:00 and from 2:00-
5:00 daily except Saturday p.m. and
.Academic Notices
Preliminary examinations in
French and German for the doctorate
will be held on Fri., September 27,
4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham Building. Diction-
aries may be used.
Graduate Students in Speech: The
exploratory examinations for enter-
ing graduate students in Speech will
be given .at 4 p.m., Tues., Oct. 1, in
4203 Angell Hall.
Anthropology 31, M.W.F. 9:00 will
meet in 348 West Eng.
Business Administration 123: All
students who have elected the above
course should report to East Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg., today at 2:00
p.m., for class assignments.
Chemistry 55. Laboratory space for
a few students is now available in the
section meeting W, 1:00-5:00,S, 8:00-
12:00. Apply at Room 274 Chem.
Wed. at 1:00.
J. O. Halford
Debaters: All students who desire
to participate in debate this year
should meet in Room 4208 Angell'
Hall Thursday at 4 p.m.
English 297.
Students who have elected my sec-
tion will please report .today at 4:00
p.m., at Room 1220 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter
English 300H, Seminar in American
Literature, will meet Thursday, Sept.
26, from 2:00-4:00, in 308 Library.
J. L. Davis
Honors 101. The first meeting of
this course will be held in 17 Angell
Hall today at 3:00 p.m.
Geography 151. This course will
meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at
2:00 in Room 18 Angell Hall.
Geology 65 and Geology 12 lecture
will not meet today.
Geology 12 recitation classes will
meet as usual.
Meeting to arrange hours today at
12:00 m in 3020 Angell Hall.
Psychology 63 (M. W. F. 2:00 p.m.)
will meet'in R'oom 223 West Med.
Psychology 109 (M. W. F. 11:00
a.m.) will meet in Room 223 West

Events Today
First Gargoyle Meeting: An all-
staff meeting of the Gargoyle will be
held for all interested persons today
at 4:00 p.m. in the Gargoyle office in
the Student Publications Building. All
eligible persons, who have' potential
ability in literary, make-up, art, and
advertising work are urged to attend.
Reserve Officers Association will
meet tonight at 7:00 in the Michigan
Union. All reserve officers are urged
to attend.
American Veterans Commititee,
first meeting of the semester tonight
at 7:30 in the Union.
Mortar Board: Meeting of all mem-
bers tonight at 7:15 in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
pre-war members and members with
the exception of summer members of
1946: Meeting tonight at 7:00 in the
Michigan Union, Room 308. Officers
will be elected and plans for the com-
ing semester will be discussed. Dues
for the semester may be paid at this
time. Please leave a note at the Un-
ion Desk if you are not able to attend
the meeting as our membership list
will be made up from those in at-
tendance and any written excuses.
ALPHA PHI OMEGA will hold its
first meeting tonight at 7:30 in the
Michigan Union. All members are
requested to attend.;, Any man on
campus who was a member before the
war, or who belonged at another
school, is cordially invited to come
to this meeting.
Coming Events
ISTRATION: A convocation for fac-
ulty and students will be held on
Thursday, Sept. 26, at 3:30 p.m. in the
large lecture hall in the Rackham
Building. Dean Stevenson will speak.
A coffee hour will follow from 4 to
6 o'clock in the assembly hall on the
third floor.
The' Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will begin Thursday,
Sept. 26, program will include Mo-
zart's Divertimento in E-flat Major,
Dvorak's In Nature's Realm, Mozart's
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra,
and Strauss's Tod Und Verklarung.
All graduate students are cordially
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet Thursday, Sept. 26, at 7:30 p.m.
in the clubrooms in the Rackham
Building. All interested graduate
students are invited. Please use the
northwest entrance.
The University Women Veterans'
Association will hold an open house
Friday Sept. 27, from 4:00 to 6:00
p.m. in the Grand Rapids Room of
the Michigan League. All women vet-
erans on campus are invited to at-
Willow Run chapter of AVG will
meet at West Lodge, 8:00 p.m.,
Thurs., Sept. 26. All veterans, male
or female, who live at Willow Village
are invited to attend. AVC members
of other chapter affiliations who are
now residing at the Village are espe-
cially welcome.
TAU BETA PI: All graduate and
undergraduate members who desire
to take an active part in the chapter
during the Fall Semester are cor-
dially invited to attend a dinner
meeting at the Michigan Union on
Thursday evening, Sept. 26. Mem-
bers will please assemble in the South
lounge of the Union promptly at 6:15

International Center: The first in
the series of weekly teas will be held
Thursday, Sept. 26, at 4:30 p.m. in
the International Center. Senor Can-
tuaria Guimaraes, Director of the
Immigration Service of the Republic
of Brazil, will be the special guest.
All Brazilian students are urged to
attend. A cordial invitation is extend-
ed to all Foreign Students and their
Polonia Society: The first meeting
of the Polonia Society of the Fall
Semester will be held Tuesday, Oct. 1,
at 7:30 p.m. in the International Cen-
ter. All students of Polish extraction
are urged to attend. Business of the
meeting will include an election of
The Deans of the several schools
and colleges, President, and Provost
call attention to the greatly enlarged
opportunities provided for students
by the authorization of several en-
tirely new units in the advanced
courses of the R.O.T.C. for the com-
ing year. It is now possible for a stu-
dent in most divisions of the Univer-
sity to enroll in a unit whose program
is closely allied to his own field of
specialization. The authorized units,
and the divisions of the University
most intimately concerned in each
case, are as follows:
Students from all schools and col-
leges eligible.


Gracious! How I could compute the man hours
long are we to already losf. On my slide rule.
wait for this
Mr. Golebrick? A aood pernt. Hmm. An idea has

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