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September 24, 1946 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-24

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Engine School Faces
Overcrowded Years
No Relief Expected Until New East
Engineering Addition IsCompleted

,; ...: a., :.,.SELF-ED U CA TION :
r: , t School by M 'ail' for Armed
}' } 'Forces To BeaContinu ed by U'

Laboratory and classroom facilities
in the engineering college will be at
a premium this fall with school offi-
cials faced with an unprecedented
Figures released Saturday revealed
that 3,584 students had registered in
the college. This figure, which does
not include late registrants or gradu-
ate students, represents a 59% in-
crease over last year's record enroll-
ment. Early 'reports showed 29% of
all veterans on campus enrolled in
the engineering college.
Plan Two Assemblies
During the summer, enrollment in
the college was closed to all but for-
mer students. Nevertheless two as-
semblies forfirst-semester freshman
will be held this fall to accommodate
the unusually heavy enrollment.
Dean Ivan C. Crawford attributed
the incre ,sing interest of veterans in
engineering to their contacts with
engineering during service and the
fact that their studies are being fi-
nanced by the government. He point-
ed out that many veterans received
Bond Accepts
Carleton Post N
Dr. Floyd A. Bond, former instruc-
tor in the economics department, has
accepted the position of associate
professor of economics at Carleton
College, Northfield, Minn.
The past summer Dr. Bond was in
charge of the combined Economics
52 (literary college) and Economics
54 (engineering college) lecture sec-
tion in the University.
Willow Run, Mich.

technical training in service that will
form a background for their theoreti-
cal work in school.
Lab Space Scarce
No relief from the shortage of lab-
oratory space is expected until next
fall when the addition to the East
Engineering Building, now under
construction, will be completed. The
addition will provide classroom and
laboratory space for the electrical
and aeronautical engineering depart-
ments and will allow oxe redistribu-
tion of space in West Engineering
The completion of the engineering
addition will enable the University
to enlarge its programs in the field of
electronics. It is planned that the top
two floors and the roof of the build-
ing be devoted to electronics. At
present the electronics laboratories
are located in a one story wooden
building behind West Engineering.
Dean Crawford reported that most
of the engineering faculty has re-
turned from wartime work and that
competent new members and teach-
ing fellows are being added to com-
pensate for the increased enrollment.
Business Specialists
Shortage Reported
Demand for men and women with
specialized business training far ex-
ceeds supply, records of the Univer-
sity's Business Administration School
placement service indicate.
"By far the largest demand is for
accountants," Prof. Charles L. Jami-
son, director of the placement service
explained. "We've three times as
many requests for accountants. as we
can fill, and next on the list are the
calls for teachers of business sub-
Most businesses want employes
who not only have special training,
but who also have a definite inter-
est in the type of work the job offers,
he said.
Converting Insurance
Veterans should hold their Nation-
al Service Life Insurance until they
know what their income is going to
be, the Veterans Administration an-
nounced. "No veteran should convert
his policy until he knows what he can
afford and whether a 20-pay life, 30-
pay life, ordinary life or an endow-
ment plan would best suit his re-
quirements," the announcement said.

American service men and women
from Guadalcanal to Corsica have
been encouraged to continue their
education through United States
Armed Forces Institute course ad-
ministered by the Correspondence
Study Department.
The University, in cooperation with
nearly 100 other colleges and univer-
sities throughout the nation, will con-
tinue to make these courses-by-mail
available to armed forces personnel
for several years, according to gov-
ernment plans.
During the war, USAFI courses
were sent from the University to al-
most 4,000 men and women in all
branches of the service-the eighth
largest enrollment in the country.
Many of the students completed the
courses in which they originally en-
rolled and have elected new ones.
Some of them are now continuing
their education on the campus.
Both high school and college cre-

dit courses, including basic courses
in languages, riathemathics, social
studies and science, are listed by the
Another wartime product of the
Correspondence Study Department
is aid to veterans. Since January 1,
the department has been providing
courses to veterans under the GI
Bill of Rights through a contract
with the Veterans Administration in
Washington, D.C.
The department has 26 full or part
time instructors, most of whom also
teach on campus.
lFarch of Dimes Reports
An audit of the 1946 March of
Dimes shows that $8,184,595.80 was
raised by the National Foundation
for Infantile Paralysis to carry on its
program in research, education and
emergency epidemic aid. Local chap-
ter's raised $7,797,150.66 for care and
treatment of patients,

v y.._ .. . .... ,I

PARATROOPE1S JUMP - British and American P aratroopers drop from the 1. S. Air Force's latest
troop carrier plane in a demonstration at Beaulieu, IHarrpshire, England. Forty-two chutists jumped from
twin doors on either side of the plane, known as the Packet.


Wallace Not First To Be
Ousted in Cabinet Row

'Ita ~:a.


President Truman's removal of
Henry Wallace as Secretary of Com-
merce was "unusual," but not "un-
precedented," according to Prof. Jo-
seph E. Kallenbach, of the political
science department.
Prof. Kallenbach pointed out that
cases where a cabinet officer was re-
moved because of disagreement with
administrative policy in his own field
were more frequent than where the
policy in question was in a different
sphere, such as foreign affairs.
However, he declared, "it is not un-
usual for a president to be sensitive
to cabinet loyalties in the foreign
Randolph Removed
An early example of this, he added,
was the removal of Edmund Ran-
dolph as Secretary of State by Presi-
dent Washington, because of dis-
agreement overt the foreign policy
embodied in the Jay Treaty with
Great Britain.
Prof. Kallenbach expressed the
opinion that President Truman made
an "unfortunate blunder" in permit-
ting Secretary Wallace's speech to in-
clude the statement that it represent-
ed his view on foreign policy. He
"failed to realize the implications of
the speech and the importance of this
Truman Was 'Foreed'
As a result President Truman was
"forced to ask Wallace to resign,"
Prof. Kallenbach declared. "No other
action would clearly indicate that
there had been no change in the
Byrnes policy."
To Meet Here
A grant of $10;000 from the Rocke-
feller Foundation to the University
School of Public Health will finance
a conference on Preventive Medicine
to be held in Ann Arbor Sept. 30 to
Oct. 4.
Dr. Nathan Sinai, secretary of the
Public Health School faculty, said
the grant was awarded the Univer-
sity because of the Foundation's
opinion of the University's outstand-
ing work in this comparatively new
Professors of preventive medicine
from every medical college in the na-
tion and Canada, together with pub-
lic health experts will attend the
"five-day conference.
rnethin9 Mi
{F114.r (
Famous for its

The elimination of the last cabinet
representative of the left-wing inde-
pendernt group identified with the
New Deal, whicn he inherited from
President Roosevelt, will weaken
President Truman politically, Prof.
Kallenbach contended. This removal
makes the cabinet less representative
of various shades of opinion.
Wallace was important to the pres-
ent administration, he said, because

Scholars Will
Lecture Here
Distinguished scholars from edu-
cational institutions in this country
and abroad will be brought to the
campus this year, as in many years
past, in the University lecture series.
Presented as a means of supple-
menting the instruction of the class-
room these lectures, which are open
to the public without charge, are
planned by the department heads in
the various schools and colleges of
the University. They will be an-
nounced as they occur, and will be
given in the Lecture Hall or the Am-
phitheatre of the Rackham Building
in the late afternoon or evening.
Speakers Listed
Tentative plans for this year's
series include lectures to be given by
Dr. T. Sargent Forence of Birming-
ham, England, and Dr. D. K. Lieu of
China, to be given under the auspices
of the economics department. Dr.
Frank Robbins, assistant to the
President, was unable to make defi-
nite announcement of any other lec-
ture plans.


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... meets fate of Randolph


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of the large number of independent
voters with Democratic leanings
whom he represents. He was also ex-
pected to take a leading part in the
corning electorial campaign.
It is interesting to note that Secre-
tary Wallace was one of the strongest
advocators of punishment for party
members in Congress who did not
support the President's policies.
Censorship 'Expected'
The cepsorship of opinions of oth-
er cabinet officials in regard to for-
eign policy is "to be expected," Prof.
Kallenbach said.
He pointed out that in the field of
foreign affairs, there must be a de-
gree of joint support by cabinet mem-
bers of the administrative policies
far beyond that which would be de-
manded in domestic affairs.
"Unless a country can present the
appearance of united government
support of her foreign policy, it is
weakened in international diplo-
ee it!


. 'Q'.

The f ull-topped




Come see our new, dazzling
collection of costume
jewelry ... chosen with an
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9 t

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