Police Report Steady Rise
In City Traffic Problems
Hit Plays by Avery Hopwood
Help New Writers Gain Start
The coveted person who owns a
snazzy convertible is going to find
himself with a problem this year.
Not only will he have a hard time
finding space to park it, but he'll
have a tough time driving it through
Ann Arbor. A police department
spokesman reports that the traffic
problem in Ann Arbor is worse than
ever, and it is getting "still worse all
the time."
Extras for Football
The spokesman said that extra
state police will be imported to gov-
ern traffic on football game Satur-
days, but cars will still be limited to a
bare crawl.
The city is working on parking
lots, the spokesman reported. Money
collected from the recently installed
parking meters will be used to build
more parking space. A parking lot
is; planned for the site where the
now unused Majestic theatre stands,
and another will be built west of
Main St. .
800 Permits Issued
The Office of the Dean of Students
reports that approximately 800
permits have been issued to students
and more than that number have
been granted eemptions. Acrding
to 'Walter B. Rea, assistant dean,
students granted driving permits are
still being allocated only certain
spaces in which they may park.
"Although we realize how crowded
it will be," Dean Rea said,. "we are
asking for the conscientious coopera-
tion of students in trying to park in
their allocated area or the very near
Sttstcal Lab
Will Serve U'
Centralization has crept into the
University's organization-at least as
far asa Statistical Reseach Labora-
tory is concerned.
Scheduled to begin operation dur-
ing the fall semester, .the new Re-
search Laboratory will provide the
University with a central statistical
service, for the use of all University
divisions of faculty members.
The service will be particularly val-
uable to faculty members conducting
business, scientific or social research
studies, requiring analysis of statis-
tical data, Prof. C. C. Craig, director
of the agency, predicted.
In addition, the Statistical Labora-
tory will be used for teaching pur-
poses. Members of the Laboratory
staff will teach courses in statistics,
and advanced students in the field
will be employed in the Laboratory as
Laboratory staff members in addi-
tion to Prof. Craig are Prof. P. S.
Dwyer, consultant, and Miss Esther
Schaffer, technical assistant.
krnds To Cet Ne.w
Assistant Dlirector
Hardld Ferguson, whose high
school bands in Lansing have won
several state and national champion-
ships, will begin teaching duties at
the University this fall.
Ferguson is coming to the Univer-
sity from Sexton High School in
Lansing and previous to his work
there taught in Eastern High School
in Lansing. He will assist Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli in the direction of the
Marching and Concert Bands and
will teach trombone in the School of
Biggest Buying Spree
Department stores throughout the
United States are expecting the big-
gest buying spree this Christmas, a
survey reveals.
Dean Rea reported that the Uni-
versity expects students to park near
their allocated area if they can't get
in it. Students have also been told
that they may not park on streets
bordering the campus-State St., E.
University and S. University. The
parking area on these streets is to be
left for faculty members, office work-
ers and visitors, Dean Rea said.
Students who intend to use cars are
asked by the Dean of Student's Of-
fice to get their permits immediately.
Students over 26 are also warned by
the office that their exemptions are
not automatic. They must report to
the Dean of Student's Office before
they now make use of their cars.
Man yForeig;n
Students Aply
T o US Schools
Approximately 50,0001 foreign stu-
dents have applied for admission to
universities and colleges in the Unit-
ed States, according to information
received by Dr. Esson Gale, director
of the International Center.
This 'total compares with 1,341
foreign students attending 767 .col-
leges and universities last year. The
figures were compiled by the New
York Committee on Friendly Rela-
tions Among Foreign Students, clear-
ing house for statistics onthe admis-
~sion of foreign students.
Visits Eastern Colleges
Dr. Gale has returned to the cam-
pus following a month's trip to the
East where he visited several educa-
tional institutions 'including Cornell
and Harvard universities, and Am-
herst and Williams colleges.
He reported that even if the entire
number of foreign students seeking
admission were successful that the
actual ratio of foreign students
would be much smaller than in the
past due to the enormous influx of
American students, principally vet-
erans, into institutions of higher
learning.. Countrywide surveys of the
academic and housing facilities avail-
able give no promise of such exces-
sive foreign student entries, Dr. Gale
Cooperative Program Intensified
Under the State Department's cul-
tural cooperative program, he said,
distinguished scholars and officials of
Latin American countries as well as
Chinese and European scholars, will
visit universities (including the Un-
versity of Michigan, museums and
scientific institutions ini America
and confer with professional col-
leagues. He reported that an edu-
cational exchange program will pro-
vide for American professors to be
sent as visiting lecturers at universi-
ties in foreign countries.
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A 5 12y 0ES T W I L L I gnA M-
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Y COmen.Every Daye
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Vists astr ollegeosoo
"Getting Gertie's Garter," Little
Miss Bluebeard," Fair and Warmer"
and other farces written by Avery
Hopwood helped would-be writers at
this University gain a financial start.
Hopwood, a Michigan gr aduate in
1905, was a millionaire playwright
at the time of his death' in 1928, when.
he willed t o his alma mater $551,-
069.78 from which prizes are award-
ed in the annual ilopwaoud writing
Awards in Four Fields
Begun in 1931, the awards to date;
total $97,000. Prizes are awarded in
four fields of writing: drama, poetry,
essay and fiction.
Awards for lupwood winners
range from $50 to over $1000. Mich-
igan is the only university in the
world which offers its students such
large prizes in the field of writing.
The original con Lests were for up-
perclassmen only. The following
winter, however, a special Freshman
Hopwood Contest was begun, and in
1938 the annual summer Hopwoods
came into being.
One of the 1931 winners was Betty
Smith, who entered a play entitled
"Francie Nolan." Miss Smith's re-
Motion picture rights to "Clemen-
tine" by Peggy Goodin, 1945 Avery
Hopwood Fiction Award winner, wer
sold one week alter tn uv u was
Many other Hopwood prize winners
have had their winning works pub-
lished by major publishing houses.
"The Broken Pitcher" by Naomi Gil-
patrick, "Years Before the Flood" by
Marjorie Roane, "Family Tree" by
Florence Maple, "A Sweep of Dusk"
by William Kehoe, and "Valley of
the Sky" by Hobart Skidmore are
some of the better known Hopwood
award winning books which have
been published.
Short Stories Published
Many Hopwood short story win-
ners have had their works published
in magazines. "The Atlantic Month-
ly " "Colliers," "The Saturday Even-
ing Post," end "Good Housekeeping"
have carried stories by Hopwood win-
A special room is maintained in
Angell Hall by the English depart-
nent for Hopwood writers.
Buy and Sell Used Books
At Student Exchange
WRECKAGE OF BELGIAN AIRLINER-This is an airview of the wreckage of the Sabena trans-Atlantic
plane which crashed into a densely wooned area near Gander Lake, Newfoundland. Picture was made by First
Officer Walter H. Mullikan from a Pan American Clipper as it circled the wreckage en route from Gander to
LaGhardia Field, N. Y.
cent best seller,
Francie Nolan.
"A Tree Grows in
as its heroine one
Arnall, Ramey Among Speakers
Scheduled for Oratorical Series
The 1946-47 Oratorical Association
lecture series will open October 17 at
Hill Auditorium when Gov. Ellis Ar-
nall of Georgia will speak on "The
South Looks Forward."
Other speakers in the annual series,
will be:
Randolph Churchill, son of the
British wartime prime minister;
Louis P. Lochner, for 15, years chief
of the Berlin Bureau of the Associ-
ated Press;
Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey, com-
mander of the Army Air Forces task
force that dropped the atom bomb on
John Mason Brown, author and
Mrs. Raymond Clapper, author and
widow of the late Raymond Clapper;
Col. Melvin Purvis, FBI and war
crimes investigator;'
Margaret Webster, noted director,
of Shakespearean drama.-
Gov. Arnall, first speaker in the
series, is known throughout the
country as a leader in Southern poli-
A commando during the war, Ran-
dolph Churchill will speak here Oct.
29 on "Socialism in England."
"The Nuremberg Trial" is the topic
on which Louis P. Lochner will speak
Nov. 7. As Associated Press chief in
Berlin, he observed the trial of the
leaders of Nazi Germany, many of
whom he knew personally.
Brig. Gen. Ramey, who will appear
here Nov. 21, will speak on "Air
Power in the Atomic Age." He was
commander under Maj. Gen. W. E.
Kepner of the task force which
dropped the first atom bomb on Bi-
kini Atoll, and was leader of the fifth
and 20th bomber commands during
the war.
John Mason Brown, associate edi-
tor of the "Saturday Review of Liter-
ature," will speak here Jan. 16 on the
topic "Seeing Things."
Mrs. Raymond Clapper will speak
here Feb. 20 on the topic "Behind the
Scenes in Washington." Author of
"Washington Tapestry," Mrs. Clap-
per has witnessed the rise of many
political figures in Washington.
Col. Melvin Purvis, when he speaks
here Feld. 2, will try to answer the
question, "Can We Reduce Crime ir
the United States?"
Tickets for the Oratorical Associa-
tion series are on sale at Hill Audito-
Jf /
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W ell, here we all are again-and is it good to be back!
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Columbia, Victor, Decca and Key Note all have some
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before you get too submerged in the books,
There's also a fine selection of small radios and phon-
ographs now which you will want to look over, so drop
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