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October 13, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-13

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Saturday DeadlineAnnounced
For Union Election Petitions

i .-

Patient Census
Shows Rise
At'U' Hospital


FEATURE STARTS 1:37 - 4:19 - 7:01 - 9:43 P.M.
-----STARTS TODAY ----

Election petitions for the offices of
Union vice-presidents, senior class
officers and co-chairmen of the
freshmen, sophomore and junior
dances will be due at noon Saturday.
Blanks will be availablefrom 3 to
5 p.m. tomorrow through Friday in
the Union Student Offices. The elec-
tion for these positions and for three
student members of the Board in
Control of Student Publications will
be conducted by the Student Legis-
lature Oct. 29.
Eligibility Cards Required
Petitions are not required from
candidates for Board in Control
membership. Students desiring to
run for Board membership may con-
tact Terrell Whitsitt, chairman of
Former Naval
Chaplain Given
University Post
The Rev. John. H. Burt, former
chaplain in the United States Navy,
has been appointed Chaplain to Epis-
copal Students at the University.
Mr. Burt will begin his work to-
day, when he will preach at the 11
a.m. service in St. Andrew's Episco-
pal Church.
Headquarters for Mr. Burt will be
at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
where the office of the Episcopal
Student Foundation is located. His
associate will be Maxine J. Westphal,
who for the past four years has
served as Counselor to Women Stu-
dents for the Episcopal Student
A native of Pontiac, Michigan, Mr.
Burt graduated from Amherst Col-
lege in 1940, took a year of graduate
study at Columbia University and the
New School of Social Research in
New York City, and then began three
years of theological training at the
Virginia Theological Seminary.

the election committee, from 3 to 4
p.m. tomorrow through Friday in the
Union Student Offices.
Candidates for all positions must
present eligibility cards.
Six Union vice-presidents will be
chosen, one each from the literary
college, engineering college, law
school, dental school, medical school
and all other schpools. Each candi-
date will be required to present evi-
dence of school enrollment. In addi-
tion, he must plan to be here for two
more academic terms.
President To Be Chosen
A senior president, vice-president
and secretary-treasurer will be chos-
en from the literary college and from
the engineering college. Petitions
must be signed by 50 seniors from the
candidate's school and each candi-
date must present evidence of class
Co-chairmen from the literary and
engineering colleges will be chosen for
the freshman, sophomore and junior
dances. Petitions must be signed by
50 members of the candidate's class.
Students Writers Excluded
Candidates for Board in Control
membership may not hold any posi-
tion on the staff of any student publi-~
cation. Nominations for the posi-
tions are made by the nomination
committe of the student members of
the Student Affairs Committee. In
order to be eligible, candidates must
indicate in writing that they will
stand for election and assume the
duties of the office if elected.
Prof. Lederle Speaks
Prof. John W. Lederle, of the politi-
cal science department, spoke on
"Utilities Extensions" at the first ses-
sion of the 48th Annual Meeting of
the Michigan Municipal League being
held this weekend in Detroit.
Prof. Lederle is a staff attorney of
the league.

Help Shortages

0.I -' r

Among Service Staff
With a startling upswing in its pa-
tient census taxing physical facilities
to the limit, the University Hospital
faces increasingly difficult conditions
this year.
The most severe shcrtages in the
help situation lie in the service
groups, Herbert P. Wagner, business
manager of the hospital said. This
group includes all those who work
with food and in the kitchen, nurses
aids, diet maids and any others ex-
cept nurses and doctors, who service
the patients. There is also a serious
shortage in clerical help, he contin-
Machinery Handicaps
In addition, the hospital is facing
machinery handicaps. The lifetime
of much of the machinery was over-
extended during the war, Wagner ex-
plained, and on top of that has had
difficulty in getting serviced. When
we can order new machinery, he said,
delivery dates are set so far ahead
that in many cases it might as well
be available.
Analyzing further the increased de-
mand in both in-patient and out-pa-
tient departments, Wagner reported
that the out-patient clinics are seeing
approximately 600 people each day,
compared to 400 last year and that
the in-patient census has shown a
sharp upswing in just the last sev-
eral weeks.
Hospital Staff Ratio
Though increases in this nature are
hard to forecast and even more dif-
ficult to explain, officials believe
that it can be attributed to the state-
wide shortage of hospital beds, to the
increased participation in health in-
surance prcgrams and to a general
increase in health consciousness.
The desired ratio of hospital staff
members to patients is approximately
two to one. With 1800 employees
serving about 900 patients daily,
Wagner said, the figures at fact
value do not indicate the shortage.


MODEST GRANDMOTHER.- Mrs. Eleanor Medsker, who thinks the
government should help grandmothers preserve their modesty "by al-
lowing longer skirts," writes a letter in reply to one she received from
the Civilian Production Administration asking "explicit details" on
her choice of color and size after the Kansas City, Mo., grandmother
protested the OPA ban on skirt lengthening.
Dr. Carl enr
Remaking the Modern mdin '




Dr. Carl Henry, professor of philos-
ophy at Northern Baptist Seminary
in Chicago, will speak on "Remaking
the Modern Mind" at 4:30 p.m. today
in Lane Hall under the sponsorship
of the Michigan Christian Fellow-
Author of "Remaking the Modern
Mind," "Such As I Have" and "Suc-
cessful Church Publicity," Dr. Henry
is also a contributing editor of the
"Religious Digest."
Dr. Henry, who was a guest at a
dinner given yesterday in Lane Hall,
received degrees from Wheaton Col-
lege and Northern Baptist Seminary,
and took post-graduate work at Loy-
ola University and Boston University.
Several of the student religious or-
ganizations will hold supper meetings
led by guest speakers today.
Rev. Frank Ricker from Colum-
bus, Ohio will speak at the UNI-
per meeting at 6 p.m. today at 1917
His topic, "The Five Basis of Uni-
tarianism," is also the title of a
pamphlet which Rev. Ricker has pub-
lished recently.
Discussion of "Foundations for
Reconstruction" by Elton True-
blood will be continued at the
STUDENT GUILD meeting at 5
The meeting will be preceded by
a fellowship supper.
"A History of the English Church"
will be the topic discussed by Prof.
William Willcox of the history de-
partment at the supper meeting of

the CANTERBURY CLUB at 6 p.m.
at the Student Center.
Guest speaker at the meeting of
will be Rev. Eugene Zendt, pastor
of Memorial Christian Church.
Rev. Zendt will speak on the sub-
ject, "Don't Miss the Bible," following
a cost supper at 6 p.m. at the Guild
House, 502 E. Huron.












A love song in scent . . . serenading her to the stars
Paris-born Intoxication in the jewel-cut flacon.


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