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October 13, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-13

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Latest Deadline in the State
eLooked G in rimArmyDe



Meat Decision
To Be Made
Truman Will Give
Nation-wide Talk
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12-President
Truman will deliver straight to the
steak-hungry American people Mon-
day night his decision whether to re-
lax meat controls.
The President today scheduled a
"broiler-side chat" for 10 p.m., east-
ern standard time, Monday over all
radio networks.
In announcing the arrangements,
Presidential Secretary Charles G.
Ross said Mr. Truman will discuss
meat as part of "the stabilization pro-
That generated new speculation on
how far the Chief Executive might be
willing to go in adjusting the Admin-
istration's line against inflation to
get rib roasts back onto dinner tables
-and nudge Democratic candidates
off political hot-spots.
President's Own Decision
The decision was the President's
alone. His advisers had laid before
him their arguments for one line of
action or another. The problem had
beei threshed over thoroughly in
Cabinet meeting and other high-level
Price Administrator Paul Porter,
who said last Saturday the choice
was between steaks and stabilization,
was silent on the meat question in his
weekly broadcast today. He discussed
One thing appeared certain-that
Mr. Truman would announce some
kind of action and not confine him-
self to mere discussions of the scarcity
of meat and the dangers of inflation.
But even officials familiar with
what has happened in the top-rung
conferences had different ideas of the
course the President would set.
Middle Path Suggested
One said he believed Mr. Truman
would pick a middle path-a boost
in present meat ceilings, or some
kind of insured profit for livestock
producers. Another said he thought it
would be either complete decontrol or
retention of the existing clamps on
Still in the picture as a possibility
was the importing of meat to whittle
down the American shortage. Some
politicians and the domestic indus-
try have criticized that idea severely.
Argentina has offered 4,000,000
pounds of canned meat. To bring
fresh meat from Argentina would ne-
cessitate suspending restrictions now
imposed on the ground that they
are necessary to prevent spreading
the hoof and mouth disease.
Yigoslav Envoy
Hits Acheson for
Trial Criticism
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 -R(P) -
Ambassador Sava N. Kosanovic of
Yugoslavia lashed back at Undersec-
retary of State Dean Acheson today
for criticizing the Stepinac trial "al-
though admitting he had only su-
perficial press reports."
The envoy's statement insisted
that Catholic Archbishop Alojzij
Stepinac had a fair trial on charges
of Axis collaboration and that "every
one of his acts would be punishable
under American law."
Moreover, Kosanovic specifically
denied Acheson's remark that the
United States had been compelled
to take up with the Yugoslavs a "very

considerable number" of trials of
American citizens which were "un-
fairly conducted."
The ambassador said only one
American citizen had been tried in
Yugoslavia, that Ambassador Rich-
ard C. Patterson publicly stated the
trial was fair, and that the only dis-
pute between Belgrade and Wash-
ington was whether the man had
diplomatic immunity.
In that case an American em-
bassy chauffeur named Wedge was
condemned to eight years imprison-
ment on the charge that he killed
one person and seriously wounded
another, Kosanovic explained.


Glen Davis Stars

Strike Strangles Hotel
Service in Washington

In 20-

13 Classic

Diplomatic and dignitaries made
their own beds today and shivered at
prospects of cold water and cold
rooms as a spreading strike strangled
service at 18 of the capital's top ho-
Hundreds of visitors seeking rooms
were turned away, even when they
had reservations.
A brother and cousin of President
Truman, titled visitors from abroad,
Cabinet officers and Supreme Court
Justices found it as futile as 10,000
other hotel guests to pick up a phone
and ask for a bell hop.
Supervisors and clerks tried to pro-
vide makeshift service on switch-
Peace Treaty
For Hungary
Is Completed
Assembly Denies Plea
To Cut Reparations
By I he Associated Press
PARIS, Sunday, Oct. 13 - The
Peace Conference completed its work
on the Hungarian peace treaty early
today after rejecting the plea by the
United States for a $100,000,000 re-
duction in the amount of reparations
that nation must pay Russia, Czecho-
slovakia and Yugoslavia.
In the course of completing its de-
liberations on the last of the treaties
for the Balkan satellites of Gernany,
the Conference voted to free the Hun-
garian section of the Danube to com-
merce of all nations, as it had done
earlier in the Romanian and Bul-
garian treaties.
After a recess today, the Confer-
ence will convene tomorrow, under
t h e chairmanship of President
Georges Bidault of France, to finish
its work on the treaty with Finland.
The delegates voted 12 to two with
seven abstentions to allow the three
Slav nations $300,000,000. Only Can-
ada joined the United States. Aus-
tralia, Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Nor-
way, New Zealand and The Nether-
lands abstained.
Willard Thorp, U. S. State Depart-
ment economic expert, appealing for
the reduction in order to keep Hun-
gary from "economic disintegration,"
spoke just before the delegates of the
21 nations began to vote on final ap-
proval of the Hungarian treaty,
fourth and next to last treaty to be
passed upon by the Conference.
In slightly more ,than 15 minutes
after tonight's session opened the del-
egates approved all the political ar-
ticles in the treaty, including bne di-
recting Hungary to negotiate with
Czechoslovakia on the return of 200,-
000 Hungarians on Czech soil.
Deadline Near
On Registration
Michigan citizens must be per-
manently registered on or before
Wednesday, Oct. 16 in order to be
eligible to vote, Mrs. Luella M. Smith,
Washtenaw County Clerk, announced
Under the Public Acts of 1945,
which amended provisions to election
laws relating to permanent registra-
tion, all Washtenaw County voters,
except those in the townships of Yp-
silanti and Pittsfield and the cities of
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, must re-
register to be eligible to vote in the
Nov. 5 election.
Once registered permanently, a cit-
izen must vote every two years in or-
der to retain his voting privilege un-
der the permanent registration laws.
A citizen who has never registered to
vote must complete an initial regis-

boards and elevators. But dining
rooms and bars were dark. "Closed"
signs hung on doors. Pickets parad-
ed outside.
Some 5,000 service employes struck
yesterday for higher pay. They be-
long to AFL unions. And today boiler
tenders were shutting down engine
rooms. Their union, also AFL, called
them all off the job by midnight, cut-
ting off heat, hot water and air con-
The unions originally had demand-
ed a raise of 15 cents an hour for all
workers who get no tips and 10 cents
for those who do. The hotels offered
5 and 2/ cents. Labor Department
conciliators suggested a compromise
on 8 and 4 cents. The unions agreed
but the hotels rejected it, contending
it would cost them $1,000,000 'a year.
No negotiations were scheduled today.
Secretary of Labor Schwelenbach,
Secretary of the Treasury Snyder and
Chief Justice Vinson live at the
Wardman Park. Pickets withdrew
their lines there to allow Schwellen-
bach to pass.
Former Secretary of Commerce
Wallace, staunch friend of labor, has
a suite at the Wardman Park. A wed-
ding eve dinner in honor of his
daughter, Jean, and members of the
wedding party was shifted last night
to a restaurant.
Russia Asked
To Negotiate
War Accounts
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12-(P)-The
United States has asked Russia to
begin negotiations designed to set-
tle up the Soviet's $11,000,000,000
war time lend lease account, in-
formed diplomatic officials disclosed
These officials said the American
Government had sent a note to Mos-
cow several weeks ago suggesting
this step but had not yet received a
Russia presumably will be asked
during the conversations to pay the
United States a percentage of the
cost of the guns, tanks, warplanes
and other material furnished her
under the wartime agreement.
Closed Accounts
In previous similar post-lend-
lease negotiations with other coun-
tries, however, the United States has
not sought full - scale compensa-
tion. Factors like war losses, and
casualties are taken into considera-
tion before arriving at a figure and
writing "closed" to the account,
Russia was asked to send a finan-
cial mission to Washington to begin
discussions as soon as convenient,
these officials said.
No Reply Received
The American note was reported
to have been sent several weeks ago
but no reply has been received.
The United States furnished Rus-
sia $11,141,000,000 in lend-lease as
of Dec. 31, 1945. Russia's reverse
lend - lease contributions for the
same period totalled $2,213,000.
The American note to Moscow di-
vorces the lend-lease discussions
from the suggested negotiations for a
$1,000;000,000 loan to Russia. This
change of procedure reflects the
American government's growing be-
lief that the Soviet would not ac-
cept the conditions for the credit
laid down by the United States.
Russia Not Agreed
Russia requested the loan nearly
a year ago but has not agreed to
American suggestions for an agenda
which would include examination of
economic conditions in eastern Eur-
Further negotiations are stalled
because of Soviet failure to answer
a third American note on the sub-
ject sent about three months ago.

Chappuis, White and Madar Spark
'M' Drive Before Frenzied Crowd
A fighting Michigan eleven battling as if it had never heard of the word
"defeat" threw scare after scare into favored Army but fell one touchdown
short as the Cadets pounded out a well-earned 20-13 triumph over the Wol-
verines before a howling crowd of 85,939.
It was a crowd-pleaser from the opening minutes when Glenn Davis,
an All-American all afternoon, bobbled a long pass from Arnold Tucker
for ten yards before losing it deep in Michigan territory to the closing
seconds when the Wolverines struck through the air to march 32 yards
to the Army 11 where a series of potential touchdown passes just missed.
Too much praise cannot be given to the Maize and Blue line which
continually harassed Army's fleet backs in their own backfield. Led by Elmer
Madar who played an outstanding game at end for Michigan, the Wol-
verine forwards, deploying into numerous defensive arrays, bottled up
Army's great running game and forced the Cadets to take to the air for
their big yardage.
* * * 4'Ti Mn ,,..A 01., a

GLEN DAVIS-Michigan found Army's 'Mr. Outside' to he inside, out-
side, and all over as he displayed Ai-American form in yesterday's
game accounting for two of Army's three touchdowns.
It's a Happy Dlay for, 80 Wr ounded
Vets from Percy Jones Hospital

They all wore the Purple Heart and'
a smile at the stadium yesterday:
"They" were the 80 soldier ampu-
tees from Percy Jones General Hospi-
tal, Battle Creek, who witnessed the
Michigan-Army classic through the
generosity of students, faculty and
alumni who turned over tickets for
their use.
The GI patients were met at the
stadium gates by members of the
University chapter of the American
Veterans Committee and escorted to
their seats.
The patients included 10 officers
and 70 enlisted men, ranging in rank
Atoms Costly
Says Sawyer
Other Power Sources
Remain Cheaper
Even though many estimates have
been made concerning the costsof es-
tablishing atomic energy p o w e r
plants, "no one really knows what
the expense will actually be," Dean
Ralph A. Sawyer, of the Graduate
School, declared yesterday.
Dean Sawyer, who was technical
director of the Bikini atomic bomb
tests, pointed out that since develop-
ment was "not yet completed," it
was too early to estimate expenses.
He added that he had learned esti-
mates placing the cost of obtaining
power from such plants 25 to 50 per
cent higher than from steam or hy-
droelectric plants. 0

from Private to Lieutenant-Colonel.
Two were members of the Army Nurse
Corps. S
Walking slowly and awkwardly or
rolling along in wheel chairs, the bat,
tle-worn veterans went into the sta-
dium and came out in the rain with
words of thanks on their lips for the
ticket donors who had made their at-
tendance possible.
"The game has done more for their
morale-than anything else I know of,"
Capt. Gordon Smiley, officer-in-
charge of the group, said.
Student tickets received by The
Daily will be returned to their owners
upon presentation of receipts from
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday at the cash-
ier's desk in the Student Publications
Students who will be unable to call
for their tickets are asked to notify
The Daily editors. Tickets owned by
these students will be returned to
them by registered mail.
Murray Spurns
Mediation Bid
DETROIT, Oct. 12-(P)- CIO
President Philip Murray today side-
stepped a direct request from Hen-
ry Ford II, president of the Ford
Motor company.l
Ford, in a unique move Friday by-
passed international officers of the
CIO United Auto Workers and asked
Murray: "Can and will CIO control
the subversive and insurgent factions
which are apparently calling the
tune in so many places today."

Slippery Roads
Take Motorists
On Side T rips
Recently Hospitalized
Vet Suffers Injuries
Heavy post-game traffic resulted in
at least eight traffic accidents yes-
terday, according to Ann Arbor po-
No serious injuries were reported as
a result of the accidents, which police
attributed to the slippery condition
of the rain soaked streets.
Ironically one of those injured was
D. A. Hickey, od Grouse Ille, recently
discharged veteran who had under-
gone 15 months of treatment in Army
hospitals for combat wounds. Hickey,
a passenger in a car involved in an
accident at 5th and William Streets,
was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital
where he was given emergency treat-
ment for a leg injury, police said.
The cold weather ,which caused a
reappearance of the time honored
football firewater flask, caused the
usual amount of grief to the police.
Traffic in inebreates was heavy at
the local bastille, and police were kept
busy locating missing persons for
anxious friends and relatives.
Another game sidelight observed
was a fulfillment of trat old adage,
"To the victor belong the spoils."
!Many coeds were seen strolling away
from the stadium, arm in arm with
members, of the cadet contingent
which was given time-off after the
grid tilt.
Greek Rightists
Expect Victory
Leftists Try To Sever
Northern Provinces
ATHENS, Oct. 12-Greek mili-
tary authorities declared today that
leftist bands in central Macedonia
have been cut to pieces and pre-
dicted "full success" in "twenty days"
for the government's mop up cam-
However a more southerly com-
mander, Gen. Spiros Georgoulis at
the head of the Second Army Corps
in Larissa, simultaneously declared
that "a network of Communist bands
directed from abroad is attempting
to cut off northern Greece and form
an autonomous state." He admitted
that it is now necessary to convoy
traffic on Greece's main north-south
highway from a point just north of
The declaration that outlaw bands
in Macedonia have been cut up came
from Greek Third Army Headquar-
ters in a statement at Salonika. It
followed several weeks of what Pre-
mier Constantin Tsaldaris has called
civil war. The Salonika statement
declared that attacks believed to be
attempts to reaffirm the authority
of the leftist ELAS can be regarded
as a "failure." Remnants of the
bands, the statement said, are now
fleeing toward the rugged Mount
Olympus terrain.
Gen. Georgoulis, at Larissa in cen-
tral Greece, declared that daily min-
ing of the main road to the north of
Larissa is part of the plot to seal off
the north. As a result of the mining

i e muze ana uue secon ary,
pulled up close to check the explosive
Cadet runners, played a bang-up
game but was unable to stop the
prfect tosses of Davis and Tucker.
All told the Kaydets gained 152
yards on the ground and another 211
via the aerial route. Michigan, with
Howie Yerges and Pete Elliott mx-
ing their plays masterfully, rolled
up 141 yards on the ground and add-
ed another 95 through the air.
Davis Is Outstanding
To the some 86,000 fans the battle
was a personal triumph for Davis.
Time and again the alert, fast-
charging Wolverine forwards trap-
ped the elusive halfback in his own
backfield only to find themselves
clutching at empty air when Davis'
turned on his blinding speed. Davis
broke loose only once but it was as
neat a run as MichiganbStadiumwhas
ever seen.
With the Kaydets trailing 7-0
Davis shot into the Michigan second-
ary in the first period, changed his
pace and steamed through the en-
tire Wolverine secondary for 57 yards
and the initial Army touchdown. It
was the longest gain of the day. All
in all Davis gained 105 yards on the
Drift Intimated
French Say Harriman
Doubts Compromise
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12-- () -
Agence France-Presse, French News
agency, quotes Secretary of Com-
merce Harriman as saying Premier
Stalin is convinced the capitalist and
communist systems cannot exist to-
gether in the world.
The agency quotes Harrimanas
saying that he himself also developed
this feeling during his service as am-
bassador to Moscow and that Presi-
dent Roosevelt came to the same
conclusion before his death.
A dispatch filed last night by Jean
Davidson, the agency's correspondent
here, reports that Harriman ex-
pressed these views in a secret lec-
ture Thursday before military and
state department officers. Davidson
declined to disclose his source but
said it was "a very good one."
Harriman was in New York to-
night and could not be reached im-
mediately for, comment.
Davidson Said, in Part:
"Stalin and Soviet leaders have
convictions that the two systems, the
capitalist and the communist, can
not exist together in one world, Har-
riman is reported by a very authori-
tative source to have said.
AFL To Form
Farmers Union
CHICAGO, Oct. 12-(W)--The
American Federation of Labor is
throwing its weight behind a drive
to organize farm workers and help
them gain bargaining rights and a
shorter work week.
If the plan succeeds the combina-
tion of agricultural and industrial
workers could have far-reaching ef-
fects in the nation's politics and eco-
Already one AFL group is spon-
soring the third political party idea.

Henry Wallace Takes Top Post on 'New Republic'

WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 -- (P) -
Henry A. Wallace, fired from Presi-

"I shall have the opportunity of
saying exactly what I think at a time

ing the magazine. Bliven said in New
York there would be no change in

for the man who served eight years
as secretary of agriculture and four

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