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February 19, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-19

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est Campus Co-op Group r
ted To Give Up House1

Vets Must Fi

ze University's oldest co-op,
Michigan Cooperative House,
E. Ann St., has been ordered
linquish its house to the own-
y July 1, according to Jerry
, president.
ie co-op was started in 1932
a 11 students, including four
formed the Michigan So-
sst House charging $2.00' a
for room and board.
e name had no political im-
.tions but was used idealist-
y, Rees said. Later it was
ed to Michigan Cooperative
;e, as it stands now.
ie men who started the house
lncert Will
B Presented
esenting a program combin-
classical and humorous music,
Templeton, pianist and corn-
r. will give a special C horal
)n concert at 8:30 p.m. Friday
[ill Auditorium.
ie works of Bach, Chopin. De-
y, Rameau and Holst will be
d in the first portion of the
ram, which will conclude with
pleton's own "Characteristic
es." The remainder of the
bers will be composed of hum-
s arrangements and improvis-
;own to Ann Arbor audiences
through personal appear-
s and radio work, Templeton
so composer of the music for
forthcoming Broadway musi-
"Dream Boat."
Templeton specialty, which
be presented in Friday's con-
is the four note improvisation
ie styles of different compos-
kets for the concert are
[able at the office of the Uni-
ty Musical Society.
lopw at 115 West Liberty

did so because they were financial-
ly unable to live elsewhere. Furni-
ture for the house was donated by
members of the faculty and towns-
people. The students do all their
own work, including the cooking.
The Michigan Socialist House
was the starting point for other
co-ops on campus. Eleven grew
out of it before the war. There
are now five, of which three are
women's. Rees said that the rea-
son for the lesser number now is
not that co-ops aren't needed or
wanted. When the war came, many
of the men's co-ops lost their
houses, and they haven't been able
to get them back, he said.
"The demand for co-op housing
is greater than ever now because
prices are so high," Rees declared.
"The loss of the house will limit
seriously the co-op housing facili-
ties on campus when they are
needed most," he added.
Sigler To Talk;
At Conference,
Foremans Meeting
To Be Held Feb. 28
An address by Governor Kim
Sigler will highlight the Ninth
Annual Foreman's Conference to
be held Feb. 28 at the Rackham
Educational Memorial in Detroit
under the sponsorship of the Uni-
versity Extension Service.
The theme of the conference,
as announced by Dr. C. A. Fisher,
director of the extension service,
will be "Lt's Establish the Will to
Produce." Governor Sigler will
speak at the evening session and
will be introduced by Marvin L.
Niehuss vice-president of the Uni-
Preceding Sigler's address will
be the showing of "Operation
Crossroads," a film on the Bikini
atomic bomb tests loaned to the
conference by Dean Ralph A. Saw-
yer of the graduate school.
The afternoon session of the
conference, will open at 1:30 p.m.
with a general assembly presided
over by Dr. Fisher and then will
break up into separate discussion
Among the leaders of these
groups will be several representa-
tives of the University including:
Charles L. Jamison, professor of
business policy, Irene Place, as-
sistant professor of secretarial
practice, Wilma T. Donahue, Bur-
eau of Psychological Services, and
Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Ser-
Foresters To Meet
The Forestry Club will hold its
first meeting of the semester at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 2039,
Natural Science Building.
Following a short business meet-
ing, movies procured from the
Isaac Walton League will be
shown and refreshments will be

ALL-STAR JAM SESSION-Shown here are some of the top jazz
artists who will appear March 4 in Hill Auditorium. Top row,
left to right, are Coleman Hawkins, Joe "Flip" Phillips and Buck
Clayton. Below are Buddy Rich and Helen Humes.



IAS discussion
"Development and Construction
of the Willow Run Supersonic
Wind Tunnel" will be discussed
by Ray Schneyer, project engineer
for the wind tunnel, at a meeting
of the Institute of Aeronautical
Sciences at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union.
Lawyers Guild..,
The University chapter of the
Lawyers' Guild will hold a meet-
ing at 4 p.m. today in the Union.
The members will hear reports
on the recent Guild conference
in New York and the executive
council meeting of the Detroit
Ski Club To Meet . ,
The Ullr Ski Club will meet at
8:30 p.m. tonight in the Union and
will be shown a movie "Ski Chase."
The club has invited any stu-
dents interested in future week-
end ski trips to attend the meet-
* * *
Round Table Today . .
A forestry round table meet-
ing will be held at 7:34 p.m.
today in Rm. 4054 Natural Sci-
ence Building for pre-forestry
Prof. Dow V. Baxter ,in charge
of the meeting, has announced
that the principal speaker will
be Dean Samuel T. Dana of the
forestry school.

New Zealanders-...,
The International Center will
be host to 12 New Zealand stu-
dents at tea at 4 p.m. today.
The students, who are special-
izing in botany and zoology, are
touring universities in the United
States and Canada. They are in-
terested in inspecting laboratory
equipment and teaching methods
* * *
Bridge Night ... .
An evening of bridge for for-
eign students and friends willh be
held at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Iiternational Center.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma . . .
Pi Tau Pi Sigma, honorary Sig-
nal Corps fraternity, will hold its
bi-monthly meeting at 8 p.m. to-
day, Rm. 100, Military Science
A film on radar will be shown
preceding the business meeting.
Art Cinema Will,
Show Czech Film
"The Skeleton on Horseback,"
pre-Munich Czechoslovakian film,
will be presented by the Art Cin-
ema League at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow,
Friday and Saturday at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Czechoslovakian playwright
Karel Capek wrote the screen-
play, which symbolizes Fascism
and Nazism as a disease. Adapta-
tion and English titles are by Fan-
nie Hurst.

Jazz Concert
Is Scheduled
By Legislature
(Continued from Page 1)
of America's finest contributions
to the culture of the world."
Product of America
He says, "Jazz is the product of
all America, deriving much of its
inspiration and creation from the
Negro people and holding up no
superficial bars. It is truly the
music of democratic America-an
ideal medium for bringing about a
better understanding among all
Granz, originator and producer
of "Jazz at the Philharmonic,"
achieved nationwide fame as the
author and director of the motion
picture Academy Award short,
"Jammin' the Blues," which was
proclaimed the finest pictorial
treatment ever accorded jazz on
the motion picture screen. He is
a member of Esquire Magazine's
All-American Board of Experts
who annually select the best jazz-
men in the country.
Top Jazz Impressario
According to the September,,
1946, issue of "Ebony," Granz
stands as the "number one jazz
impresario whose 'Jazz at the
Philharmonic' presentations are
currently packing them into the
nation's symphony halls and
drawing fabulous profits."
Each artist in the program plays
the songs for which he has at-
tained national recognition. The
group also features contests be-
tween different members of the
concert, individual soloes and
group playing in its two ana one-
half hour program.
Listen to this tale of romance
Tale of Indian warrior bold.
In the early moon of greenleaves
Came they forth the stoic valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam one of friend great chief,
Paleface mighty among his kind;
Came he forth to take their token
Of the warpath they would tread,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming yelling red-
To the tree of Indian legend
When the whiteman pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Downsthe warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the warcry stirred the still-
As they seized their hapless cap-
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure.
There around the glowing bonfires
Heard the words of mighty wis-
Smoked the pipe of peace and
Thus on 17 sleep, Moon of
Braves Seekum Squaws, there
came to Michigamua Howard Wi-
kel, Harold Walters, Ted Greer,
Robert Taylor, Alex Canja and
Paul Harsha.
Faculty-Student Tea
A faculty-student tea honoring
members of the sociology depart-
ment will be held from 3:30 to 4:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Russian Tea
Room of the League.

(Continued from Page 1)
B. Suthergreen, Ralph Bates, Hy-
man Warshawsky,
Joseph F. Quinlan, John P.
Gwin, Joseph L. Smith, George C.
Van Husen Edward C. Schmidt
Thomas F. Bubin, George P. Ran-
som, John R. Dykma, Raymond E.
Kuzniak, Thomas P. O'Neill,
Roman Z. Serbay, Willis F. Bag-
ema, Gordon H. Jonas, Harold F.
Johnston, Jr., Paul G. Klein, Wil-
liam A. Gillespie, Edward C. New-
man, Harold T. Bobenkerk, James
L. Bristol, Jr., Robert E. Bright,
Jan B. Dreszer, Marion J. Grif-
fin, Arnold L. Kaufman, Kenneth
Marshall, Woodrow W. Morris,
Donald E. Beall, Charles H.
Haithman, Robert B. Preble, Dar-
vin Sampson, Lewis R. Williams,
Jr., Joseph Egan, Robert E. Wend-
ling, Ervan D. Lane,
Charles V. Booth, Jr., Donald
S. Gane, Alexis Anikeeff, John G.
Martyn, Robert R. Wheeler, Al-
bert W. Nyquist, Robert J. Pat-
tee, Forrest D. Hamilton, Jr., Rob-
ert C. Forsythe, Fredric Rusche,
Henry T. Lane, Jr., Chester W.
Taylor, Roy G. Burton, Robert
Schellenberg, James Bolton, Ralph
Harbert, Jr., IDonald L. Schep-
perely, Allen B. Hardenbrook,
Richard Monroe, Glover Trytten,
Phillip D. Johnson, Richard S.
Miller, Frederick MacArthur, Her-
bert Van Burgell, Otto Bruce, Hil-
ton Falahee, Era A. Wiitale, Angio
Bandettini, Miller Ryans, Aaron
Goldberg Harry W. Hansen,
Clyde H. Lietzow, Simon Sim-
onian, Paul E. Nuemann, Jay R.
King, Richard Robinson, Richard
Tschirhart, John Aulbach, Char-
les R. McKinley, Kenneth Mc-
Loed, Milan Luptak, Jacob Morri-
son, Carl J. Duncan, Urban L.
Paul Johnson, Donald Gilman,
Donald R. Spencer, Murray Mark-
land, Edwin Irion, Jr., Raymond
Spruit, Victor Monnett, Gerald
Moon, Virgil Clark, Edward Hall,
Willard Posen, John White, Al-
fonso Geiger, Alfked Drury,
Nick Katsarelas, Marvin Bode-
en, Robert Powers, Clarence Jus-
tice, John Hubbard, James Mc-
Donald, Gprdon Raymond, Morey
Levine, Robert James Wollam,
Earl T. Wegner, Alberta J. John-
son, Loren Julius Schiller,
Ernest Weiss, Angela Marko-
wicz, John Eric Hofman, Daniel
Weisswasser, Max E. Mathers,
William D. Seibert, Sidney David-
son, Richard J. Janesheski, Ray
George Spencer, Martha Evelyn
Clark (Thorpe), Ralph Albert
Greenberg, James Davidson Deck-
er, Robert Reem, David Hall Jen-
kins, Jerome Howard Roller, Char-
les A. Mosher, Helen .Julia Go-
frank, Richard Laurence Platte,
Arthur L. Smith, Peter B. Com-
paan, Charles Murphy,
George W. Harms, William
Bradford, Samuel M. Hageman.
Walter E. Howard, Gerald K.
Vieson, George P. Fleming, John
H. Wake, William H. Mikulich,
Clarence A. Pate, George C. Reis,
Jr., Ross E. Wales, Philip L. Clif-
ton, William Kulaga, Ralph M.
Powers, Jr., Robert Spillman, Jr.,
Drinkng ...
(Continued from Page 1)
people have to face the problem
very early in their social careers.
"If education means anything,
college students have an obliga-
tion to do some intelligent think-
ing on the subject. It is my be-
lief that with the exception of
a comparatively small group, they
do. They would all do well to re-
member that life in the twentieth
century is difficult enough and
complex enough to require that
our brains should be in condition
to function clearly 24 hours a

John F.Goodrow, Jesse M. Dean,
Edward R. Hutchinson. Joseph
M. Bartz, Alec Lubnik, Wilbur
Maki, Arthur K. Bierman, John
D. Wolf, John B. Bertoldi, Frank
A. Stewart, Charles E. Bouwsma,
The C-numbers of the following
veterans begin with seven:
Kathyrn M. Paden, James K.j
Mitsumori. Edgar G. Weber. Jane
G. Schacht, William A. Doerner,
Janet M. Roth, Fred L. Meyer.
Milton C. Edlund, Frederick H.
Reiter, William R. Sturtz,
Donald N. Dodd, Albert Rend-
len, Joseph L. Schweppe. William
H. Rost, Donald B. Plott, Robert
G. Dimler, Bernard Feinberg, Rob-
ert McDonald, Stephen H. Kief-
er, Lawrence Rich, Ira J. Lefton,
David H. Baldwin, Daniel F. Gar-
diner, Jr., William R. Price,
Robert M. Ballou, William W.
Hamilton, Jr., Albert B. Shach-
man, Saul I. Harrison, Glasoc W.
Rector, Walter Lee Johnson, Don
F. Halter, Anthony J. Procas-
sinin, James W. Squire, Walter P.
Myers, Dellmar C. Asplund, El-
bert V. Chilson, Benjamin F. Sof-
fe, Jr.,'
The C-numbers of the following
ceterans begin with eight:
John B. Mantonya, Roger M,
Bellows, James G. Bell, Cranston
F. Jones, Lyle I. Landrum, Samuel
Schaefer, Jr., Leo R. Newcombe,
Richard M. Greenfield, Milton L.
Braun, Philip Sherman Oram,
Allen E. Waite, Walter B. Wil-
liamson, Russell L. Steere,
Donald H. Nelson, Roger E.
DeYoung, Nafe A. Alley, Douglas
A. Hayes, Kenneth A. Peterson,
Julian M. Hebden, Elmer P. Fos-
ter, Byron W. Lodwick,. Theodore
E. Upham, Harold A. Cook, Lof-
ton C. Greene,
Donald L. Perkins, Richard J.
McMurray,. Walter K. Locklin,
Robert P. Ohlmacher, Edward R.
Hood, Ronald W. Stran, Robin A.
Drews, Frederick Arthur, James

H. White, Martin P. Perono,
James D. Kittelton, Don
Todd, John T. Haischer, C
H. Sanders, Charles T. I
Robert S. Straith, William D
shall Philip D. Marriner, Jc
Graves, Burnette S. Henry
rge W. Linn. James H. Me(
Conrad Wronski, Marsha
George Arthur Elkington,
E. Palmer, Harry D. Reber
nard Bensky, Thomas M. Ti
Willard E. Hopps, Willia
Black, LaForde E. Bundy,
Noel Kutack, Henry L.
Myron P. Opie, WilliamB
bard, Robert Emmet Turn(
Robert D. Gardner, PaulA.
ton. William E. Boersma, 1
J. Mann, Robert A. Hale
Lawrence W. Grosser, La;
Vabulas, Horace G. Lunt I
ham A. Law, Hyman D. S.
Albert D. Genn, Thomas R
ahan, Charles W. Moody,
Robert M. Wright, Irwin
sheim, Stuart E. Anderson,
W. Whitlock, Jr., William i
ley, Virginia D. Singleton, I
Willard, William M. Beaney
Bear, Robert E. Lloyd, Th-
J. Fraizer,
Roland C. Alexander, I
W. Alden, Pembleton T. Co
Edward P. Barrett, Kenn
Smith, Louis St. Onge
Claud D. Kelsay, Anne De
Stephen R. Pope,
Philip R. Ensmengel, Ja
Birnbaum, Jr., William J.,
son, Florence Rosenberg, Ja
Curtis, Hugh F. Bell, Burto
ter, Robert W. Spurrier, M
J. Schneider, John F. J
Theodore R. Wellerson,
Alin, John S. Stover, Jr., N
G. Yoder,
The C-numbers of the fol
veterans begin with 11:
Irving E. Halman, Arnolc
teman, Jr., Robert J. Orbicl


to Your Favorite



at the




Af ternoon


2 30 - 5:30 P.M.
"Stag . . . or . . Drag
Women-No Charge

)th Main Opposite Court Hou08
- Today and Friday-
-- added
a Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Men *20c

II ''
MUSIC HALL-Detroit-Fe b. 22,23 (Ma
350 Madison - 6 Blocks from Greyhound Bus Terminal
cNot only the best Ball
Comnanv butae the be



Weekdays until 5 P.M., 25c
Evenings and Sundays, 30c
Now Playing
with Henry Fonda,
Linda Darnell, Victor Mature
-- and-
Brenda Joyce, Don Porter



w: looking within
FEB. 22; Les Patineurs, Jardin aux Lilas Bas
de Quatre, Helen of Troy, FEB. 23 (Mat.): Les
Sylphidces, On Stage, Les Patineurs. Feb. 23
(Eve.): Swant Lake, Gala Performance, Fancy
Free FEB 24: Les Syphides, Facisimile, Tal-
ly-Ho, Interplay.
Evening - 8:30 - Matinee - 3:00




II '

Continuous from 1 P.M.

Last Dayl

D .E

WANTED-Trumpet man, for estab-
lished and working dance band, must
read and ride. Phil Savage. Phone
25-8084 evenings. )11
WANTED-Jitterbug Instructress. Light
work, you choose the hours and name
the salary. Write, Robert M. Brown,
West Lodge, Ypsilanti, Mich., or call
Ypsilanti 9262 between 8 and 10 p.m.
YOU CAN ACQUIRE a skill and experi-
ence that can be profitable to you all
through life. Decide now to enter
telephone work. Itt the type of job
that gives you a feeling of satisfac-
tion. Apply at Michigan Bell Tele-
phone Company, 323 E. Washington
St. ) 35
SUMMER CAMP openings for two wo-
men counselors. Experienced dance
and craft instruction. Jewish clien-
tele. Write J. Carron, 924 Oakland.
FOR RENT-Typewriters now available
for rent, standards or portables. Of-
fice Equipment Service Co., 111 S.
Fourth Ave. )36
FOR RENT-Typewriters now available
for rent, standards or portables. Of-
fice Equipment Service Co., 111 S.
Fourth Ave. )36
PIANO for use, rent free. You provide
space and moving cost. Allow me to
play one hour daily. Tornheim, 205
West Engr., phone 4121, Ext. 641. )14

WANTED-Ride for two to Grand Rap- 1941 PLYMOUTH CPE. Radio, heater,
ids, leaving Friday afternoon. Share defroster. Unusually clean in and
expenses. Call 4121 Ext, 308, Mrs. rout. $.95.00 suNo 56, etnillage
Van Husen. )24 (Hi and Fifth) after 12 noon.
LOST-At Registration, green and red sEASONED HARDWOOD; Mixed limb
silk scarf, sentimental value, reward, and chunk, $e.00 per cord. We de-
Anne Partney, 5534 Stockwell. )20 liver 2 cord or more. Phone Saline,
143F21 collect, or write Glen Hamlin,

TCESO ONSEal xOfcCI1fo(Tax I
TICKETS NOW ON SALE Lail Box Office, et 2810 for Rese:


LOST-Chromium military-type wrist
watch, sweep second hand. Between
Library and Toledo. Reward. Call
Call Lou Major, 9027. )19
LOST-Chromium wrist watch with
chromium expanding band some-
where around campus. Made by
Moeris. Call Tom Barnes, 9027. )21
LOST-Roubona pigskin cigarette light-
er. Sentimental value. Contact Bar-
bara Boynton, 3013 Stockwell Hall.
Phone 2-4471. )15
LOST-Parker pen, between League
and Newberry. Engraved, Nancy Lee
Thompsoa. Reward. Call 2-2591. )52
LOST-Green Shieaffer's fountain pen.
"Charles J. Forner" inscribed on it.
Reward. Phone 7730. )53
LOST-Loose-leaf, zipper notebook, let-
ter therein. Reward. Phone 2-1533.
Mark Harris, 305 N. Revena. .50
DRESSMAKING and Styling: Special-
izing with Vogue for that new Spring
outfit. Call for appointment. Mrs.
Ringinen, 2-26Q4. 5)
DRESSMAKING and alterations, also
teacher of sewing. Miss Livingston,
315 S. Division, second floor front.

Saline. )9
FqR SALE-Clarinet and tenor sax each
with case. Call 8177 after 7:30 p.m.

Buy and Sell at the




TYPING: theses, term papers, ad-
dresses, etc. Duplicating: notices,
form letters, programs. A. A. Typing
Service, 232 Nickels Arcade, Phone
9811. )1
MEN STUDENTS-Laundry done rea-
sonably, E. Ann St. near State St.
Phone 2-6760. )26
J-HOP PICTURES: If I took your photo
Saturday night J-Hop and haven't
contacted you, call at 616 Church any
evening to see pictures. George Ado-
mian. )8
Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired
314 S. StateSt. Phone 7177

Student Book Exchange
Now at 115 West Liberty



$ 3.00--$2.90
_. ._~z


- Starts Thursday I


(and cooing)
of Sigma Chii

Second Semester - February 10

Lqmmj I

0% ., ~





STENOTYPY (Machine shorthand)



"Skeleton on Horseback"








, I


k ILA a

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