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February 19, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-19

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Latest Deadline in the State


-7 )


See Page 4

, No. 94



rns Probe



'U' Vets Must File VA
Earnings Report Today
Failure To Comply with Ruling May Cost
400 Veterans Subsistence Payments
More than 400 University veterans face immediate suspension of
their subsistence payments unless they file a report of their earnings
with the Veterans Administration today, VA officials announced
The veterans, whose names are listed below according to C-num-
ber, must report to the VA guidance office, Rm. 100, RackhamBuild-
ing, between 8 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. today or their subsistence payments
will be cut off, George A. Beauchamp, acting chief of the vocational


Will Break Previous Recorc


Predicts Spring Enrollme

onsider Revised
xam Schedules
sible revision of the Univer-1
alendar, especially of the ex-
ation schedule, is now being
-ered by the Committee of
)eans Conference, Dr. Frank
bbins, assistant to the presi-
and the committee's chair-
announced yesterday.
dy of the calendar was un-
,ken at the request of the
eo Advisory Committee on
rsity Affairs, Dr. Robbins
sed,- when weaknesses of the
nt calendar became apparent.
evisions Since 1928
e calendar was set up in 1928
1as not undergone any major
on since that time.
fessors in both the literary:
ngineering colleges have pro-
that this year's 11-day ex-
ation period took too much
which should have been de-
to classes, Dr. Robbins said.
mge in the date for begin-
the semester also has been
sary, Dr. Robbins said, be-
of vacation restrictions un-
he GI Bill of Rights, The
zg of fall semester was
d forward a full week this
he pointed out, so that vet-
attending the summer ses-
would not stop receiving sub-
.ce checks because they were
f school more than 30 days.
ding to the calendar as set
1 1928, fall semester should
the last Monday in Sep-
.s Undecided
f. Paul S. Dwyer, who is in
'e of making up the examina-
chedule for the literary col-
said nlo action has yet been
to return to two-hour ex-
ations. "Any professor had
ption of giving two-hour ex-
ations last semester," he de-
l. "The source of complaint
een the length of the exami-
1 period, not of the exams
ording to Prof. Clarence
er, who makes lap the sched-
or the engineering college,
es that the examination pe-
cut into the class-time are

Senate GOP Chops Budget 4.5 Blli1z

Semesters Equalized
"The fall semester ran a full
15 weeks," he pointed out. "This is
exactly as long as the spring se-
mester. The complaints apparently
have arisen from a mistaken no-
tion that the semester was made
shorter than usual to accommo-
date the longer examination pe-
riod. What did happen was that
the semester, originally scheduled
for 16 weeks, was merely made
the same length as the spring
Prof. Dwyer and Prof. Kessler
were in agreement that at least 22
examination periods were neces-
sary with so many noon, late af-
ternooh and evening classes. If
the examination period were to
be shortened, they pointed out, a
return to three two-hour periods
a day might be necessary.
Both professors have recom-
mended, that the examination pe-
riod for the spring semester begin
the day after Memorial Day as
now scheduled, but extend until
the Thursday, instead of Tuesday,
before commencement.
Walters Gets
Union Position
Keys Are Awarded
To Student Workers
The appointment of Hal Walters
as Secretary of the Union Execu-
tive Council was announced at the
Union Banquet last night,
Executive Council keys were
awarded to Arthur Derderian,
Richard Cortright, Bradley Straats-
ma, Allan Farnsworth, Louis La-
Pierre and George Shaffer.
Also announced was the ap-
pointment of Duane Heilbronn to
the Executive Council and the
awarding of the Board of Directors
Key to Henry B. Horldt, former
Union Tower Charms were
awarded to Preddice, Holland,.
Goldenb~erg, Sargeant, Bauer, Tat-
tersall, Bailie, .Townley, Heil-
bronn, Mathieson, Olshefsky, Jor-
dan, Simons, Pfhol and Quimby..

. . . jazz artist
* * *
jazz Stylists
Will Present,
Concert Here
Top jazz artists of the country
will bring blues, swing, jam and
boogie woogie to campus from the
stage of Hill Auditorium on March
4 when Norman Granz's unique
program "Jazz at the Philharmon-
ic," is presented here.
Granz's unusual concert pack-
age, which rolls the whole history
of jazz into one evening, includes
Coleman Hawkins, Buddy Rich,
Joe "Flip" 1'hillips, Willie Smith,
Helen Humes, Trummy Young,
Kenneth Kersey, Benny Fonville
and Buck Clayton.
Fourth National Tour
Appearing in Ann Arbor on
their fourth national tour, the
group has appeared in previous
tours at Carnegie Hall in New
York, Civic Opera House in Chi-
cago, Music Hall in Detroit, Acad-
emy of Music in Philadelphia,
Philharmonic Auditorium in Los
Angeles, and Symphony Hall in
The Student Legislature Varsity
Committee, sponsors of the jazz
concert, will place tickets on sale
later this week.
The nine artists appearing with
Granz are jazz interpreters of the
contemporary American spirit.
Grahz has attempted to stress the
democratic spirit of the country
in these concerts and "to bring
jazz to its proper position as one
See JAZZ, Page 2
Vets Checks
Are Held Here
Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor Main Post Office for
the following veterans:
Collison, Harold A.; Crane, Leon-
ard R.; Drolet, Alfred; Ellena,
Robert F.; Evans, Charles L.; Gol-
man, LeRoy Harvey; Groves, Wil-
liam A.; Harris, Pauline MV.; Heid-
tke, Raymond F.; Jackson, Gerald
Frederick; Kennedy, Mary E.;
Kennedy, John T.; McLouth, Rob-
ert Donald; Lipman, Jack; Mc-
Kenna, Sidney Francis; Newton,
William A., Jr.; Roemer, Rudolf
H.; Sontag, Harry 0.; Staake,
Donald B.; Storey, Alfred W.;
Thomas, Archie M., Jr.; Tollas,
Herbert Albert; Thornbury, Don
D.; Wickens, Charles A.
These checks will be returned to
Columbus February 28.

>rehabilitational and education di-
vision of the regional VA office,
Only those veterans whose names
are listed below need to report to
fill out Form L 1936, officials
The following named veterans
whose C-numbers begin with six
must report to the VA. Veterans
whose numbers begin with sev-
en, eight or 11 are listed below.
Harry Moy, Helen W. Currie,
Karl M. Fleckner, Samuel F. Kin-
sora, Jorrien H. Groendal, Harold
B. Donnelly, Jr., Richard J.
Graves Bettie L. Meyer, Jessie E.
McKenney, Richard B. Stribley,
Chris H. Woodruff, Hugh Mar-
tin, Robert F. Brotbrick, Herbert
A. Lossing, Kevin R. Jones, Harry
L. Albrecht, Ula Mae Crull, Ray-
mond S. Davis, Leo Fogelman,
Thomas C. Walsh, Keith D. Mann,
Donald J. Clark, Raymond L.
Courage, Franklin B. Ho'vey, John
H. Bauckham,
Robert W. Holland, Verne W.
Henshaw, Frank Cassara, Herbert
Phillipson, Jr., Robert W. Frick,
Richard K. Fletcher, Richard E.
Johnson, Raymond S. Clark, Rich-
ard M. Porter, Herbert Seaman,
Carl J. Witkop, Jr., Henri D.
Crawley, Jr., John M. Cox, Bruce
See VETS, Page 2
AVC To Seek
End of Reports
Vet Complaints Cause
Probe of Directive
A three-member committee of
the University chapter of AVC will
confer with Robert S. Waldrop,
director of the Veterans Service
Bureau, today to determine whe-
ther the veterans absence report
"nuisance" can be eliminated.
George Antonofsky, committee
spokesman, said yesterday the
group will try to learn the author-
ity for the original Veterans Ad-
ministration directive and the
need for weekly absence reports
to carry out the directive.
Waldrop said last Saturday the
weekly reports were necessary be-
cause the VA had ordered that it
be notified whenever a veteran
misses five "days" of class. It is
possible for a veteran to miss five
"days" in a week, Waldrop added.
Antonofsky said the inquiry was
prompted by veterans "gripes"
stemming from the requirement.
"We are interested in reducing
the amount of red tape a veteran
has to contend with, and perhaps
this nuisance can be eliminated,"
he said.
Ten Families
Return Home
The ten hapless families who got
only an icy reception from their
homes in the Veterans' Village at
Hill and S. Fifth Ave. over the
weekend returned to them yester-
The student families, many with
children, took temporary shelter in
the Union after an ice slide from
the roof of the Coliseum crashed
through the roofs of five of the
dwelling units in the Village.
Immediately after the slide,
damage was estimated at $3,000.
No final figures were available

Vote Against
Six Billion Cut
Tax Slash Prospects
Dimmed by Decision
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18-Sen-
ate Republicans, confronted by
Army-Navy warnings against risk-
ing the nation's military security,
voted 22 to 19 today to hold the
proposed budget cut to $4,500,-
000,000 rather than $6,000,000,000.
ChairmanKnutson (Rep.-Minn.)
of the House Ways and Means
Committee said the smaller slash
would throw overboard all pros-
pects of a 20 per cent tax cut,
and require a smaller percentage
of tax relief.
Senate Conference
A conference of Senate Repub-
licans threw out the $6,000,000,000
figure after three of their leaders,
Senators Taft of Ohio, Vanden-
berg of Michigan and White of
Maine, were reported to have de-
clared in the closed door session
that now is not the time for Am-
erica to disarm, with the peace
of the world unsettled.
"There was a feeling in the con-
ference," Senator Millikin (Rep.-
Colo.) said, "that if we cut the
military too deeply we might com-
mit some blunders we could not
Armed Services
Under the proposed $6,000,000,-
000 slash ,a $1,750,000,000 cut was
understood to be contemplated in
President Truman's request of
$11,200,000,000 for the armed ser-
The $4,500,00000 slash would
trim Mr. Truman's budget for the
fiscal year beginning July 1 from
$37,500,000,000 down to $33,000,-
The Senate begins formal de-
bate on the budget issue tomor-
row and Millikin, Chairman of the
Finance Committee, told report-
ers "it would seem that the
$4,500,000,000 would be sure to
Meanwhile, House Democrats
cried "gag rule" at a Republican
move in that. body to ban any
amendments to the resolution
calling for a $6,000,000,000 bud-
get reduction, when that body
comes to a vote on Thursday.
By The Associated Press
ALTOONA, Pa., Feb. 18-Twen-
ty-five persons met death on a
jagged Pennsylvania mountain-
side in the pre-dawn darkness to-
day and 124 others were injured
when a crack Pennsylvania Rail-
road passenger train plunged over
a 150-foot embankment.
18-Soviet Russia submitted to
the United Nations Security
Council today 13 proposals in-
tended to carry out its plan for
separate international conven-
tions to outlaw atomic weapons
and to put atomic control under
the security council.
LONDON, Feb. 18 - Foreign
Secretary Ernest Bevin announced
today that Britain probably would
not refer the Palestine question. to
the United Nations until Septem-
ber, that she would make no rec-
ommendations as to the solution,
and that Palestine immigration
would remain f or the time being
at 1,500 Jews a month.

LANSING, Feb. 18-The Sen-
ate today killed Governor Sig-
ler's plan to repeal the sales taxt
diversion amendment and Sigler
immediately urged the Legisla-
ture to put a general revision
of the constitution on the April
7 ballot.
* * * -
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8-Secre-
+frv f Rtoa1c lr vMha11 in .nnint-

Courses in English, History
Taught in Lydia Mendelssohn

The presence of some 750 lit-
erary college students using the
lush interior of Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre in the League, as
a classroom six hours a week is
probably somewhat of a shock to
the shades of the theatre - if
there are any.
Students in English 184, a mod-
ern novel course taught by Prof.
Joe Lee Davis, and History 180,
"Roosevelt to Roosevelt," taught
by Prof. Dwight L. Dumond, have
probably signed up for two of the
most comfortable courses on cam-
pus, barring the inconvenience of
taking notes on their laps and the
effect the cozy seats may have on
their powers of concentration.
Two Courses
The two courses run consecu-
tively on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 10 and 11 a.m. Several
students taking both courses have
been heard to refer to them as
their "daily double feature."
The professors, who 1 e c t u r e
from the stage, do not seem to
be disturbed by their unusual
classes. As. Prof. Dumond point-
ed out, the acoustics of the thea-
tre are much better than those
in the typical classroom.
Not Crowded
The classes are not at all crowd-
ed, as the theatre will hold 691
people. There are about 365 in
T ransferred
Placement of male students in
part-time jobs has been transfer-
red to the Personnel Office, Rm.
208 University Hall, Alfred B.
Ueker, personnel director, an-
nounced yesterday.
Employment of students by the
University formerly was handled
by the Dean of Students Office,
and more recently by the Office
of Student Affairs which replaced

the modern novel course and 400
in the "Roosevelt to Roosevelt"
Lydia Mendelssohn is but one
of several exotic classrooms which
have been opened to'accomodate
the ever-record-breaking enroll-
ment. Hill Auditorium and the
West Gallery in Alumni Memorial
Hall have housed courses in po-
litical science and psychology,
mathematics has invaded the Law
School - and in- general the lo-
cation of classes is becoming less
and less relative to the purpose
for which the classrooms and
buildings were designed.
rst 'Gripes'
Session Held
More Complaints
Invited by Chairman
The Student Legislature's
"Gripes Committee" satisfactorily
took care of its only customer in
its first day of operation yesterday.
Tom Walsh, chairman of the
committee which will hold office
hours from 3 to 5 p.m. today and
tomorrow in Rm. 306, Michigan
Union, expressed disappointment
over the lack of student response.
"The Committee on Student
Suggestions and Complaints can
provide an effective mirror for the
voice of the individual student on
campus," he declared. "The Com-
mittee will follow through on sug-
gestions and complaints presented
to it, seeking to correct existing
situations or bring to light the
reasons for continuance," Walsh
"The 'Gripes Committee' was
established originally," he ex-
plained, "because many of the
members of the Student Legisla-
ture believed that many of the
"bull session" gripes could be elim-
inated if they were taken up with
the proper authorities.

Breakey Wins
Judicial Post
Eastover Annexation
Approved by Voters
Final tabulations in Monday's
county-wide primary election gave
incumbent Circuit Judge Breakey
a wide margin over his opponent,
Municipal Judge Jay H. Payne, in
the race for circuit judge.
With all but two small out-coun-
ty precincts reporting, tabulations
gave Judge Breakey 3,394 votes to
1,532 for his fellow jurist. Both
names will appear on the ballot in
April's direct election, since the
law requires that two names be
submitted in a non-partisan ju-
dicial race.
Voters balloted "yes" on. the
Eastover Hills Annexation ques-
tion. The question, approved by a
two to one vote, means that East-
over Hills will be made a part of
Ann Arbor city.
In the city election, final, of-
ficial tabulations gave Walter
Garthe, Lawrence Leever, Rob-
ert Ward and Bernard Harkins
the nominations for aldermen in
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th wards
respectively. The nominees, all
on the Republican ticket, are thus
far unopposed in the April elec-
Tickets for Ski
Trip on Sale
Tickets for "Snow Slide," Union
sponsored skiing trip to Grayling,
Michigan, will be on sale from
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at the Un-
The trip, scheduled for Satur-
day and Sunday, will be made via
specially chartered busses which
will leave Ann Arbor at 6:30 a.m.
Saturday. The return trip will
start at 1 p.m. Sunday. The trip
is open to women, as well, as men
Cost of the tickets, which in-
cludes transportation and lodging,
is $8.00.

LECTURES IN LUXURY - Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre can count on a non-capacity, non-ap-
plauding and non-paying audience just about six times a week this term. The picture shows part
of a comfortable audience which meets at the theatre three times a week for a "Modern Novel"

Increase Is
Contrary to
Men Predominate
Three-to-One Ratie
With University enrollr
standing at 18,593 at the en
the first week of classes, Regi
Ira M. Smith predicted yeste:
that final registration figures
this semester would top the :
record of 18,848 for the fall
Increases in seven of th
schools and colleges In the
versity reversed for the se
time in history the usual si
semester decline. University
ficials had predicted as much
2,000 student drop at the en
last semester.
3 to 1 Ratio
Men outnumber the women
proximately 3 to 1. The en
ment of 13,678 men students
increased by 246 while the
coed population shows a deci
of 166.
At the end of the first wee
classes last fall the enrolli
stood at 18,513.
The two major increases
found in the Graduate Sc
with an. increase of 108 brin
the total to 2,907 students, a
the business administration sci
up 128 from last fall to a tot
Enrollment Drops
The two major enrollment d
are found in the Medical S
and the nursing school.
The Medical School is in
process of deceleration fron
wartime program and gradu
its senior class in December,
ducing enrollment figures by
Its present enrollment totals
The nursing school's 230
dents are 82 under the total a
Veterans Increase
Veteran enrollment is up
students this semester. Of th
tal of 11,316 veterans, 10,990
men and 326 are women.
Other schools showing incr
over last fall are: education,
students, a gain of 28; archite
and design, 612, an increase o:
forestry and conservation,
students, up 17 from last
pharmacy, 160 students, a gal
15; and School of Public He
208 students, an increase of'
More Decreases
Decreases were found in the
gineering college, 3,618, a drc
72; literary college, 7,157, a
crease of 63, nursing school,
students, down 52; Law Sc
912 students, a drop of 43; de
try school, 326 students, an
rollment decrease of 10 and i
School of Music, 423 studen
drop of 3.
Other units included in the
rollment picture are graduate
postgraduate medicine with
students, postgraduate dent
with 11 students and hos
training with an enrollment c
Engineers A
Earn All-A's'
Contrary to accusations fo
ing the publication of the li
all-A students in yesterday's I
the engineering college is not)
ing in bright students who ea
four point averages last se
The engineering college c
reported yesterday that it
been "Just too busy" to PrM
the list as yet. When the lis

been made up it will be publi;
in The Daily.
Education Grou
To Hold Mee tin
"The Role of Professional
ganization of Teachers" will b
topic of discussion by the Mich
Education Association at 7:30

U' Doctors Will Not Accept
Any Slim Excuses for Obesity

Dean Lloyd Sees No Problem Here

Women whose hips have fallen
prey to postwar inflationary ten-
dencies have only themselves to
If the pleatless skirt designed
to give you a slim silhouette makes
you look like bulging Bertha in-
taa it'c all heause. vn eat tnn

" The doctors also report that the
jokes about fat people are not
really so funny. Fat people have
a strong tendency to die earlier
than people of normal weight. Al-
though obesity is not often listed
as the cause of death, it often is
the indirect cause. Heart disease,
high hlnnd nresure and diahete


While drinking on college cam-.country, as Mrs. Horton does," pa way that is not healthy-phys-
uses does seem to be on the in- Dean Lloyd stated, "must admit ,ically, socially or morally."
ease, Dean of Women Alice C. that drinking has been on the in- Text of Statement
loyd declared yesterday, the sit- crease in the last few years and The full text of Dean Lloyd's
ation on this campus apparently that this fact in our American statement follows: "In comment-
not getting out of hand. social life has inevitably affected ing on the discussion of the drink-
Few cases of "serious" alcohol- the college scene. ing problem by Mrs. Mildred Mc-
m come to her attention, Dean Think on Subject Afee Horton, President of Welles-
loyd said, in commenting on a "A good deal of drinking is un- ley College, as noted in the New
cent article in the New York intelligent and dangerous," sho York Herald Tribune, I wish to
f'ald Trihun which nnted asearted. "TI ducation meann sav that anonn whn noks hnn-


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