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May 25, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-25

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Attitudes and Actions

HRE IRPORT on alleged discrimination
in athletics at the University, recently
submitted to the Student Legislature, rep-
resents a distinct advance in understand-
ing of the problem of racial differences
over the hortatory method of attacking
Mr. Brieske evidences a realization that
athletics is only part of the total picture,
and makes clear that the absence of Negro
stars in some sports may be due to more
complex and deep-lying factors than dis-
crimination by a coach.
The report is not clear, however, for two
reasons besides the nature of the problem
First, are the theories advanced in the
report Mr. Brieske's or Mr. Crisler's, and
on what evidence are they based? Parts of
the report are misleading: Mr. Brieske
thinks that young Negro baseball players
often prefer to play semi-pro or pro ball
instead of coming to college. Is this be-
cause they are not offered the financial
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

inducements necessary to make it possible?
Analysis of causes must be pursued further
than just the distance necessary to clear
the University of Michigan of any respon-
Second, Mr. Brieske is concerned with
two matters, although perhaps he doesn't
realize it. The position of athletics in col-
lege life is still a problem at Michigan, as
elsewhere; and racial discrimination exists
throughout society in the minds and ac-
tions of people. not merely in rules laid
down by this or that University authority.
In regard to athletics, there are two op-
posing views, that of the Hutchins de-em-
phasize school, and that of the "rah-rah
Siwash" school, as well as varying shades of
opinion in between. The position of the
athletically ambitious college student is
difficult at Michigan, for, with enormous
facilities and outstanding player-material
available to the coaches, many a better-
than-fair athlete is passed by. This fact
applies to Negroes as well as to any other
racial or economic group.
In regard to racial discrimination, Mr.
Brieske is naive. Although he says in his
report that "To find all the answers would
require the co-ordination and cooperation
of economists, psychologists, sociologists and
anthropologists," his concluding recommen-
dation that the athletic department pub-
licize the fact that there is no discrimina-
tion by the athletic department betrays an
unwillingness.to modify social evolution.
The only way the Student Legislature
can effectively combat discrimination is on
a campus-wide basis. It is not in the rules
and regulations which govern men, but in
their attitudes and actions that discrimina-
tion on account of the color of a man's
skin or the shape of his nose has its roots.
--Phil Dawson
I.-________ _____


*Invisble' Reds
understand that whether Carl Aldo Mar-
zani is a dues-paying member of the Com-
munist Party is beside the point. The real
issue is whether lie has consciously pro-
moted communist or pro-Soviet aims.
The Communist Party is - obviously -
not a political party but a world-wide con-
spiracy. Some of it is visible, most of it is
underground. In order to remain hidden,
the Party long ago arranged for three dif-
ferent sort of "comrades"; 1) avowed, dues-
paying members; 2) secret dues-paying
members; 3) unofficial "friends" who, by
remaining formally outside the party, can
promote its aims unhampered by embar-
rassing membership ties.
Outside Russia, it is the invisible and
unofficial "comrades" who serve Moscow
best - as the Canadian espionage trials
I know this because on one occasion, a
highly placed Soviet official tried to con-
vert me. Since he may not be dead, I shall
keep back details which might identify
him. I am, however, ready to swear that
the following represents the substance of


our conversation.
Comrade X began
excellent lunch at an
ant. Over the coffee
Comrade X: You
against Hitler. We
you for some time.

by inviting me to an
inconspicuous restaur-
he opened up.
are doing good work
have been observing

E.A.M.: Honored, I'm sure.
X: Your weakness is, you are not a
Marxist and do not quite understand Hit-
lerism. Only Karl Marx is the key to un-
derstanding of the contemporary world.
Have you studied Marx?
E.A.M.: Pretty thoroughly. I was not
converted. Probably I need a touch of divine
grace - as for other religions.
X: Seriously, why don't you join us?
E.A.M.: Who's us - the Soviet Govern-
X: The Communist Party.
E.A.M.: What good would I be to you
if I gave up my present job and moved to
X: Who said anything about moving
to Moscow? We would want you to re-
main just where you are.
E.A.M.: Interesting but hardly practical.
My present boss is a pretty liberal fellow.
But if I announced that I had joined the
Communist Party, he might be narrow-
minded enough to suggest I look for another
X: Why tell him? Some of our best
friends find it convenient to keep their
friendship for us dark.
E.A.M. (after a pause): I see. Yes, I sup-
pose I might be useful. But it's no good
because I don't believe in Marx.
X: You could be sure of twice your pre-
sent income - whatever it is.
E.A.M.: If I ever become converted to
communism, you won't have to hire me,
But it's interesting to see how you people
X: I hope you will say nothing about our
E.A.M.: Well, I won't promise that. But
you've been square with me and I won't let
you down.
X: Thank you very much.
I never saw Comrade X again. He re-
turned to Moscow shortly after.
That was nearly fifteen years ago. Since
then Russia has helped Hitler, quarreled
with Hitler, fought Hitler, helped beat Hit-
ler -- and then turned on its "capitalist"
allies. The pattern hasn't changed. Some
of the Party's "friends" still find it con-
venient to keep their friendship dark. These
"friends," within and without the Party,
are the real danger. There are plenty of
them here.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
It has become clear that better education
to meet the demands of the post-war world
requires Federal support. This is true in
the field of general education. where the

Isabel Bolton, DO I WAKE OR SLEEP. New
York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1946, 202
pages, $2.50.
THE AMERICAN NOVEL has a peculiar
and uncanny ideal behind it. Writers be-
lieve that if it deals with the ordinary, the
commonplace, the trivial with an intensity
and searching realism, that it will expose
the universal. They probe and turn the hu-
man being, explore and photograph it, in a
thousand poses and attitudes; cast it here
and there, bring it to crisis and allow it ex-
cruciating choice. Then, often as not, they
leave it where they picked it up. They ap-
proach the universal, but through narrowing
the lens, often portray the inconsequential.
We do not reread American novels. One
encounter with The Wing and the Dove, with
U. S. A., seems to be enough. With few ex-
ceptions (Moby Dick is one) we cast our
novels aside and rush on to resume the
searchfor a tangible experience. We seek to
identify ourselves with the universal, and
find that nothing our novelists provide is
worth the identification.
Isabel Bolton in her novel Do I Wake or
Sleep, attempts to break through the mold in
which our writers are cast. Her book searches
to the base of the problem and uncovers the
vacuum behind the feverish writers produc-
tion-line in this country. She has one of
her characters say,
"American novels were, she thought, so
full of a kind of feverish protest-how
could she put it? A morbid, an almost
neurotic determination to lay the raw
nerve bare-something even a little sadis-
tic perhaps, as though those novelists had
suffered so acutely themselves that they
weren't going to let you off a jot or tittle
of the agony; there was always this protest
-the surface realism so sharp, so unadul-
terated. But for the inner, the spiritual
realism, did Percy find it in anything like
the same degree in which it was to be dis-
covered in Europe? It was almost as
though the American artist stopped short
of handling it-as though he actually
balked at handling it, believing very likely
that if he continued to rail away on super-
ficial, on environmental levels long and
loud enough he might, perhaps, sometime
have a new, a more perfected creature in
his hands,"
With this much understanding, however,
Miss Bolton seems to miss the inner realism
herself. Her book, as many others, devotes
itself to the trivial, the searching, the prob-
ing that she decries. She'has the ability to
undertake the universal, but has limited her-
self by her own choice of incident and char-
acter, She deals with a day in the lives of
three sensitive people-three unusual and
complex people-who are attempting to re-
solve problems and reach an understanding
with themselves. She seems to believe that
this resolution has been reached when she
concludes the book, but, the problems have
been delayed, turned to one side and the
change is only one of focus, not of view.
With the ability Miss Bolton obviously has,
her books should more and more closely ap-
proach the ideal that she realizes is neces-
sary for the artist. This is a first novel, and
a most remarkable one, because it struggles
to break a pattern. In the future Miss Bol-
ton's work should become large enough to
command the reader, to force him to reread
for that growing understanding that she
knows a great novel must command.
-J. M. Culbert
*a1i* * .
(ceieriI Library List ,,,

City Editor's
ELSEWHERE in today's Daily you will fird
one of the reaons why this city of fine
homes and higher learning is still, to a
degree, Jim Crow Ann Arbor, despite last
year's action whereby discrimination against
Negroes in local restaurants was ended.
Negro citizens cannot get haircuts in 22
of Ann Arbor's 26 barber shops. That is the
bald fact revealed by a Daily survey. And
what is the reason? The proprietors who
follow this illegal discrimination policy say
they do so because business is business. "Our
customers would object," they say. And
that's that. The result is segregation here
in the North, not so bad as the separate
waiting rooms and separate sections on
trains, buses, etc., in the South, but segre-
gation all the same.
The barbers are undoubtedly right. Cut-
ting hair is not such a wide-open commer-
cial field that barbers can afford to ignore
customers' whims. So that puts the question
squarely up to the "customers"-to you and
to me.
It is noteworthy that The Daily survey un-
covered nothing new; it is merely a re-
minder of a situation you and I have taken
for granted for so long that we've forgotten
about it. Nor, of course, did the survey reveal
anything that is confined to Ann Arbor
alone. Just how many times in your home
town have you seen a Negro served in a bar-
ber shop that was also patronized by whites?
Whether you live in Detroit, New York, Chi-
cago or anywhere else, your answer will
probably be: "Not very often-if at all."
So actually it's not just Jim Crow Ann
Arbor, but Jim Crow U.S.A. The situation
isn't something that can be ignored;+ it isn't
something that we can hide. Twelve million
U.S. Negroes aren't impervious to insults;
and foreigners know perfectly well what is
going on here.
A Russian journalist, Ilya Ehrenburg, had
this to say about America's treatment of its
Negro minority. As reported by Harper's
Magazine, he wrote in Izvestia as follows:
"It would seem that in this country of
diverse races united by patriotism, national
equality would prevail, However, America,
which never knew feudalism, has established
a racial hierarchy. The aristocracy are the
English, Scotch, and Irish, After them come
the Scandinavians and Germans, then the
French and Slavs; much lower are the Ital-
ians, even lower still are the Jews and the
Chinese; lower still the Puerto Ricans, and
finally, at the bottom of the scale, the
"Natives of New York like to emphasize
the liberalism of the North-'Our grand-
fathers fought against slavery.' In any
Southern town, on the other hand, you may
see a monument to the soldiers of the
Southern Army. This is a monument to the
vanquished, because in the 'war which shook
America, the Southerners were defeated.
However, it seemed to me more than once
that these were monuments, not to the van-
quished, but to the victors; since the South
not only preserved the principles of slavery
but was able, in some degree, to inject them
into the North."
Here is a Russian Communist lecturing us
on equality for nationalities and races. For
a long time we have been lecturing the Rus-
sians on freedom of speech, freedom of the
press, freedom of assembly, et al. We and
the Russians can learn a lesson from each
And so, fellow "customers," it's all up to
us, whether we're going to remain Jim Crow
U.S.A. or go on to something better. But at
any rate, let's have a good look at The
Daily survey-and at ourselves.

Stassen Speaks Out
WASHINGTON, May 24-Harold Stassen
has laid it on the line. He has come
right out - bang! - with what a great
many people have known but what no poli-
tician of real stature has dared to say.
Stassen has said, in effect, that if the
western way of life is to survive, the United
States must revert to something close to a
peacetime form of lend-lease. Moreover he
has chosen the traditionally isolationist state
of Iowa for what promises to be an ex-
ceedingly interesting experiment in Ameri-
can politics; telling the people the truth.
This unusual step may well be motivated
by two glum political facts with which Stas-
sen is now confronted. One is the condition,
of the Stassen political organization. The
other is his standing in the public opinion
It is evident that Stassen has embarked
on a daring political gamble. There can
be little doubt that a desperate economic
and political emergency is forming up in
Europe and elsewhere.
And Stassen, by speaking out now, may
some months hence be remembered as the
politician who first had the audacity to tell
the unpleasant truth. It is a strange, and
interesting, political experiment.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on te day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1947
VOL LVII, No. 167
Automobile Regulation, Final
Examination Period: The follow-
ing schedule will govern the lifting
of the Automobile Regulation for
students in the various schools and
colleges of the University. Excep-
tions will not be made for indi-
viduals who complete their work
in advance of the last day of class
examinations, and all students
enrolled in the following depart-
ments will be required to adhere
strictly to this schedule. The Reg-
ulation will go back into effect on
the first day of the Summer Ses-
Law School: Freshman class, 6
p.m., Fri., June 6; Junior class, 12
noon, Fri., June 6; Senior class, 12
noon, Thurs., June 5.
Medical School: Freshman and
Sophomore classes, 12 noon, Thurs.,
June 12; Junior class, 5 p.m., Fri.,
June 13.
Dental School: Freshman class,
12 noon, Fri., June 6; Sophomore
class, 12 noon, Sat., June 7; Se-
nior class, 10 a.m., Fri., June 6;
Hygienists, First Year, 12 noon,
Sat., June 7; Hygienists, Second
Year, 12 noon, Thurs., June 5.
All other classes in all other
schools and colleges: 5 p.m., Thurs.
June 12.
Office of Student Affairs
Automobile Regulation, Summer
Session: During the Summer Ses-
sion, the University Automobile
Regulation will not apply to stu-
dents in the following classifica-
(1) Those who in the preceding
academic year are engaged in pro-
fessional pursuits; e.g.. teachers,
lawyers, physicians, dentists, nur-'
(2) Those who are 26 years of
age or over;
(3) Those who have a faculty
ranking of Teaching Fellow or its
Students not in the above groups
may secure permission to drive
cars (a) provided the use of a
car is essential to a student's re-
maining in residence, or (b) for
participation in outdoor sports
such as golf, tennis, swimming.
etc. Permission will be granted
only upon application, and blanks
will be available starting Monday,
June 9, Rm. 2, University Hall.
Office of Student Affairs
Library Hours: For the conveni-
ence of students, Library service
will be offered on Memorial Day
in: (a) The General Library, 8
a.m.-10 p.m., (b) Angell Hall Study
Hall, Mathematics-Economics Li-
brary, Engineering Library, 9 a.m.-
5 p.m.
Other Divisional Libraries con-
nected with the General Library
will be closed. Regular schedules
will be resumed on Sat., May 31.
Sunday service will be provided on
June 1 and June 8.
* * *
The General Library will be
closed to readers from Wed., June
11, to Wed., June 18. The lower
corridor will be open to visitors
on Thursday, Friday, and Satur-
day, June 12-14. No admittance
will be given on Mn. and Tues.,
June 16 and 17. Service will be re-
sumed on June 18 from 8 a.m. to
6 p.m. daily.
Divisional Libraries will be open
between Wed., June 11, and Sat.,
June 21, on short schedules. State-
ments concerning hours of opening
will be found on bulletin boards of

these libraries.
Engineering Seniors who gradu-
ate in June or in August, meet
Wed., May 28, 4 p.m., Rm. 348,
W. Engineering Bldg.
Business Administration stu-
dents who expect to enroll for the
Summer Session or the Fall Sem-
ester should have their programs
approved by faculty advisors be-
tween May 26 and June 7. Hours
and rooms of advisors are posted
on school bulletin boards. All stu-
dents in other schools and colleges
who have been accepted for trans-
fer to Business Administration for
summer or fall should likewise
have their programs approved.
Election materials and informa-
tion may be obtained in Rm. 108,
Tappan Hall.
School of Business Administra-
tion: Applications for admission
to summer session or fall semester
should be submitted at once. Ap-
plication forms are available at
Rm. 108, Tappan Hall.

Graduate Students in Educa-
tion: A part-time teaching fellow-
ship is available to a qualified
teacher of high school Biology in
the University High School for the
school year 1947-48, Applicants
may confer with Francis D. Curtis,
(dial 2-0282)
Seniors in Architecture turn in
class dues (75c) to John Bickel
before Friday, May 30.
Seniors in Design turn in class
dues (75c) to Carolyn Cummins
before Friday, May 30.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative June graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall,
by noon of June 13. Departmental
honors will be recorded on the
students' permanent records but
will not appear in the Commence-
ment program.
June Graduates: College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in June.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made
up in time to allow your instructor
to report the make-up grade not
later than noon, June 16, 1947.
Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later date.
Union Life Memberships for
:hose who have attended the Uni-
versity for eight civilian semesters
are ready and may be obtained at
the UniondBusiness Office, Mon-
day to Friday, May 26-30, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
IHillel Dormitory still has vacan-
cies for the summer session. All
those interested may obtain an ap-
plication blank at the Hillel Foun-
Bureau of Appointments & Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall. Office Ilours: 9-12, 2-4.
Burbank, California, has vacan-
cies in kindergarten and first
grade for capable teachers with at
least AB degrees. Good rooms
but no apartments available at
present. Anyone interested in
having their credentials sent
should call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments at once.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Edwin
G. Beck, Botany: thesis: "Some
Studies on the Solidago Gall
Caused by Eurosta Solidaginis
Fitch," Mon., May 26, 2 p.m., Rm.
1139, Natural Science Bldg. Chair-
man, C. D. LaRue.
Doctoral Examination for Louis
Gordon, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Precipitation of the Hydrous Ox-
ides of Tin and Thorium from
Homogeneous Solution by the Hy-
drolysis of Non-Ionizable Com-
pounds," Mon., May 26, 2 p.m.,
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Chairman, H. H. Willard.
Doctoral Examination for Hsing
Chih Tien, Geography; thesis:
"China's Grand Canal: A Study of
Cultural Landscape," Mon., May
26, 2 p.m., Rm. 9, Angell Hall.
Chairman, R. B. Hall.
Doctoral Examination for George
Richard Rumney, Geography; the-
sis: "Settlement of the Nipissing
Passageway," Tues., May 27, 4
p.m., Rm. 9, Angell Hall. Chair-
man, S. D. Dodge.

Doctoral Examination for Earl
Wesley Thomas, Romance Lan-
guages and Literature; thesis:
"The Pronunciation of the Portu-
guese of Central Minas Gerais,"
Tues., May 27, 4 p.m., East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman,
E. B. Ham and F. M. Thompson,
History 12, Lecture Section II:
Final examination on Wed., June
4, 2-5 p.m. Leslie's and Slosson's
sections will meet in Rm. C, Haven
Hall; all others in Waterman
Comprehensive Examinations in
Music Education for candidates for
the master's degree will be given
in Rm. 708, Tower, Mon., May 26,
9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m.
Chemistry Colloquium: Mon.,
May 26, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chem-
istry Bldg. Mr. L. R. Perkins and
Louis Gordon will discuss their
original "Research in Analytical
(Continued on Page 6)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in Iciters are those of the
writers only. Letters o more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Negro Discrimination
To the Editor:
LAST FALL a local barber shop
prominently displayed pictures
of outstanding Michigan football
players. Those of three Negro
players - Bob Mann, Lennie Ford,
and Gene Derricotte - were con-
spicuous by their absence. When
questioned, Mr. Dascola, propriet-
or, said there had been some "mis-
take," and that he did not believe
in discrimination. The players in
question were called in, had their
pictures taken (to be used next
year), and given free ones as a
gesture of friendship.
Later, I went into this shop to
get Dascola's attitude toward cut-
ting a Negro's hair. I was told
I couldn't get a hair cut because
the customers object (most of the
customers are students); because
the Ann Arbor Barbers' Associa-
tion had agreed not to serve Ne-
groes (this is contrary to the
Michigan Civil Rights Law); be-
cause Negroes have a peculiar
grade of hair and they (the bar-
bers) just couldn't cut it.
After about five months of try-
ing to work out a peaceful solu-
tion without law suits, it was
suggested that a group represent-
ing students meet with the bar-
bers in an effort to iron out the
difficulties. I was sent by Mr.
Dascola to see Joe Kneiper, presi-
dent of the Barbers' Association,
in hopes of arranging a meeting.
Kneiper told me, "All of our meet-
ings are private and we don't want
any outsiders. If I were you, I'd
go to the colored shops." When
asked if he knew he was violating
the law he replied, "We've got
health laws to protect us." Then
I was "ushered" out of the shop
and told not to come back.
Three more weeks of behind the
scenes bickering and a meeting
was arranged, over Kneiper's ob-
jections, for May 15. This was
abruptly cancelled by the barbers
last week with the announce-
ment that no such meeting will
ever be held.
Yes, this is Ann Arbor, home
of the world reknowned Univer-
sity of Michigan, where all men
are supposedly free and equal.
Where the principles of the demo-
cratic way of life are taught and
promulgated in class rooms, and
yet denied within the very shadow
of those centers of learning in a
barber shop around the corner.
Why 'am I bitter? Why am I
not interested in preserving the
"American Way of Life?" Because
to me, for 24 years, the "Ameri-
can way of life" has been one
long, continuous series of miser-
ies, degradations, disappointments,
and heartaches. No, I am not a
Communist, nor do I believe Com-
munism a solution ,to the prob-
lem. But I, like thousands of other
Negroes, have seriously consider-
ed the benefits to be gained from
association with such a group.
How long I shall continue to rea-
lize that alliance with Commun-
ism does my cause more harm
than good, I do not know.
The University administration,
the student body, the citizens of
Ann Arbor are on the spot. What
are they willing to do to make
democracy what the books say it
is? Shall thousands of dissatis-
fied citizens be driven into the
ranks of Communism, or will
America wake up before it is too
-Carrol Little,
President Interracial Association
Drama Review
To the Editor:

MRS. CULBERT'S review of
Robert True's In, Spite of
Heaven leaves one with the im-
pression that the play which was,
in her words, "enthusiastically
received by a full house" did not
merit the enthusiasm granted it.
It is, of course, true that In Spite
of Heaven is not a professionally-,
expect that of it, I think. It lacks
polished piece. One ought not
clarity- of characterization on some
respects, particularly in the char-
acter of Armande, who also suf-
fered in the presentation because
of an unhappy bit of casting. We
cannot tell whether Armande is
meant to be in the comic spirit
of Moliere's best heroines (which
she is not), nor, from moment to
moment, whether we are to hate
her or be amused by her. She is
too malicious to be acceptable
later in the play as a reformed
wife. She is, in at least one mo-
ment on the action, despicable.
But it needs to be said that the
play is not without positive mer-
its. It has moments of real dig-
nity in scenes involving Moliere


Letteri to de litor

and Catherine. Moliere and Made-
leine; and some of the scenes with
the Count, while over-mannered,
are genuinely amusing. There is
a pretty clear sense of dramatic
construction -- something which
the student playwright always
finds hard to learn. And the dia-
logue has in it turns and ponts
which are, at their best, very good
Play Production is to be com-
plimented upon the production. If
the college or university theatre
has any contribution to make to
playwriting - and I would say
that it undeniably has - then col-
lege and university production
groups must continue to give en-
couragement to the young play-
wrights who are trying, and try-
ing honestly, to learn their trade.
Mr. True has learned a good deal.
Such a production as this will en-
able him, as nothing else can, to
learn more. No apologies need be
offered, in any score, for the time
and effort which have been ex-
pended in making In Spite of
Heaven a creditable production,
While The Daily reviewer chose to
be nothing but caustic, it was
good to see that many in the audi-
ence at the Lydia Mendelssohn
viewed the play in the spirit in
which it was given, and had a
good time.
-Wallace A. Bacon
Jazz Arguement
To the Editor:
RE Mr. Raphael's statements in
day's Daily. Mr. Raphael's
connection with The Daily would
seem to make him the oracle of
the Hot Record Society. Since he
hasn't attended a business meet-
ing or record session since the
very beginning of the semester, I
can't see where he can constitute
himself an authority on what oc-
curs. To my way of thinking,
the best way to learn about the
organization would be to inter-
view its president, especially since
his views are not so biased.
Mr. Raphael's contention that
the Ancient, Honorable, Benevo-
lent, and Protective Order of
Mouldy Figs I'm a charter mem-
ber) holds that no good jazz.was
produced after 1929 - is as ridic-
ulous as it is prejudiced. This
modernist - fundamentalist feud
has as much significance as the
one between Messrs. Allen and
Benny, and is just as silly. The
main benefits derived from it are,
two. First, it's a wonderful excuse
for a friendly argument, and. sec-
ond, it supports men who yell
"Fascist!" at the fundamentalists
and whose standards for musical
criticism are "prestige, earnings,
and success." Ah there, Metro-
I like to look at the argument
this way. Be-bop is based on the
same fundamental harmonic con-
ceptions as modern European clas-
sical music. Witness "Ebony Con-
certo" by Stravinsky out of Her-
man. New Orleans follows simp-
ler, more conventional chords and
progressions, those used in older
classical music. No one can be
blamed for preferring Beethoven
to Shostakovich. By the same
line of reasoning, I don't think I
can be blamed for preferring Arm-
strong and Bechet to Gillespie and
Parker. To my mind the value of
music doesn't vary directly with
the lack of logic of its melodic (?)
line, or the number of notes per
Because I don't like be-bop I'll
argue with its standard-bearers,
but for the Lord's sake, no vio-
-Robert Wernick, Treasurer,
U. of M. Hot Record Society

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students o
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha..........Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey...........City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush.......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
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Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
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Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal... Research Assistant
Associated Collegiate Press,


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Listen, son .. I did NOT
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