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May 25, 1947 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-25

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SUNDAY, MAY'-25, 1947


U' To Dedicate
Huge Willow
Run Airport
(Continued from Page 1)
by an address by Governor Kim
University Vice-President Rob-
ert P. Briggs will present the deed
to the airport to President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, who will make
the dedicatory address. Playing of
"The Victors" by the band will
conclude the program.
Gen. Putt To Speak
During the morning, a special
tour of the University's Aeronau-
tical Research Center at the air-
port will be provided for invited
guests. A luncheon for these
guests will be given at the Michi-
gan Union. Brigadier General
Donald L. Putt, deputy chief of
the Engineering Division, Air Ma-
teriel Command, at Wright Field,
Ohio, and President Ruthven will
be the speakers.
Guests at the luncheon as well
as stamp collectors will have an
opportunity to post letters con-
taining a special cachet. These
letters will be flown by an Army
helicopter, expected to land on the
campus, and taken to Willow Run
Airport. Persons can send a self-
addressed envelope, to which an
air mail stamp has been affixed,
to Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, East
Engineering Building.

U.S. Conceptions of Siam
Are Distorted, Student Says

Siam presents a curious combin-
ation of the traditional and the
modern, according to Suratheen
Bunnag, botany student at the
University from Bangkok.
"In the provinces, ancient clo-
thing still is worn, while in Bang-
kok, the capital, dress styles are
similar to those in America." For
proof, Bunnag produced a picture
of four college women in Siam,
dressed in the latest in bathing
American Misconceptions
"Unfortunately, many Ameri-
cans have misconceptions about
Siam," Bunnag said. "These mis-
taken ideas were supported by the
film, 'Anna and the King of Siam,'
which is only five percent fact,
'U Symphony Will
Present Concert
The University Symphony Or-
chestra, under the direction of
Prof. Wayne Dunlap, will present
a concert at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday,
in Hill Auditorium.
The 85 member orchestra will
present Serenade for Woodwinds
and Horns in B-flat major, by
Mozart, and the Concerto in D
Minor, Op. 47, for Violin by Sibel-
ius, with Emil Raab, concertmas-
ter, as soloist.

and the rest, distortion."
Bunnag, who came to the Uni-
versity as an official of the Siam
Department of Agriculture, is shy
about his connections with royalty.
Actually, his grandmother was the
consort of King Rama ,V. "But I
prefer to be judged as an indi-
vidual rather than for a title which
I might have," he said.
The Siamese are proud of hav-
ing developed their own culture,
and social institutions without
borrowing from other countries.
Bunnag said. "We have a modern
democratic parliamentary system
of government, our own literature
and language, and our own tradi-
tional architecture as well as mod-
ern construction."
Likes America
Bunnag likes America, especially
"its easygoing ways and advanced
technological developments." He
will complete his studies at the
University next semester and then
plans to tour Europe before re-
turning home.
Bunnag said that he was "very
happy to hear that a girl from
Siam is coming here to study next
semester." But this is not only be-
cause he is the sole student from
Siam studying at the Univer-
sity, he explained, for he really
thinks "American women are very

::.:.. . i ,

Survey Made
Of Ann Arbor
Daily Poll Obtains
Barbers' Statements
(Conunued from Page 1)
tor, said, "We have an agreement
to try not to serve Negroes. We
have never served a Negro yet.
We don't know how; they have a
different type of hair; you have
to cut down instead of up. I'd dis-
courage a colored fellow from
getting a hair cut because I think
I'd make it look like the devil."
Varsity Barber Shop, 617 E.
William: Ed Emmert, proprietor,
said, "We never have served a Ne-
ro. I don't know if we would. I
don't think Negroes want us to
cut their hair. I think it's an agi-
tation, because we couldn't cut
their hair if we wanted to, and do
a good job."
O'Grady's, 1110 S. University:
A. D. O'Grady, proprietor, said,
"No there is no policy. Most bar-
bers don't know how to cut col-
ored people's hair. That's the
only reason. I cannot myself, and
would not for that reason. There
is no agreement; it happens all
over the United States. This shop
has never served a Negro."
Arcade Barber Shop, 6 Nickels
Arcade, Tex Hudson, proprietor;
and Berry's, 816 S. State, Roy
Berry, proprietor, both refused to
Twelve additional barber shops
surveyed in the downtown area
Sunday Barber Shop, basement,
320 S. Main: William Sunday,
proprietor, said, "You can report
me completely out. I run a pri-
vate business. I will not wait on
a Negro.
Haner's, 105 E. Liberty: Leo
Haner, proprietor, said, "I will not
serve Negroes. No use in figuring
any alibis."
Mitchell's Barber Shop, 111 E.
Washington: E. O. Mitchell, pro-
prietor, said, "No, I will not serve
Ideal Barber Shop, 206 E.
Washington: M. Schmaus, proprie-
tor, said: "Never had the problem.
I wouldn't wait on them if they
came in. I have to think of my
Katopodis Barber Shop, 1034
Broadway: Peter Katopodis, pro-
prietor, said, "I've been here 35
years, and I always got along well
with the Negroes, but I couldn't
serve them if they came into my
shop. I once gave a little Negro
boy I know down the block a hair
cut and right away I got com-
plaints. One of my customers
asked me, 'What's the matter?
Getting hungry for business?'"
Bilski Barber Shop, 802 N. Main:
Mrs. John Bilski, proprietor, said,
"I have no policy about Negroes. I
never have had, any in here. I
couldn't wait on them if they did
come in."
Tom Lewis' Barber Shop, 190 N.
Main: Tom Lewis, proprietor, said,
"No; I don't wait on Negroes."
Morgan's, 111 Catherine:
Charles Morgan, proprietor, said,
"No, I don't know how to cut Ne-
groes' hair."
Skipper's, 504 W. William: An-
drew Skipper, proprietor, said, "I
just make an excuse and say I
have no experience in cutting col-
lored people's hair."
Oliver's, 117 W. Washington:
Seward Oliver, proprietor, said,
"We have no policy. None (no Ne-
gro) ever came in." He refused to
answer question No. 3.
Miller's, 115 W. Huron: Frank
Miller, proprietor, refused to an-

swer any of the questions.

Medical School Seeks Test
For Diagnosing Early CAincer

Development of a simple test for
the diagnosis of early cancer is
being undertaken by the Medical
Research Laboratoryof the Medi-
cal School under the direction of
Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, discoverer'
of the Kahn test for syphillis.
Mice and rabbits will be the
Sessinu m.)


will be $25 for Michigan residents
and $50 for out-of-state students.
Veterans' wives must obtain audi-
tor's permits.
The general cultural courses will
be offered as electives for three
hours general University credit.
Each student will be allowed to;
elect only one course. Prof. Hop-
kins said that, in general, a course
may not be elected in the student's
own field of concentration.
Courses scheduled for the post-
session include: Botany 10, Plants
in Relation to Man, LaRue; Busi-
ness Administration 100, Human
Relations in Industry, Terpenning;
Economics 153, Modern Economic
Society, Palmer and Davidson;
Education: B195, National and In-
ternational Trends in Education;
C174, Physical Growth of the
Child; F3, Kinesiology and F214,
Current Studies in Athletics.
Engineering, English Courses
The list continues with: Engi-
neering Mechanics 1, Statics,
Fundamental Principles of Me-
chanics, Olmstead; English Engi-
neering 100, Readings in World
Literature, Harris; English Lan-
guage and Literature: 31, Intrd-
uction to Literature; 45, Introduc-
tion to American Literature; The
Bible as Literature-Study of the
Old Testament, Humphreys; 305,
Graduate Readings in English Lit-
erature, Litzenberg.
Also offered in the post-session
will be: Forestry and Conservation
194 ps, Conservation of Natural
Resources, Young; Geology 30,
Geology and Soils; Germanic Lan-
guages and Literatures 71 s, Rapid
Reading Course, Thomas; History:
12 ps, Introduction to History of
Europe, Heideman; 50 ps, United
States, 1865 to the Present, Brown;
106 ps, Intellectual History of Me-
dieval Europe, Throop; 110 ps,
Western Europe from 1618 to
1713, DeVries; Mathematics 103,
Differential Equations, Kazarin-
Other Courses Listed
Completing the list of post ses-
sion courses are: Political Science:
67 ps, Keeping Abreast Interna-
tional Relations, Laing; 52, Post-
war European Problems, William-
son; Music 41, Introduction to
Music Literature, Helm; Philoso-
phy 132, Studies in Philosophy;
Physics 32, Fundamental Concepts
of Physics, Katz; School of Public
Health, PHP 100, Personal and
Community Health, Forsythe; Ro-
mance Languages and Literatures:
French 84, Introduction to French
Conservation, continued, O'Neill;
Spanish 82, Oral Spanish, contin-
ued, Gallo-Ruiz; Sociology 154,
Modern Social Problems, Lan-
decker; Speech 31, Fundamen-
tals of Speaking; Speech 131, Ad-
vanced Public Speaking, Dens-
An announcement with descrip-
tions of the courses listed will be
available the latter part of next
month, Prof. Eich said. A complete
time schedule for the post-session
will be published during the sum-
mer session.

I collaborators in this investigation'
of the effects of viruses in experi-
mental cancers.
Cancer Causes
Cancer i nvest i gators have
shown that certain cancers in an-
imals are caused by viruses, Dr.
Albert H. Wheeler, who is assist-
ing Dr. Kahn in the research, said.
If it is found that the viruses play
a greater role in experimental
cancers than has heretofore been
recognized, anti-body production
in cancer might be expected, and


the development of a pi actical
test for their detection developed,
hie explained.
Gray mice of a strain suscep-
tible to cancer, normal albino
mice of a strain which has proved
useful in other anti-body studies,
and rabbits of a type which also
have been used in earlier research,
will participate in the project.
Tissue Cultures
Another line of investigation
which the doctors will pursue is l
the study of tissue cultures rend-
ered cancerous by chemical means.
Various hormones are also being
used in conjunction with some of
the investigations, as there is evi-
dence that hormones have an ef-
fect in stimulating the production
of anti-bodies against various bac-
teria. Other secretions of the
body, such as urine and sputum
will be investigated for the possi-
bilities of containing cancer anti-
To Visit Mexico
Four members of the Museum of
Zoology staff will leave Thursday
for a three months stay in Mexico,
Prof. Norman E. Hartweg, cura-
tor of reptiles and amphibians;
Prof. William H. Burt, curator of
mammals; Emmet Y. Hooper, as-
sociate curator of mammals; and
Theodore H. Hubbell, curator of
orthoptera, will spend the major
portion of their trip studying the
effects of the volcano Paricutin on
plant and animal life.
The research will be conducted
in cooperation with the American
Geological Society.
Diameonds ,
11 WeddingQ
TN Ring.
717 North University Ave.
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