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May 13, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-13

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Latest Deadline in the State

'AL AL , ilk AK
t IV




Is Appointed
To State Post
Will Take Place
Of Dean Acheson
By 'The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 12-Pres-
ident Truman appointed Robert A.
Lovett undersecretary of state to-
day to succeed the veteran Dean
l~chcson amid indications that
other changes among top diplo-
matic officials are in the making.
Lovett, wealthy New York bank-
er who served in wartime as as-
sistant secretary of war for air,
will take over the No. 2 state de-
partment post on July 1 if the
Senate confirms his nomination as
The resignation of Acheson, 54,
after six years' service as under-
secretary and assistant secretary,
was announced today. He has long
been anxious to give up his $12,000
a year government post and re-
turn to private law practice for
personal financial reasons.
Truman's Letter
The White House, in announc-
ing the change, made public a let-
ter in which Mr. Truman wrote
Acheson of his "great regret" and
"I cannot ask you again to put
aside your desire to return to pri-
vate life."
Other changes in prospect,
which will confront Secretary
Marshall with the problem of al-
tering the lineup of his principle
aides, include the transfer to for-
eign posts of H. Freeman Math-
thews, director of European af-
fairs, and John Cainter Vincent of
the Far Eastern Affairs office.
Both are career officers whose
consecutive service in the state
department is limited by law to a
maximum of four years. Their
current tour of duty is scheduled
to end in August.
Diplomatic Changes
Assistant Secretary Spruille
Braden, who heads up all Ameri-
can republic affairs, has figured
also in speculation on diplomatic
changes. He declined comment to-
day on published reports that he
plans to resign soon.
Diplomatic authorities expressed
the view that Braden will not quit
his post without the departure
also of George S. Messersmith,
ambassador to Argentina with
whom he has had differences over
b U. S. policy toward the Perow re-
gimne. Otherwise they said Brad-
en's resignation woulld be inter-
preted as a policy decision.
Union Officers,
NSO Dele gates
Th) Be(~ hosen
Delegates to the National Stu-
dent Organization's Constitution-
al Convention and six Union vice-
presidents will be chosen in cam-
pus elections tomorrow.
Three delegates and three al-
ternate-delegates will be selected
from ten candidates under the
Hare Proportional Representation
voting system, while the Union
vice-presidents will be elected on
a straight ballot by men students
Four campus polls will be open
from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to-
morrow. Identification cards will
be required for the voting.

Students chosen to attend the
convention will join three mem-
bers of the Student Legislature as
the official University of Michi-
gan delegation. The three alter-
nate-delegates and three addi-
tional members of the legislature
will attend the convention as non-
voting, non-speaking observers
and will replace a delegate in the
event of his absence.
Candidates for the Union elec-
tion should submit petitions and
fifty-word statements of qualifi-
cations at the Union's student of-
fices between 3 and 5 p.m. today.
The statements will be printed in
The Daily tomorrow.
No campaigning will be permit-
ted within fifty feet of a ballot
box and no posters or sandwich
boards will permitted on the cam-
pus block bounded by North, East
and South University and South
State Streets.
The distribution of campaign
literature on this block is punish-
able by disqualification. Slander-
ous or libelous statements are also
fnrhid. rn

Unrestricted Palestine Inquiry





Court Backs
IK Rail Cut

ins Freight Rate Fight




KAISER-FRAZER VISITORS-Nineteen of the University of Michigan students who visited the Wil-
low Run plant of Kaiser-Frazer Corporation last week for a plant tour. Left to right (front row) are
George Ingber, Ann Arbor auto dealer, Adil Belgin, Nerettin Arslanzivay, Nehmet Unver, Seyfi Sivaci,
Muzaffer Turhan, Aydin Sen and Muzaffer Kebabcioglu; second row, Galip Demirag, A.S. Koksal,
Munir Artun, Zaven Dolik, A. N. Buyum, E. S. Turan, M. R. Server Tek and A. Tanrior; third row,
Feyyaz Berker, Gladys Swift, Mrs. Necat K. Arnas and daughter, T. L. Phibbs, Nese Deris and Mrs.
M. A. Belgin.


Northeastern States
To Increase Prices

Village Council
Votes Support
Of New Head
Agrees To Drop Issue
Without Comment
The Willow Run Council, hold-
ing its first general meeting last
night, gave a vote of confidence
to its present president, William
Stright, and agreed to "close with-
out comment" the issue brought
up last week by charges that'
Stright had exceeded his author-
ity in handling Council elections.
A report last Wednesday by
several members of the now de-
funct Village government plan-
ning committee had alleged that
Stright had by-passed the group
in setting up machinery for the
Council election, handling candi-
dates' petitions and counting bal-
Stright had maintained that
such a charge was a cover-up for
the group's apathy and that he
was compelled to take over many
of the group's duties if a Council
was to. be formed.
Stright declared at the meeting
that he would be compell'd to
bow out of the Village and Vil-
lage affairs at the end of tUm;
month. He added that this action
was necessary because he was a
possible "disturbing element" who
might be looked upon as a target
of attack from those who woul
u n d e r m i n e the non-partisan
Council, particularly "Communist
party msembers in the Village."
He did not elaborate further on
this matter.
Also. discussed at the meeting
were the by-laws, drwn upmby
a three-man comiit teevvh li
wili be presented to the Council
for discussion next week.
Still uy 'St'1in
Men intereste'disserving as
orientation advisors iduring reg is-
tration next fall have until 4:30
p.m. TIursday to register at the
academic counselor's office, Rm.
107 Mason Hall, John Quimby,
chairman of men's oriervtation, an-
nounced yesterday.
Orientation advisors will work
from September 14 to 20, hie said
pointing out that all advisors will
receive free lunches and dinners
at the Union during this period,
and also will have an excellent op-
portunity to iregister early.
There are openings for advisors
from all schools, Quimby added,
but men are particularly needed
to represent the literary college,
music school, architecture school,
and pharmacology college.

,,.* * *; *
.OU. 1lR EFE1ar ,TOUR
23 Turkish Students Inspect
A Modern American Factory
As Necat K. Arnas, president of the University Turkish Society,
tells the story, it all began when he bought a Kaiser-Frasier car in
Ann Arbor recently.
George Ingber, local dealer for the Kaiser-Frazier Corporation,
suggested that Arnas, and the members of the Turkish Society, take
a tour of the Willow Run plant of the corporation. With high hopes
that "we all would receive automobiles as gifts," 23 members of the
group followed up the suggestion within two weeks.
Good working conditions and the modern equipment, especially
the conveyor system, impressed

members of the society, most of
whom are engineering students.
But the biggest hit was made by
an auto-train with loudspeaker
service which was provided as
transportation on the tour. The
motor-drawn chain of cars "saved
a lot of wear on our feet," Arnas
Arnas' 16 months old daughter,
Ferial, probably enjoyed the trip
more than any of the others, Arnas
said. Ferial, who has a vocabulary
of 25 English, and 10 Turkish,
words, responded to the waves of
the workers with well spaced
Other visits
"We appreciat ed he opportunity
of visiting a modern American
plan very much," Arnas said, add-
ing that as a result of the trip, the
society is planning visits to other
plants and facories.
Arnas came to the United States
as Part of a group sent by the
Turkish army and navy; lie holds
the rank of Lt. ,jg in the navy. He
chosc t 1is itniversit y because he
is spec ia living in elet ric(al engi-
Ielativity 'lT'Iuory
Arnas will reicieie bis BllS iin
,tine, "if I bass economiics," and
wil work on his master's next
year. During the summer term, he
will work as an assistant in
mathematics to Louis A. Hopkins,
devoting most of his time to Ein-
stein's relativity theory of the in-
ternal structure of stars.
American Wives
After completing his studies
here, Arnas will return to Turkey
to "use my training for the bene-
fit of my country." Although Ar-
nas believes that many American
customs can be introduced profit-
ably into Turkey, he isn't quite
sure about the wisdom of import-
ing American wives.
Different Customs
"There are so many differences
in customs; language, habits, and
even cooking, unimportant as itl
may seen-that for the happiness
of both people, I would not sug-
gest these marriages."

Choral Union
Term Tickets
Will Be Sold'
Mail orders for next year's
Choral Union concert series, as
well as for the extra series of five
concerts, are now being accepted
by the University Musical Society.
Orders will be filled in order,
and tickets mailed out about the
middle of September, Dr. Charles
Sink, president of the Society,
Participating in the regular
Choral Union Series next season
will be : Zinka Milanov, Oct. 8;
Chicago Symphony, Oct. 26; Dan-
iel Ericourt, Nov. 4; Set Svan-
holm, Nov. 14; Westminster Choir,
Nov. 24; Boston Symphony, Dec.
8; Myra Hess, Jan. 10; Detroit
Symphony, Feb. 23; Georges En-
esco, March 2; and Cincinnati
Symphony, Mar. 18.
The extra concert series will,
feature Patrice Munsel, Oct. 18;
Cleveland Orchestra, Nov. 9, Don
Ccssack Chorus, Dec. 2; Minneap-
olis Symphony, Feb. 16; and Alex-
ander Brailowsky, Mar. 10.
Scheduled also for next seasonj
will be two performances of Han-
del's "Messiah," Dec. 13 and 14.
Fr;nces Yeend, soprano; Mary
Van Kird, contralto; Harold
Haugh, tenor: Mark Love, bass;
the University Choral Union and
a special symphony orchestra will
present the work.
T}lks Continu
English, Matinia tics
Conferences Today
The English and mathematics
departments will sponsor concen-
tration advisement meetings at
4:15 p.m. today.
The English conference will be
held in Rm. 231, Angell Hall and
the mathematics meeting in Rm.
3017, Angell Hall.
The conferences are the ninth
and tenth of a two-week series of
meetings designed to assist sopho-
mores and freshmen in the literary
college in choosing a field of con-
Speakers at the English confer-
ence will be Prof. L. I. Bredvold,
chairman; Prof. Karl Litzenberg,
who will discuss English as a fielc
of concentration; and Prof. C. D,
Thorpe, who will speak on profes-
sional opportunities for Englisl;
Speakers at the mathematics
conference include Prof: T. H. Hil-
debrant, who will discuss mathe-
matics as a fieil of cne'ntration-

By The Associated Press
South won a fight for lower rail
freight rates today in the Supreme
A 7-2 decision upheld an Inter-
state Commerce Commission or-
der for a 10 per cent increase in
certain rates in the Northeast-
roughly including the area north
of the Potomac and Ohio rivers
and east of the Mississippi, Pus
most of the Virginia-and a 10
percent decrease in the South and
Western areas between the Mis-
sissippi and the Rocky Mountains.
Southern industrialists and
political leaders, notably for-
mer Gov. Ellis Arnall of Geor-
gia, had led the battle for the
lower rates to aid Southern in-
dustry, contending their sec-
tion and the West were dis-
criminated against.
Officials of northeastern states
and 33 railroads had attacked the
proposed rate change as arbitrary,
unsupported by facts and a re-
versal of long-distance practice.
The opponents of the rate
change now have 25 days to seek
a rehearing from the court. If it
is denied, the ICC can order the
new rates into effect. It made its
finding in May, 1945.
They involve the so-called
"class rates," applying to the
various classes of manufactured
products such as clothing,
These constitute about four per
cent of all rail traffic and yield
about six pe reent of the rail-
road's freight revenue. The or-
der does not apply to "commod-
ity rates" covering raw mate-
rials such as coal, or to "excep-
tion rates" covering certain oth-
er items.
The court majority, with Jus-
tice Douglas as spokesman, gen-
erally backed up the ICC findings
that the old rates put manufac-
turers outside the "official" rate
territory at a competitive disad-
vantage and have been a factor in
holding the South and West back
in economic development.
Phone Peace
Not Complete
Key Spots In LDispute
WASHINGTON, May 12 --(I/---
Additional local strike settlements
spelled a partial return to peace
in the telephoneidustry tonight
but in several key spots the 36-
day-old dispute found negotia-
tions still snarled.
The Western Electric Employes
Association appealed to the gov-
ernment to step into its deadlock
with the Western Electric Co.
Henry Mayer, union attorney, said
that "the workers want to get
back on the job."
Assistant Secretary of Labor
John W. Gibson conferred all af-
ternoon with Western Electric
representatives after the company
rejected a union proposal to ar-
bitrate all issues.
The Michigan Bell Telephone
Co. today turned down another
union proposal that would have
provided $3 to $5 weekly increases
for most of the company's 13,000
traffic and accounting employes.

CARS TO SWEDEN-The Erland, first Swedish ship to arrive at
a Michigan port this season, ties up at Detroit to take on a cargo
of automobiles and other products for overseas shipment.
Groups Will Meet Wallace
BeforeTalk Here Thursday

Representatives of six campus
and city organizations will meet
former vice-president Henry A.
Wallace upon his arrival here
Thursday morning for a speech
at noon in Hill Auditorium.
The organizations include the
campus chapter of American Vet-
erans' Committee, Inter-Racial As-
sociation, Sigma Delta Chi, jour-
nalism fraternity, Americans for
Democratic Action, Student Re-
ligious Association and the Ann,
Arbor chapter of Progressive Citi-
zens of America.
Will Discuss Trip
Wallace, now editor of the New
Republic, will speak on his pro-
gram for world peace and his re-
cent trip to Europe, with the em-
phasis on constructive criticism,
according to his advance press re-
Before speaking in Hill Audi-
torium, Wallace will discuss the
American press with six members
of Sigma Delta Chi, Walter R.
Murphy, fraternity president, said
Press Conference
Professional standards, the re-
port of the Committee on Free-
dom of the Press and the status of
American newspapers compared to
Liquor Law
To Hit Minors
LANSING, May 12- 0) --
Legislation making m i n o r s
equally guilty in the eyes of
the law for obtaining liquor by
fraudulent means was signed
into law by Governor Sigler to-
It prescribes midemeanor
penalties for a minor to falsely
represent himself by documen-
tary evidcene to be of age to
purchase alcoholic beverages.
Heretofore, the person selling
liquor to a minor has been pen-
alized, whether the minor of-
fered documentary proof of age
or not.

foreign papers will be discussed,
Murphy said.
Later Wallace will be a guest at
a lunch to be held at the home of
Prof. Theodore ,M. Newcomb, of
the sociology department.
In the afternoon, Wallace will
hold a press conference in the
Student Publication Building be-
fore leaving for a speech Thurs-
day night in Detroit.
Speaker Hits
British Pohly
Lowenthal Foresees
Jewish Homeland
Marvin Lowenthal, Jewish
writer, blasted British intrigue ir
the Near East in a talk here yes-
terday expressing his belief that
despite all obstacles Palestine wile
eventually be a Jewish land.
A historian and foreign corres-
pondent recently from Palestine
Lowenthal gave his address under
the sponsorship of four local Jew-
ish groups.
He said that although he had nc
concrete evidence to substantiate
his conviction, he was "completelr
convinced that the Jews are no
going to succumb but will con-
tinue to bring in additional immi-
grants and build up thetcountry.'
He compared his faith to that o
the American people in the crisi*
year of 1932 when the prevailing
feeling was that somehow the na.
tion would be able to bounce bacl
and build a greater and more last.
ing prosperity for all.
Lowenthal declared that only r
small portion of the populatior
sympathized with the Irgun anc
the Sternists, the "so-called ter-
rorist organizations" and tha'
these groups were "playing th
same game as the British thougli
on different sides."
He said that the main complain'
of the Jewish people against these
groups was that their action
were undertaken wtih out evei
considering the welfare of the
community as a whole.

Plan Will Not
Be Demanded
Majority Backs U.S.,
By The Associated Press
-The United Nations Assembly's
political committee tentatively
approved late today a clear field
for the special UN inquiry group
which will search this summer for
a solution of the Palestine issue.
By a vote of 29 to 14, with 10
abstentions and two absences, the
committee tossed out six pro-)i
posals relating specifically to Pal-
estine independence.
The majority thus agreed with
the United States and British
contention that the special In-
quiry committee should not be
restricted by any specific man-
date from the assembly.
Many delegates felt that in-
dependence was one of the issues
involved in a study of the sub-
ject and that the committee
should be ordered only to In-
vestigate all questions and Is-
sues bearing on the problem of
The delegates had wrangled on
the points involved since the com-
mittee first met last week.
The vote not to include any of
them in the orders for the investi-
gating group was generally hailed
as a major accomplishment of the
Russia, which has proposed
that the special committee come
up with a proposal on the ques-
tion of establishing without de-
lay the independent democratic
state of Palestine, voted againit
a French catch-all proposal to
throw out all six ideas. The
United State, China, France,
and Britain voted for it. The
Arab states opposed the French
Russia will have another chance
tomorrow but the most contro-
versial point of the instructions
'or the investigating committee
vas disposed of this afternoon.
The delegates, wearied by days
Lnd days of debate and discus-
'ion often involving language
vhich some of them acknowledged
hey could not understand, heard
Jew and Arab organizations clash
n their final appearances.
The Jewish agency maintained
its plea for substantial immi-
gration to Palestine and for a
separate Palestine state; the
Arab higher committee served
notice that the Arabs would re-
sist all Jewish immigration and
all attempts to set up a Jewish
The Arab countries in the UN
urthermore told the United Na-
ions that a democratic, indepen-
lent statepis the only solution they
vill accept.
They also implied that they
night refuse to cooperate With
he proposed commission of in-
luiry unless that commission was
nstructed by the General Assem-
>ly to include a proposal for in-
lependence as one of the solutions.
Local Groups
To Hold Rally
The American Veterans Com-
nittee campus chapter and the
knn Arbor chapter of Progressive
citizens of America will sponsor
i parade and public rally begin-
iing at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Purpose of the rally, as defined
'y the sponsors, is to call public

attention to some of the major
issues confronting the United
States today.
Speakers on the programs are
scheduled to discuss the labor bills
before Congress and the state leg-
islatures, problems of the farmer,
svilliberties, and minority prob-
Rev. John Miles, of The Peoples
[nstitute of Applied Religion, De-
roit; Rev. Robert Rumer of the

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 12 - Senator Hatch (Dem.-N.M.) expressed
belief today that President Truman would veto the pending labor
disputes bill, as the Republican leadership won agreement for a final
Senate vote tomorrow.
* * , ,
PANAMA CITY, Panama, May 12 - Army troops were mobil-
ized throughout Colombia tonight to prevent disorders during the
nation-wide 24-hour general strike scheduled to begin at 1 a.m.
tomorrow, radio broadcasts from Colombia said.
* * *

Nationalize Coal Industry

Henry A. Wallace said tonight that
"The time has come to national-
ize the coal industry under some
tvnx of nal nthority."

our domestic economic problem
by punishing our free labor move-
ment," and posed the question
"should, (Senator) Joe Ball (Rep..

of Minnesota and the New Re-
public, of which he is editor, Wal-
lace said that in the 20's he told
farmers they were "entitled to
-,-. 1 a 1 nar, n a nn( miPc iva1 -

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