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May 13, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-13

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Candi dates Statements Iieg
The fol o w i n g qualification NSO constitution must be written
statements have been submitted with these objectives.rtot Rosenthd . t. .
by candidates for Wednesday's * * The NSO can become a vigorous
election of three delegates and force for the preservation of aca- Listen to this tale of romance
three alternates to the National Ifick Coriright * demic freedom, the elimination of Tale of Indian warrior bold.
Student Organization's consttu- Through acquaintance with Jim racial, religious and financial bar- In the early moon of greenleaves
tional convention.m , cinthe Cithnuim riers to equal educational oppor- Came they forth the stoic valiant;
Smith, president of the Continua- tunity, and development of cul- Forth they romped to paleface
Aronson Lions Committee of NSO, I have tural relations with European wigtam,
thering the functions of NSO by students. I will work for this Wigwam one of friend great chief,
It is my most sincere desire to bringing the Michigan student in- program and will cooperate to th Paleface mighty among his kind;
see the college students of the fullest with the Student Legisla- Came he forth to take their token
United States join in forming a den an cutuwre of foreig ture.Of the warpath they would tread,
ational Student Organizationden*sand*cunThen to the mighty oak of Tappan
hatial Sudet Orgration countries. Correlative Experience: Dashed the screaming yelling red-
tat will support a program of Union Executive Council; Secre- Gellert Seel . - . men;
elseve that the delegates to I tary-Treasurer of the East Quad. Since a fifty word statement can To the tree of Indian legend
instittihnal convention an * contain only catch-all, I will only When the whiteman pale and
ormulate such a policy. Norris Dotm ,gue . . . say that I believe in freedom of trembling
a0 speech, even of those with whom Stood around the mighty oak;
As a former president of Lloyd I disagree, and abolition of racial, Warriors choice of paleface nation
Waiton. tW. rger * House and an active member of religious and political barriers to Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
The NSO can coordinate stu- several campus activities, I have higher education. My full plat- Down the warriors, painted de-
e divrsifid inst t - always been interested in student form is posted many places on mons,
lemts diversified terests to en- affairs. I believe I have the time, campus or call 6592. Swooped and caught their prey
inie dem to work together for energy and interest required to * * * like eagles,
:aiformly high standards of edu- pursue any NO policies evolvedS 1oud the warcry stirred the still-
tn wnth rreonitien d-at this or any subsequent confer- o t t s
zens with responsibilities and ences. As an official observer to the As they seized their hapless cap-
-ights of citizenship. It must , * * Chicago conference I helped lay fives.
ruly represent the American stu- the ground work for the consti- Forth they bore them to their
lent body to foreign students. The Bill Flaskamp . . . tutional convention. I have at- wigwam
tended regional conferences and There to torture at their pleasure.
Through my familiarity with tried to educate the campus on There around the glowing bonfires
i t 0rhestrai several Europeantuniversitiessand the need for NSO. As president of Heard the words of mighty wis-
m ehStudent Federalists and social clom
campusesronnour-debatingteamI action chairman of a church guild, Smoked the pipe of peace and
f A pe 'fl feel ' qualified- to represent this rhv raie tdns friendship.
14) A-vt'j&pes Iehae organizeastudends




Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Nall, by 3.00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
TrIESDAY, MAY 13, 1947
VOL. LVY, No. 156
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to stu-
dents on Wednesday afternoon,1
May 14 from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Persons traveling or proposingI
to travel at University expensel
s h ou ld thoroughly familiarize'
themselves with the regulations
applying thereto as laid down by
the Board of Regents, by inquiry
of Mr. Stele or Mrs. Perkins in
the Business Office, if necessary.
One thing is to be noted in par-
ticular, namely: the University as
a state institution is exempt from
Federal taxation on transporta-
tion and in case any person pays
such tax the Business Office is
not permitted to reimburse him
therefor. Ticket agents selling
tax exempt tickets will require of
'the purchaser a tax exemption
certificate. These certificates may
may be had at the Business Of-
fice, Room 1, University Hall,
from Dr. F. E. Robbins in the
President's Office when approval
of travel requisitions is secured, or
at the office of Deans or Directors
of schools and colleges. The cer-
tificate is University Form No.
5805. (Do not let any ticket agent
who is inexperienced or not fully
informed argue you out of the
right of exemption for employees
of states. If he will take the trou-
ble to look the matter up in his
tariffs, he will find you are right.)
Be sure to tell the ticket agent
that you require a tax exempt
ticket at the time you ask for your
ticket. Failing to do this will re-
quire the making out of new tick-
ets and will be uneconomical both
in time and in paper.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Students in the College of Arch-
itecture and Design who are ex-
pecting to attend Summer Session
are requested to leave their names
in Room 207 this week. This will
facilitate posting of grades for
summer classification.
School of Education Seniors:
Class dues of $1.50 per person, to
cover costs of future University
services to graduating class, will

Thus there came to Michigamua
W " W _Dave Barclay, Dick Bodycombe,
John Campbell, Bob Chappuis,
Chalmers Elliott, Al Farnsworth,
Stuart Finlayson, Harry Holiday,
Henry Meyer, Clyde Recht, Eu-
gene Sikorovsky, Harvey Weisberg
Russ Fuller, '48, will represent and Jack Weisenburger.
the Disciples of Christ Student
Fellowship at the World Confer-
ence of Christian Youth to be held Vica S Initiate
from July 28 to Aug. 8, in Oslo, 0 N
Norway. I
Fuller will not only be the sold Eight engineers and two engi-
delegate of the Disciples group, of
neering college professors were
which he is president, but the only formally initiated last night by
student from the University at- Vulcans, senior honorary engineer-1
tending 'the conference.,n ocey
The conference, which was initi- ing society.e
atedby te Wold Cunci of New members are Harry Holi-
ated by the World Council of day, Jr., Eugene Moody, William
Churches and the World Student Osgood, Melvin DeTwiler, C. Phil-
Christian Federation, will be at- ip Stemmer, William Jacobson,
tended by 1,300 delegates from all Dom Tomasi, John Campbell, Prof.
over the world. Arnold M. Kuethe of the aeronau-
Fuller will not return to school tical engineering department, and
for the fall semester of 1947, but Prof. Harry Bouchard, of the geo-
will travel to Disciples groups on desy and surveying department.
other campuses to discuss the re- - -~
sults of the conference. Payments Processed
To aid Fuller in financing his
passage to Oslo, an "All Aboard LANSING, May 12!-(1P)-In its
for Oslo" party will be given by the first month of operation the Ad-
Congregational-Disciples Guild at jutant General's Office processed
8:30 p.m. today in the Congrega- 17,264 veterans bonus claims to-
tional Church. taling $6,875,305.

,be collected on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, May 13 and 14. Payable
at the School of Education Of-
fice, Room 1437 U.E.S. 9 a.m.-5
p.m. on each of above days.
All contributions and subscrip-
tion lists from student houses for
the Joseph Ralston Hayden Mem-
orial Library should be turned in
to Mrs. Reynolds, Rm. 2. Univer-
sity Hall.
Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate in June: A list of can-
didates has been posted on the
bulletin board in Rm. 1431 U.E.S.
Any prospective candidate whose
name does not appear on this
list should call at the office of
the Recorder of the School of
Education, 1437 U.E.S.
All students who expect to be-
come candidates for a teacher's
certificate in February, June, or
August, 1948, should call for an
application form at the office of
the School of Education, Rm. 1437
U.E.S. Application forms should
be filled in and returned to the
School of Education by May 24.
Bureau of Appointments & Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Ma-
sI Hall. Office lours: 9-12, 2-4.
Design Service Company, Cleve-
land, Ohio, has announced open-
ings for graduate civil and struc-
tural engineers.
The Hudson Motor Car Com-
pany of Detroit has a few openings
for Business Administration grad-
uates with majors in Accounting
and Auditing.
The Peoples Gas, Light and
Coke Company from Chicago will
be in our office on Wednesday,
May 14, to interview mechanical,
electrical, civil, and architectural
engineers, and accountants. Phone
371 for appointments.
The Procter and Gamble Com-
pany will have a representative in
the office on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, May 13 and 14, to inter-
view girls interested in work in
their Market Research Division.
These positions involve a consid-
erable amount of traveling. Phone
371 for appointments.
Sperry Gyroscope Company will
be in the office on Wednesday,
May 14, to interview mechanical,
electrical, and areo engineers, and
physicists. Phone 371 for ap-
Mr. Jacobson of the Detroit
Civil Service Commission will be
at the Bureau on Thursday, May
15, from 9:30-12, to interview stu-
dents for Technical Aid with spe-
cialities in General, Medical Sci-
ence, Business, and Engineering.
Phone 371 for appointment.
The U. S. Civil Service Com-
mission announces an examina-
tion for probational appointment
to the position of Dietitian
(Grades P-1 to P-4), for duty in
Federal hospitals in Washington,
D.C. and U. S. Public Health Serv-
ice Hospitals throughout the
country. Requirements: Appro-
priate college study plus hospital
training or experience or a com-
bination of training and experi-
ence. No written test. Call at
the Bureau for further informa-
Bennett Pump Company, Mus-
kegon, Michigan, has announced
summer employment for men in
that area. Call at the Bureau for
additional information.
University Community Center
1045 Midway Boulevard
Willow Run Village
Tues., May 13, 8 p.m., Willow
Village Writers' meeting; 8 p.m.,
Garden Club Panel Discussion fol-
lowed by social hour.

Wed., May 14, 7 p.m., Special
meeting of Wives' Club officers: 8
p.m., Lecture by, George Forsyth,
Jr., Professor of Fine Arts. "ln
ning Your House."
Thurs., May 15, 8 p.m., The New
Art Group; 8 p.m.. Univelsily Ex-
tension Class in Psychology.
Fri., May 16, 8 p.m., Duplicate
Sat., May 17. 8 p.m., Wives' Club,
Dance, "The Last Hope Hop '
ife IIle la
University Lecture: Professor
Max Fisch, Department of Philos-
ophy, Unive-rsity of Illinois, will
lecture ,oi the subject, "Evolution
in American Philosophy from
1860-1917," at 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre;.'
auspices of the Department of
Philosophy. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr.
R. K. Braund of the Furniture De-
partment of the J. L. Hudson
Company in Detroit. will speak on
"Retail Merchandising of Furni-
ture" at 10 a.m. Tues., May 13,
East Lecture Room. Rackham
Bldg. All students in the wood
technology program in the School
of Forestry and Conservation are
expected to attend and others in-
terested are invited.
Acad emic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert James Lowry, Botany; thesis:
"A Cytotaxonomic Study of the
Genus Mnium," Mon., May 12, 3
p.m., Rm. 1139, Natural Science
Bldg. Chairman, W. C. Steere.
Chemistry Colloquim: Wed., May
14, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry


Planning a trip?
Don't make a slip.
Save yourself a consider-
able sum,
Five can ride as cheaply
as one.
PhIone 25-4664;
(No Local Calls)
Continuous from 1 P M


Bldg. Andre Dreiding, G. I. Fuji-
moto, and 1,. B. Wick w ill discuss
their' ori.-i1Ia okon ...Syntheslis
in the Fild of Secx 11lor11 neb,"
Seminar in Engineering Me-
chanics: The Engineering Mechan-
ics Deparl'nt is sponsoring a
series of discussions on the Plas-
ticity of Engin ering Materials.
Tle discussions of tihis series will
~Cu'Inued onl Pae 41
WASHINGTON., May 12v /P)-
The Huu o in nimsly author-
ized a $5,000 appropriation today
to help pa.y th xpenses of the
17th triennial convention of the
World's Woman's Christ ian Tem-
perance Unions.

For that
Delicious Midnight Snack
Box Lunch
Golden Brown Chicken
or Fried Jumbo Shrimp
Home-Made Rolls
and Individual Pies
Call 2-7171
We Deliver
Anywhere, Anytime
Through Wednesday











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CAMERA. 35 mm Balda, f2.9 - f16; Com-
pur shutter speed, 1 sec. to 1/300.
Range .5 meter to infinity. With
case, $60. Write Box 77. )57
SUN GLASSES $3.50. U.S. Surplus-Air
Force-4-base lens with pearloid
sweat bar. Sam's store, 122 E. Wash-
ington. )14
Men's and Ladies' Regular 79.50 bikes
for !65.00. Immediate delivery. Call
2-4591. 260 Prescott House, East
Quad. )47
earphones connected to your radio.
You can study in quiet while she
enjoys her favorite radio program.
Call MacNaughton, 2-1371. )24
FOR SALE-Cottages at Glen Lake,
Water edge and Hillside and 20 acre
tract Lake Michigan on paved state
road. Write Elmer Billman, Cedar,
Mich. )41
CHEVROLET Convertible, 1940 or 1941.
Will pay cash. Phone 6293 after 7. or
see Dick Holbrook, 721 Catherine. )38
trade for apartment in Ann Arbor.
Available next month. Before 9:00
a.m. and after 6:00 p.m. call Detroit
TY 45927. Otherwise write Michael M.
Jacobs, 2069 W. Euclid, Apt. 201, De-
troit 6, Mich. )21
REDUCE! Lose pounds and inches
where you want them off. Come in

WILL THE PERSON who took my coat
at Cupid Bar Thursday afternoon call
2-2565. I have yours. )9
LOST-An Alpha Phi pin near Mosher-
Jordan Hall. Call 561 Jordan Hall.
Phone 2-4561. )20
LOST-on University Golf Course, Fri-
day afternoon, Number Seven HagenI
Iron. Call or write, 307 Winchell,
2-4401. Reward. )18
LOST - Ladies gold Tavannes wrist
watch, Sunday 5-7 between South U.
and Geddes entrance to Arb., Call
2-3159, Dotty. )23
REWARD-For return of gold Eversharp
pen. Finder please return - gift of
deceased father. Jack J. Garris, Phone
2-4591. )3
STUDENT- VETERAN and bride-to - be
need apartment for occupancy Sept.
or sooner. Tel. 2-7862. )26
DOUBLE ROOM near campus, begin-
ning summer semester. Box 20, Mich-
igan Daily. )15
rent or sublease apartment for sum-
mer semester only. Call 2-4401, ext
207 Wenley, Jack Williamson. )4
UNFURNISHED 3-Room Apartment
wanted by veteran medical student
and school teacher wife. Call 2-2034.
STUDENT VETERAN and wife wish to
rent furnished or unfurnished apart-
ment, beginning fall term, 1947. Please
call Richard Price at 2-2858 anytime
after 7:30 pm.)2
FOUR GIRLS will share expenses for
ride Saturday to Holland, Mich., or
Sunday from Holland. Call 2-6112. )72
ALTERATIONS - Ladies' garments,
dresses,rsuits and evening dresses.
Alta Graves, adjacent to Stockwell
Hall. Ph. 2-2678. )60
2 children, Negro, Age 37. Dairy or
General Farming. Sober, dependable.
Work by month or ,year. Box 71. )43
GOLFERS-Spalding, MacGregor, Hag-
en, Wilson Clubs, Bags, Balls. Phone
4044 or 2-2058. Johnny Malloy,, Pro-
fessional. )69j
COMPLETE SERVICE on your furs and
woolen garments. Cold storage, insur-
ance, cleaning, glazing, restyling, and
repairing. Ginsburg Furrier, 607 E.
i berv 1

GLEN LAKE. Cottage modern, water's
edge, sand beach, accommodate 4.
Season only. Write Elmer Billman,
Cedar, Mich. )44
airline experience required. Phone
Ypsl. 3220 or contact airport mana-
ger's office at Willow Run. )13
FIRST trumpet and lead alto man Fri-
day, Saturday and Sundays. Must
have good strong lead tone and be
able to read and cut shows. Contact
Karl Kalson, Villa Bee Night Club,
Jackson, Michigan. )62
ROOM for Male Student. Summer term
only. Apply in person after 6 p.m.
402 Observatory. )27
SIX DOUBLE ROOMS close to campus
for Summer term, male students only
Box 65, Mich. Daily. )6
FOR RENT-Summer semester, 3-Room
Apartment, 3002 Washtenaw. Art
Mugg. 2-0549, daily 12:15 - 12:45. )46



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Winning Cartoon
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Open 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. including Sundays.
5400 Plymouth Road (on the way to Detroit) Phone 9387
Lunches 11:30-1:30 - only 65c
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Waffles our specialty . . . Better Coffee
307 South Main Street
Specializing in Home Cooked Food.. . Steaks and Chops
Open Weekdays 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M., 5:00 - 8:00 P.M.
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Closed Saturdays 512 East Wililam





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