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March 28, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-28

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- I

..I1AY, THE ICGARAA2L, 1947 .
T. l E y~'p_ M IC H IG A N D A IL Y .....


ti .rM 'w wr rr rr.. ..

Campus Casbah To Present
"Blue Bunny Ball' for Easter

'Capitalist Ball' 'Slide Rule'
Tickets on Sale To Feature
To All Students Bob Strong

Costume Ball Junior Girls' Play 'The Best Years'
Ticket Sales Opens Today in Lydia Mendelssohn
Junior GiBls' Play, "The Best bartender and a "Barbersl
?VilBeHl Years," will open to the public at1 Quartet."

Thre Camp\Is Casbah will pr e et
tc "Blue Bunny- Ball" from 9 p.m.
to midnight today in honor of the
coming Easter holiday.
The danee will be informal and
will feature Al Townsend and his
new 13-piece band. As a special
number he will present his origi-
nal arrangement of "Easter Pa-
impt rsonator To Be Featured
"Blue Bunny Ball" will also pre-
sent a new floorshow. Nafe Alley,
impersonator, will perform some of
his impersonations of prominent
people. He write his own scripts
T hi evenain he w. t ake , udi-
ence on tolr" throughi ai radlio SfTu-
dio. introducing famous people.
Singer Pat Pontius wiil preent
several vocal numbers. Both she
and Alley are making return en-
gagements by special request. Al-
l y was recently featured at the
AVC dance, "Spring Tha.
Tickets On Sale
Tickets for the dance will con-
tinue to be sold today at the
League desk. Tomorrow the regu-
lar dance will be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight. Tickets ar, also on
Dean of Women
To House Coeds
Women students who wish to
remain in Ann Arbor during the
spring vacation should call at the
Office of the Dean of Women
about housing arrangements.
One floor of Helen Newberry
Residence will be used for dormi-
tory residents who remain in town
over the vacation, and one League!
House will remain open for stu-
dents who live in League or so-
rority houses.
Coeds petitioning for senior
positions in League and As-
sembly activities are required
to bring to their interviews an
eligibility card signed by the
Merit-Tutorial Committee.
Dampened clothes put in the ice-
box overnight will iron more eas-
ily and look more perky.
. n
8 -~ Diamonds C
717 North University Ave..
Weare s>UUE'l Uhal ,re

fortomorrow's dance at the
League. The same floorshow will
>e presented both evenings.
The decorations will follow the
glue Bunny theme with blue bun-
ies placed around the room. A
'oor prize will be presented during
'he floorshow. Numbers will be
Irawn from those on the pro-
;rams. Blue Bunny programs will
>e given to the guests.
Refreshments will be available
A the Casbah coke bar.
Michigan students, undaunted
oy an Ann Arbor spring of snow

I nd ice, plan a full weekend.
Stockwell haul is holding a
lancing party from 9 p.m. to mid-I
night today. Vaughan house, Win-
chell house, and Jordan Hall will
hold informal parties. Phi Gammaj
Delta is having a record dance.
r[OMORROW being Saturday,!
international date night, there
will be the largest number of par-
ties and dances.
Theta Xi will give their pledge
formal from 9 p.m. to midnight,
beginning with a formal dinner
at the Union at 7 p.m. The partyI
will have a Spanish theme, with
invitations written in Spanish,
desert scenes on the wall, and
small potted cacti as favors. Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon also is holdingt

BRAY-The exaggerated Lord
Byron collar, set-in belt, and
slit pockets are popular with
young marrieds.

Coeds May Still
Turn in Petitions
Petitioning has been extended
for Executive Board positions on
Assembly Association, it was an-
nounced by Jeanne Clare, presi-
All eligible independent women
who will be seniors next year may
apply for the posts of president,
vice-president in charge of dormi-
tories, and vice-president in charge

Dance Today Will Feature
Music by Joy's Orchestra
Marks Revival of Tradition
"Capitalist hail," traditional
semi-formal dance sponsored by
the Business Administration stu-
dents, will be held from 9 p.m. to
12:30 a.m. today in the Union
All remaining tickets for the last
big winter semi-formal affair have
been placed on campus-wide sale
at the Union desk. The ticket-
dance programns have been de-
signed in the form of checkbooks.
tJimmy Joy and his orchestra,
featured at leading hotel ballrooms
throughout the East and South.
will furnish the music for the
"Capitalist Ball." This orchestra
has made frequent appearances on
many Columbia, Mutual, and Na-
tional Broadcasting network pro-
grams and features vocalists Patti
Page and Bob Dixon.
The only bandleader in America
who plays two clarinets simultan-
eously, Jimmy Joy started his or-
chestra at the University of Texas,
appeared at a TExas gubernatorial
inauguration, ard has been fea-
tured for three consecutive sea-
sons as the official orchestra of
the Kentucky Derby.
The "Capitalist Ball" is the tra-
ditional dance sponsored by the
students of the School of Business
Administration. and today will
mark its first appearance on cam-
pus since 1941, according to dance
cc-chairmen Art Mack and Don
WAA Not ices]
A required meeting for all coeds
interested in entering the all-
campus women's single badminton
tournament will be held at 7:15
p.m. Wednesday in Barbour gym.
Drawings for the tournament
will be held at the meeting All
participants are required to at-
I Thp ll~n m icun a' ifl

Tickts for Slide Rule Ball, to
be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri-
day, April 18, in Waterman Gym-
Snasium. are still available from 8
a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Engine Arch.
the Union, and diagonal, weather
Slide Rule Ball. traditionally
sponsored by the Michigan Tech-
nic, will feature the music of Bob
Strong and his orchestra. Per-
foimers with the band will include
Jo Ann Tally and Don Bailey.
- i ocalists, and Johnny Carroll,
-trumpeter .
Rob Strong and his orchestra
recently moved into the Mid-
w('strn college ballroom circuit
after establishing himself on
the radio. On announcing the
l:and for the annual ball, the
C'entral committee said that
Strong had been selected be-
cause of "an excqllent reputa-
tion for smooth, yet distinctive,
dance music throughout the col-
lege circuit."
Traditionally a formal affair,
Slide Rule ball has been billed this
spring as "formal-optional" be-j
cause of the acute shortage of
men's formal attire. Men owning
tuxedos, however. are urged to
wear them.
Decorations, consisting of
several mammoth slide rules,
blueprints, and revolving gears,
will set the scene for the engi-
neers' dance. There will be door
prizes awarded and programs
will be distributed to coeds at-
tending. Women will receive
1:30 a.m. late permission to at-
tend the ball.
To accommodate residents of
Willow Run Village. the commit-
tee has arranged wtih the Uni-
versity to have special late bus
runs to the Village. Names and
addresses of baby sitters in Ann
Arbor and Willow Run who will
be available for that evening will
be supplied on request by the cen-
tral committee.
Engagement Told

The residents of West Quadran- sohn Theatre.
gle will present for the first time Tickets for
on campus in many years. a available fron
"Beaux Arts" costume ball from today and toml
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday. April 18, Mendelssohn b
in the Union Ballroom. Theme Dates
Tickets are on sale this week The"The Best Y
through designated representa- comedy conce
tives in each of the eight houses of women stud
in the Quad. Invitations have also on campus, beg
been sent to Fletcher and Vaughan Madelon Stock
houses. women to be a
The committee has announcedwet
tha prizes will be awarded for A
the best and most original cos All roles in
mnes. The decorations will carry takene of p
o ut the theme of the dance. The ing thoseofp
possibility of having a parade of gent's meeting,
floats to preview the affair is still
being discussed.
Lee Stewart and his orchestra
will provide the music for danc-
ing, and will feature special ar-
rangements of "Stardust" and
"Anniversary Song."
The central committee for the
dance includes: Bud Weber, gen-
eral chairman; associate chair- '
man, Joe Miller; publicity, Fred 0N,
Klein, Dave Thomas and Jack
Dietrich; tickets, Munroe Talia-
ferro; finance, Dick Benner; pro-
grams, Chuck Burt; patrons, Josh
Barnes; refreshments, R o g e r Artis sl
Roemisch; anl decorations, Jay Utrillo, Br
Berry, Dick Hirn, John Harlan, Fric
Frank Zagelmeyer and Dick Clark.
To prevent the . necklines of Box
sweaters from stretching when
they are washed, sew them up
tightly until dry.

a pledge formal, from 8 p.m. to of league houses.
midnight. Those who will be junior or sen-
THETA DELTA CHI and Acacia iors next year may petition for
parties the offices of secretary-treasurer,
wilgive Millionaire' a 'is project chairman, social chairman,
to which the guests are to be 'in-
formal, yet decorous,' according and personnel chairman.p
to the social chairman of Theta Coeds who wish to apply may
Delta Chi. sign for interviews on the sched-
ule posted in the Undergraduate
ary Markleyhouse is planning Office of the League, and may
an open house fi'om 8:30 p.m. to bring their petitions with them to
midnight. Trigon fraternity will theinterviews.
hold a highly informal dance,
~Hobo Hop,' from 9 p.m. to mid- Petitioning for senior positions
night. The women are to appear in League activities has been ex-
in the blue jeans and the men in tended through next week, ac-
odd G.J. ensembles. Shoes will not cording to Jean Louise Hole, chair-
be worn while dancing. man of the League Interviewing
Today's rain togs, such neces- Coeds who have not turned in
sary items in an Ann Arbor coed's petitions as yet may bring them
wardrobe, are as smart as any to their interviews. The schedule
current fashions. Designed with of interviewing is posted on the
an eye to color and line, they serve bulletin board in the Undergrad-
not only as protection but as a uate Office of the League.
morale booster for dreary days. The requirements for those in-
- --terested in obtaining positions in
~~>0 4o > ><-<=> 1947-48 League activities are a
THE LADIES e thorough knowledge of the League
cousidered the vcry fines iii Constitution and one year in
1Y//;1:t)' , ,i?1 7/; T ,,League activities.
t~t !_ .d


dinao amuswnmenswi bgin ; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Kings-
badminton tournament will begin,bury of Detroit announce the en-
the week of April 14. gagement of their daughter, Flor-
ence, to Douglas Froelich, son of
WAA Modern Dance Club mem- Mr and Mrs. Holmes Froelich of
bers are working on several num- Grand Rapids.
bers which will be done at a recital Miss Kingsbury is a member of
to be given in cooperation with GaMnna Phi Beta sorority, Scroll
Modern Dance classes of the GmaPiBt ooiy col
Moden Dnceclases f te jhonor society, and is managing
Physical Education Department, edor ote isanan
at 4:20p~m Wenesayat AB'editor of the. Michiganensian.
rnat 4:20 p.m. Wednesday, at WAB, Mr. Froelich received his B.A.
according to Melvia Weinberger, degree from the University in 1944
club chairman, and is affiliated with Theta Chi
A plain colored suit may be } fraternity.
dressed up by wearing a figured' The betrothal was announced at
scarf dotted with sequins instead a dinner Monday at the Gamma
of the usual blouse.j Phi Beta chapter house.

Ac1 ta av.,3. .11t rel~iw-~ aa an n -
tailored, Prices are most reasonable. An excellent rang in
colors and sizes.
Easter Greeting Cards Individually Styled
KcpeI's Handcraft Mort
802 South State Telephone 4720
f : < " Ca""a"" <""")"> <"" fi>}<- "'> <->}---}G


Surprise them with our
Beautifully Packaged
Cheerio Goodies
Chuck full of candies, nuts, and marmalades - $1, $2, $3
Easter Specials in our Jewelry and Leather Goods Department.
9Hi e 91t vA .
607 East Liberty - Next door to Michigan Theatre
Excerpts from Famous Speeches
of Two Outstanding Leaders
Recorded by WOR
the fanhon s A t "1) rk radio s/ation, ! hi/ /hese men
d 'lii 'redi their now-oi fa ons spe'eches,
First Inaugural Address
*'"Dagger in the Back" speech
*oFour Freedomrs" speech
* "Prayer for D-Day" speech

(contnued from Page 4)
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. The Botany Series--"Water
Plants," F. I . Sparrow, Associate
Professor of Botany.
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. Carolyn Street Austin, mezzo-
The Geology and Mineralogy
Journal Club: 12 noon, Rm. 3055,
Natural Science Bldg. Dr. E. C.
Case will speak on "Paleontology
and Geological Time."
Acolytes: 7:30 p.m., W. Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr.
Arthur Pap of the University of
Chicago, will speak on "Semantic
Examination of Realism."
A V C and Art Cinema League
present The Well Digger's Daugh-.1
ter starring Raimu. English titles;
French Dialogue. Also short, "Art
Survives the Times," Fri., Sat.,
8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Box
(Continued on Page 6)
I a

E n-o nth

Stitching points up
lapel of the small c
cuffs! Pearl button
rayon crepe, pink,
easy-going classic
acobson's match quality with
nonchalance in this simply tailored
Westberry Spring coat of smooth
all-wool gabardine in natural


of Early Spring Stock
Just in time for
Easter buying!I


COATS -- one group of tai-
lored boy coats and top-
pers in black gabardine at
Sizes 9 to 20.

SUITS- grey flannel, black,
brown wools. Sizes 9 to 20.
at $22.50 - 29.95 - 39.95
Originally up to 65.00.

gabardines - 2-piece wool
suit types, at 14.95 and
Two groups of wool gabar-
dines and crepes. at $5.00-

Brown and black, at $8.48,
were 16.95.
Two groups of loafers at 3.95


or black
Sizes 10 to 20

and 5.00.

Covert in, Brown, lue-Grey
and Natural



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