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March 15, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-15

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Tl-.Ill'.' MICHIG'AN JiAlt.V

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Coeds May fipply
For WR4 Posts
Petitions Due Mar. 22; Positions Open
Include Executive Board, Club Managers

- - -

Petitions for WAA positions for
1947-48 are due at noon Saturday,
March 22, in the WAA petition
box in the League Undergraduate
All posts on the WAA board are
open to eligible coeds, and execu-
tive board members and club man-
Sweater Hop
Wil Be Given
The Union will inaugurate its
spring series of specialty dances
with the Sweater Hop to be given
from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur-
day, March 22, in the Rainbow
Frank Tinker and his orchestra,
featured weekly at the Union, will
play for the hop. Men and wom-
en must wear sweaters to be ad-
mitted to the dance, and sweaters
will be awarded as prizes during
Heading the entertainment pro-
gram will be the "Washtenaw
Avenue 4" which includes Charles
Parcells, Hal Blain, Mark Wenley
and Dan Ross. The quartet will
render such old favorites as
"Daddy, Get Your Baby Out of
Jail," "My Evaline" and "Good-
bye My Coney Island, Baby."
The decorations committee
headed by Pete Craighead have
planned to follow the sweaster
theme in decorating the Union
Ballroom. Large characters of
sweater girls will be hung on all
the walls.
Keith Jordan, general chair-
man, will be in charge of the whole
affair assisted by Pete Pfohl,
chairman of the programs and en-
tertainment committees.
Publicity Meeting
The Michigras publicity com-
mittee will meet at 2 p.m. today at
the Alpha Xi Delta house, 825
Tappan St.
All students who signed up to
work on publicity for the carnival,
as well as any others interested in
joining the committee are asked
to attend, according to Jack Har-
lan, publicity chairman.

agers will be chosen for next
year's WAA' activities.
No special requirements for
the WAA'positions are in effect,
except that coeds petitioning for
president must have had one
year's experience on the Board.
Special petition forms are avail-
able at the Undergraduate Office
and at the WAB, and these should
be used by coeds appiying for WAA
posts, according to Jean Brown,
WAA president.
The WAA is composed of
sports clubs which meet in one
or more of the four seasons into
which the year has been divid-
ed. These sports groups include
indoor and outdoor sports, and
each club is a separate unit
within the WAA. Clubs sponsor
tournaments, play days, and
demonstiations as a part of
their programs.
TheWAA board, which includes
the club managers and executive
boardmembers, coordinate the ac-
tivities of the clubs and sponsors
projects such as Gym-Jams and
the Michigras carnival, as well as
organizing interhouse tourna-
Duties of all board members,
and the functions of each of fi-
cer and club inanager are listed
in the WAA constituti'o, copies
of which are posted on the WAA
bulletin boards in the Under-
graduate Office, Barbour Gym,
and the WAIF.
A coed may apply for no more
than three offices, two of which
may be executive board positions.
Interviews will be held March 24
through 28 at the WAB
McNal To Play
At League Dance
Tom McNall and his orchestra
will play at the League dance to
be held from 2 to 5 p.m. today in
the League ballroom for all inde-
pendent women on campus.
Tickets will be on sale at the
door of the ballroom. All men on
campus are invited to be guests of
the coeds for the afternoon.
1eatured vocalist with the band
will be Jackie Ward. Miss Ward
has been starred at the Casbah.

Will Be Given
To Seniors
Senior women regularly enrolled
in the University are eligible to
apply for two national scholar-,
ships which are awarded annually
by Katharine Gibbs School.
These Katharine Gibbs Memo-
rial Scholarships are awarded by
the Memorial Scholarship Com-
mittee in mehory of the founder
of the school.
Tuition Scholarships Open
Each of the two scholarships
will consist of tuition in any one
of the Katharine Gibbs schools for
one year and a cash award of 300
dollars payable in two install-
ments. The cash award may be
applied to the cost of living in
either the Boston, Chicago or New
York school, or may be used to de-
fray living expenses elsewhere.
Awards will be based upon "high
merit in scholarship and excellence
of personal and character quali-
fications." The financial need of
a student may be a determining
factor. Candidates must fill out
the Student application form
which must be accompanied by a
a small photograph (not a snap-
shot) of the student.
The application must be sup-
ported by the recommendation of
a college official and by a tran-
script of grades to date. It must
be filed not later than April 15
with the Memorial Scholarship
Committee, Katharine Gibbs
School, 230 Park Ave., New York
17, N. Y.
Students interested in applying
for the scholarship will be told at
the Office of the Dean of Women
where they may secure application

According to the employment
records which the Office of the
Dean of Women has received, 462
women students have had part
time jobs since July 1.
More women find it necessary
to earn part of their college ex-
penses now than they did during
AVC To Present
'Spring Thaw'
Spring Thaw." the American
Veteran's committee sponsored
semi-formal will be held from 9
p.m. to midnight Friday in the
Michigan Union ballroom.
Tickets are now available to all
AVC members and may be ob-
tained by contacting Wally Heil-
branner, Gil Dancy or Leo Sa-
carny. Ticket sales will be opened
to all-students on campus from 9
to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Monday
through Friday on the Diagonal,
in the League and in University
Hall. A booth will also be set up
in the Union for ticket sales dur-
ing the noon hour.
Frank Tinker's orchestra will
provide the music for dancing in
a winter to spring background. A
twenty minute intermission pro-
gram has been planned starring
Sonny Drew, seen in many war-
time service shows. Door prizes
will be awarded, and women guests
will receive attractive souvenir
The AVC has decided to make
"Spring Thaw" the first in a series
of annual Spring dances.

Swar, Mrs. Mary C. Bromage,
assistant Dean of Women said.
Jobs are scarcer now and women
cannot pick and choose them as
easily as during the war, Mrs.
Bromage continued.
The Off ice of the Dean of
Women attempts to refer appli-
cants to jobs which are related
to the students' academic or vo-
cational interests. In this way
employment may be a help,
rather than a hindrance to aca-
demic work. Wonwen students
who do not have to earn college
expenses can get more out of
the University by putting their
full time into it, Mrs. Bromage
At present 35 women students
are providing household assist-
ance in return for their room and
board in private homes. These
students are members of the Un-
derwriters organization which
meets for lunch every week and
plans social function. The presi-
dent of the group attends League
House presidents' meetings.
The Office has a list of 75
women who have signed up as
baby-sitters. When household-
ers call, the Office gives them
the names of tlree applicants
and the householders contact
the students and the parents,
and baby-sitters must observe
University closing hours.
Women who apply for secre-
tarial work are referred to the
personnel office, Rm. 209 Uni-
versity Hall. Other students have
jobs as switchboard operators, li-
brary and laboratory workers.


Women Earn College Expenses
From Part Time Employment

TRAVELING SilOWGIRLS - girl riders of a tra velling circus live- inside a large trailer which is
equipped with a light plant, shower, kitchen and I aundry.

Coeds Register
For Rushing
The deadline for registration
for informal rushing will be at
noon today in the Undergraduate
Office of the League.
Those women who registered for
formal rushing, but did not pledge,
will have their names placed au-
tomatically on the informal rush-
ing list. Each new perspective
rushee will be required to submit
evidence of eligibility, and to pay
a 75 cent fee at registration.
Those sororities which will be
rushing informally include Alpha
Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha, and
Alpha Eta, which is a local group
planning to become affiliated With
a national sorority.
Each sorority will hold one
two-hour party each week,
Rushing parties will begin next
week, and all invitations will be
issued by telephone. The Under-
graduate Office will be open for
registration beginning at 9 a.m.

Physical Education Majors
Combine Theory, Practice

Far from being a play-day, a
physical education major's coursel
involves four years of intense
Physical education students are
required to take 14 courses in the
School of Education, exclusive of
practice teaching. In addition,
they must study such subjects as
music, sociology, psychology, Eng-
lish and zoology, and are required
to take courses in the Medical
School including biochemistry,
anatomy and physiology.
Women spend nine hours a
week in sports classes, which
cover such activities as archery,
badminton, basketball, dance,
fundamental skills, golf, hockey,
softball, stunts, swimming, life
saving and tennis. In beginning
courses of these sports, majors
develop skill and advanced tech-
niques in playing. Next they
learn the theory of teaching
the activity, and finally have
opportunity for practice teach-
Practice teaching is taken for
one semester during the junior
and senior years, and with the
sports course, gives three hours
credit each semester. SophomoresI
are expected to observe work in
other physical education classes,
while juniors teach approximate-
ly six elementary school classes.
Seniors are responsible for sec-
ondary school courses and also as-
sist in the college curriculum.
Thus, upon graduation, a physical
education major has had experi-

once with both elementary and
high school students.
In addition to her major in
physical education; a student is
required to have two minors,
one of which is hygiene. The
other minor is optional, abut
since the opport-inity for elect-
ives is so limited, many women
choose English. A minor such
as mathematics involves taking
two or more extra hours each
semester for at least the first
two years in order to include the
minimum necessary courses.
Opportunity is given to majors
to get an overall view of the physi-
cal education field through Physi-
cal Education Club. which is a
requirement for all. The Club
holds assembly once a week, at
which time sports that are prac-
ticed in dead earnest during the
week are played for fun. In addi-
tion, outside speakers are brought
in who are authorities on various
activities. Sue Cross, president
of the United States Field Hockey
Association, was featured recently.
Olympic Ball, held in the
spring semester, is sponsored by
the Physical Education Club inj
conjunction with the men physi-
cal education students. The
group is also responsible for the
Alumnae luncheon, and plans
to send a representative to the
Michigan Physical Education
Association conference to be
held in Kalamazoo Feb. 21 and



RIDERS wanted: Commuting Monday
thru Saturday from Detroit. Call Ar-
lington 6691 in Detroit. )8
WANTED: Ride to New York City and.
return during Easter vacation for
veteran and wife. Will share ex-
penses, driving. Please phone M. Ad-
elstein, 2-7423 mornings or 5888 after-
noons. )20
WOULD anyone going away for spring
vacation want to rent their apart-
ment to student veteran and wife?
Good references. Box 72. )50
REWARD-For information leading to
the renting of apartment in fall-
Jack Krewson, 4183. )24
ENTERTAINER-Irene Schwodiu (pla-
nist) featuring the electric Solovox-
the instrument with pipe-organ sim-
ilarity. For Clubs, Banquets, Gath-
erings. Saline - Phone (collect)
143FI-2. )20
"AND THE NIGHT shall be filled with
Music." That is, If your radio works
O.K. If not, call 9241 or leave it at
The Tavern Cafeteria for quick re,
pair service. I am Fred, Ze Great
Radio Man. )62
i'Tr-rOSAr1c Cop.ying, Enlargements
or Reductions. Leave your work at
Wikel Drug, Calkins-Fletcher, Pur-
chase Camera, Card and Camera,
marriage and birth certificates, dis-
charges, records. 24-hour pick-up
service. Technical Photo Service. 917
.Sunnyside, Phone 4559, 2-6958. )53
FOREIGN JOBS-Men, women. Gov't,
private listings. Hundreds' skilled
classifications. Accurate information,
$1.00, postpaid. Foreign Jobs, Inc.,
Baltimore 1, Maryland. )i
A CAREER FOR YOU-T e telephone
company offers interesting work, com-
fortable quarters, cafeteria on prem-
ises, vacations with pay. thrift plans,
advancement. For further inforina-
tion call 9985 between 8 and 5. Mich-
igan Bell Telephone Co. 33
DRESSMAKING. Dresses, Suits, For-
mals, and Bridal Gowns. Alterations.
For appointments, call Mrs. Ringinen.
2-2604. )52
C0 L L EIw E
A School of Business-Prefer'ed by
College Men and Women

ATTENTION, Two Gremlins - Thanks
for information. There are a couple
of sodas for you if you make your-
selves known. Cali Bob Beach at
8053. ) 56
A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used
clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. )14
REMINGTON-RAND Noiseless, Model 6
Typewriter, in good shape, $40. Call
Newnan, 9077, after 7 p.m. )9
FOR SALE-Baby sitter, 1-4c per hour.
Day or night. "Electronic Baby Sit-
ter" will reliably watch your baby.
Priced reasonably, 2-1371.
FOR SALE-Reiington noiseless type-
writer. Staiidard desk model, pica
type, touch regulator. Excellent con-
dition. Phone 2-5695 after 9 p.m. )21
FOR SALE-New set of formal tails,
size 38-40. $65.00. New. Worn three
times, will sell for $50.00 complete.
Phone 2-1487 after 5 p.m. )64
CHICAGO SYMPHONY tickets, Sunday
night. Orchestra patron seats, call
Dick Rosenbloom, phone 2-1600, leave
phone. )23
FORD. 1937 Tudor Dellxe. Recondi-
tioned motor, new parts, new clutch,
new brakes. Sacrifice. Seat covers,
clean. 1599 Springfield, Willow Run.
GOLF-The greatest names in Golf
Clubs. Aagen, Spalding and Wilson.
Have a good assortment of these.
Municipal Golf Course. Call 9230.
Phone number 2-0175. )17

LOST-Key ring with several keys. Call
Katherine Murray at Extension 308
until 5 p.n. )2
BROWN WALLET-Lost on N. State.
Important papers. Contact Joan F.
Blane, Box 47, Michigan Daily. )11
LOST - Blue Zircon Ring with gold
band; sometime Saturday. Reward for
return. Phone 6943.)6
FOUND: Parker '51. Owner may have
by calling 433 Mosher and paying for
ad, ) 54
LOST-Gold link bracelet with filagrec
on campus Wednesday, March 12.
Value for sentimental reasons. Please
return to Rae M. Guttman, phone
4489. )12
CARPETING and Rugs cleaned in your
home. Place orders early. Free esti-
mates. Phor e Chelsea 6691. )4
TYPING: Theses, term papers, address-
es, etc. Duplicating: notices, forn
letters, programs. A2 Typing Service,
232 Nickels Arcade, phone 9811. )55
'f stRings
717 North University Ave.
->4 :>n c:a -::::sa :o : y


has laundry cases in stock.
Those regularly priced at $3 are $1.75,
$1.75 cases now 75c.


1917 Washtenaw
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Adult Study Group and Church
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Sermon by
Edward H. Redman: "Playing Fast and
5:30 P.M.: Vesper Service. Sermon: "Ser-
vice to Humanity" by Edward H. Redman.
6:30 P.M.: Student Supper Discussion: "Un-
itarian Social Action and Reaction."
1432 Washtenaw
W. P. Lemon, D.D., and James Van Pernis,
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
Ruth Kirk, Church Worker
10:45 A.M.-Morning worship. Dr. Lemon's
Lenten sermon : "Man the Measure."
5:00 P.M.-Westminster Guild in the Russel
Parlor. Panel discussion on "The Effect of
Religion on the Professions." Supper
1304 Hill Street-Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
For National Lutheran Council Students
9:15 A.M.--Bible Hour at the Center, 1304
Hill St.
10:30 A.M.-Services in Zion and Trinity
Lutheran Churches.
11:00 A.M.--Worship Service in Christ Luth-
eran Chapel, Willow Run, Robert A. Boett-
ger, Pastor.
5:30 P.M.-Meet in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall-program following supper. Mr. Eu-
gene Hanson will speak on "Politics."
7:30 P.M. Tuesday-Church History Class at
the Center.
7:30 P.M. Wednesday -- Lenten Services in
Zion and Trinity and Christ Lutheran
Chapel at Willow Run.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation
Madelene Jones, Choir Director
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students.
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work.
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship Service. Ser-
mon by Reverend Zendt. Nursery for
children during the service.
5:00 to 7:00 P.M.: Supper at the Congre-
gational Church. Dr. Frank Huntley will
speak on "The Christian's Task in the Re-
construction of the Orient."
409 South Division Street
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject:
11:45 A.M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday evening testimonial
This church maintains a free Reading Room
at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at
4th, which is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Here the Bible and Christian Science lit-
erature including all the works of Mary
Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or
purchased. '

512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
10:00 A.M.-The Student Class of the Church
school meets in the Guild House, 502 E.
Huron. Rev. James Van Pernis will discuss
"The Basic Beliefs of Presbyterians."
11:00 AM.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic,
"Be A Nehemiah," Mr. Loucks.
4;00 P.M.-The Guild choir will practice in
the guild house.
5:00 to 7:00 P.M- The Guild will discuss
"Why the Church" with John Craig as
leader. At,6 they will have supper and
a fellowship hour.
State and William Streets
Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister
9:30 and 10:45 A.M.: Church School De-
10:45 A.M.: Dr. Parr will preach on the
Lenten Theme, "What Has Christianity to
Say - About the Profoundest Question in
3:00 P.M.: Pastor's Training Class.
5:30 P.M.:- Ariston League - Supper and
play rehearsal.
5:00 P.M.: Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Dr. Frank Huntley, who lived in China 17
years, and in Japan 6 years, will speak on
"ThesChristian's Task in the Reconstruc-
tion of the Orient,"
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor (Missouri Sy-
9:45 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.--Services, with the
pastor preaching on the subject, "Telling
the Truth Tactfully." Holy Communion
will be celebrated iin the early service,
5:15 P.M.-Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper Meeting.
7:30 PM. Wedoesday--Lenten Vesper Ser-
vice, with sermon by the pastor, "What
accusation bring ye against this man?"
423 S. Fourth Ave.
T. R. Schmale, Pastor
C. R. Loew, Assistant Pastor
Kathryn Karch, Organist
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon:
Prayer in the Christian Life.
5:00 P.M.: Stident Guild. Supper, fellow-
ship, and lecture-discussion on the topic:
Man as Believer.


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Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John M. Shufelt, Curate
The Rev. John H. Burt, Student Chaplain
Miss Maxine J. Westphal,
Counsellor for Women Students
Mr. George R. Hunsche,
Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:15 A.M.: Post-Confirmation Class.
9:45 A.M.: Young People's Confirmation
10:00 A.M.: Student Religious Seminar, Stu-
dent Center.
11:00 A.M.: Junior Church.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by Dr.
5:00 P.M.: Student Confirmation Class, Tat-


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