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March 15, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-15

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Legislature Elections

'rfHE PARTY FIREWORKS which went
off during the first two Student Legisla-
ture elections caused such excited debate
during the March Legislature meetings that
the Cabinet, itself split over the advisabil-
ity of election factions, brought to a vote
four proposals ranging from absolute prohi-
bition to free play of parties. The result
was a series of compromise motions, passed
by narrow margins, setting up an elaborate
framework of election rules.
Yet now that all election petitions have
been submitted very few of the Legisla-
ture's fears have been realized.
The number of people per party was lim-
ited to the number of positions to be filled
in the election, for instance, because the
Legislature wished to prevent parties from
adding candidates simply to circumvent the
$5 per candidate limit on expenditures. Par-
ties were required to register full member-
ship because of the shifting of personnel
which occured during the last election.
There is only one party in this election,
however, and it is composed of 14 members.
Furthermore five of its members are affil-
iated and nine are independent, thus side-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

stepping the biggest question which con-
fronted the Legislature--how to prevent the
fraternity-independent split which mars
many college student governments. The
Legislature, unable to devise a satisfactory
answer, contented itself with prohibiting
party designations from the ballots.
The platform of the party and the
statements of the non-partisan candi-
dates, moreover, seem to uphold the con-
tention of several Legislators that par-
ties should arise only when there are de-
finite issues. Few projects are suggested
in the statements and most of these such
as a Legislature bulletin and a war me-
morial have already been discussed and
approved by the Legislature. A large
number of the non-partisan candidates
used their space to make it clear that
they are not aligning themselves with
"pressure factions." Most are "standing
on their records."
The seeming lack of issues-or at least
of hotly debatable points-may be due to
the compromise stands which the Legisla-
ture has taken during the past semester be-
cause of its almost equally matched mem-
bership. Perhaps a shift toward more lib-
eral or conservative membership would
cause a shift in policy which would produce
competitive parties in the next election.
This time, however, the deciding factor will
probably be the number of posters one can
buy with $5.
--Mary Ruth Levy

Willow Village

IF WE REALLY intend to save western civ-
ilization, we're going to have to be a little
less nervous about it. Secretary of Labor
Schwellenbach's proposal to outlaw the
Communist Party doesn't save western civ-
ilization; it merely rubs out one of the dif-
ferences between it and what we're trying
to save it from. How do you save, in fact.
how do you even tell apart, a civilization
which outlaws the opposition from a civili-
zation which outlaws the opposition? If the
Schwellenbach idea goes through, the quar-
rel between east and west ceases to be a
broad quarrel between dictatorship and
freedom, and becomes a naked, narrow war
between communism and capitalism, with
both sides using the same techniques of
arm-twisting and eye-gouging. It is Mr.
Schwellenbach's masterly suggestion that
we throw away cur best argument, freedom,
our one incontrovertible ace, the highest
card in the game.
For no matter what excesses capitalism
may commit, it will have a case so long as
it maintains freedom; while no matter
what progress Russia may make, her case
will be defective so long as she maintains
a state orthodoxy. To suggest that we
transform this high difference into a dull
pushing and pulling between corporations
and ecilectives, is a monstrous piece of
bumble. American capitalism needs Com-
munists, if only becuase Russia doesn't
have capitalists, to underline that assev-
eration of freedom by which is seeks to
keep open its approach to the minds of
It is argued that the Communists want
to change our way of life, as indeed they
do. But to suggest that we change our way
of life, ourselves, in order to keep them from
doing so, is one of the poorest proposals for
foiling anybody ever placed on the record.
And the very poorness of Schwellenbach's
proposal, its pathetic weakness, its nervous
lack of style, are in a way more important,
as news, than his specific proposal itself;
for these qualities indicate a certain flutter-
iness, a kind of agitation which, if they
become the dominant American moods, will
paralyze us and render us quite incapable
of saving even a flea's way of life.
For Schwellenbach's hand muddies the
sharp differences and the bright colors into
an indeterminate gray. It does so at a time
when the world is looking for clear distinc-
tions, for incontrovertible differentiations. I
am morally convinced that we are making
something of the same error in our new pol-
icy of giving military support to Greece and
Turkey, for just as Schwellenbach proposes
to fight suppression with suppression, so
Truman proposes to fight expansionism with
something very like expansionism. In both
areas, a struggle which should be carried
on at the highest moral level is being pulled
down to the merely physical. The argu-
ment over which is better is being trans-
formed into a row over which is stronger.
But better makes stronger and one must
be concerned about that nervousness which
is erasing high distinctions for the sake of
puny ad hoc devices, and trumpery impro-
(New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947)


Letters to the Editor..


the ame ategry a thoe o

OMEBODY ONCE SAID something about
one's left hand not knowing what his
right hand is doing. Willow Run's touchy
electrical situation might well be thought
of as a case in point.
In the married students' apartment units,
there's been lots of tampering with the cir-
cuits leading to investigations, edicts and
threatened reprisals. In the single students'
dorms, here has been no problem more ser-
ious than occasional prankish tampering
with the fire alarm system.
Why this diversity? Perhaps its merely
that overloading of the lines is so much more
pronounced in the apartment units as com-
pared with that in the dorms. Perhaps,
though, it's not merely a matter of degree of
abuses, but, instead, the varying methods of
handling such abuses, that embody the crux
of the matter.
For, when a fuse blows in the apartment
structures, anyone, who happens to get
Local Tr
~ A WORD should be said in reply to Lois
Kelso's attack on Ann Arbor tradespeo-
ple in Thursday's Daily. There is anothe'
side of the story that is just as potent and
can be expressed almost as dramatically.
I ate all my meals out last year and have
eaten at a great many local establishments
this year. Yet I cannot recall unwarranted
reproach from any waitress that served me.
I have failed to notice that any waitress
was inferior to me, nor have I ever gone
wanting for something I asked for in a
decent way.
Miss Kelso mentioned the inedible food
served in some place where you purchase it
at a forfeit. I have heard gripes about
dormitory food too!
And then there is the waitress' side of
the story, and I speak from experience.
Has Miss Kelso ever tried to fill an order
when ten to twenty customers are yelling
at her at once? Has she ever tried to climb
over a bunch of college students who are
too stubborn to move so she can fill it?
Would she be able to smile sweetly through
a haze of smoke and accept special orders
from every customer for several hours a
day? This doesn't include fresh remarks
from students, being slapped in the face
with someone's coat as they carelessly throw
it around them without looking to see who
might be standing right behind them with
several cups of coffee, unrestrained prank-
sters who delight in smearing table tops
with every condiment that is in reach or
those people who insist on invading a sec-
tion that is clearly marked "closed."
There are several suggestions that
might give Miss Kelso more pleasure in
her campus life. Students could be for-
bidden to smoke in eating places. The
front door could be locked while cigarette
butts, papers and refuse thrown on the
floor by neat, considerate customers are
swept away. Lines could form outside the
door so that there would never be too
large a crowd waiting to be served and
customers could enjoy plenty of cheerr-
fu, efficient service.
Furthermore, I am from the "caste-rid-
den East" and I feel right at home with the
service that I get in Ann Arbor's eating
places. It might be added that eastern uni-
versities also follow the policy of refraining
from tipping in most eating places. I never
saw anyone tip at Radcliffe. I never saw
anyone tip at Cornell. As a matter of fact,
I never saw anyone tip in many places in
my own hom'e town. I don't think that the
employment usually determines whether
tipping is customary or not. Isn't it more
SOME PEOPLE may hope that the Mos-
cow Conference will fail. If Moscow fails,


around to it, notifies maintenance. Main-
tenance, wlien it gets around to it replaces
the fuse. This process is often of one or two
days duration, and the temptation is great
for a tenant to break into the fuse box and
make the replacement himself, often with
a dangerously oversized fuse.
In the dorm area, however, each building
has its own tenant director, who is charged
with the responsibility of promptly and cor-
rectly replacing burnt fuses and reporting
excessive violations of the electrical code.
Plans put forth by tenant groups last
week, called, essentially, for the adoption
of a like system throughout the remainder
of the village. The FPHA officials, who are
now in the process of considering these
plans, might well look to the dormitory area
for a measure of the system's effectiveness.
It would certainly seem that the plan is at
least wothy of a trial.
-Ben Zwerling
tdespeop le
reasonable to consider the type of place
you are eating in rather than who works
I would like very much to extend an in-
vitatidn to Miss Kelso to have lunch with
me someday. There seems to be a lot going
on in her life that I have missed.
-Bette Hamilton
Economic Reality
IN RECENT instances President Truman
has vigorously asserted his convictions
and shown that the hand at the wheel of
the American "ship of state" is not as weak
as many originally would have had us be-
At the time of the last coal strike. a de-
cision was reached, with the President's
full support, to carry the question of union
defiance of the government, as operator of
the mines, to the Supreme Court. By a 7-2
vote the Court has just decided that, John
L. Lewis and the miners showed a "total
lack of respect for the judicial process" and
upheld Judge T. Allan Goldsborough's ci-
tation of Lewis for contempt of court in
disregarding the injunction issued at the
Indicating the importance of the decision
as a stabilizing element in labor-manage-
ment relations and as a sign of greater
security in the economic picture, stock mar-
ket prices immediately rose as much as $3
per share when it was announced.
OF GREATER significance, though, was
President Truman's speech at Baylor
University in Texas on the occasion of his
receiving an honorary degree of Doctor of
Laws. In a bold talk on our economic for-
eign policy, he decried any attempt to re-
turn to economic isolationism as character-
ized by our acceptance of the Smoot-Hawley
Tariff and our subsequent conduct during
the depression years. Declaring that the
fight for markets and raw materials, and
rigid control of imports were "confessions
of mental and moral bankruptcy" he lashed
out at those who "seek to undermine our
trade policy for partisan advantage."
By his success in the coal dispute and his
pledge to fight for reduction of world trade
barriers he has assumed greater stature. In
the one instance his principle has already
triumphed, while in the other case a defeat
for Mr. Truman woud be a defeat for the
entire world. He is bound to find the going
rather difficult in Congress, though, with
the traditionally high-tariff minded Re-
publicans in control of both houses. We
can be sure that the eyes of the people of
all nations will be watching Congress to
see whether they have matured enough to
face the economic realities of life.

(Contmued from Page 2)
b. For the community: Call Wil-
low Village 3120, Extension 15. A
fee is charged for this ambulance
Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolu-
lu has the following vacancies for
the school year 1947-1948: half-
time librarian and Latin, English,
typing and " bookkeeping, history
and English, American Problems
and History. Corrective speech,
Public speaking and dramatics,
Dean of Boys, and Dean of Girls.
Call the Bureau of Appointments,
4121 ext. 489. for further infor-
Mr. J. B. Green of the Naval
Research Laboratory will be in our
office on March 17 and 18 to re-
cruit personnel for the Potomac
River Naval Command. Any
chemists, physicists, or engineers
who would like to talk to him may
make an appointment by calling
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, ext. 371.
University Lecture: Mr. John
DeFrancis, United States Depart-
ment of State, will lecture on the
subject, "The Political Contro-
versy over Language Reform in
China," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., March
18, Rackham Amphitheatre; aus-
pices of the Department of Orien-
tal Languages and Literatures.
Graduate students in Business
Administration and Economics:
Mr. Paul Hollos. Director of the
Hungarian Commercial Bank, will
lecture on the subject, "The Bank-
ing Situation in Hungary under
Hitler," Monday. March 17, 4:30
p.m., East Lecture Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. Faculty members and
graduate students in Business Ad-
ministration and Economics are
invited to attend.
Professor Al K. Snelgrove, De-
partment of Geology, Michigan
College of Miffing and Technology,
Houghton, Michigan, will speak on
"Geological Exploration in New-
foundland" at 11 a.m., March 15
Rm. 2054, Natural Science Bldg.
Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr.
W. R. Smith, of Seidman & Seid-
man, Grand Rapids, will speak on
cost problems in the furniture in-
lustry on Tues., March 18, 10 a.m.
East Lecture Room, Rackham
All students in the Wood Tech-
nology Program, in the School of
Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend and any other
interested are cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students who took the
Graduate Record makeup examin-
ation in December may receiv
scores by calling at the Graduat
School office.
Biological Chemistry Seminar
Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg., 10 a.m.
Sat., March 15. Subject: "Vita-
min A-Chemistry-Function-Dis.
tribution." All interested are in-
Mathematics Seminar on Con.
plex Variables: Sat.. March 15
10 a.m., Rm. 3011, Angell Hall
Mr. Hansen will speak on th
Schwarz-Christoffel mappings.
Seminar in Stochastic Processes
Mon., March 17, 5 p.m., 317 W
Engineering Bldg. Prof. G. E. Uh-
lenbeck will continue his discus.
sion of random processes.
A Water Safety Instructor'
Course will be conducted by th
Red Cross on the following dates
April 15. 17, 19, 21, and 23, in th

evenling. The course will be helc
at the Intramural Pool and is opex
to both men and women. Anyon(
interested must sign tip in Barbou
Gymnasium immediately.
A preliminary training cours(
will be given at the Central Hig]
School in Ypsilanti on March 18
19, 20, 25, and 26. This is a pre.
requisite for the Water Safet
Course. Transportation to the
Central High School will be furn
ished by the Red Cross.
Iy el

0 Sure 'te' it's Condi'

planned a recital for Tuesday,z
March 18. Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, 8:30 p.m. Program: com-
positions by Handel, Sarti, Caris-
simi, Schumann, Massenet, and
Easthope Martin. Thbe general pub-
lic is invited.
Faculty Recital: Marian Struble
Freeman, guest violinist, and John
Kollen, pianist, will be heard in a
program at 8:30 p.m., Wed.. March
19, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Open to the public, it will consist
of Brahms' Sonata 'in D minor,
Op. 118, Faure's Sonata in A ma-
jor, Op. 13, and Sonata in E-flat
major, Op. 18, by Strauss.
Student Recital: Joanne John-
son Baker, a student of piano un-
der Mabel Ross Rhead, will be
heard in a recital- in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:30 p.m., Mon.. March 17, Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her pro-
rgramn will consist of compositions
by Bach, Beethoven, Ravel, and
"Fantastique Suite," written by
Mrs. Baker. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
The Museum of Art presents an
exhibition of drawings and water
colors by George Grosz through
March 16. Alumni Memorial Hall,
weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12
and 2-5, Wednesday evenings, 7-9
and Sundays 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Willow Run Village Art Show
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Crafts and paintings by Village
residents on exhibit at the Uni-
versity Center, Assembly Room,
through March 30. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WJR. 760 Kc.
' Stump the Professor, Mr. Colton
Storm, quizmaster, Dr. Frank Rob-
bins, Major Robert Brown, Profes-
sors Amos Morris, George Kiss, and
Preston Slosson.

WhIat's T1t Again?
E SYMPATHIZE with the unfortunate
youth who sits well in the back of one of
the University's out-sized lectures. In re-
sponse to a question from the professor, he
stood up and went through a five-minute
harangue on why he was not prepared for
the day's lesson.
After it was all over, the professor ex-
plained that he had called on a student in
the front of the class whose name rhymed
with the back-seat unfortunate.
WVi (;wd Reasoi*
fRIEND OF OURS was walking down
State Street after an exam in Theory of
Knowledge (three hours of philosophy
prerequisite) when his favorite pipe drop-
ped from his mouth, bounced off his wrist,
and broke up on the sidewalk.
Reason: He was talking to himself.
1A)ng-RtIge Vie
A YOUNG MAN with an obvious flair for
organization brightened life for we who
only stand and wait on the Library steps,
one recent grey morning. Said he,
"Guess I'd better have my woman trouble
now. I'm taking 17 hours next semester."
Contributions to this column are by all mean-
bers of The Daily staff and are the responsibil-
ity of the editorial director. Items from sub-
scribers are invited; address thei to "It So
Happens". The Michigan Daily.


10:45 p.m., Medical Series, Low
Back Pain, Dr. A. S. Isaacson.
Pi Lambda Theta. Spring initi-
ation, 4:45 p.m., Union. Banquet
at 6:30. Mrs. Mary C. Bromage,
assistant dean of women, will be
the speaker. ,
Scabbard and Blade: Michigan
Ensian photographer will take a
group picture of the members and
pledges of Scabbard and Blade at
1 p.m. this afternoon in front of
the Main Library.
CSCA MVeeting, 3 p.m., Lane
Hall. Mr. Paul T. K. Lin will be
the guest speaker. All persons in-
terested are cordially invited.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group. 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall. For
luncheon reservations call 4121 ext.
2148 before 10 a.m., Saturday
Congregational Disciples Guild,
Fireside Discussion on "Moral Re-
armament" with Mr. and Mrs. N.
T. Brotherton of Ann Arbor as
guests. Guild House, 7:30-9 p.m.
Corigy vents
Sigma Rho Tau, the engineers'
speech society. Meeting, Tues..
March 18, Rooms 319-325, Union.
There will be installation of no-
vices and neophytes after the
meeting. The debate squad will
meet Detroit Institute of Technol-
ogy in a discussion of the St. Law-
rence Waterway.
All women veterans interested
in bowling Sunday afternoon, call
Betty Pecsenye, 2-4471.
All women veterans are invited
to University Women Veterans
meeting, Mon., March 17, 7:30
p.m., Michigan League.
Reserve Officers' Association,
Ann Arbor Chapter. Monthly
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mori., March
17, American Legion Home, 1035
S. Main. Major Taggert. of the
Michigan Military Department
will discuss the activation of Re-
se units in Ann Arbor. All
members are urged to attend.
Conversation Group, Sociedad
Hispanica, Mon., March 17, 3:30
to 5 p.m., International Center.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
meeting and record concert 8 p.m.
Sun., March 16, Hussey Room
Russian Circle. Russky Kruzhok
8 p.m., Mon., March 17, Interna-
tional Center. Members and thei
friends invited..

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVVRIY letter to the editor
(which is sigred, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Reply to Staid
To The Editor:
Perhaps this might be termed a
"Reply to Stahl."
Being a Veteran, I was most in-
terested in Mr. Stahl's suggestions
of helping the underpaid Veteran
solve his college financial prob-
lems. Mr. Stahl, your suggestions
are truly worth consideration.
I believe most Veterans will
agree with your viewpoints. We
should have two weeks vacation
with pay, air transportation to
and from school, old age pension
at twenty-five, receive nothing but
A's from our teachers and defin-
itely have all morning classes so
we can enjoy our afternoon golf
You then went on to say, Mr.
Stahl, that the Veterans should be
given a choice of a car, either
Cadillac, Buick or Lincoln. I be-
lieve after further consideration,
you will agree that you've carried
this idea a little too far.
-Wayne L. Swett
P.S. Perhaps we could settle for
a bicycle.
Public Law 346
To the Editor:
The recent commotion about
increasing Veteran's Subsistence
has raised in my mind a few
questions. Considering that the
purpose of P.L. 346 was to assist
student veterans to resume their
education, and that Congress may
have believed this necessary to
insure future American leader-
ship, just how well is this objec-
tive being met?
First, consider that student vet-
erans have received more remun-
eration than any other class of
veterans, and seem to have ap-
preciated it the least.
Next, remember that many of
those former students who paid
their way by drawing on savings
or family assistance, or worked
to put themselves through, today
feel disinclined to supplement the
government gratuity from these
Thirdly, many well qualified
teen-agers, who are sincerely in-
terested in education, are being
deproiye pf an opportunity to
attend by men who normally
would not have continued so long
in college.
Lastly, by making such irres-
ponsible demands on Congress,
student veterans are proving
themelves unfitted for roles as
future leaders.
A reasonable conclusion by
Congress might very well be that
the country is not benefitted by
educating malcontents and agi-
tators. A fortiori no benefit will
ensue from students so essentially
lacking in perspicacity and re-
straint. A decision to discontinue
P.L. 346 altogether would be
neither illogical nor untimely.
Why not? Those who can't get
through school with the present
assistance don't deserve complete
subsidization. One extreme is as
logical as the other.
Congress may recall that the
mobs of ancient Rome had to be
placated with ever greater spec-
tacles. Exhibiting similar ten-
dencies these greedy veterans are
insatiable in their demands for
more, ever more money. With
Rome it was a sign of internal de-
terioration. As a consequence of
moral degeneration France also
fell, when she lost her will to
fight, Apparently we now lack
moa tmn o tn nom

moral stamina to stand on our
own two feet to face steadfastly
life's problems. Self reliance has
been our greatest national virtue
With its loss who can say wher(
we are headed? At least it is wel:
to remember that student veter-
ans are but one of many sueh
pressure groups. The time hat
come resolutely to discountenance
further demands, or there wil
be an end to our American form
of government.
May I rephrase the words o:
Brutus to query, "Who is there
among you so vile that will not
love his country, if any, speak
for him I offended?"
--Warren C. White
P.S. I am forwarding this letter
to Congress to inform its mem-
bers we students are not all o
, NDIANA has a new law. prohib
iting organized racial and relig-
ious hatred. Henceforth, no Hoo-
. sier will be allowed to hate hi
- fellow-men except in the privac:
r of his own home.
-The New Yorker

the same category as those of
Operation Subsistence, who baldly
claim to represent veteran opin-
Student Vets
To the Editor:
N REPLY to Tom Walsh's edi-
torial, we wish to say that the
student veterans in Michigan do
not want and do not need a sub-
sistence increase. True, a number
of student veterans are grumb-
ling, and have been grumbling for
some time, over the so-called in-
adequacy of the funds advanced
by our government to assist them
in completing their college edu-
cations. But is this number truly
representative of the total who
are at present enrolled under 4he
G.I. Bill of Rights? We harly
think so.
Those who are anxious to get
something for nothing have
shown sufficient initiative to fill
out the questionnaires and sign
petitions that request more money
as a means of meeting the in-
creased cost of living, which those
of us who realize that even now
we are receiving more, far more,
than we have any right to claim,
go quietly on our way. We are
branded, even though in the ma-
jority, by the grabbing antics of
a few.
So working part-time impairs
schoolwork. Very interesting, if
true, but in the majority of cases
it isn't. There are few students at
this university who don't waste
an hour or two during the course
of a day, an hour or two that
could be spent profitably in work-
ing for a meal or in earning a
little extra money with which to
augment the monthly govern-
ment check.
Let those who aie petitioning
for the increased subsistence stop
to think, for a minute, of those
fellows who weren't able to re-
turn to finish their college edu-
cations. They're the ones who
deserve everything this c.ountry
can give, and who can never re-
ceive compensation. Let them
consider the enormous burdenof
taxes they're going to impose up-
on future generations. Let tihem
remember that anything worth-
' while is worth putting forth a lit-
tle effort to receive. Let' them,
then, be thankful for the bene-
fits which they are now receiving,
forget this damned foolishness
about demanding more money
from the government, and dem-
onstrate the initiative and fore-
sight necessary to finish school
while living on the level of sb-
sistence authorized by the gov-
ernment at the present time.
-Donald Weston
and five others
Women's Page
To The Editor:
Women's Page of The Daily is
my hearty recommendation to
anyone who wants to know about
the little things in life that count.
I was especially intrigued by the
filler in the issue of March 13
which imparted the information
that "butchers wear straw hats all
year 'round to protect their faces
from bumping into sides of beef,
lamb and pork in the refrigerator."
I would like to suggest that Lois
Kelso try wearing a straw hat all
year 'round so that 1%idwestern
waitresses will stop dumping ashes
in her mouth.
-Rosalyn Long




'I'e ieC eago Synwhony Orches-
(ra, Desire Defaiuv. conductor, will
present Ihe Ienth program in the
Chiral Union Series. Sun.. March
16. 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Pro-
gram: Mozart's Overture to "Mar-
riage of Figaro"; Haydn Sympho-
ny in E-flat; Frank Chorale; and
Ravel's "Alborada."
The public is respectfully re-
quested to be seated on time, since
doors will be closed during num-

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigun under the
authority of the Uoard in Control of
tudentt Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Ilarsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey...........City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin.............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ............ Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...A.dvertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press

Faculty Recital:
Deursen, Assistant
Voice in the School

Hardin Van
Professor of
of Music, has



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