RWADAY, MARCH 15, 194'7
Netmen Top Kalamazoo,-4, in Indoor
ennis Match
JWolverine Thittciads Of f
To I1ltnojs Tlift Felays
In 16th~ Runinig of Ml~eet; 14, Reirs*~sent 'i
Otto and Paton Spark Win
In Sports Building Clash
Rookie Sandoi ProvidP Oue-Two pnh
hi Vietory Over Highly T ouied Opp.~nent
Natators O ppose Wayne
In Fial Dual Meet Today
Mtdley Trio Aims At New Mark; Tartars
OfI'fer ittle Oppoitioni 'Fo 'l' Swimmers
Coach Ken Doherty's Wolverine
thinclads entrain this morning
for Chicago, where they will take
part in the revival of the Illinois
Tech Relays tonight in the Uni-
versity of Chicago Field House.
About 900 athletes are sched-'
uled to take part in the 16thcrun-
ning of the relay carnival, and
Michigan will be represented by a
14-man squad. The meet was rap-
idly developing into one of the
Midwest's largest indoor track
gatherings, until the war forced its
curtailment. This year, 13 uni-
versities and 48 colleges are sched-
uled to compete.
Doherty has entered teams in
the sprint medley, distance
medley, and the two-mile and
mile relays. Recent injuries and
illnesses have made the final
lineup 'of the quartets uncer-
tain. With quartermiler Dick
Forrestel and half-miter Don
Queller out of the picture, the
Michigan coach faces quite a
few problems in choosing the
best possible foursomes.
In addition to the relays, Miti-
igan will have individual entrants
in the shot put, pole vault, and
high jump. Charlie Fonville, re-
cently crowned Big Nine shot put
champion, probably will stage an-
other duel with Illinois' Norm
Wasser, while Wolverine petf
Dendrinos will also he ha ttling
for a pay-off place.
In the high jitmp, Bob harris
and Bob Gardner will coml)ete for
Michigan. Harris leaped 6 ft.3
in. last week to tie for fourth. Ile
will face terrific competition from
Dwight Eddleman of the Illini
and Jack Heintzman of Bradley.
Ed Ulvestad and Gene Moody
are scheduled for the pole vault,
mut they'lldhave to fight for
, places in the star-studded field,
headed by Bob Richards of Illi-
nois and Marquette's Roy Po-
On hand for the relay events
will be quarter-milers Bob Mann,
and George Shepherd, sprinters
Val Johnson and John Wither-
spoon, half-milers Herb Barten
and Joe Hayden, and distance men
Charley Birdsall and Chuck Low.
Illinois alone will enter five
individual champions: I",rl
McKenley, the Jamaican flash
who broke the indoor '440' rec-
ord last week, George Walker of
hurdle fame, Eddleman, Rich-x
ards, and miler Bob Rehberg.
Fonville, Michigan conference
winner, will receive competitions
from Missouri's Ed Quirk, Bix Six
title-holder, and Notre Dame's k
George Sullivan, central collegi- *
ate champion. Other Big Nine
winners present will be Purdue's
Paul Miller in the broad jump,
Northwestern's Jim Holland in the
sprint, and Wisconsin's DonYW .
Gerhrmann in the two mile. C 0 N F E.R E N C E CHAMP
Missouri will also bringalong Chuck Fonville seeks victory in
Bud artiser and Bob Blakely, re- his shotput event at the Illinois
cent winners of the Big Six high Tech Relays in Chicago tonight.
and low hurdles,Gbroad jump His chief threat will be Illinois'
champion Floyd Gaultney, and Norm Wasser who has recorded
Harry Guth, sprint title-holder. a 53 ft. 7 in. toss this season.
Trend Toward Specialization
Seeart, i Tiger' s Spring Camp
A rookie one-two punch, new-
comers Andy Paton and Fred
Otto, got Michigan off to a flying
start, and a veteran number six
man, Hal Cook, anchored the-Wol-
verine tennis squad to a 5-4 vic-
tory over Kalamazoo College in an
exhibition match yesterday at
the Sports Building.
Paton, behind a big serve and a
ferocious net game, swept through
Jack Sunderland, the Hornets
number one man, 6-2, 6-3, while
Otto polis;ed off Alex Hetzek, Na-
tional Junior Indoor Doubles
champion, 6-3, 6-2.
Mikulich Defeated
Meanwhile Captain Bill Miku-
lich, still rusty from his long lay-
off during the basketball season.
dropped a 6-3, 6-0, match to Art
Leighton, but "Durable" Dean
McClusky, at number four, came
through to give Michigan a 3-1
lead, when he convincingly stopped
Mary Mantin, 6-2, 6-3.
Kalamazoo's N i c k Beresky
made the match score 3-2, by de-
feating Fred Zeimann, 7-5, G-3.
Paton-Otto Team Loses
Cook and Axel Jemal of the
Hornets then began a marathon
three set affair that was still go-
ing on when the Paton-Otto dou-
bles team went down before Sun-
derland and Hetzek, 5-7, 4-6.
After winning the first set, 6-4,
Cook dropped the second 1-6, and
at this point when it looked as if
the outcome of the match rested
on the third set, Cook pulled out.
an 8-6 win after having his op-
ponent at match point, five times.
Evans, Dayton BeatenI
Coach Bob Dixon, playing as
many men as possible in the exhi-
bition affair, started an unseeded
pair, Dick Lincoln and Butch
Skau in the number three doubles
special 'o 'he Daily
One interesting trend which
your observer cannot help noting
this Spring is the degree of spe-
:ialization which has come into
Gone are the colorful and unor-
thodox batting styles which used
to spice up the game when Al
Sinions and Mel Ott were pound-
ing tie apple and packing the ball
parks with customers. Gone also
arc the side arm pitchers like Tex
Carl ton and l don Auker.
Cullenbine Only Switch Hitter
Switch hitters which were once
numerous in both leagues are now
practically extinct, the new wil-
low-whippers preferring to spe-
cialize at either right or left-
handed batting. Of the 44 Tigers
at Spring training, Roy Cullen-
bine is the only switch hitter and
Rookie Gerald Burke the only
side arm pitcher.
Incidentally, Burke is the
youngest Tiger. Just 19 now, Jerry
was signed out of Detroit's St.
Thereso High School in 1945 where
he was an All-State choice in
football and basketball.
iurke Almost Went to 'M'
Scout "Wish" EagaO wanted
him to go to Michigan and play
under Ray Fisher, but Burke's in-
sistence on playing football if he
went to college settled the issue
in favor of a signed contract with
organized baseball.
Burke is one of seven home-
town boys on the Detroit roster.
He pitched overhand until a
shoulder separation forced him to
turn to a side arm-% delivery.
Five other prospects are from the
state of Michigan, totalling 12
from an area which, until recent-
ly, was as barren of baseball tal-
ent as seaweed in the Sahara Des-
ert. The Detroit sand lots are
largely responsible for this base-
ball development in Michigon.
and was rewarded with a 7-5, 6-3
victory over Bob Stowe and Bob
King to put the match on ice. ;
In the last match, the number
two doubles, Mickey Dayton and
Jim Evans dropped a 3-6, 5-7, bat-
tle to Mantin and Beresky.
In scoring his convincing win
over Sunderland, who had ousted
Hetzek as the Hornets number
cne man, Paton, exhibited perfect
control of his volleys. He continu-
ally followed his service to the
net and dropped or smashed per-
fect placements into the corners.
Otto shellacked the highly tout-
ed Hetzek, running through both
sets without suffering a single
service break.
The Kalamazoo pair' got a
measure of revenge in the doubles
when they scored a straight set
win as Hetzek displayed the form
that helped win a National Junior
title last season.
Coach Dixon was satisfied with
the performance of the squad,
considering the strength of Kala-
m a z o o's nationally prominent
team, and the shortage of prac-
tice hampering a number of Wol-
verine players.
("(1ds Rfally Stops
Tiges in10th, 4-3
14.--.Al)-.Rookie outfielder Bill
Hemerton lashed a 10th inning
double off Detroit's 19-year-old
pitcher, Art, I outtemnan today to
bring IItie St. Louis Cardinals a 4
to 3 exhibition victory over the
Tigers, the third straight win for
the world champions, before a
crowd of 3,227 fans.
open the Cardinal 10th, took sec-
ond while Enos Slaughter was
grounding out and trotted across
the plate while Tiger right field-
er Pat Mullin was chasing Hower-
ton's drive to the fence.
St. Louis took a 1-0 lead in the
third off Virgil Trucks when Tom
Galviano, young third baseman,
walked, stole second and scored as
Eddie Mayo bobbled Slaughter's
The 'Tigers got only one hit off
Johnny Grodzieki, first Cardinal
pitcher, in the first three in-
nings but used an error by pitcher
Fred Echm'iidt to tie the score in
the fourth.
Singles by Chuck Diering, Gal-
viano and Al Schoenrienst put the
Cards back in front 2-1 in the fifth
before Trucks retired in favor of
rookie Lou Kretlow.
Detroit scored twice in the
seventh when Hoot Evers singled,
Johnny Radulovich was hit by a
pitched ba,ll, Mullins sacrificed
them along and catcher Harvey
Riebe singled them both across.
A single by shortstop Bernie
Creger, a pass to Diering and Gal-
viano's second hit tied the score
for the Cards, off Kretlow.
assume assistant grid position
Ceithaml Back
As Grid Aide
Athletic Director Fritz Crisler
announced yesterdaty that George
Ceithaml, former star signal-
caller for the Wolverine gridders,
will return here in the Spring as a
full-time assistant football coach.
Crisler stated that Ceithaml will
report prior to the beginning of
Spring practice, March 31, and
will probably become conch of the
:jinior varsity squad.
Ceithaml, who hails from Clii-
sago, entered the University of
Michigan in 1939 and in his fresh-
man year was honored with the
Chicago alumni award, an annual
presentation to the most impived
player. The following season he
understudied Forest E'varlhevski
and in 1941 won a starting posi-
In his senior year Ceithaml was
recognized as one of the nation's
outstanding quarterbacks and re-
ceived his greatest thrill in lead-
ing the Wolverines to an impres-
sive 32-20 upset win over highly-
touted Notre Dame.
After serving in the Navy dur-
ing the war Ceithaml was em-
l1hoyed by the Ford Motor Com-
Michigan's swimming team
winds up its 1946-47 dual meet
season this afternoon as the mer-
men engage a mediocre Wayne
outfit in the Detroit school's pool
at 2:30 p m.
Little trouble is expected from
the Wayne natators, who have
had an in and out season. The
meet was'scheduled late in the
season and will merely give the
Maise and Blue tanksters another
chance in competition before the
forthcoming NCAA meet in Seat-
tle, Washington later this month.
The meet also gives the 300-
yard medley relay teaem, re-
garded as the best in the coun-
try, another chance to lower
their world's record for this
distance. The ink is hardly dry
in the record books, for these
three swimmers, Iharry Holiday,
Bob Sohl and Dick Weinberg,
established the present standard
a month ago against North-
Coach Matt Mann will carry a
squad of fifteen men to Detroit
this afternoon. Heading the list
are the medley relay trio and div-
ers Gil Evans, Tom O'Neil and
Ralph Trimborn. Also included on
the traveling roster are freestylers
Bill Crispin, Tom Coates, Jay San-
ford, Gus Stager, Wally Stewart
and Bob Lehmann; breast strok-
er Bill Uuthegrove and backstrok-
ers Art Johnson and George Olsen.
This dual meet will bing to a
close a successful season to the
Wolverines who lost only one
dual meet, that to the Buckeyes
of Ohio State by a 58-26 count,
and placed second in the West-
ern Conference swimming cham-
pionships behind Ohio State.
Only two events are left after
today and those are the National
Intercollegiates at Seattle on
March 28, 29 and the National
AAU meet at Columbus on April
4, 5.
I .
! .
_4 t
a\o c
1947-48 Mat Captain, Betzic
Finishes Successful Seasoni
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With the termination of the Big
Ten Conference wrestling season
and the approaching National
AAU Meet, anyone who has fol-
lowed the sport would immediately
recognize Michigan's newly elect-
ed wrestling captain, Bob Betzig,
as the "newcomer of the year" to
the Wolverine grappling ranks.
The wiry redhead not only has
more than satisfied all observers,
but has reaped the acclaim of
wrestlers and wrestling fans alike.
During this campaign, Bob chalk-
ed up wins againstall but one of
his opponents. He won against
every conference foe losing only
to Gale Mikles of Michigan State,
a former Conference champion in
dual meet competition.
Before the Michigan State meet,
Bob had won his last six victories'
by falls, proving that he had over-
come the handicap of inexperience
in Conference competition.
Betzig arrived on the Michigan
campus for the first time last
semester, presenting Coach Cliff
Keene with a varied background
ino the wrestling field. He prep-
ped in his home town, Merric,
Long Island, where he culminated
three years of varsity wrestling
by winning the Long Island high
school championship.
With the advent of war, Bob en-
listed in the Navy Air Corps and
was chosen for V-5 training at the
University of North Carolina.
There he put two years of wrest-
ling competition behind him, de-
feating most opponents and set-
ting up his chances in Big Ten
Competition. He was discharged
April 16, 1946.
With all of his success, Bob Bet-
zig is still the modest, un1assumning
individual that lie was when lhe
first came to Ann Arbor. His
crowd appeal is undeniable. His
aggressive wrestling makes him a
great favorite even with strange
crowds. He has two years of var-
sity competition left and upon re-
ceiving his degree in Physical Ed-
ucation, he hopes to become a
high school coach, naturally spe-
cializing in wrestling.
Betzig took a fourth place in the
Conference 165-pound class, last
Saturday, turning in one of the
tourney's outstanding perform-
ances in his match against Illi-
nois' great two-time champion,
Dave Shapiro. Betzig lost a heart-
breaking 11-8 decision.
He ends the season by com-'
peting in the National AAU Meet.
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