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March 15, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-15

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SATURAY, MARitCH15, 1911

. ......F.....



Tooth Decay Not Prevented
By Nutriuional Diet, Jay Says

amine Group
HUeifer iDh e5
Letters M .e






Students interested in stron g
healthy teeth need not put much
stress on a nutritional diet, ac-
cording to Dr. Philip Jay of the
dental caries research laboratory
of the dental school.
Dr. Jay's theory is that the be..-
teriological aspect of tooth decay
is more pertinent in present day
research than the past emphasis
on nutritional requirements. Thi
theory is substantiated by studies
showing a low caries rate among
Europeans on st:rvation diets.
Sugar is an essential to tooth decay
that these people were not able
to get, Dr. Jay said.
Influence of Diet
Dr. Jay emphasized the fact
that the cause of dental caries
(tooth decay) is not fully estab-
Army ROT
Plans Display
For April 18
Radar Unit Will Spot
Selfridge Field Flight
Five branches of the Army
ROTC unit have planned extensive
displays for the Open House to be
held April 18 by the engineering
Plans for a ground radar unit
that will demonstrate for visitors
by spotting fighter groups flown
over the area from Selfridge Field
have been made by the Air Forces,.
In addition. the air branch will
sponsor displays at Willow Run
of a turbo-jet engine in operation,
an AT-6 advanced training plane.
and a King Cobra pursuit ship.
The Air Forces has also arranged
to fly in a load of cut-away engine
training aids that might be of
interest to engineering students.
Teletypes, walkie-talkie radios,
and the combined receiver trans-
mitter SCR 193, will be operated
by Signal Corps members during
the Open House.
The Engineer Lorps will dosplay
a model of a Japanese mine, and
maps and aerial photographs of
combat areas. Operation of a 105
mm. cannon will be demonstrated
by the Ordnance branch, in addi-
tion to displays of sixty and eighty
mm. mortars and thirty and fifty
calibre machine-guns.
Two "ducks" (amphibious troop
carrying trucks) will be demon
strated in operation on the campus
by the Transportation Corps.
Bidwell Will
Enter Contest
Willard 'I'. Bidwell, '48P, will
present a paper entitled "A Pre-
scription Survey" at a "Students'
Night" of the Michigan Branch of
the American Pharmaceutical As-
sociation on March 25.
Representatives from the phar-
macy college of Wayne University
and the Detroit Institute of Tech-
nology will present papers in com-
petition with Bidwell. Cash prizes
will be awarded to three winners.
The speakers are selected by the
faculty of their respective schools.
A committee qf judges will deterni-
ine the order of the winners.
Last year the University took
first place in the contest, which
was instituted to interest students
of pharmacy in taking an active
part in association work.
Office Awraits
Bonus Details
There is still no information

available on exactly when or how
Michigan is $270,000,000 veterans
bonus will be paid, Karl Karsian,
chief of the Ann Arbor Veterans
Counseling Center, said yesterday.
He said that veterans are get-
ting ."premature information", and
emphasized that full details will
be announced as soon as they are
Karsian reported that his of-
fice has received hundreds of tel-
ephone calls from veterans ask-
ing where they can obtain "the
papers for the bonus".
The Fletcher bill, which would
establish the bonus payment sys-
tem, has passed both houses of
the State Legislature and now
awaits the governor's signature to
become law.
Journalisim Club
Officers Selected
The University Journalism So-
ciety elected the following officers
at its first meeting: James C. Mac-
Donald, president; Ollie M. Lyons,
Jr., vice-president; Bernard P. Ly-
ons, recording secretary; Holly 0.
Pederson, corresponding secretary;
Donald E. Wiens. treasurer

ished, but it has been generally ('oitnitee aid
iccepted that the bacteria lacto-
)acillus acidophilus is intimately 1'uopean Reluf
tssociated with it. He ays that Lettersexplainthe leifers
liep s1 ieslriig carbhyl id rates for Europe'' drive al.d ,skinpj
hav "c prvhen siibci+s;ll in reduc-1groups for pledges have bee'n iiail-
i> thact. I oaci lbmcount among ed t house presidents and headl'
3h)taiestu se(ll xperlets 12ilof other camnpu.s organizations,
hl- caries laboratory here. Seymour S. Goldstein, president
D)r. Jay ljoinlts out that many of the Famine Comnmittee, anl-
.xperiments are being conducted pouhed mesCrday.
oday on dental caries, and other I nounced yesterday.
heories arejust ns validn as the During the drive, which will be-

lietary approach being used at
he Dental Caries Research Lab-
)ratory in the Kellogg Foundation.
Water Supply
The U. S. health department,
Michigan health department and
.he University are studying the
ffect on tooth decay of domestic
water supplies. This work is being
lone in Grand Rapids where small
amounts of sodium flouride are
idded to the water supply.
The University of Illinois, Dr.
Lay said, is trying to do the same
-ort of thing we are with a mouth
wash containing ammonia, thus
changing the bacteria so that the
growth of lactobacilli is arrested.
Northwestern is using vitamin K
as it was discovered that it in-
hibits the enzyme and prevents
degradation of sugar to acid which
causes tooth decay.
E xpressotist
I P anttngs W i
Be Exhibited
Oil and water color paintings
by Ben-Zion, Russian-born ex-
pressionistic artist will be exhib-
ited from Tuesday through April
2 at the Museum of Art.
This exhibit will replace the
scheduled showing of work by Paul
Klee which has been cancelled
because of difficulty in assembling
the paintings.
Born in the Ukraine in 1897,
Ben -Zion studied Hebrew letters,
and wrote poetry and children's
fables for a time.
He began to paint seriously in
1932 and became a United States
citizen in 1936. One of the found-
ers of a group of expressionistic
painters known as "The Ten", he
achieved special fame because of
his skilled use of bold colors and
distinctive design.
Ben-Zion has works in the per-
manent collections of the New
York Museum of Modern Art and
the U.S. State Department. The
exhibit to be shown here is circu-
lated by the Bertha Schafer Gal-
lery of New York.
liar' Comedy
To Be Gwven,
Heralded as the "barroom com-
edy banned in Boston since 1776."
"Ten Nights : in a Barroom" will
be presented at Willow Run's West
Lodge auditorium by the Village's
Little Theatre Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, March 21, 22 and
The leading role in the old-
fashioned 5-act melodrama will be
assumed by Fred De Turk, as
Sample Switchel. Mainstays of the
new theatre group who will sup-
port him are Edward Marheine,
Sid Owsowitz, Ivan Jurak, Laird
Schmidt, Martin Beisc, Edmund
Johnston, Marian Emerson, Mary
Crane and Geraldine Meyer.
Tickets for the performances,
which will begin at 8 p.m., will be
sold at the West Lodge P.X. and
Wahr's bookstore.
r I .

gin March 24, the groups will
pledge funds for the purchase of
a heifer. By this plan of construc-
tive relief, two-year-old heifers
are purchased from farmers at a
cost of approximately $160. These
heifers are shipped through a rep-
utable relief agency to any area
or person in Europe designated by I
the donor.
Milk for Children
The European farmers who re-
ceive the heifers promise to give
the dairy products, especially milk.
to children and the calves to other
needy farmers. This provides them
with the opportunity of restocking
their farms.
The campus drive is part of a
national movement sponsored by
the Brethren Service Committee.
Approximately 1,440 heifers have
already been shipped out by the
national organization, and have
been received by farmers in Czech-
oslavakia, France, Greece, Bel-
guim and Poland.
French Rations Short
In stressing the importance of
the drive, Goldstein said that in-
formation about conditions in
France show that rations are very
short. Each person is allowed 10
ounces of bread a day, 5 ounces of
fat a month, 3.3 ounces of meat a
week and only one pound of sugar
a month. Milk is available only
to children under 13 years of age,
and that in small quantities.
Pledge cards were enclosed with
the letters and should be returned
to the Famine Committee with
the amount of the pledge on them.
Goldstein said.
Be Appointed
Galens Appropriates
Money for Salary
Galens, honorary medical so-
ciety, voted this week to appro-
priate a salary for a full time, non-
sectarian chaplain at University
Hospital for one year.
The chaplain's duties will be to
visit the patients on the wards,
be on attendance at deaths and
to train the summer theological
students in the functions of the
hospital program
Money for the chaplain's sal-
ary will come out of the Galens'
newsstand revenues. If the pro-
gram is successful it will be con-
tinued. The chaplain will be se-
lected by a three-map committee
which will include Dr. Albert C.
Kerlokowski, Director of Univer-
sity Hospital, Dr. Carl E. Badg-
ley, professor of surgery and Dr.
Harry A. Towsley, professor of
pediatrics and communicable dis-
Galens also voted an appropria-
tion of the first hundred dollars
for an entertainment fund for
the children at the Neurosychi-
atric Institute.
Revelli To Appear
In M-usic Festival
Prof. William D. Revelli. con-
ductor of University bands, will
take part in a public school music
festival today in Akron, Ohio.
Other cities in which Prof. Re-
velli will appear this semester are
Miami, Fla.; Dallas, Tex.; Salt
Lake City, Utah,; Chicago, Ill.;
Pittsburgh, Pa.; Norfolk, Va.; and
Atlanta, Ga.
Prof. Revelli appeared in Me-
dina, Ohio yesterday and in Stock-
ton, Calif., last week.
- -

V E T E R A N - C Y C I S T S ._Mr. and Mrs. Allen O. Wer-
ner, 80, oldest married members of the Miami, Fla., "three score
and ten" club, prepare to celebrate their 56th wedding anniver-
sary with a spin on their bicycles.

V I N E C 0 V E R E D ' -Pfe. Norman Roberts (left) and Pfe. Alfred Bongarbone meet by their,
"vine-covered cottage" type of winter shelter at Army's center near Leadville, C'olo.

F 0 R E S T O F S A I L S-Pacific class sloops, with 19 entered, stage a closely contested race in
the annual mid-winter regatta sailed off Los Angeles harbor.

W H A T A 0 B ! - George Penny, 11, looks enviously
at his friend, .Jack Klein, celebrating his twenty-eighth year as
a candy tester in the Mason company's Brooklyn factory.


S U R C E R Y T E L E V I S E D - Beneath a television H A I R D R E S S R E V I E W - Decked out in coiffures of the present and past, these Chicago
camera (upper left) Johns Hopkins surgeons perform a "blue models display post-war hair styles of our nation, designed to intrigue returned veterans. Left to
baby" operation, televised by RCA-Victor to 300 other doctors in right, Ann Leddy, Revolutionary period; Lee Wilson, World War I; Carol Benson, WorldWar II;
the hospital to give them closeups of the technique, and Dee Michaels, War Between the tates.

Why take chances?
When you carry
your money 1s insured
nl 7 tl . ' 1 7 -n e,

OR P H A N S - George, 7,
and Nicholas, 2, Greek war or-
phans, are among several adopt-
ed for a year by an American
film distributing company.

. .........

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