1947 JGPlay Will Be Presented.
For the Public Today, Tomorrow
The first public performance of
"There's Room for All," smash hit
1947 Junion Girls Play, will take the
stage at 9 p.m. today at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, and will be pre-
sented for the third time at 8:30 p.m.
All seats for the performances will
be reserved and tickets may be pur-
chased from 1:30 p.m. until curtain
time today and tomorrow at the
League Box Office.
Veterans are urged to attend the
production by Bill Akers, president of
the Veterans Organization, "It's un-
usual for a traditional event such as
JGPlay to be written especially to
appeal to veterans, and the VO is
certainly in favor of it. We hope that
every veteran on campus will be able
to attend the play," said Akers.
Written by a commmittee of junior
women, directed by Jean Raine, and
produced by an all junior cast and
committee, the musical features com-
pletely original songs, lyrics, and
dance routines. Acclaimed by the ap-
proval committee as one of the best
of the original plays even produced
by juniors, Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of
Women, commented, "There's Room
for All" is a good play, and burlesques
the, post-war campus in a completely
amusing way."
Senior women here honored at the
initial presentation yesterday, and
their enthusiastic reception of the
play is expected to underwrite its
"There's Room for All" is the 41st
Junior Girls Play, with the tradition
dating back to 1904. Discontinued
during the first three years of the
war, the annual event was revived by
the class of 1945 with the original
play "Jabberwocky." Last year's,
"Take It From There" continued the
practice of juniors writing and pro-
ducing their own play.
Second in Series
Of League House
Dances To Be Held
Coeds of League House Zones IV, V,
IX and X will act as hostesses at the
first League House Dance of the se-
mester to be held from 2 p.m. to 5
p.m. tomorrow in the Ballroom of the
All campus men are invited to at-
tend the mixer dance and a special
invitation has been extended to vet-
erans. Jukebox music and a coke bar
will be featured for the enjoyment of
the dancers. Special mixers will be
held. Housemothers of the above
zones will be patrons.
Tomorrow's dance will be the sec-
ond of its kind to be held this year.
Zones VI, VII, VIII sponsored the
first League House Dance which was
held last semester. A series of similar
dances will be presented this spring
with the independents of different
zones acting as hostesses. Only wom-
en from the specified zones may at-
tend the dance tomorrow.
Coeds may obtain tickets only
through their respective house presi-
dents. Assembly membership cards
should also be procured by the time
Max Shulman
May Be Quest
At VO Dance
Max Shulman, author of "Feather
Merchants," has been invited as the
guest of honor to the Veterans Or-
ganization-sponsored d a n c e the
Feather Merchants Ball, to be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March
29, at the Intramural Building. .
Shulman, who is a University of
Minnesota graduate and an ex-G.I.,
originated the phrased feather mer-
chants, which soon became popuar
with servicemen. During the war any
civilian who told a serviceman what
HE was doing to win the war was
called a feather merchant.
Now all veterans on campus con-
sider themselves feather merchants,
since a large part of their leisure time
is spent telling other veterans what
they did to win the war.
The VO hopes toaestablish the
Feather Merchants Ball, which is a
semi-formal all-campus dance, as an
annual affair. Tickets are expected
to go on sale Monday at the Union,
League, and diagonal.
All feather merchants at Willow
Run are especially invited to attend.
The VO is making every effort to
sponsor a mixer so that veterans at
Willow Run may have an opportunity
to meet University women heore the
Bill Short is general chairman of
the dance, and central committee
chairmen are: Elizabeth Knowles and
Edward O'Hara, publicity; Dolores
Earl and Joseph Sember, patrons;
Veronica Latta and Bud Hitchcock,
tickets; Rozann Radliff and Ben An-
slow, programs; Josephine German
and Bill Bielauskas, decorations; Rob-
ert Shupe, building; Marilyn Burns,
favors; and Milton Wagner, music.
Petitions Due
For Traditional
Coed-Bid Ball
Petitions for the annual Assembly-
Panhel Ball to be held later this
spring are due at noon tomorrow in
the Assembly and Panhel boxes in the
Undergraduate Office of the League.
All eligible women including sec-
ond semester freshmen may peti-
tion for the Ball's central committee
positions. The positions are general
chairman, publicity, decorations,
music and programs, tickets, patrons
and finance. Independents and so-
rority women will share each chair-
manship and joint committee meet-
ings will be held.
Ball Is Annual Tradition
Assembly-Panhel Ball is the tra-
ditional coed-bid dance given each
year by the women's organizations.
Last year's ball featured Gene Krupa
and his band. Tickets for the dance
will be sold through houses and at
the League.
Interviewing for Assembly positions
will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday in the Assembly'Office, Room
D on the third floor of the League.
Interviewing Schedule Announced
Interviewing for the Panhel posi-
tions will be held from 3 p.m. to 5
p.m. Monday and Wednesday in the
League. If an extension of inter-
viewing is necessary due to the num-
bers petitioning, coeds may sign for
interviews from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sat-
urday, March 23.
Coeds should sign for an inter-
view when petitions are turned in, and
eligibility cards must be brought to
the interviews.
The Michigan Union Book Ex-
change needs volunteer workers
to help with clerical work, check-
ing books and addressing mailing
cards. Any student who is inter-
ested in assisting 'with this work
is asked to sign up on the third
floor of'the Union, where the Ex-
change is located. The hours when
these volunteers are needed most
are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Houses To Give
Vared Pa ic
New Members
+ 1f~~~' ~l ome's l. ie'e Club unl r11(.'(l
IThi W cek-Lnd ha "anoncd" henaeso its" n"w
direction of Miss Marguerite Hlood
Plans for house events this week- ' m ndaemberf.
end centera around veterans. New Nmembers of the first soprano
Phi Sigma Dela fraternity Xil =e section are Susan Lockwood and,
an informal (lance irom 9 tm. until Elizabeth Iden. New second sopranos
midnight tomorrow to welcome back ~ ,
veterans in the chapter. Novel en-
tertainment during the evening will
depict the troubles of men who have
recently returned to campus.
Members of Della Kappa Epsilonl
fraternity will honor new transfers at
the chapter's first post-war dance
which will be held from 9 p.m. until
midnight tomorrow
Hot dogs toasted in the fireplace,
square dancing, and yodeling will be
featured at the Theta Delta Chi
hard times party which will be given
from 9 p.m. until midnight tomor-
row. All guests are requested to wear'
Veterans will be welcomed at the
Betsy Barbour open house from 8
p.m. until midnight tomorrow.
Other houses planning informal
dances tomorrow are: Delta Sigma
Delta, 8 p.m. until midnight; Xi
Psi Phi, 9 p.m. until midnight; and
Theta Chi, 7:30 p.m. until midnight.
An open house for veterans will be
given by members of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority from 2 p.m. until 5
p.m. Sunday. Sigma Delta Tau so-
rority will hold open house from 3
p.m. until 6 p.m. Sunday.
2ar I ll n(, e1 U * nl Ou1 1. sar
~ara Clark, and Mary Jean Willging.
Additions to the first alto section
are Janet Osgood, Doris Marie Klee,
Barbara Davenport, Phyllis Beau-
champ, Elizabeth Smith, and Carol
VanderKloot. The second alto sec-
ltion has been reinformed by Pat Car-
negie, Naida Chernon, Barbara JPo
Rearn, Joey Reichard and Betty
All old and new members are re-
quested to bring their eligibility cards
to the first meeting. The glee club
plans to give several radio broadcasts
over WPAG and to present a spring
Group Will Hold
Rceptioon Today
McOl itiToB11,)Honored
Guest at Zeta Phi Eta Tea
Zeta Phi Eta, National Professional
Speech Arts Fraternity for Women,
will hold a reception honoring Guth-
rie MeClintic after his lecture, today
at the League.
The faculty of the speech depart-
ment and students enrolled in play
production courses are invited to the
informal gathering. "It will be an ex-
cellent opportunity for students who
are interested in the theater to meet
a man who has contributed so much
to it," said Marilyn Rundles, ,,ocial
chairman of Zeta Phi Eta.
Mr. McClintic, husband of Kather-
ine Cornell, is speaking at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium on "The
Theater: Reminiscences and Predic-
tions," and may continue with his
memoirs and stories at the reception.
Phone 2-1721
Small Move Jobs
is-ra RINGS
717 N. University Ave.
Wives of Veterans
To Hear Dr. Olson
Monday in League
The Veterans' Wives' Club will hold
a meeting at 8 p.m. Monday in the
Featured on the evening's program
will be Dr. Willard Olson, professor
of education and director of research
in child development in the Univer-
sity Elementary School.. His discus-
sion will concern the growth of a
small child through early childhood
to the adolescent period.
Following the meeting there will be
an informal social hour, and re-
freshments are to be served. Mem-
bers will also discuss the club's next
party which is to be under the direc-
tion of the newly-appointed social
chairman, Mrs. Helen Marshall.
..r.... . . - --- .....o.... ..
of the dance.
Y -
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short story for spring .. .
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copper calf in connie
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