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March 15, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-15

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Soft Coal


Two Vets --WoodenIndians-
Houd Cieitsra

Negotiators Clash
Management's Leaders Accuse UMW
chieftains of 'Repetitious' Arauments
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 15-UMW chieftain John L. Lewis and a leader
of soft coal operators clashed today over the producers' charge that the
miners were "wasting time" in negotiations on a new wage contract.
Charles O'Neill, chairman of the bituminous coal operators negotiating
committee, touched off the exchange at a negotiating conference with a
coniplaint about what he termed "r'epetitious" argument on the part of hte

Va rsity Glee
. Club To Hold
Campus Sing
Wednesday Program
Will Feature Quartet
An all-campus sing will feature the
latter part of the program when the
Men's Varsity Glee Club makes it.,
initial appearance of the season a?
.:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Audi-
"When Night Falls," "Michigan
Men," and "The Bum Army" are but
a few of the traditional Michigan
songs, many of them unfamiliar tc
new Michigan students, that will be
dusted off and revived during the
concert, first to be presented for sev'
eral years because of wartime diffi-
The Glee Club, under the direc-
tion of Prof. David Mattern of the
School of Music, will open the con-
cert with another old favorite,
"Laudes Atque Carmina." For many
years it has'been the custom to begin
Glee Club concerts with this rousing
salute to the University of Michigan.
A quartet composed of members of
the Glee Club will make its debut at
the concert in "Spirit Flower." The
quartet is under the direction of
Harry McCain, assistant conductor
and accompanimist for the Club, who
is now doing graduate work in music
literature in the School of Music. Mc-
Cain, who saw 38 months of service in
the southwest Pacific during the war,
was for a year in charge of music and
entertainment at MileBay, New

,United Mine Workers spokesmen.
Lewis retorted that if the opera-
tors "don't want to stay here they
an leave."
The flareup, first between the
UMW boss and the management
representatives since the negotia-
tions began two days ago, came
after Lewis and other union spokes-
men had spent most of the day ad-
vocating establishment of a miners'
health and welfare fund and im-
provement of safety rules in mines.
Lewis at one point accused the op-
rators of having "made dead" 28,000
niners in the last 14 years through
'cupidity, stupidity and wanton neg-
ect." For the same reason, he said,
',004,009 have been injured.
Lewis, threateneing a walkout of
':00,000 bituminous coal miners April
t if a new contract is not written by
,hat date, has presented nine de-
nands to the nation's soft coal oper-
In addition to a shorter work
week at higher wage rates, and un-
ionization of supervisory workers,
Lewis asked for creation of a health
and welfare fund and "improved
safety and compliance with mining
compensation and occupation dis-
ease laws." He still did not men-
tion specific figures for a wage
For two days, Lewis and his Unit-
,d Mine Workers technicians and dis-
-rict officials have emphasized haz-
ards of the industry and what they
described as lack of adequate protec-
tion under state compensation and
safety laws.
Will Lecture
Expert To Speak On
Land Use in Far East
Dr. Walter Clay Lowdermilk, assis-
tant chief of the U. S. Soil Conserva-
tion Service, will address a convoca-
tion of the School of Forestry and
Conservation on "Land Use Studies
in the Near and Far East" at 11 a.m.
Wednesday in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre, and will speak to the general
public at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
The topic of the evening lecture,
given under the auspices of the Col-
lege of Engineering and the School of
Forestry and Conservation, will be
"Plans for a Jordan Valley Author-
Dr. Lowdermilk has made extensive
studies of land use as it relates to soil
erosion, soil conservation, and flood
control in 25 countries and on three
continents. From 1922 to 1927 he
made five agricultural explorations
into northcentral and northwest
China, and has recently returned
from a year as agricultural adviser to
the Executive Yuan in China.
In 1939 he spent eight-months in
the Near East, studying the desolate
lands there.

CIO AUTO WORKERS EMPLOYED at General Motors Ternstedt Plane, Detroit, cheer announcement of
strike's end. The boys are gathered at picket headquarters. (AP Wirephoto)

The housing shortage at the Uni-
versity has nowvbecnm so e'c rchat
two old "veteran. ," who did not h ve
the sanina to go though the usual
mill at the Office of thIe Dean of Stu-a
dents, have been given quarters in the
William L. Clements Llabrary.
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director
of the library, has helped the oldters
adjust themselves to their new home
by keeping them in a home-like at-
The two wooden dar store In-
diarns le recently received from a
friend of the Uniirsity vho found
them in Mfanbattinare housed in
the s~nae bu.ding with an original
l' t century print(' fPoclitas.
The two "v tens" re consider-
ably older than most of ie e terans
on campusprobabl a century at
least. Although they seemed CIquite
satisfied with their ne w scholastiic
'Ensiain Staff Needs
More Flash Buls
Amateur photogrphiers ad anyone
else on campus with aflah b ulb they
can possibly spare are urget o sell,
lend or give them to tIe '46 Ensian
staid by "lo Kingsbury. editor.
Flashbulbs of all sizes, from the
smallest to No. '50's are needed if the
Ensian is to make its deadline. A
complete drought of the bulbs in
commercial sources within a 50 mile
radius ofAnnl Aor, wi catuse by
the recent electrical workers strike.
Give -to thew Red Cross


An unidentified prowler man-
aged to cross the moat at Mosher
Hall at 1 a.m. yesterdav, and suc-
ceeded in pushing an improvised
battering-ram through the porti-
cullis at the main gate.
A cohort threatened the rear of
the hall while an alarm was
sounded in the keep. Four men-
at-arms wummoned from the local
police station were unable to lo-
cate the woultd-be knight-errants
who were described by the Lady
of the hall, Miss Kline, as fleeing
down Washington Heights.
Mosher coeds claim there's a
new door in the old Hall this
morning. Rumors report that the
castle crocodiles are to be put back
in the moat any day now.
Sa11k 7To)Speak 4
1}9 }
At Hillel Today
Prof. Jonas Salk of the School of
Public Health will speak on "Side
Glances into Germany" at the Sab-
bath Eve service starting at 7:45 pm.
today at the Hillel Foundation.
A special address in memory of
Muriel Kleinwaks% who was killed in
an auto accident en route to her home
in New Jersey between terms, will be
made by Carol Lieberman.
Prof. Salk recently returned from a
three-month visit to Europe on a spe-
cial mission for the War Department.
He visited the Four Power Berlin
area, several displaced person camps,
the Nurenberg War Criminal Trials
and several sessions of the UNO Se-
curity Council meeting in London.
The service will be conducted by
Eugene Malitz, '46, Morris Stulberg,
'46, and Rabbi Jehudahi M. Cohen.
ilflel1 Offers
Lecture Series
Persons who wish to enroll for one
of the Hebrew classes or the lecture
series, "Judaism in Transit," which
are offered at the Hillel Foundation
are asked to register today at the
Three Hebrew classes are open.
They will be in elementary, interme-.
diate and conversational Hebrew.
Meeting times will be set for the con-
venience of those who register.
Rabbi Jehuda M. Cohen will present
five lectures on "Judaism in Transit,"
continuing the series which was start-
ed last term. The first lecture will be
given at 7:45 p.m. Monday at the

Experimental Program Trains
Potential CommUnity Leaders

To assist Michigan communities to
discover and train their own potential
community leaders has been the pur-
pose of the Universit's 'experimental
leadership training program which
has been in operation for the past
three years under the Extension Serv-
Parliamentary Procedure Courses
In addition to courses in training
for leadership, according to Dr. Fred
G. Stevenson of the Extension Service,
a consulting service is provided to as-
sist communities in mapping out pro-
grams to meet their own particular
Three years ago Dr. Stevenson be-
gan giving sources in parliatmentary
procedure, for community leaders in
towns which requested it. This train-
ing and the conferences for mapping
community programs have lead to
calls for other services of the Ex-
tension Division, such as special lec-
tures, forums, correspondence courses,
films, courses in home and family
living, courses for workers, and in so-
cial civic education.
Statewide Civic Planning
Regular courses are being given in
Jackson, Port Huron, Flint and Pon-
tiac, and conferences and other con-
tacts in about 20 other communities
of the state. Dr. Stevenson assists the
communities in their plans for im-
provement and adult education, as
well as helping various organizations
work out their programs.
There is no standard pattern for
work in the communities. It is worked
out in terms of the leadership and re-
sources available and the needs which
are evident. The community may
choose to deal with a specific local
problem, such as a youth center or
war memorial, or to study some ques-
tion of world or nation-wide inter-
Studies Made Available
For example, Dr. Stevenson deliv-
ered a series of lectures on community
leadership to the central council of
PTA's in Pontiac, and this led to a
forum program aiied at the improve-
ment of living in that city. Eaton
Rapids is conducting a special study
of world organizatiop for peace; Te-
cumseh has been working on its
health problem, and other communi-
ties are dealing with other problems
of local interest.
When a town develops a particular-
ly effective program, it is made avail-
able to other communities in the form
of a report. Dr. Stevenson has pub-
lished two pamphlets through the
University, one on "Democratic Group
Action Through Parliamentary Pro-
cedures" and one entitled "Hints for
Organizers and Leaders of Discussion

Groups," and is working on a third
about program planning for organiza-
tions and communities.
The two most popular courses in
leadership training are the tech-
niques of discussion leadership, which
trains leaders by the clinic method, il-
lustrating the principles by actual
discussion, and the course in parlia-
mentary procedures.

environmient, th( two modestly re-
fused to commenm on modern student
Prof. Voiney II, Jones, curator
of ethnio1oy in the .usumn of An-
thropology, has identiied them by
their eowtumnes as members of the
Virginia tribe which met Captain
John Smith and his fellow founder
of VirginIa, John Itolfe, at James-
town in 1007.
Although they aren't the last of
the Mohicans, llev are among the
lat of a once great tribe which earned
a great repuhition as keepers of cigar
Food COstS at
Willow 1V1llage
A veragte $1.50
T h e r a pcII c -i e o )f foo, a petlrennial b ig-
b-e.r inlstden buget, anmts to
a (oliar and a half each day at the
all-teran canpus at Willow Village
near Yps,'ilanti. Food co.,ts at the
University-sponsored ('afe teria in the
Willow Lodge coonunnity hll er-
age 51 cents a meal, acting director
of residence lhlls, F. C. Shiel revealed
'Shiel dlescribedi food costs as "not
what I would call ecessive" at the
Willow Village cafeteria wih at the
smest er's beginning had, aroused
stormy protests of lhih prices'.
Tritwr.e m.~ ito Iir-i'd "specials"
on te cafteria menu, mhiel stated,
and the big meal of (he day averages
63 or 64 cen s
Continuous from l P.M
Star Tts Today
- ---Aso -
Coming Sunday

____ - ,




$ .40 per 15-ord insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MEALS: For girls. Splendid home
cooked meals at League House, 604
E. Madison. Phone 4489.
able weekly rates. Private residence
close to campus. Call 7595.
EIELP WANTED: Part or full time,
ecellent hrs., top pay. Witham
Drug Store, corner Forest and S.
HELP WANTED: Young lady to work
at soda fountain. Part or full time.
Swift's Drug Store. 340 S. State.
Phone 3534.
WAITER to work for board at frater-
nity house. Preferably without
11:00. Call Hugh Carpol. 8623.
WANTED: Part time stenographer
for work mornings Monday through
Friday inclusive; if necessary re-
adjustment of hours can be ar-
ranged. Apply B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation. Hill and Haven or
phone Miss Goldberg 26585.
WANTED: Man having no 11 o'clocks
interested in good board job. Call
WANTED: Men students to work for
board in fraternity. Call 4379 at
noon or in the evening.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
LOST: Set of six. keys in keytainer.
Two keys painted red. Call 2-1443.
LOST: Bike. Girl's Brown Lincoln.
Desparately needed for transpor-
tation of brother to nursery school.
Left in front of Union Saturday
morning. Initials E. R. H. on front
fender. Ph. 7508 between 5 and 7
p.m. Reward.
LOST: Cigarrette lighter: Brown
enameled Ronson. Vicinity of Wat-
erman Gymnasium between 1:00
p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Wednesday
(13th). Keepsake. Contact E. G.
Lipp, USNR, West Quad.
LOST: Horn rimmed glasses in red
case. Dropped between Library and
League. Call Bette Ellis, 21507.
LOST: Brown Shaeffer pen with in-
scription Bette Ellis. Lost before
exams. Call 2-1507 or leave at No.
I University Hall.

TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, reiit.d
repaired. Work guaranteed. Two
days service. Office Equipment Co.
111 S. 4th St., Phone 2-1213.
YOU don't have to sing the Air Corps
Song now. We're all Feather Mer-
ALTERATIONS: Ladies' garments,
including suits, coats, and evening :
dresses. 410 Observatory, clepiione
22678. Alta Graves.
CAMPUS dance orchestra has open
dates. Student-veterans. Campus
references. Phone Ypsilanti
THE COLONNADE wishes to an-
nounce its opening from 7-2 and.
from 5-12. Our specialty-fresh
Downy Flake doughnuts daily. Or-
ders taken---no deliveries. Also
sandwiches and dinners.
FOR SALE: Practically new set of
Harvard Classics. Half price. Call
FOR SALE: 24 Vol. Brittannica en-
cyclopedia 14th Edition. New. Also
12 Vol. 20th Century Encyclopedia.
Call 4117 before 6 p.m., after 6 p.
m. 3596.




rf j y.











(FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1946
7:05--Sleepyhead Serenade
8:15-Wake Up and Live
8:25-Classics in Music
8:30-Musical Reveille
9:00--Music Bo:x.
9:30---'ooking For the Fun
of It
9:45-Moments of Melodies.
10 :00-News.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Community Calendar.
10:45-Waltz Time.

11:05-Milt Herth Trio
11:15-Lean Back & Listen,
11:30-Red Cross Program
11:45-Persian Folk Lore
11:50-Popular Music
11:55-College & Martial
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:20-Today's Band.
12 :30Farm and Home Hour
12:45-Man on the Street.
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Victorious Living
1:15-South American Way.
1:25-Flashes From Life
1:30-This Rythmic Age
1:45-Jerry Sears Presents

2:05-Melody on Parade
3:05-Arthur Chapman.
3:15-University of Michi.
3:30-It's a Hit
3:40-It Actually Happened.
3:45-Trade Winds Tavern
4:00--Campus Ballroom
5:05-Rainbow Trio
5:10-Jack Smith Presents
5:15-Mystery Melodies
5:30-Little Show
5:45-Salon Music
6:15--Along the Sports


9)t jtie ofr Iun!
And you'll have all the fun you want if you come
to SMITH'S Dinner Dance this Saturday night from
8 until 12. Phil Busche and his campus band will
set the tempo for your dancing.
Phone reservations 2-5613.

25c till 5 P.M., NIGHT and SUNDAYS 30c
Continuous Shows Daily Starting 1:30 P.M.



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