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March 15, 1946 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-15

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Ohio State ToOppose Harvard
In NCAA Basketball Tourney
Bollas To Wrestle for OSU at Oklahoma;
Buckeye Swiinmmers Favorites for Title

Paily Sports Editor



COLUMBUS, O., March 14-When
Ohio State's cagers invade Madison
Square Garden next Thursday to
clash with Harvard in the Eastern
elimination round of the NCAA bas-
ketball tournament they will face an
Ohio-dotted lineup.
Five members of the Crimson squad
hail from the Buckeye state and
three of the starters are from Ohio.
Both Harvard and Ohio State have
played 18 contests this year, the New
Englanders winning 17 to the Bucks'
The other half of the Garden
feature next Thursday night will
bring together New York University
and North Carolina. The winners
of the two battles will clash March
23 for the right to play the West-
ern champion March 26.
Competing at Kansas City in the
Western championships will be Bay-
lor, Southwestern Conference title-
holder, Colorado, Rocky Mountain
champions, California, winner on the
Pacific Coast and the victor of this
Monday's battle between Kansas and
the Oklahoma Aggies.
George Bollas of Ohio State will
represent the Buckeyes in the
NCAA wrestling tournament March
23 and 24 at Stillwater, Okla. Bol-

las who retained his Conference
heavyweight crown last weekend at
Champaign has lost only once in
two years of college competition.
Buckeye Coach Mike Peppe will
take a squad of 13 swimmers to New
Haven, Conn., March 29 and 30 for
he NCAA tank meet. The Ohioans
who lifted the Conference champion-
ship from Michigan at Minneapolis
last weekend will be top heavy fa-
vorites to retain the National Collegi-
ate title which they walked off with
last year.

A 15-year old Michigan record stands in peril as the Maize and
letes prepare to launch into their spring sports slate.

Not since the lean years of 1929-30 have the Wolverines failed to pile up
at least three Conference championships per season. In that ill-fated year
Michigan walked off with a single official title in outdoor track and an unof-
ficial crown in hockey.
The situation for 1945-6 exactly parallels that season of 1929-30.
In six sports the Wolverines have taken only the hockey laurels, but
with Big Ten competition on the ice limited to Michigan and Minnesota,
the hockey crown can hardly be counted toward the Wolverines' three-
title ambitions.
The 15-year Maize and Blue mark will either fall or be retained in Michi-
gan's four spring sports, baseball, outdoor track, tennis and golf. Unfortun-

Blue ath-

News Froii
Basebll Cl (ubs
Tige rsRemlain Idle
O Accollll of Raini
LAKELAND, Fla., March 14-(10--
The Detroit Tigers, admittedly in
need of lots of batting practice, had
an exhibition game washed out for
the second consecutive day as their
tilt with the Kansas City Blues at
nearby Lake Wales was cancelled
Manager Steve O'Neill and his
squad took the 36-mile bus trip to
the Blues' field but found on their
arrival that a steady rainfall had
washed out the. game. The Tiger
mentor was far from happy as he
declared, "We need more batting
practice and we're trying to get it."
A II ltYclIa . ..
Cuban A-S 000 010 002-3 12 3
Wash'ton (A) 112 000 00x-4 8 0
Acosta, Comellas (3) and Guerra;
Haefner, Wolff (6) and Valdes.
Ca rd itls . . .
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.. March 14
-U(.P)-Catching appears to be Man-
ager Eddie Dyer's chief problem as he
sifts a glittering collection of infield,I
outfield and pitching candidates with
a weather eye out for a receiver of
pennant calibre.
At Miami *


EAST LANSING, March 14 -Q-
Coach John Kobs this week-end is
applying the final polish to his Michi-
gan State College baseball squad
which will leave Monday on a nine-
game southerntraining tour open-
ing against the University of Georgia
nine. Wednesday at Athens.
Watching his large squad drill out-
doors for the second successive day,
Kobs termed his infield as "well-ex-
perienced," his outfield as "untried"
and his mound staff as "unpredict-
Certain of Catchers
The catching department is the
only place where the M.S.C. mentor
is fairly certain of a steady supply of
power, Leading the backstop corps is
Capt. Ben. Hubenko of Wyandotte,
the team's leading hitter last season
with a .370 average. Eugene "Booky"
Walters, of Buffalo, N.Y., an ex-
serviceman who wore freshman
numerals in 1943, is also ready for
full-time duty.
Kobs favors an infield composed
of lettermen from last year's nine

which won 12 out of 16 games. It in-
eludes Jack Breslin at first base,
Nick Gregory at second, Marty Ren-
sen at shortstop and Dick Minewcas-
er at third.
Only returning let I erinan-out-
fielder from the 1945 team is center
fielder Jim Grant. George Rutenbar
and Jim Guest have about clinched
the other two posts in the outer gar-
The squad's leading pitchers, Keith
Siffee and Joe Skrocki, await week-
end reports on finial examinations be-
fore Kobs marks them on the roster
for the southern trip.
Other hurlers ready to take their
regular turn are Bill Page of Muske-
gon, Norm McCormick of Detroit
and Darrell Coucy, another product
of the motor city recovering from a
nose fracture.
Beer - Wine - Mixers - Keg Beer
10 to 10 Daily
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1MSC Baseball Team Is
Readyfor Southern Trip
University of Georgia Is First Oppoueiit;
Former Gridder Jack Bresi at First Base

T+ ately, the Wolverines' chances of capturing three of the four titles seem
0 ~pretty slim.

Three Wolverines
Coach Cliff Keen, Michigan's
wrestling mentor, announced today
that he would enter three men in the
NCAA meet to be held next week-end.
Those selected to represent the
Wolverines are Big Ten champions
Wayne Smith at 136 pounds, and Bill
Courtright at 155 pounds. The other
member of the team to make the trip
is Dick Kopel. Wrestling at 128
pounds, Kopel is a former Conference

Long and Short Sleeves
Whites and Colors
&n"Itarleil JL mery ShOp

Illinois lifted Coach Ken Doherty's indoor track crown and will be an
even heavier favorite to retain its outdoor laurels. Six of Doherty's main-
stays, the Humes, Elmer Swanson, Chuck Lauritson, Charlie Birdsall and
Warren Bentz are gone. With them Michigan made a fight of the indoor
meet. Without them the Wolverines are greatly weakened.
Coach Ray Fisher's baseball team rates an excellent chance of re-
taining its diamond crown. The baseball mentor has a corps of veterans
from last year's Conference winners back and a flock of outstanding ;
prospects. But the rest of the Big Ten's diamond representatives will
also be stronger than last year with service veterans returning.
Coaches Leroy Weir and Bill Barclay of the tennis and golf teams have
issued their initial calls for candidates this week, so there is as yet little
opportunity for judging their chances in Conference competition this spring.
The tennis squad will defend its crown while Barcley's golfers attempt to
get back on the winning trail after a three-year streak was interrupted in
Despite their inability to bring a Conference title home to Michigan, the
Wolverine winter sports teams compiled a good record in dual competition.
In 62 battles the Maize and Blue bagged 41 wins for an overall winning
average of .661.
C OACH MATT MANN'S SWIMMERS carried off the honors with a half-
a-dozen wins in eight dual meets. Still left on the tank schedule is a meet
with Wayne University which Mann's squad should take without trouble.
Coach Vic Heyliger's hockey team rolled through a 25-game schedule with
17 wins for the Wolverines' second best winter mark.'
The sextet also set new Michigan scoring marks and had their best sea-
son in Wolverine history. The Maize and Blue basketballers, under Coaches
Bennie Oosterbaan and Bill Barclay, also set new Michigan scoring marks
in garnering 12 wins as against seven losses. The cagers were. particularly
dangerous on the home floor where only Indiana was able to defeat them.
Coach Ken Doherty built up another strong track team but saw the
crown slip away in a heart-breaking meet at Chicago last week. In dual
and triangular competition the trackmen registered a pair of triumphs
in three meets.
Coach Cliff Keen's wrestlers, combating inexperience and a tough sched-
ule, improved as the season went on and wound up with a winning mark of
four victories and three set-backs. Captain Bill Courtright won all his
matches at the Conference meet by falls to set a new Big Ten record for
Michigan fans will be anxiously watching the Wolverines this spring
Upon the four Maize and Blue spring sports teams rests the burden of keep-
ing up a 15-year old record. Hopes are not too bright but the fighting Michi-
gan tradition and a good coaching staff maykeep the record alive. Only
time can provide the answer.


Boston (N)
New York (N)
Lee and Masi;
and Lombardi.

010 100 010-3 81
100 030 40x-8 7
Maglie, Trinkle (6)


Volleyball Tilts
Begin Season
Results of the opening games in
the Fraternity volleyball league in-
dicate that this season's tournament
promises some stern competition
among the Greek letter men.
Sigma Chi, revenging it's recent de-
feat in basketball at the hands of
Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated the Sig
Eps two games to one.
The two to one count which the
Chi Phi's handed to Sigma Alpha Mu
was the closest match of the day.
With the match score at one game
apiece Sigma Alpha Mu overcame an
early Chi Phi lead to tie the score but
lost 17-15.
Final scores were:
Phi Sigma Delta 3, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon 0
Cii Phi 2, Sigma Alpha Mu 1
Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon 1
Theta Chi 3, Phi Delta Theta 0
Alpha Tau Omega 3, Delta Ep-
silon Kappa 0
Phi Gamma Delta forfeited to
Chi Psi
Zeta Psi i'orfeitdcl to Theta 'Delta
Betatheta i4vs. 'eta Beta Tau
No ganie


Three Mermen
Iii AAU Meet
Four swimmers will repiresent
Michigan's tank squad in three events
of the State AAU meet at 8 p.m. today
at the Detroit Boy's Club pool.
Wolverine mentor Matt Mann will
enter a trio of his natators in the
300-yard medley relay. Bob Matters,
fourth-place winner for the Maize
and Blue ini the Conference 200-yard
breast stroke last weekend, will swim
the backstroke leg, while Bob Sohl
will go in the breast stroke distance
with Charlie Fries swimming the free-
style anchor leg.
Fries took a third for Michigan in
the Big Ten 100-yard freestyle sprint
last weekend. Sohl will also repre-
sent the Maize and Blue in the 220-
yard breast stroke event. Fourth en-
trant for the Wolverines will be Matt
Mann, III, who will swim his special-
ty, the 440-yard freestyle marathon.

Of the 60 basketball teams which
participated in the various intramural
leagues Greene House won the Resi-
dence Hall championship in both the
"A" and "B" leagues retaining first
place in the Residence Hall intra-
mural sports race.
Sigma Phi Epsilon's outstanding
team, undefeated for the entire sea-
son, easily captured the crown in the
Fraternity league but were unable to
displace Sigma Chi as high point
leaders in that circuit.
In the Independent league the
F.B.I.'s dropped only one game to cop
the laurels on the hardcourt, and
Phi Rho Sigma leads the professional
fraternities who will finish their
schedule this week.




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