Fifty-Sixth Year
", .-
--- a
Edited and managed by students of the University of
"Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
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pat Cameron.
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National Advertising Servie, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Direct Parallel . .
HEARST NEWSPAPERS in 1898 throbbed with.
war hysteria, premature announcements,
toreador's tactics that culminated in the Span-
ish American War. For at least three weeks now,
Hearst columnist Walter Winchell has scared
the public with the announcement, "the third
world war is on, from Greece to Manchuria ..."
Drew Pearson has produced Trieste as a po-
tential Sarajevo. All the elements are here-
a waning empire that sees its last chance in
war, an economic system on the defense, mil-
lions of men under arms, statesmen who get
"tougher" daily-and now the opinion ma-
In 1938, when there were enslaved peoples to
be liberated, principles to be defended, the "in-
terests" were on the pacifist side; so much was
lost by the postponement then, that the terms
"millions of lives", "millions of dollars" are al-
most meaningless today seven years later. It was
not so in 1913, however. Then as now, there were
plenty of people anxious to talk the world into
a war.
-Milt Freudenheim
Disabled Vets.. .
ONLY ONE-NINTH of all disabled veterans
who are applying for jobs are finding them,
says General Omar N. Bradley, chief of the vet-
erans administration.
Gen. Bradley emphasized his statement with
facts and figures saying that in August 1944
placements and applications for jobs for the
disabled veterans were about equal. By June
1945 twice as many handicapped veterans were
applying for jobs as succeeded in getting them.
By November it was five times, and the figure
is now nearly nine times as many. Finally in
January 1946 nearly 52,009 handicapped vet-
erans of World War II applied for jobs while
only a little over 6,000 got them.
Strikes and reconversion processes can account
for some of the obstacles to the finding of jobs
by disabled veterans. Yet we cannot be so opti-
mistic as to think that with the end of the Gene-
ral Motors strike and others that these industries
will absorb the 46,000 disabled veterans who ap-
plied for jobs in January and did not get them.
The percentage of unemployment among the
disabled will go down, but will it go down
enough? What can be done if it doesn't?
E NGLAND has instituted a law that partially
eliminates the problem of employment for
her disabled. This jaw will be enforced next year
and will require many types of industry to hire
at least two per cent disabled or crippled veter-
ans. This is to be two per cent of the entire per-
sonnel of the industry. The law is enforceable
by fines and is designed to pr6vide employment
for all those disabled who are in any way em-
Thus, England has done something about
the problem of her disabled in the post-war
world rather than leaving it up to the personal
policies and obligations of private industry.
Gen. Bradley's statement implies that the
United States has not assumed this obligation
to her veterans.
Within a few weeks new figures will be com-
giled from industries now functioning again
ZCellen o lu &f1o
Dear Sir:
THIS concerns the letter written by Mr. Carl B.
Kaufmann, which appeared in The Daily of
March 13.
It is unfortunate but not too important that
the Youth For Christ movement cannot make
its posters pleasing to the eyes of some indi-.
viduals or receive its contributions from the
"right people." The point to consider is that
YFC rallies are conducted in the atmosphere
of a Saturday night party with mainly an emo-
tional appeal to be "saved." Some are much
the same as old fashioned revival meetings
complete with insistence on enthusiastic sing-
ing and a few corny jokes to help improve in-
terest. The desire to decrease delinquency in
the teen-age group is commendable, but sure-
ly the members of this group are old enough
to learn some of the facts of life and deserve
more than Youth For Christ has to offer. The
old concept of faith without works and of a
simple way to salvation is dead. There is no
simple or easy way. The way to being a Chris-
tian is often as difficult to follow and it re-
quires discipline, thought, and action.
The idea that it is only necessary to believe and
accept can lead people to a great many un-
Christian actions. For example, there are some
fundamentalist members of the clergy in this
country who even go as far as to praise the Ku
Klux Klan and the America Firsters in the name
of the church, and then there are the clergy in
some more backward countries who, while being
fairly well-to-do stand for the status quo and
console the poor by telling them that their re-
ward will be in heaven. There are countless
church laymen who believe that the best thing
in life is to be saved. What about service? 1t is
not enough to believe.
It has been said that a inan cannot be noral
and live in an immoral society, but it is cer-
tainly true that society can be no more moral
than its members. It is the church's job to in-
terpret, instruct, and inspire. Consideration of
the present selfish national attitude and the
selfishness of a great variety of groups and in-.
dividuals will show that it hasn't been too
successful in promoting Christian ideals. Some
people are too busy to be bothered with be-
ing unselfish and developing a moral code and
a creed. Some don't realize what the church
can do for them if they meet it halfway. A
great many don't know any better because their
parents did not see fit to include religious edu-
cation in their childhood training. The trouble
with Youth For Christ and others is that in
preaching the old fashioned religion with a
literal interpretation of the Bible, they not
only fail to put across the teachings of Jesus,
but they disgust thousands of thinking men
and women, who unfortunately identify the
Christian Church with out-dated, fundamen-
talist concepts.
That part of the church which has a workable
program for the personal, local, national and
international application of Christian ideals
should receive the active support of everyone.
How else can this world be made a fit place in
which to live?
---Don Ervin
Good Appointment
WASHINGTON-There has been so much Sen-
ate furore over President Truman's Pauley-
esque appointments that one official quietly took
the oath the other day almost unnoticed. He is
o. Max Gardner, ex-Governor of North Carolina,
now Under Secretary of the Treasury, an early
planner of the New Deal, but first and foremost
a friend of man.
Max Gardner came to Washington in 1933
with the Roosevelt Administration. When he-
arrived, he did exactly the opposite of Ed Paul-
ey. He opened a law office, but simultaneously
he resigned from the Democratic National
Committee. Politics and a personal law prac-
tice, he felt, did not mix. If Ed Pauley had done
the same, no important voice would have been
raised against him in the Senate.
Before he came to Washington, Max Gardner,
then Governor of North Carolina, had come to
know Franklin D. Roosevelt, then Governor of
New York. And, on July 22, 1932, just after Roose-
velt's nomination, Gardner wrote him a letter
suggesting the New Deal and setting down with
amazing foresight the left-of-center policy which
Roosevelt later followed.
Devises New Deal
"It is my opinion," Gardner wrote FDR, "that
the American people are on the move, and I
firmly believe that your liberalism, if you go far
enough, is bound to have a stabilizing effect in
its appeal to the ultimate hope of the nation. If
I were you, I would become more liberal, because
I tell you the masses are marching and if we are
to save this nation, it has got to be saved by the
liberal interpretations of the sentiments now
ruling in the hearts of men.
"I am satisfied that we are in the day of a
New Deal and that many of our preconceived
ideas and formulas are going to be thrown into
the discard. We are more than blind if we can
think the American people will stand hitched
to the status quo.
"The camp fires of the past are being aban-
doned and the frontiers of thinking have ex-
CORt tmepAial
THE prime comedy of errors of the past year
ended yesterday. President Truman withdrew
the nomination of Ed Pauley to be Undersecre-
tary of the Navy.
It should be made clear at the beginning that
Ed Pauley is no great man in my life. Maybe he's
as crooked as Ickes claims. You could search the
entire country and not find many oil-men who
didn't have a little dirt on their hands.
There were, however, other important consid-
erations in the fight against Pauley's confirma-
tion. As far as those considerations are con-
cerned, the American people draw a big round
egg . . . they never did see the ball.
In the first place, Harold Ickes emerged from
the fight as one of the "foremost progressives in
the United States. He has been mentioned for
a top post in the PAC. He has been suggested as
the liberal candidate for Governor of Illinois.
I submit that all of this glory for Harold Ickes
is completely undeserved. He has emerged from
the Pauley battle, as was noted above, with a
great amount of fame. He was, so it is said, a
martyr to his own honesty.
That's nonsense ... Harold Ickes was a mar-
tyr to his own desire to be a martyr. For forty
years he has been trying to squirm to a high
spot on the political cross and there drive a
spike through his own chest . . . all the while
screaming: "Look what they are doing to me!"
Congratulations Harold, you finally made it.
NOBODY in the world but Ickes would be so
smugly proud of having been guilty of an act
of common honesty. There are probably a dozen
people in any drug store in the country on Sat-
urday night who would, and could, have done the
job as well as Ickes. All that you have to do is
just sit up there and tell the facts. Does that
take any great political sagacity, or any super-
human honesty? It's not that Ickes is egotistical.
As William James said about Bradley: "He's a
very humble-minded man, but he's so much
more humble-minded about his readers than
about himself, that it gives him that false air
of arrogance." That's Ickes too . . . he's certain
that, in the entire world, there are no other hon-
est men.
He's also certain that, in the entire world, there
are no other capable men. He has steadfastly op-
posed the Missouri Valley Authority bill because
his Dept. of the Interior would not have juris-
diction. He and Senator Kenneth McKellar have
been the foremost opponents of TVA . . . Ickes
again because his department did not have con-
trol. McKellar is the poll-taxer from Tennessee
whose chief claim to our attention is that for
forty years he has been Boss Crump's chief
spokesman in the Senate. A strange bed-fellow
for a progressive. Any investigation of Ickes'
actions in relation to TVA and MVA will reveal
one of the most irresponsible public servants in
our history.
There's one other thing that is rore im-
portant than Ickes or Pauley. That is the way
that this fervent crusade against Pauley man-
aged to monopolize the attention of the liber-
als. The big trouble with crusades is that they
tend to exhibit more moral fervor than in-
telligence, and this one was no exception. While
we were defeating Pauley's nomination." Geo.
Allen (a really questionable tool of big fin-
ance) was approved as a director of the Re-
construction Finance Corporation where he
will exercise control over government lending
to private indtry. The Army has almost
achieved its purpose of getting control of ato-
mic energy. The plan for peace-time military
conscription has again gathered momentum.
All of these things happened while we were
watching Pauley.
IT reminds me of a story that a friend of mine
once told me. He had been a foreign corres-
pondent in the Mediterranean area from 1918
to 1925 and described the tactics used by the
fascists in Italy and in Turkey to seize power.
They would announce that such-and-such had
become a public issue; and then for several
months they would headline it in the newspapers
every day and conduct elaborate public opinion
polls on the subject. Finally they would announce
that the plan was being dropped because public
opinion was against it. Two weeks later, when
everybody had tired of the issue, they would
quietly let it slide into effect. It's the old trick
of crying, "Wolf".
We should be smarter than that. We've just
been allowed the emotional and moral satisfac-
tion of rejecting a bad appointment, while
much more important goals were being accom-
plished without our notice. We liberals will some-
day learn that it's never safe to turn our backs.
-Ray Ginger
tended beyond the limit heretofore held sacred
by the conservative minds of this country."
Down in his home state, some North Carolin-
ians haven't always considered Gardner a liberal.
One of these is Josephus Daniels, ex-Secretary
of the Navy, who for years has attacked the
"Gardner machine," which has appointed judges,
elected governors and put Max's own brother-in-
law in the Governor's Mansion and the Senate.
SOMETIMES after Josephus had blasted Max
' with his most scorching editorials, Governor
and Mrs. Gardner would invite the Daniels to
dinner. Josephus would say Grace, they would
forget the editorial blasts in the morning paper,
and all would be pleasant-for the evening.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Publication inethe Daily Official ul-
letn is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the -President,
1021 Angell hal, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1946
VOL. LVI. No. 88
Faculty, College of Engineering:
Faculty meeting today at 4:15 p.m.,
in Room 348, West Engineering
School of Education Faculty: The
March meeting will be held on Mon-
day, March 25, in the University Ele-
mentary School Library. The meet-
ing will convene at 4:15 p.m.
The United States mail clerk who
delivers to all campus offices earnest-
ly requests that all students, espe-
cially graduate-'students, arrange
that their first-class mail be ad-
dressed to their Ann Arbor addresses
instead of to a department in the
The same request is made with re-
spect to second-class mail-Life,
Time, Newsreel, etc.-addressed to
students and faculty.
The increase in the bulk of mail
now being received prompts this ap-
Herbert G Watkins',
Students. College of Literaturo, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
Saturday, March 16, is the last day
on which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an instruc-
tor to admit a student later will not
affect the operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
Students, School of Education: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, March 16. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall. Membership in a class does
not cease nor begin until all changes
are thus officially registered. Ar-
It was noted with hope that sev-
eral members of the University ad-
ministration were on hand last night
to take a cue from the Junior Girls'
offering for the year. Running
through the difficulties of the re-
turning vet in finding a place to live,
the production ends happily to prove
that "There's Room For All."
The chief difficulty in producing
a satire on college life is that with
so much to satirize, the temptation
to take it all in at one shot is often
irresistable. Although the girls stayed
fairly well within the lines of the
plot, the obvious, yet unrelated mock-
eries managed to creep in at times.
In brief, the play opens with Dick,
an unhappy vet, and Agnes, his wife,
finding hope in an old buddy - the
kind of a guy who can get it for you
wholesale - who has a friend with
an apartment house for sale. Buy-
ing the house and moving in with
two other couples, they settle down
to bridge and study - only to learn
that their next-door neighbor, the
Bathtub Brewery, is about to take
over the house. The conflict is final-
ly resolved when another friend, a
student of law, remembers an old
case in whih it was ruled that a ten-
nant cannot be evicted against his
All this is very well, but unfortu-
nately thrown in were the usual
League House scene in which you
know the girls are going to complain
about food and men, the registration
act in which you can be certain that
a confused freshman and a cantank-
erous professor will vie over the mer-
its of an eight o'clock class, and a
few more of this all tpo common sort.
However, thanks to some clever
song writing, an excellent solo by
Rose Derderian, a cute number by
Barbara Sisson, and an interpolated
book store scene featuring manager
Grabby, the general impression was
Adding to the merriment, the gib-
ing seniors, acting as claquers, sat
on the main floor throwing pennies,
giving the Bronx cheer, stealing coke
bottles from the stage and creating
scenes pleasantly reminiscent of
With Justice...
" . The colored people of the
South are wards of the white people
of the South... The quicker the poli-
ticians of the nation realize that
this countrytwill not survive unless we
have white supremacy, the better off
we will be."-Sen. Ellender (D., La.),
-New Republic.
rangements made with the instructor
are not official changes.
Women students wishing League
House accommodations for summer
or fall of 1946 may now file applica-
tion in the Office of the Dean of
Women students who were not on
campus during the fall semester and
who wish to apply for dormitory
housing for summer or fall should
call immediately at the Office of the
Dean of Women for further particu-
Victory Gardens: Members of the
faculty and other employees of the
University who desire space for a
vegetable garden at the Botanical
Garden this spring should send a
written request for it to Mr. O. E
Roszel, Storehouse Section of the
Plant Department. Requests must be
made by the end of March.
Anyone who has not before had a
garden here must send one dollar
with his request as a contribution to-
ward the expense of plowing the land.
It may become necessary later to ask
for a small contribution from those
who have previously gardened here.
When the garden plots are ready
for use, the fact will be announced in
this bulletin. At that time the gar-
deners may learn their plot numbers
by phoning to Mr. Roszel.
Each plot will be assigned with the
understanding that it will be used to
full capacity for raising vegetables,
that it wil be kept free from weed,.
and that waste matter will be cleared
away in the fall,
Water may be used on the gardens
if carried from the faucets in cans or
pails, but the use of hose is prohibited.
No tools will be furnished by the Uni-
Particular care must be taken that
no property of the Botanical Garden
be molested. Dos are not allowed in
the garden.
Religious Counselig: The Coun-
selor in Rleligious Education is avail-
able to confer with students upon re-
ligious and personal affairs daily, 11
to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. (Other'
hours by appointment) at 215 Angell
Hall. Issues relating to values, ideals
personal or group conduct, and ad-
justments to University life are ger-
mane. Courses of religious signifi-
cance, professional ethics in given
Colleges, a Degree program in Re-
ligion and Ethics, a Master's degree in
Religious Education, as well as a long'
list of positions available may be con-
University Lecture: Dean Benja-
min O. Wist will lecture on "Educa-
tion in Hawaii," at 4:15 p.m. on Mon-
day, March 18, in the Rackham
University Lecture: Dr. Win. Row-
an, on "The Riddle of Migration,"
today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham1
Amphitheater. Open to the public.
Guthrie MClintic, distinguished
director and producer of Broadway
plays, will speak tonight in Hill Au-'
ditorium at 8:30 on "The Theatre:
Reminiscences and Predictions." Mr.1
McClintic will be presented by the
Oratorical Association as the ninth
number on the currentaLecture
Course. Tickets are on sale today
from 10-1, 2-8:30, at the Auditorium
box office.
Sigma Xi Lecture: Dr. Wm. Rowan,
on "The Future of Humanity, from a
Biologist's Viewpoint." Open to the
public. Tonight at 8:00. Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 319t
West Medical Building. "Vitamin E
and Tocopherols." All interested are
Englsh 50 (layritig) illmet
in Room 303 Library on Monday at
7:30. Assignment, Deep Are the
Mathematics Concentration Exami-
nation will be held Thursday, March
21, 3 p.m. in 3011 Angell Hall.
German Departmental Library
Hours, Spring Term 1945-46: 8:00-
12:00 a.r. Monday through Saturday
and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 204
University Hall.
German 1 and 2 Make-up Final Ex-
aminations will be given from 2 to 4
p.m., Wednesday, March 20, in Room
201 University Hall. Students who
missed the final examination shoulda
see their instructors immediately to
get permission to take the make-up.
Veterans' Tutorial Program:
The following changes have been
made in the schedule:a
Chemistry 3-Monday-Thursday
7:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday 9-10 a.m.
Chemistry 4-Monday-Thursday
7:00-8:00 p.m.; Saturday 11-12 a.m.
Chemistry 21-A tutorial section
for veterans will be offered by Profes-
sor Byron A. Soule once a week, be-
ginning March 13, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 303 Chemistry. Only veterans
tzr'n h -av lpn. r Cs~mifrx 91chntl
ment, provided they have completed
their basic training or have served at
least six months in one of the
branches of the armed forces.
Students may be excused from tak-
ing the course by (1) The University
Health Service, (2) the Dean of the
College or by his representatives, (3)
the Director of Physical Education
and Athletics.
Petitions for exemptions by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen and sophomores
to Professor Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman of the Academic Counsel-
ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other
students to Associate Dean E. A. Wal-
ter (1220 Angell Hall).
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the sec-
ond week of the Spring Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts
Faculty Recital: Gilbert Ross, Pro-
fessor of Violin in the School of
Music, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Sun-
day, March 17, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, in the first faculty program
of the current term. The program
will include compositions by Caporale,
Handel, Beethoven, Chausson and
Finney, and will be openi to the gen-
eral public. Helen Titus, Assistant
Professor of piano, will appear with
Professor 1Ross.
Faculty Recital: Nadine Linquist
Flinders, contra'l to, will present a re-
cital at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March
19. in Lydia Mendelsohn Theater.
Her program will include songs by
Handel, Dowland, Purcell, Brahms,
Ravel, Rachmaninoff, and will be
open to the general public. Mrs. Flin-
ders will be accompanied by Marian
Owen, ialis,,u and Milton Weber, vio-
"Ancient Man in the Great Lakes
Region." Rotunda, University Muse-
um Building, through April 30.
Events Today
Sigma Xi will meet in the Natural
Science Auditorium this evening, be-
ginning at 8 o'clock. The speaker will
be Dr. William Rowan, Professor of
Zoology in the University of Alberta.
His subject, "The Future of Human-
ity, from the Viewpoint of a Biolo-
gist." The public is invited.
Coffee Hour at Lane Hall will be held
today, 4:30-6:00 p.m. in honor of St.
Patrick's Day. This provides an op-
portunity to meet with fellow stu-
dents and professors. Everyone in-
Wesleyan Guild will hold a St. Pat-
rick's Day Record Dance and Party
in the Guild Lounge tonight from
8:30-12:00. The admittance to the
Lounge will be either a record to sup-
plement the oldish supply on hand, or
a small fee to enable us to buy rec-
rds.. In addition to the dance, there
will be games and refreshments.
Lutheran Student Association will
be host to the Ohio Valley Region
conference this weekend. Meetings
will begin tonight at 7:30 in Trinity
Lutheran Church and continue on
Saturday morning at 9:30 in the
Michigan League. Sunday morning
Bible Hour will be held in the League
.Also at 9:00.
Dr. C. P. Harry, Executive Secretary
of the Board of Education of the
United Lutheran Church, will be the
Speaker at the regular meeting of the
Association on Sunday at 5:30 p.m.
The All Nations Club is having its
weekly tea dance, held every Friday
from 4-6 p.m., at the International
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
conduct Sabbath Eve Memorial Serv-
ces in memory of Muriel Kleinwaks
tonight at 7:45 p.m. Following the
Service, Dr. Jonas Salk will speak on
'Side Glances into Germany."
Coming Events
Le Cercle Francais will meet Mon-
lay, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. at the
Michigan League.Professor Rene
Tralamon, of the Romance Language
Department, will offer a short dra-
matic reading of French works. Group
singing and social hour. All students
on the campus interested in improv-
ing their oral French invited to be-
come members of the Club.
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike on Sunday, March 17.
Those interested should pay the sup-
per fee at the checkroom desk in the
Rackham Building beforedSaturday
noon: Hikers wilf meet at 2:45 p.m.
on Sunday in the Outing Club rooms
in the Rackham Building. Use north-
west entrance.-
Kappa Sigma Fraternity members
now on campus are invited to meet in
the Men's Lounge of the Michigan
Union at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday,
March 16. This will be a get-together
to organize for the re-establishment
of Alpha Zeta Chapter on campus.
'Pa fi,,hprinfrrn, nnrnn i-f '( mi
By Crockett Johnson
It's a fact, folks. The deal for theF
O'Malley movie script is off. Rumor
has it that J. J. was offered a mere
$350,000 for an old classic,,. .
T /a Ab
A classic which is on every
shelf in every library from
coast to coast. . . It was a
good try, Mr. O'Malley. But
not quite goad enough ...
Gosh, Mr. O'Malley,
did you hear what
the man just said?
Where are you, Mr. O'Malley?
yo , . y