TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1946
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Daily Sports Editor
"THERE'S NO PLACE like home." At least that's the opinion of Michigan's
athletes who ought to know. Out of 83 victories in 10 sports during
1945-6, 52 were scored on the home grounds and only the Maize and Blue
tennis team showed any particular liking for road trips.
Most obvious example of Michigan's ineptitude away from home is
shown by the basketball record. The Wolverine cagers chalked up a season
mark of 12 wins and seven losses. Of the dozen triumphs, nine came on the
Field House court where only Indiana was able to top the Maize and Blue
warriors and then only after an overtime period.
Or take the hockey team with an overall record of 17 victories, seven
setbacks and one tie. Vic Heyliger's crew fashioned an even dozen of
those wins on home ice and were beaten only three times here. Yet the
pucksters barely aked out a .500 mark on their 10 road trips.
TfIIE WOLVERINE wrestlers and golfers were unbeatable at home, yet
each failed to hit the .500 spot on foreign soil. Cliff Keen's men took all
three of their home matches while losing three of four away. Bill Barclay's
linksmen swept six home matches but could win only two of five on the road.
It took the World Champion Detroit Tigers to hand the Maize and Blue
baseball team its lone home loss of the year. The Wolverine nine breezed
through 10 college opponents on the Ferry Field diamond. Away from home
Ray Fisher's outfit salted away eight of ten contests, but the pair of set-
backs cost them the Big Ten title.
Matt Mann's swimmers did well both at home and on the road.
Out of nine meets the natators took seven, three at home and four away
while losing to Great Lakes here and Ohio State at Columbus. Fritz
Crisler's football team played both Army and Navy on unfamiliar
ground, but managed to break even away from home with a two and
two mark. On Michigan Stadium turf they took five of six.
ONLY THE WOLVERINE tennis and outdoor track teams failed to turn
in winning records at home. The netmen snagged only two of six at
Ferry Field but turned around and swept all seven away matches. Kenr
Doherty's thinclads lost their only home outdoor meet to Ohio State but
managed to win two of three away, The indoor track squad won two of its
three home meets but did not run in any away meets.
All in all 1945-6 wasn't such a bad year for Michigan athletes. In nine
sports the Maize and Blue color-bearers failed only twice to wind up among
the top three teams in the Conference. Summary of the Big Ten champion-
ships listing the top three teams in each sport:
BASEBALL: Wisconsin, MICHIGAN, Iowa and Illinois tied for third.
BASKETBALL: Ohio State, Indiana, Iowa.
FOOTBALL: Indiana, MICHIGAN, Ohio State.
GOLF: MICHIGAN, Ohio State, Northwestern.
TENNIS: Illinois, Northwestern and Ohio State tied for second.
TRACK, INDOORS: Illinois, MICHIGAN, Wisconsin.
TRACK, OUTDOORS: Illinois, Ohio State, MICHIGAN.
WRESTLING: Illinois, Indiana, MICHIGAN.
Trucks' Five-Hiter Checks Yankees, 11-3
Nussbaumer Captures Batting Title,
Edging-Kell, Swanson with.379 Total
Summer kM Plans Inelude
Professors' Softbiall League
A rash of base hits in the last
few games of the season enabled cen-
terfielder Bob Nussbaumer to take
batting honors in two departments,
30 hits for the largest total and a
fancy .379 average which lead all
members of the Michigan baseball
The Michigan outfielder batted an
acceptable .306 in the Big Ten, and
11 hits in the last five gtames put him
at the head of the five Wolverine:,
who ended the season witlh a .300 or
better average.
Kell, Swanson Bat .400
Walt Kell and Elmer Swanson, both
of whom hit the ball at a .400 clip
in the Conference finished second
and third in the Wolverine race with
.371 and .356. Swanson, who set a
blistering .461 pace for the Maize
and Blue in the first half of the sea-
son. and Ralph Rouser, Michigan
pinch hitter finished in a four way
tie for first place in the home run
division of the Conference with two
Houser batted a neat .379 for the
season but only played in a portion
of the names. either in the infield
or outfttield and as a pinch hitter.
Rightfielder Bob Chappuis' .314
average was the last Wolverine to
finish in the select .300 circle.
Swanson's batting average took a
tumble in t1he last games of the sea-
son wlien t he opposing outtfielders
learned their le:soi and started to
move back when the hard hitting
outfielder came to bat. Chappuis,
who was batting over .450 at the
hal[ way marl in the season, lost.
his stride and only found it again
in the last unme of the season when
he connected for a pair of triples.
Swanson Leads Sluggers
Swanson retains the lead in the
slugging department with his total
of six homers for the season, the
same nunber he had at the midway
point in' the season, while Nuss-
bauimer leads the team in number of
triples with seven, five in the last
six games when the centerfielder hit
five in five straight games.
Kell, Don Robinson and N'uss-
baumer share the distinction of hit-
ting safely three times in a single
game. Nussbaumer and Robinson
have the edge, turning the trick
twice, Nussbaumer in the last two
games of the season with Western
Michigan and Notre Dame. Robinson
got three singles in the first game of
the Ohio State series and the game
in Kalamazoo last Friday.
Pitching honors on the team are
divided between two right handers,
Cliff Wise and Earl Block. Wise leads
the team with seven wins against no
losses, while Block has won two less
with no defeats. Both pitchers have
recorded a shutout, Wise a four-hit
performance against Western Michi-
gan early in the season and Block
a two-hit masterpiece last week
against Michigan State.
Bliss Bowman comes next with four
victories and two defeats, one at the
hands of the Detroit Tigers. Pro Boim
and Dick Savage have two victories,
.vxm~l Born is chIared with the third
lu, (J the season.
If you want a chance to cheer t?
your favorite prof as he churns up
the diamond base paths, stay around
this summer and sign up for the
summer Intramural program which
will be conducted for the eight-week
session under the direction of Howard
Leibee and a University staff.
The softball bug has evidently
bitten the faculty, as they plan to
form a league, the Chemistry and
English Departments having already
signed up.
The main program, however, is in
answer to the large demand from the
many students, especially veterans,
who plan to attend school this sum-
mer, and will start on July 1. Tenta-
tive plans call for competition in
softball, basketball, golf, tennis, hand-
hall, volleyball, paddleball, squash,
and badminton, with other sports to
be added upon sufficient request.
There will be veteran, men's
houses, fraternity, and independent
leagues for the softballers, all-campus
competition in singles and doubles
tennis, and all-campus medal and
match play in golf, with similar pro-
grams planned in the other sports.
Students desiring to join the I-M
summer program will have a chance
at Registration time in Waterman
Gymnasium, where there will be more
information about the plans, and
entry blanks for both individuals and
teams. Those who are unable to sign
then will find themselves able to do
so in the Sports Building at any time.
At the same time. Mr. Leibee an-
nounced that the University golf
hiks will be open this summer for -all.
followers of the swing-and-divot
sport who care to lose their summer
school blues on sunny afternoons.
Nussbaiumer .........79
Swanson .... ...,.... 73
Chappuis . ... .... 70
Rosema ............'74
R~obin~son .. .. .. . .. . .65
Brown ....... 33
Tornasi .............62
Bob Nussbaunier, (enterIfielder, who
took honors in battinga nd num-
ber of hits is considering offers
from Major League teams.
Hidlights -
from tie
Sports World1
Blosox Top Indians, 6-3
BOSTON, June 10---UP)--The Red
Sox increased1 their string of unde-
feated starts against, western opposi-
tion to 18 st raiw Iit by giving right-
hander Bill Butland his first pitching
triumiph of the season, a 6-3 decision,
over the Cleveland Indians, today.
,Jack Johnson lies
RALEIGH, N.C., June 10-(/P)-
Jack Johnson, former Heavyweight
Champion of the World, died at
Saint Agnes Hospital here of in-
juries he suffered in an automo-
bile accident near Franklinton early
this afterntoon.
Phililies Edge Cubs, -9-8
CHICAGO, June l0--(/P-It took
Philadelphia to crack the Chicago
Cubs' seven game winning streak
with *9-8 victory in the opener of a
four game series today.
Authorized Railway Transfer
Phone 4244
Major League Standings
W L Pet. GB W L Pet. GB
Boston .........40 9 .816 . ... Brook lyn.......30 18 .625 \
New York. . ,...33 20 .623 9 St. Louis .......;2820 .583 2
Washington .,. 28 21 .571 12 Chicago........25 20 .574 4
Detroit.........26 24 .520 14! Cincinnati . . . . 22 21 .512 6
Cleveland ..... 21 30 .412 20 Boston . .... ... 22:25 .468 8
St. Louis......,.20 29 .408 20 1-ittsburgh .... 20 2. .444 9
Chicago ...... 17 30 .362 22 New York...... 21 28 .429 10
Philadelphia . . 14 36 .280 26' Philadelphia .. 17 28 .378 12
Detroit 11, New York 3 Cincinnati 7, New York 5
Boston 6, Cleveland 3 oston j10, Pittsburgh 5
Chicago 3, Philadelphia 1 Philadelphia 9, Chicago 8
St. Louis 2, Washington 1 Brooklyn 2, St. Louis 3
St. Louis at Washington (Night) Boston at Pittsburgh (Night)
Chicago at Philadelphia New York at Cincinnati (Night)
Detroit at New York Brooklyn at St. Louis (Night)
Cleveland at Boston Philadelphia at Chicago
for 26 trips back to Ann Arbor.
SENIORS - You are about to embark on a new adven-
ture into the world of strife and trouble. Take with
you memories of Ann Arbor and all your friends
with a copy of the
( 26 Issues a Year)
(s _
NEW YORK, June 10-(JP)-Behind
the five-hit tossing of Virgil Trucks
and two-run homers by Hank Green-
berg and Jimmy Bloodworth, the De-
troit Tigers trounced the New York
Yankees, 11-3, today to score their
first victory in five meetings over
the Yanks.
Trucks got off to a shaky start, al-
lowing three hits in the first two
frames including a two-ru circuit
belt by Tommy Henrich in the open-
ing inning but the 27-year old fire-
ball artist then settled down and
held the Yanks hitless until the
ninth when they collected their final
run on two hits.
Scoring once in the first, the Tigers
roared back after two were out in
third to score five runs. With one in
and one on, Greenberg blasted his
13th homer of the year deep into the
leftfield stands. Pat Mullin then beat
out a hit and Jimmy Bloodworth fol-
lowed with his first circuit clout of
the season to drive starter Allan Get-
tel from the hill.
ALL STAR . . . Walt Kell, whose
.371 was second in batting for the
Wolverines, will play on Ray Fish-
er's Western team in Boston, Mon-
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