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June 11, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-11

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Racial Discrimination Behind the Scenes

o Folk wys, (;sfoi s (1nId Mors

RACIAL DISCRIMINATION is probably one of
the ugliest aspects of life in this democracy.
By a kind of tacit agreement, the prejudiced
have lately withdrawn into more covert applica-
tions of their prejudice; it is no longer quite the
fashion to be avowedly "against" Jews, Negroes,
Catholics. It is a thing to be whispered among
one's own set, with politely qualifying phrases,
to be practiced behind an elaborate facade of
excuses. But that it actually is practiced, and
this in major spheres of our life, there is ample
One of the most objectionable expressions of
discrimination is the "quota system" of accept-
ing applicants at American colleges, particu-
larly medical and dental schools. By this
method, we have succeeded in wasting a fair
amount of potential talent in these fields.
Qualified students from minority groups have
been refused the educational advantages they
need, while others less capable, but of accept-
able race and religion, are welcomed to replace
them. This practice is scolded by the general
public as "unfair" and "un-American", but
from there on in it is shrugged off as a neces-
sary evil. And the quota system remains se-
cure and unimpressed.
Concrete action along this line has recently
been set off by ex-Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia's
"Report on Discrimination in Institutions of
Higher Learning." Following complaints from
citizens, LaGuardia appointed a Committee of
Unity, headed by Charles Evans Hughes, Jr., to
investigate discrimination in colleges and uni-
versities throughout the nation.
Findings of the committee revealed that such
discrimination is not the figment of anyone's
imagination, but a provable fact. The report
further indicated that the percentage of students
from minority groups admitted under quotas
has been decreasing rapidly during the last
decade, and that medical schools are the worst
offenders. Evidence shows that although New
York' City schools officially deny that quotas
exist, officials of these same schools will admit
"off the record" that such discrimination is
Several encouraging developments can be trace
ed to this report. New York University decided
to eliminate questions on religion and national-
ity from its applications blanks, and Columbia
University will omit questions on religion.
Establishment of a New York State university
which would not practice racial discrimination
has been proposed; and two bills to that effect
have been introduced in the legislature. Other
bills would empower the State Commission
against Discrimination to eliminate such prac-
tices in educational institutions as well as in em-
AN APPLICATION to cancel the tax exemption
granted to Columbia University as a non-
sectarian educational institution has been filed
with the New York City Tax Commission by Dr.
Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jew-
ish Congress. He charges that an institution
which fails to select students "exclusively be-
cause of their intellectual ability and moral
character, but for the unavowed purpose of serv-
ing racial or religious prejudice, does not devote
its property exclusively to- educational purposes
and is not an educational institution within the
meaning of the tax law." He quotes a section
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

from the state law as follows: "No education
corporation or association that holds itself out
to be non-sectarian and exempt from taxation
pursuant to the provisions of this section shall
deny the use of its facilities to any person, other-
wise qualified, by reason of his race, color or
Probably the most important result of the La-
Guardia report, however, is a general clearing
of the air which has followed open discussion
of the problem in New York. The facts made
public by the Committee on Unity have generated
more widespread understanding of the situatiqn,
and paved the way for future action.
That such discriminatory practices are not
confined to New York State, however, is borne
out both by the LaGuardia report and by other
survey on the subject. The "Jewish News"
estimates that an average of only 700 Jewish
students are graduated annually from the med-
ical schools of the entire nation. "Jewish Af-
fairs" survey supplements this figure by re-
porting that in 1940 the total admitted to
medical schools fell to 477, a drop of forty
per cent in three years. Frank Kingdon, form-
er member of the Methodist conference and
president of Newark University, shows in the
October, 1945 "American Mercury" that while
three out of four non-Jewish students who
apply to medical schools are accepted, only
one out of every thirteen Jewish students are
given the chance to enter.
This is fairly conclusive evidence that the
problem is far from being solved; nor is it
especially remote from this campus. The "Amer-

ican Mercury" lists Wayne University medical
school among those who practice discrimina-
tion. Philip Slamovitz in the Detroit "Jewish
News" refers to quotas enforced in medical
schools, "including the Detroit and Ann Arbor
colleges." Quotas are admittedly a topic of
general debate on campus. In the light of testi-
mony to the prevalence of quota systems, it is
not strange that this should be so, and that a
questioning attitude toward the- University's
policy should be a noticeable undercurrent here.
T IS ESTIMATED that not more than eight
out of 135 (approximately five per cent) stu-
dents admitted to the University medical school
for the coming year are Jewish, compared with
the sixteen to eighteen Jewish students in this
year's 150 member graduating class, (approxi-
mately 12 per cent), which was admitted under
the non-discriminatory Army program. These
estimates are not, of course, conclusive; we do
not pretend that they in any way "prove" the
existence of either discrimination or a quota
system. But they do give weight to the questions
being asked about University admissions policies.
The University has denied that discrimination
is practiced. The findings of the LaGuardia com-
mission in New York have made headway toward
correcting a condition which should be correct-
ed. It is only reasonable to suppose that a simi-
lar investigation would prove equally valuable
here. Such a survey, conducted by an impartial
commission, would remove suspicion of unfair
practices by Michigan colleges if such suspicion
is unwarranted.
-Mary Brush and Margaret FArmer

Ca}ref ulith Those
Mo rtarboards
A RCHAEOLOGISTS of the future,
delving among the kitchen mid-
dens of old Ann Arbor' may well pro-
fit by the following indication of
University ritualistic protocol:
"In order that the Commence-
ment exercises may conform to aca-
demic tradition, it is requested that
no flowers be worn by women grad-
uates; and that men refrain from
smoking in the procession and dur-
ing the exercises at Ferry Field."
just Like the 'Ertsian
AT LEAST ONE faculty member
we know is considerably put out
by the mystery of the lost summer
classes bulletin. We hope this ulter-
ior motive won't give him away, but
it seems that our acquaintance can't
arrange his summer fishing schedule

until the blankety blank bulletin is had a litt le trouble with a publicity
issued. gag in Chicago.
: * * Press agents persuaded him to lift
Bess TMiss America I Myerson to his
shouldet for a picmure. He hoisted
A YOUNG MAN of re olutionarythe 140-pound beauty queen with
some difficulty. Then Bess slid down
lreanings brought 11h 1 inth o o off his shoulder and lifted our boy
of our classes the other day, durmin with ease.
a discussion of sometime student We told yo h' dg u
apathy. He raised his hand tri- y
umphantly and told the teacher,

"In a paper now on your desk, I
have proved'conclusively that apathy
is traceable directly to the capitalis-
tic system."
* * *I
We Like
Our W'ome,, husky
THOSE OF YOU who were im-
pressed by the cut of strong man
Allen Stephan, which graced pagel
one of The Daily a fortnight ago,
should be interested in the following
item. It seems that "Mr. America"

PERHAPS THE MOSi flagrant ex-
ample of "made work" we've seen
in many a year is the guy who
straightens chairs in the General
The chairs are in pifect echelon
wx'en he -et" through every night -
only by that time there's no~body
around to see them.
He could be better employed hold-
ing candles for those hundreds of
students who every day knock their
eyes out trying to read by the library's
murky lamps.



OPA Emasculation

W ASHINGTON.-Seldom has a Senate com-
mittee been so loath to put its name to a
piece of legislation as the Senate Banking and
Currency Committee which finished sabotaging
the price-control bill last week. About all that
was left of the bill was its name.
When it came to signing it, New York's Sena-
tor Wagner, chairman of the Banking and Cur-
rency Committee, flatly refused. He pointed out,
in a closed-door session, that he had opposed
the emasculating amendments and would submit
his own minority report.
Senator Taft, who did more than almost
anyone to tear the bill to pieces, also hesitated.
He said he had his own bill which he wanted
to introduce.
Finally someone proposed that the senators'
names be signed in a circle, so the public could
not tell who signed first.
"It reminds me," said Kentucky's Alben Bark-
ley, "of the young man who shot his mother and
father, then appealed to the court for leniency
on the grounds that he was an orphan."
Note - Finally, Senator Barkley agreed to re-
port the gutted OPA bill to the Senate, but
accompanied by a stinging criticism of the way
the OPA had been virtually destroyed.
INSIDE FACT is that all Truman's strongest
cabinet members - including Jimmy Byrnes,
Judge Vinson and Bob Hannegan-were opposed
to John Snyder's appointment at Secretary of
the Treasury, though they were given no chance
to express themselves.
Inside fact also is that John Snyder himself
was the strongest advocate of Fred Vinson's
appointment as chief justice. Snyder kept
urging Truman to promote Vinson out of the

Treasury department to the Supreme Court.
There was no question as to what was in the
back of Snyder's mind. He wanted Vinson's
Treasury job for himself.
Reason for the inner-cabinet opposition to
Snyder is that other cabinet members have seen
him work close-hand, have witnessed too many
tragic mistakes.
Hannegan, for instance, has tried so many
times to ease Snyder out of the White House
because of his errors, that Truman once in-
structed Hannegan that the question of Snyder
was taboo. He said he didn't want to discuss the
matter further.
Secretary of the Treasury Vinson also has had
various brushes with Snyder. One came shortly
after V-J Day, when Snyder wrote a 40-page
memo recommending that all war controls be-
dropped. By accident, Vinson, who knew from
experience as Economic Stabilizer and War
Mobilizer what decontrol meant, discovered the
Snyder memo and rushed over to the White
"Are you fellows crazy?" he asked. He finally
managed to stop Snyder's proposed action.
However, Snyder did drop the controls on
construction, and then had to restore them
later; on woolen goods, which is one reason
for veterans' clothing shortage; on nylons,
which is one reason for the nylon shortage.
One of John's worst blunders was to promise
a price increase to the steel industry without
first getting a commitment that industry would
raise wages. This one moment of "Snyderizing"
prolonged the steel strike for several weeks and
cost the nation millions.
This is why conservative senators shudder at
the thought of putting the delicate problems of
American finance in the fumbling hands of John
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
Current MOVies
, ,at the Michigan
Bing Crosby, Bob hope and Dorothy Lamour
in "The Road to Utopia"; a Paramount pro-
rHE FAMILIAR BRAND of breakneck comedy
cultivated by Bob Hope and Bing Crosby is
on view at the Michigan this week, where the
pair take to the road for the fourth time. Their
technique of calculated incoherence has much
in common with the Marx Brother efforts. Since
that group's retirement, Hope and Crosby have
been practically the only ones to successfully
carry on this type of thing, and they do it well.
The film is an amusing string of frank, un-
subtle and well-sustained gags. As usual, Hope
and Crosby's traveling companion on the journey
is Dorothy Lamour, who, despite the Alaskan
locale, finds sufficient occasion to appear in a
. . (it the State
Maria Moutez and P'estou Foster in "Tan-
gier"; a Universal production.
Shady character meets shady character in
this old, -old refrain, compounded of venerable
cloak-and-dagger cliches and Maria Montez.
Proceed at your own risk.
-Barrie Waters

(Continued from Page 2)
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Tuesday, June 18, will be
sent to the Recorder's Office. The
credits of these students will be held
up until their records are cleared,
in compliance with regulations es-
tablished by the Regents.
Warner G. Rice, Director
Notice to all Graduating Engineer-
ing Students: Caps and Gowns for
the Commencement Exercises, will be
available for rental this afternoon
from 1 to 5 in the Garden Room of
the Michigan League. All Engineer-
ing students must make their rentals
today as they will not be available
after today.
The University Automobile Regula-
tion will be lifted at 12:00 noon on
Wednesday, June 19, for students in
all schools and departments except-
ing the Medical School. Sophomores
in the Medical School are relieved of
driving restrictions as of Saturday
noon, June 8, but all other Medical
classes will continue under present
restrictions until their designated va-
cation periods are officially announ-
Students having lockers at Water-
man Gymnasium should .clear lockers
and secure refund prior to June 20.
Senior Engineers: Announcements
will be distributed in Rm. 218 W.
Eng. at the following times:
Tues.: 11-12, 4-5.
Wed.: 11-12, 4-5.
Receipts or identification cards will
be required.

cepted. Attention is specifically call-
ed to the closing time for registration
on Saturday, June 29, which is 10:30
a.m. Late registration will not be
permitted. Any diviation from the
alphabetical registration schedule
must have permission of the Dean or
Director of the school in which en-
rollment is sought.
Registration Material, College of
LS&A, Schools of Education, and
Music: Summer Session registration
material will be available in Room 4,
University Hall, beginning Wednes-
day, June 12.
All Students: Colleges of LS&A,
Arch. & Design, Schools of Education,
Music, For. & Cons., and Public
Health mailed blueprints will not be
mailed before July 15. Grades will
be mailed, the last week in June on
the election card stubs as is done in
the Fall terms.
College of Engineering Registration
Material: Students enrolled in the
current term should call for Sum-
mer Session registration material at
Room 244, West Engineering Build-
ing, on Friday and Saturday, June
14 and 15, from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1:30
to 4:30 p.m.
Student Veterans: Because of the
acute housing situation, and the pos-
sibility that no quarters will be avail-
able at a later date at Willow Village,
the University strongly recommends
that student veterans occupying
apartments for married students at
Willow Village retain their quarters
during the summer.
Veterans' Books: The Textbook
Lending Library, 1223 Angell Hall,
will be very happy to receive any
textbooks which the veterans do not
care to hold. The books contributed
by veterans will be loaned to veterans
who in future terms are unable to
procure assigned texts at bookstores.
In case they are not required by vet-
erans, the books will be made avail-
able to future students who are in
need of help and are recommended
by an academic counselor or mentor.
Willow Village Program for Vet-
crans and their Wives:,
Tuesday, June 11: Discussion
Group, 7:30 p.m., Office.
Wednesday, June' 12: Bridge at
2 and at 7 p.m., Gard Room.
Saturday, June 15: Record Play-
ing, 8 p.m., Auditorium.
Hopwood Lecture, Harlan Hatcher
"Towards American Cultural Matur-
ity," Tuesday afternoon, June 11,
at 4:15 in the large lecture room ofl
the Rackham Building. Announce-
ment of this year's awards follows
the lecture. Open to the public.
Speech 35. A special review sessior
will be held today at 7:15 at the
Speech Clinic, 1007 East Huron St.
The Chemistry Colloquium will
meet Wednesday, June 12, at 4:15

p.m., in room 303 Chemistry Building.
Mr. D. O. Niederhauser will speak
on "Surface Active Constituents of
Crude Petroleum Oils."
Required Physical Education
Women Students: There will be no
required physical education classes
for women on Wednesday, June 12.
Academic Notices
Room assignments for final exam-
ination in Chemical and Metallurgi-
cal Engineering I:
Rooms 348 and 347, West Engi-
neering Bldg.: All Prof. Monroe's
Quiz Sections. All Prof. Wood's Quiz
Sections. All Prof. Thomassen's Quiz
Room 102, Architecture Bldg.: All
Prof. Brier's Quiz Sections. All Prof.
Foust's Quiz Sections.
Room 445, West Engineering Bldg.:
All Mr. Banchero's Quiz Sections.
Room 311, West Engineering Bldg.:
All Prof. Schneidewind's Quiz Sec-
Room 1042, East Engineering Bldg.:
All Prof. Upthegrove's Quiz Sections.
English 1, Final Examination
Schedule for Tuesday, June 18, 8-10

a .m.
Austin 103 Ec
Bacon 206 UH
Calver 203 UH
Chase 202 WPhy
Dice 3209 AH
Fletcher 16 AH
Fullerton 4203 AH
Norton 209 AH
O'Neill 2231 AH
Plumer 3056 NS

Riepe 207 Ec
3011 AH
Sparrow E Hav
Stimson G Hav
Stocking 203 Ec
Weaver 3017 AH
Welsch 2054 NS
Whan 2116 NS
Wolfson 3116 NS

Closing Hours for Women

English 2, Final Examination
Schedule for Tuesday, June 18, 8-10




Thurs., 10:30.
Fri., 12:30.
Sat., 12:30.
Sun., 11:00.
Mon., 10:30.
Tues., 10:30.
Wed., 11:00.
Thurs., 11:00.
Fri., 12:30.'
Sat., 12:30.

Boys I




U. S.Congress


gressional inefficiency recurrently induces
make Senator Conally's argument that "we are
discrediting ourselves by telling the country we
are running the Senate in a slipshod way" (by
considering the Congressional Reorganization
Bill) both ostrich-like and inance.
The Bill, based on the report of the La Fol-
lette-Monroney joint committee, is the result of
more than a year's study of the creaking ma-.
chinery of Congress. Congressman after con-
gressman appeared before the committee to give
such evidences of "slipshodiness" as the fact
that Congress, which presumably must know
about a subject before it can legislate on i.,
is shockingly curtailed with respect to sources
of information. (The La Follette report some-
what bitterly remarks that because the present
fact-finding agencies are so over-worked, com-
mittees must often depend on newspaper a:-
tiles, borrowed personnel and usually-slanted
hearings.) Congressmen went on to complain
that because the District of Columbia has been
given little self-government Congress must act
as a city council when it should be deciding on
national problems. Their animadversions were
limited to Congressional structure and facilities
only because the Committee was not authorized
to invesigate procedure: the fact that almost a
month of each session is wasted by bills being
readsaloud by the clerk from one to three times,
a custom dating from the time when members
of the English parliament were illiterate, could
not be mentioned.
Senator Connally was wrong, therefore, in
shouting that the country would lose faith in
a Senate which admits that it is not doing as
well as it could; that fact is already self-evident.
Senators were probably right, however, in pre-
dictiing that the bil is "as good as dead." The
same reasons which have kept the needed

Control Committee. Congressmen, who now serve
on as many as 9 or 10 committees, might have
time to do their jobs better on only two. And in
view of the fact that the air age seems to be
definitely here, the continuance of the commit-
tee on Interoceanic Canals, which was set up
during the Panama Canal negotiations, seems
rather silly. But a strengthened committee sys-
tem would mean less committee chairmanships,
.and committee chairmen are more anxious to
cling to the power and prestige they have won
by sitting on their committees for the most years
than they are to increase efficiency.
Because of this, the Committee's recom-
mendation that committee chairman be re-
quired to report on any bill which the major-
ity of his committee has approved, instead of
grimly killing it by ignoring it, seems futile.
Committee chairmen will undoubtedly continue
to hold an inordinate amount of power.
One recommendation on which Congress is
likely to look with favor is the provision that
congressional salaries be raised to $15,000 a.
year starting after the next election. As the Com-
mittee points out, the salaries which business
and industry offer seriously weaken the incen-
tives for becoming a congressman. But while
increasing salaries generally recognized to be
inadequate might procure better congressmen,
Congress would still be ham-strung by what Ma-
jority Leader Barkley has called "the most ar-
chaic conglomeration of contradictory rules that
ever prevailed in any legislative body."
-Mary Ruth Levy

Literary School, Business Adminis-
tration and School of Education:
Senior cardboard, leather bound,
and folding announcements will be
ready for distribution today and may
be picked up between the hours of 10
to 12 and 1 to 3 in Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall. Seniors are required to
bring "either their receipts or their
identification cards to obtain their
orders. Every senior should check his
order to see that it is correct as no
corrections will be made after the
student leaves the room. For those
who are unable to pick up their
leather and cardboard orders today
there will be a later distribution on
June 18 from 1 to 4 in Room 2.
Presidents of Women's Houses:
All sign-out sheets for the spring
semester must be in the League Un-
dergraduate Office by Wednesday,
June 19. The functions of the
Women's Judiciary Council will be
transferred to the Office of the Dean
of Women from June 12 through
June 19. Housemothers and house
presidents are responsible for re-
porting violations of house rules to
the Dean of Women in that interim.
All Students, Registration for Sum-
mer Session. Each student should
plan to register for himself accord-
ing to the alphabetical schedule.
Registration by proxy will not be ac-

W Phy Lee
Cohn 2003 NS
Edwards 1018 All
Engel 4003 All
Everett 2016 AH
Fogle W Phy Lee
Gram 2219 All
Greenhut 1020 AH
Hawkins 2203 All
Hayden 2029 AlI
Huntley 6 All
King 2215 All

Markland 231 All'
202 Ec
Morris 3231 AH
Muehl 2013 AH
Needham 229 All
Panush 2082 NS
Peake 2235 All
Rayment 2014 All
Rich 3010 All
Schroeder 35 All
Sessions 215 Ec
Shedd 4208 All
Smith 231 All
.1121 NS
Wells 2235 AH
Wunsch 4054 NS

Make-up final examination


both English I and 2, Tuesday, June
18, 7 to 9 p.m., in Room 2225 Angell
1IRooni Assignments for German 1,
2, 31, 32 finial examinations to be

held Friday, June
35 Angell lall
Van Duren..
1035 Angell Hill
Willey .......
Willey .......

14, 8:00-10:00 a.m.

. Ger.
... Ger.
. .. Gr.




(continued on Page 6)

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of, Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion. . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director

Mom-Do you think my Barnaby! 9
Fairy Godfather and
McSnoyd, the Invisible
Leprechaun, will knowI9
wh ua rea.ImcWrv4h7 AA

See! The game's about to sfart, Barnaby.
The umpire is dusting off the home plate.
rMaybe Mr.O'Malley
.. , ,.. . , ..

By Crockett Johnson
Where am t, McSnoyd...?

Robert Goldman
Emily E. Kn;pp
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker
Des Howarth
Ann Schutz .
Dona Guimaraes
Dorothy Flint .

. . " . . a. s . . s. . . . City
. . . . . . . . . . Associate
. . . . . . . . . . . . Associate
. . . . . . . . 4 . < . Sports
. ... . . . Associate Sports
. . . . . . . .. . . . . W omen's
.. . Associate Women's



Business Staff
. . . . . . . . . . Business Manager

. I


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