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June 05, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-05

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11 "E MAl's.KN DAILY

Tickets for


Ball Will Be Available

Annual Dance To Be Presented
Friday at Intramural Building;
Louis Prima To Provide Music,

Affair Will Feature
Outdoor Nightclub,
Secret Decorations
The few remaining tickets for Sen-
ior Ball will be available to all stu-
dents from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today
and as long as they last on the Diag-
onal only.
Identification cards must be' pre-
sented at the time tickets are pur-
chased. No additional tickets will be
printed since the number of couples
is limited to the comfortable capacity
of the dance floor.
Is Annual Dance
"We came, we saw, we conquered"
is the theme chosen for the 1946
edition of the annual dance, sched-
uled from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday
at the Intramural Building.
Louis Prima and his 15 piece orch-
estra will be spotlighted on the band-
stand at the gala affair, with Lilyann
Carol taking vocal honors. Prima's
Committee chairmen for Senior
Ball will meet at 4:30 p.m. today
at the Union. All chairmen must
attend the meeting.
inimitable showmanship and flair for
shenannigans promise to bear out
the "Be Happy" slogan which is the
general order of the day for the or-
Outdoor Night Club
An outdoor terrace will provide
tables for refreshments and conver-
sation. Decorations and lighting will
convert the terrace into a nightclub
under the stars for the event.
Coeds Eagerly
A wait Arrival



Following the dominant theme, pro-
grams will take the form of military
discharge papers. Ballroom decora-
tions will adhere to the idea of ac-
complishment, but exact plans will
not be revealed before the dance.
Is Semi-Formal
Departing from the custom of pre-
vious Senior Balls, this year's affair
will be semi-formal, owing to the
scarcity of male formal attire. "Men
who own dinner jackets are urged
to wear them since the ball is such
a big event. But the committee felt
that making the dance formal would
exclude persons who would like to
attend," Dick Ford, general co-chair-
man, said.
Women attending the dance have
been granted 2:30 a.m. permission.
In line with University custom, no
corsages will be worn to Senior Ball.

KEY WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES--for 1946-47 will be headed by, left to right, Ellen Bill, president of Women's
League Ccuncil; Jean Brown, president of Women's Athletic Association; and Jean Louise Hole, president of
Women's Judiciary Council. These women were selec ted by a merit system of petitioning and interviewing
which was open to all eligible early this spring.


Of fer

Frantic Preparations for Final
Exam Week Seen on Campus

Of Daily Mai


"THE MAIL'S IN!" This seemingly
innocent phrase is enough to
send any Michigan coed dorm resi-
dent dashing to her mailbox with
her hopes high and an expectant look
on her face; for the arrival of the
mail is the big event of the day.
Nine o'clock finds a group of eager
coeds clustered around the office
while the mail is being sorted be-
hind a closed door. This sorting pro-
cess goes on for what seems hours,
and one begins to wonder just what
is so difficult about putting mail in
the right boxes. Many an anxious
coed glances at her watch as the
tower strikes nine and wonders if
she can possibly arrive late to class
again without incurring the wrath
of her prof. Finally, the interminable
waiting over, the door opens, and
the rush begins.
REACTIONS to the content of the
mailboxes are, needless to say,
varied. There are a few fortunate
souls who rush from the office waving
a handful of letters and squealing
with delight. Then there are those
who glance at their mailbox, a dark
hole among those filled with enve-
lopes, and murmur apologetically,
"Oh, well, I really didn't expect any-
thing today, anyway," at the same
time resolving to send for every free
sample offered just to avoid future
And there are some who eagerly
grasp the envelope protruding from
the box only to find a bank state-
ment which probably contains the
cheerful news that their account is
overdrawn, or perhaps draw forth a
postcard reminding them to make
an appointment with their academic
Yes, the arrival of -the mail is
quite an event-which reminds me,
it's almost nine-I wonder if the
mail's sorted yet?
Panhellenic Rushing Aides for the
coming year include Genevieve Bra-
sie, Delta Gamma; Jeannette Collins,
Alpha Xi Delta; Barbara Gray, Kap-
pa Delta; Beverly Price, Alpha Chi
Omega; and Jane Wetmore, Delta
Delta Delta, it was announced by
Panhellenic Board.
From Tip
To Toe
you want to look your cool,
lovely best this Summer. Start

Network broadcasting is no longer
a job for professionals, but now opens
worlds of opportunities to students
interested in radio.
Swarthmore, H a v e r f o r d, Bryn
Mawr, and the University of Penn-
sylvania, now on a permanent hook-
up, broadcast important lectures, de-
bates, music, and sports from stu-
dent run stations. These Eastern
Pennsylvania colleges and other cam-
pus stations at Harvard, Yale,
Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Wil-
liams, Cornell, Bucknell, University
of Virginia, Alabama, and Stephens
are members of the Intercollegiate
Broadcasting System (IBS).
Before the war, college stations
from Maine to California held broad-
casts which were confined to their
respective college campuses. Now,
through the IBS, college programs,
put on exclusively by students, can
be broadcast to many other colleges
and universities.
The campus station at Columbia
first recognized the idea of the IBS
last spring. It is a non profit organi-
zation linking all college stations
which fulfill the requirements for
membership, and is administered
from its offices in New York City.
Wedding, Troth Told
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shoenfield of
Ann Arbor announced the marriage
of their daughter, Beryl, to Peter Den-
zer, son of Dr. and Mrs. Bernard S.
Denzer of New York, N.Y.
Mrs. Denzer graduated from the
literary college in 1944. The couple
is making their home in Washington,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weigold re-
cently announced the engagement of
their daughter, Carolyn, to Raymond
R. Graw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond P. Graw of Eau Claire, Wis.
Miss Weigold is a junior in the
literary college and is affiliated with
Alpha Xi Delta. No wedding date
has been set.

when University students will
have an opportunity to demonstrate
the amount of knowledge to which
they have been exposed during the
past semester is almost at hand-
final exam week.
The approach of this fateful per-
iod marks a change in the' lives
and habits of most students. They
abandon-all trivial and social pur-
suits in order to devote them-
selves to the pursuit of knowledge.
ONE OF THE MOST unmistakable
signs of exam week may be seen
on the Huron River. Hundreds of
canoes, packed with students, are
paddled down the river away from
civilization. These conscientious stu-
dents are attempting to get away
from the noise and distractions of
Ann Arbor, the better to concentrate
on their studies.
The lawns and sun decks of Ann
,Arbor are strewn with coeds in
shorts and halters. who are study-
ing in the sun in order to be able
to see more clearly the words of
wisdom in their books.
AND THE local dens of iniquity
are jammed with unfortunate

students who have not been able to
find room to study in the library.
They have to find a table somewhere
on which to rest their books.
But when finals are over, Uni-
versity officials urge that students,
fatigued from extreme concentra-
tion, will return to their normal pur-
Tni-Delta Wins
Softball Title
Delta Delta Delta won the B class
tournament of the WAA softball
interhouse competition with a 13-5
victory over Mosher Hall yesterday.
The Tri-Deltas scored nine runs
in the first inning of the contest, and
went on to win with Lou Holloway
winning pitcher, allowing the Mosher
coeds only five runs throughout the
The final game of the A tourna-
ment will be played from 5 to 6:30
p.m. today at Palmer Field, with
Kappa Kappa Gamma playing Col-
legiate Sorosis for honors in the A

Coed Positions
For Assembly
Event Revealed
The central committee for Assem-'
bly Recognition Night, which is held
in the fall to honor independent'
women who have been outstanding in
activities and scholarship, has been
announced by Jeanne Clare, presi-
Positions include general chairman,
Margaret Thompson, Stockwell; as-
sistant chairman, Irma Eichhorn,
Martha Cook; publicity Lillian Win-
quist, Mosher; assistant publicity,
Ann Schoonmaker, Stockwell; tickets,
Jean Engstrom, Mosher; assistant
tickets, Nancy Schlademan, Stock-
well; and decorations, Maxine Jane
Burkoff, Mosher.
The list concludes with refresh-
ments, Dorothea Mount, Martha
Cook; programs, Mary Quiatt, Mar-
tha Cook.

M' Alumnus
Sale Will Begin
Subscriptions May Be Bought
In Coed Houses, on Diagonal
Members of Scroll honor society
will solicit senior women for sub-
scriptions to the Michigan Alumnus
Magazine this week.
The subscription rate is ordinarily
four dollars but the seniors will re-
ceive a two dollar reduction on their
subscriptions, according to Ann Lip-
pincott, president of Scroll.
Announcements will be made dur-
ing dinner at all the dorms tomorrow
and subscriptions will be sold after
dinner.The sorority houses will be
canvassed today, tomorrow and Fri-
day. Subscriptions will be sold Fri-
day on the Diagonal to all interested
The Michigan Alumnus Magazine
will be of special interest to graduat-
ing seniors as it will contain news
of other members of the class.
New Initiates Join
Architectural Group
Alpha Rho Chi, architectural fra-
ternity, recently initiated 20 men at
the home of Prof. and Mrs. Ralph
W. Hammett.
They were: Roy M. Belco, Clifford
W. Bogenberger, Leslie R. Cripps.
Donald A. Davis, Kenneth L. Derr,
Ernest L. Greene, Arthur O. Haas,
Paul A. Iazelton, Verne W. Henshaw,
W. James Lok, Robert McClure, Har-
old A. Nefe, Charles W. Pearman,
Stanley D. Peacock, C. Van Porter,
Arthur H. Sercombe, Richard C. Sin-
clair, David L. Stiffler, John A. Wil-
son, and Dick C. Zimmer.
The fraternity was reactivated on
campus during the first part of the
present semester. Officers of the
fraternity elected- at that time in-
clude G. Jerome Hartger, president;
Robert C. Gaede, vice-president; Dav-
id R. Anderson, treasurer; and Wil-
lard C. Nelson, secretary.

Petitions Due
For Summer
Judiciary Posts
Petitioning and intervieing will
be ,held from 2 to 5 p.m. today in the
Undergraduate Office of the League
for all upperclass women who wish
to serve as members of the summer
Judiciary Council.
The Council will function during
the summer session at the University,
and will handle all sign-out sheets
from women's residences and try
cases of violations of house rules.
Know House Rules
According to Jean Louise Hole,
Judiciary chairman, "A thorough
knowledge of women's house rules
is a prerequisite for the positions."
Each applicant will be asked to sub-
mit the name of a housemother, a
faculty member and two upperclass
women as references.
Eligibility cards signed by the Mer-
it-Tutorial Committee of the League
must be presented at the interviews,
according to Miss Hole. Women a-
plying for the posts may bring peti-
tions to their interviews today.
For Juniors, Seniors
Miss Hole urged all women of Jun-
ior and senior standing to petition
for the posts. "With several thou-
sand women attending the Univer-
sity this summer, the Women's Ju-
diciary Council will have an import-
ant function in the enforcement of
house rules," she continued.
One senior member and two jun-
ior members of the summer council
will be chosen to form the summer
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The fabrics:
Pin Cheeks
Wool Crepes

A varied assortm
choose, comprisit
our spring stock.
for summer tray
have on hand for
softly detailed
them from a m
perfect tailorint
manship, good w

and juniors
en t from wh ich to
ng the balance of
suita ble for now,
e l. . grand to
Fall. Classics . . .
styles. Most of
g, expert work-
vool fabrics.
iers ...14.38
these perky, short-cut
through summer wear.
. . basketweaves :. ..
uch wanted colors as
and soft green.'
WA~r~W Ivw~s4

yr .,: }M1M1ro

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The colors:
Soft blues




Pastel Topp
coats so right for now1
Suede-smooth wools .
featherlight fleeces. S
coral, light blue, gold

7 /.~



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