ROTC Plans
Revealed For
Fall Semester
Goal Is To Train More
Fully Qualified Officers
Plans for the postwar Reserve Of-
ficers' Training Corps, to take effect
in the fall term of 1946 on both sec-
ondary school and college levels, have
been announced by the War Depart-
ment, Lt. Col. John B. Evans said
Many new subjects will be added
to the present program here, such as
courses on the world military situa-
tion, geographical foundations of na-
tional power, military mobilization
and demobilization, command and
staff, psychological warfare, and
military problems of the United
The ROTC program on the sec-
ondary level will absorb many of the
courses now taught in college, and
the Senior program, on the college
level, will consist of an elementary
and an advanced course, the latter
designed to qualify selected students
for reserve commissions in the dif-
ferent branches of the Army.
The purpose of this broadened
ROTC program, Col. Evans explained,
is to develop officers with a broader
viewpoint and better qualifications,
who will be capable of instructing
immediately on graduation.
The War Department will seek pas-
sage of enabling legislation to grant
emoluments to students in the ele-
mentary course of 66 cents per day
plus uniforms, and in the advanced
course of $1.91 per day, with the
students providing their own uni-
forms. Several other provisions are
also awaiting legislation.
Military instruction at each insti-
tution will be under the direction of
a professor of Military Science and
Tactics appointed by the. War De-
partment and assisted by other offi-
cers and non-commissioned officers
of the Army.
Madeline Ardner To Give
Piano Recital Tomorrow
Madeline Ardner, pianist, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Now enrolled in the School of
Music, Miss Ardner has taken her
undergraduate and graduate work
with Mabel Rhead. Before coming to
the University, Miss Ardner did some
private study with Edward Schir-
ner of Cleveland.
The program will consist of com-
positions by Mozart, Schubert, Ravel
and Beethoven. This recital, open
to the public, is being presented in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Cross To Join
Planning Panel
Prof. Harlow O. Whittemore, chair-
man of the Department of Landscape
Architecture, and Robert N. Cross of
the Bureau of Business Research will
take part in the Local Planning In-
stitute to be held Monday and Tues-
day at Escanaba.
Prof. Whittemore will deliver two
talks on program development and
zoning and subdivision control and
will serve as expert on the round
table discussion panels of the city-
village and country-rural session.
Cross will address the city-village
round table session on community
economic planning. Both men will
serve also in individual consultation
The Escanaba gathering, eighth in
a series of institutes to be held at
various places in the state, is arrang-
ed by the Michigan Planning Com-
mission and is sponsored jointly by
the commission and the Escanaba
City Council and Chamber of Com-
Lar', 'U' Graduate, Dies
DETROIT, June 4-(P)-W. Ray-
mond Lane, former Highland Park
councilman died here today after a
brief illness. Lane was a graduate
of the University of Michigan where
he played on the football team
Architect Awards .
Two awards will be presented for
the first time to outstanding sopho-
mores in both architecture and design'
by Tau Sigma Delta, national archi-
tecture and design honorary society,
at 4:15 p.m. today in the auditorium
of the Architecture Building.
Roger Allen, a professional archi-
tect from Grand Rapids and presi-
dent of the Society of Architects, will
speak on "The Architect - A Philo-
sopher in Spite of Himself."
Following the program the mem-
bers of the society will assemble at
a dinner meeting with Allen as spec-
ial guest.
. *
First Band Meeting ...
All men with band experience
who would like to join the fall
University Marching Band are re-
quested by Prof. William D. Revelli
to attend a meeting at 11 a.m.
Saturday in the Harris Hall band
rehearsal room. At this organiza-
tional meeting Prof. Revelli will
discuss plans and schedules for the
1946 football season.
* * * '
Lutheran Banquet*...
Seniors and graduate students who
have been active in the Lutheran
Student Association will be guests of
honor at the annual Senior Banquet
at 6 p.m. today at the Trinity Luther-
an Church. Jean Gringle, the new
president, is general chairman, and
the program was arranged by Loyal
* , -
MC'I~ission ...
Bart Childs will lead the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship discussion
on "The Credibility of the Resur-
rection" at 8 p.m. today at Lane
(anterbury (lub ..* .
Canterbury Club will have break-
fast at the Student Center following
the 7:15 a.m. Communion Service at
St. Andrew's Church.
IRA Final Aleeing ...
The Inter-Racial Association will
hold its final meeting for the semes-
ter at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The main item on the agenda is
a resume of the work done by the
test case committee in investigating
and combatting cases of discrimina-
tion reported in Ann Arbor.
U' Will Hold
Conference on
Public Health
A grant of $10,000 from the Rocke-
feller Foundation to the University
School of Public Health will finance
the conference on Preventive Medi-
cine, to be held September 30 to
October 4 in Ann Arbor.
Professors of preventive medicine
from every medical school in the
United States and Canada and repre-
sentatives from nine schools of pub-
lic health will attend the five day
conference, under the auspices of the
University School of Public Health.
The program will consist of two
main subjects. The first two days will
be devoted to the teaching content
and methods of preventive medicine.
An attempt will be made to dilineate
the field of preventive medicine, its
points of view and philosophy, with
emphasis on clinical, community and
social obligations.
The remainder of the conference
will be devoted to teaching programs
relative to public health and econom-
ics. Content and method of teaching
public health in medical school will
also be stressed, as well as the train-
ing of medical administrators at the
graduate level.
HEAD WILLOW RUN PROGRAM-Dean Ivan C. Crawford, of the
College of Engineering, (right) and Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, chairman
of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, who will administer the
University's research and training activities at Willow Run Airport.
(Continued from page 4)
Lighting and Electrical Design for
Buildings will be discussed in two lec-
tures by John H. Schumann, Chief
Electrical Engineer for Smith, Hinch-
mann and Grylls, architects and engi-
neers who designed our Rackham
Building, Wednesday, June 5. At 10
a.m., he will talk in Room 243 West
Engineering Building on Electrical
Design, and at 11:00 a.m. in Room
246 West Engineering on Lighting
Design. All who are interested are
The University Broadcasting Ser-
vice and the School of Music pre-
sent from 2:00 to 2:30 over Station
WKAR (870 kc) its weekly program
"Epochs in Music" under the direc-
tion and supervision of Prof. Hanns
Pick. Today's Radio-recital is the
second devoteddto the "Romantic
Era". George Cox, Baritone, sings a
group of Schumann Lieder, accom-
panied by John Wheeler; Loren Cady
plays the second and third move-
ments from the Violin-concerto, ac-
companied by Francis Hopper, Pian-
ist; and Kathryn Karch performs
Mendelssohn's Sonata No. 2 for Or-
gan. Commentations by Mr. Theo-
dore Heger. The Broadcast originates
in Hill Auditorium and visitors, who
must be seated not later than 1:50
p.m., are admitted.
Sophomore Cabaret Central Com-
mittee: There will be a supper meet-
ing tonight at 6:00 in the Russian
Tea Room ofathe League. Bring your
own picnic lunches. Coffee will be
The Dcutscher Verein Cabinet will
have its final meeting of the year
at 7:30 tonight in 303 University
Coin Events
The English Journal Club will meet
Thursday, June 6, in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Dr. Frank Huntley will speak
on "Japanese Poetry and the Imagist
Movement." Officers are to be elect-
ed for next year.
Authorized Railway Transfer
Phone 4244
Back the
Famine Drive
Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN
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