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May 12, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-12

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SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1946

.. . . . ... ..........

Adams Attends Institute on
Early U.S. History, Culture

Student Milk
Is Problem


Rear-Engine Drive Waits Approval
Fickle public opinion to a great ex-
tent determines the course of auto- motion of the car rather than short by gradually crumpling under im-
niv tcarl Prf W lfrT4 L~v' Rha kivkr fbt cinl~ k nltr _ "M

Randolph G. Adams, librarian of
Clements Library, attended the first
two-day business meeting of the In-
stitute of Early American History and
Culture, sponsored by William and
Mary College and Colonial Williams-
burg, Friday and yesterday in Wil-
liamsburg, Va.
Council of 1?1
The Council consisting of 13 dis-
tinguished American historians, will
discuss organization and policy plans
and will announce awards of grants
to enable selected scholars and writers
the opportunity of continuing re-
s' arch in the early American field,
Dr. Carl Bridenbaugh, Director of the
Institute, announced.
School Students
Send Texts to
Manila YWCA
Five tons of children's books, col-
leeted by Ann Arbor school children,
have been shipped to the YWCA in
Manila, Philippine Islands, Prof. Roy1
S. Swinton of the engineering college
said yesterday.
The books were gathered as the
result of interest aroused by Col.
Frederick Castro of the Army's Judge
Advocate General School when he
spoke to elementary school teachers
here. Col. Castro told the teachers
that all libraries and most private
collections of books in the Philip-
pines had been destroyed during the
war, Prof. Swinton said.
Prof. Swinton, who went to the
University of the Philippines in 1940
to advise on the installation of a new
laboratory, was a prisoner of war
in Santo Tomas prison during the
Japanese occupation.
At the present time, Prof. Swinton
disclosed negotiations are underway
with the University of the Philippines
as to the proper method of spending
the $2,500 University students con-
tributed to the Philippine university.

The Institute is a merger of the
historical research and publications
programs of William and Mary Col-
lege,dsecond oldest college in the
united States, and Colonial Williams-
burg, which administers the restora-
tion of the historic city.
All American history prior to 1815
is studied by the organization, which
states its aim: to present to the pub-
lie in a "clear knowledge and under-
standing of the early development of
this nation in its progress toward
political, economic and social de-
Long Range Program
In addition to making Williams-
ourg a laboratory foi thedstudy of
early American history and its cul-
t re, the i:titute plans to initiate a
long-ran fe program that will corge-
lete its sturcies to the re-awakened
interest in American history, on the
assumption that the public will pro-
tit by the knowledge of the early
years of the nation's development.
The iUltimate plan is to make Wi'-
liamsburg the mecca of all the finest
collectio:r, cf early Americana in all
f.,rms, by obtaining photostat and
film c Thr etions, of records dealing
with this period of history and by
compiling all pertinent materials and
studies in tls field.
Attend Meeting
The following historians are at-
tending the meeting: Prof. Thomas
Abernethy of the University of Vir-
ginia, Julian Boyd, Princeton Univer-
sity librarian, Virginius Dabney, edi-.
tor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch,
Douglas Freeman, editor of the Rich-
mond News Leader, and Prof.
Leonard Labaree of Yale University.
Capt. Samual Morison, Pulitzer
prize winner ,Prof. Curtis Nettels of
Cornell University, Stanley Pargellis,
librarian of Newberry Library, Chi-
cago, John Pomfret, president of
William and Mary College, Prof. Ar-
thur Schlesinger of Harvard Uni-
versity. Prof. Thomas Wertenbaker
of Princeton University, and Law-
rence Wroth, librarian of Brown Uni-
verity are also attending the meeting.

mlouve ,esearch. Pro. .watlef r;E.ays rtil1 K xS at sL hen and tiroe 6
By PAUL HARSHA 5c cs) . , . L t his rt.II 1AiiU u ld
Increasing student demands for of the mechanical engineering de- sengers. For this reason it would
milk this semester have created a partment said yesterday. seengices ar .ifthe rear t cate he
major headache for Ann Arbor milk For this reason, he explained, there spare tire, luggage compartment and
producers. is no basis for accurate prediction of gas tank in the front of the car. Ac-
Working with pre-war equipment, , the future of rear-engine drive in tually it is possible to partially avoid,
dairymen must provide customers this difficulty by using hard springs
with an ever-greater supply of "safe' automobiles. in the front and soft springs at the
milk. Their problem is accentuated "Automobile manufacturers gen- rear of the chassis,"
by a below-normal milk production erally do not want to risk large in- Numerous disadvantages are en-
due to the dry Spring this year. vestments in the development of umered isavnthesdreren-
Under the eye of city milk inspec- rear- engine drive until there is suf- untered in having the driver lo-
cated at the extreme front of the
tor John Veenstra local milkmen are ficient public demand," he said, ar, Po Lay saidmA rent the1
so far holding their own in meeting "and they have no intention ofcar, Prof. Lay said. At presentathe
the city's safe milk standards in spite forcing the new design on the mar- civer sits o ltdirect ivc ithe
of the difficulty of obtaining modern ket. Rear-engine drive for cars will most comfortable position because
sanitary equipment. net become a reality until the ad- there is little up or down movement.
Veenstra and his crew of microbe vantages and disadvantages have Moving the driver forward would;
hunters make certain that milk mea- been thoroughly explored and the place him farther from this point
sures up to Ann Arbor standards by design accepted by the riding pub- but at the same time it would move'
testing each week 60 to 65 samples -i." the back-seat passengers closer to it.
of the milk as it is delivered to the Prof. Lay pointed out that rear-
consumer. pin n.. 7C rint I The safety factor is also import-
U~k5II~I.~..L IV . IL. '.~ ..) I.) Ik)L c., ltO I

-]Delivered the Russell Lecture Fri-
day, May 10, on "The Neuroana-
tomical Patterns Involved in Cer-
tain Eye Movements."


HELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience,
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
STENOGRAPHER: Civil Service Ex-
perience, ,fast dictation, neat typ-
ing. Wants permanent afternoon
work. Contact John R. Staton,
WANTED: Men's used clothing. Best
prices paid. Sam's Store, 122 E.
APARTMENT or room with cooking
facilities beginning summer or fall
session. Vet and wife. Both stu-
dents. References. Call Mr. Fed-
erman, 6829 or Mitzi 2-1293 eve-
WANTED-Apartment or house. 2-
bedroom, furnished or unfurnished.
Veteran. Graduate student making
Ann Arbor permanent home. Wife,
daughter, no pets, smoking, or
drinking. Best references. Call 9641,
Captain Otto.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
VETERAN and wife would like to
sublet apartment for this summer
session only. Call Mr. Rosen 3557.
LY NEEDED. Graduate student
desperately in need of an apart-
ment for self, wife and 3-year-old
son. Will have to discontinue
studying if unable to find place to
live. Willing to sign lease. Refer-
cnces offered. Call 3734 between
7 and 10 p.m. daily.
LOST: Black "Blue Diamond" Park-
er Pen. Rita Kleiber, 2-3251. Re-
LOST: Between Angell Hall and
Marshall's. Silver and Black Park-
er 51 pen with gold engraving,
Barbara Cohen. Phone 2-4143.
LOST: Bicycle, blue and white bal-
loon tired, wire basket, Oberlin li-
cense No. 688. Missed from League
Wed. night. Reward. Call 4546.

LOST: Boy's bicycle, cream colored
with red trim; Ann Arbor 1946 Li-
cense No. 629, from rear of 6550
Washtenaw Ave. Phone Fred Com-
lossy, 7157.
LOST: Black cape, short shoulder,
style. May 8 between State Theatre,
and Hill St. Reward. Phone days,
2-5628, night 2-6446.
LOST: Friday evening. Three keys
on chain. Vicinity Williams Streett
or Hill Auditorium. Call 4121, Ext.
314. Daytime. Reward.
LOST: Will gentleman who acci-'
dentally took my gray covert top-;
coat from the table in the Union
basement, Saturday, May 4, please
return same to George Roberts, Jr.,j
923 Olivia, Phone 2-1465.
WHOEVER borrowed my light blue-
bike between 12:30 and 2:00 Fri-
day, May 10, please return it to
south side of Angell Hall.
Any information leading to recov-t
ery of my bike will be generously
rewarded. Call Dottie Langer, 2-
LOST: A blue top-coat in the Westt
Engineering Building or the Lea-
gue. Please return to C. J. Dada-
chanji, 921 S. State or phone 2-
4634. Reward.9
INTERESTED in living in co-ops this
summer? Contact, Zips Kiske, 2-
2218 or Hank Kassis, 6284 immedi-
MYSTERIES of the Great Operas by
Max Heindel. Faust, Parsifal, The
Ring of the Niebelunz, Tannhauser,
Folk Lore and its interpretation
through music has much to offer
to the general reader as well as the
musician and occultist. Read the
books through the Rosicrucian
Study Group Lending Library. Ph.
FbR SALE: Studio couch at Willow
Village. $25.00. 1497 Sudbury Ct.
KODAK MONITOR: 620 size Sup-
ei'matic shutter, 1/400 sec. Kodak
anastigmat special f:4.5 lens, self-
timer; automatic counter, case,
lens attachments. New condition.
$50.00. Call 4592.

cipient of the Henry Russell Award
made Friday, May 10, for "con-
spicuous service" to the University.
Vilage Wives
End Activities
Three Courses Will
Terminate This Week
Final classes in the daily activity
program for wives of Willow Village
veteran students are scheduled this
week in three courses.
Prof. Wesley Maurer of the jour-
nalism department will conclude his
lecture series at 2 p.m. Tuesday in
the West Lodge conference room with
a discussion of "Issues Regarding
Japanese Occupation."
Miss Margaret W. Anderson, home
service director of the Michigan Con-
solidated Gas Company will discuss
"Planning Kitchens for Your Future
Homes" at 2p.m. Thursday in the
final lecture of the Home Planning
Scott Colburn will call the last
square dance of the season Saturday
evening in the West Lodge Auditor-
Child care classes will continue
through to the semester's end, ac-
cording to present plans, with meet-
ings at 2 p.m. Monday in West Court
on pre-natal care and at 8 p.m. at
the Community House on the well
Scheduled to continue is the safety
series which at 8 p.m. Tuesday will
feature a talk by Prof. Shirley W.
Allen of the department of forestry
and conservation on "Some Unusual'
Safety Tricks." This lecture series'
is sponsored by FPHA in cooperation
with the Washtenaw County Chapter
of the American Red Cross.

Bacteria count is tending to run'
high this year, Veenstra said, due to
the inability of most dairies to secure
high-priority sanitation equipment,
but he noted a genuine improvement
in the cleanliness and general safe-
ty of local milk even since the war's
Nowhere in Ann Arbor is raw milk
sold, he pointed out. Since February,
he said, not one phosphatase test for
the safety of milk has been reported
unsatisfactory from the city's 10
Unsanitary conditions on the dairy
farms currently are plaguing cream-
eries which are personally account-
able to the health department for the
quality of their milk.
Veenstra and his staff are meeting
the problem with a campign to awak-
en the farmers to the increased need
for sanitation. They're cooperating
pretty well, now, he said.
Hillel Chooses
New Council
Names of the twenty newly elected
members of the Hillel Foundation
Student Council were announced yes-
Those who will serve on the 1946-
47 council include Burton Agata,
Blanche -Berger, Bernard Brown,
Marcia Cantor, Miriam Eckerling,
Fred Epstein, O. H. "Ozzie" Feldman,
Stuart Goldfarb, Helen Greenberg,
Pearl Handelsman, Rita Hyman, Ben-
son Jaffee, Paul Klein, Norma Lap-
pen, Barbara Levin, Carol Lieberman,
Larry Maisel, Frances Pearl, Gilbert
Silberman and Marshall Wallace.
The new council will hold its first
meeting at 10:45 a.m. May 19 to elect
a president and secretary and to
appoint extra members to the group.
The old council will convene with
the new body.
Journalism Students
To Hold Coffee Hour
The first Coffee Hour of the sea-
son will be held by the Journalism
Department, from 4 to 5:30 tomor-
row in Prof. John Brumm's office in
Haven Hall.
The coffee hour, which is sponsored
by the editorial writing class, is
meant to serve as a means of ac-
quainting prospective newspaper
workers with each other.
Books dealing with newspaper
practices and current problems will
be discussed.
Russ in Circle
There will be no regular meeting
of the Russian Circle tomorrow. Mem-
bers may call for their tickets to the
play in Mrs. Pargment's office dur-
ing her office hours.

elignleurive inlcar 5 s 101 acua wy
a new idea. Although the first self-
propelled vehicle in the world had
the engine in front and front-wheel
drive, the first gasoline-operated car
in the United States had rear-wheel
Passenger comfort is probably
the main point to be considered in
an evaluation of rear-engine drive
in cars, he said. With the engine
placed in the rear, the noise, odors
and vibrations of the motor would
be located farther fromthe driver.
Back-seat passengers, on the other
hand, would be even more aware
of these annoyances.
"In order to make a car most com-
fortable," Prof. Lay said, "it is gen-
erally necessary to have the weight
concentrated at both ends and light
springs in between. This construc-
tion results in a slow pitch for the
Piano Recital
Will Be Given
Beverly Solorow. pianist, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. ;
Before enrolling in the University,
Miss Solorow studied piano in Bridge-
port, Connecticut with Adelaide Zeig-
ler Cohan, a graduate of Juilliard.
She continued her piano study with
Nell Stockwell her first year at the
University and since then has been
a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
Miss Solorow is a member of Mu
Phi Epsilon and Pi Kappa Lambda,
national music honorary societies.
She is the accompanist of the Uni-
versity Women's Glee Club and is
a music consultant at the Interna-
tional Center.
The recital will be presented in;
partial fulfillment of the degree of
Bacelor of Music.-
Builder of Willow Run,
Charles Reik, Dies Today
DETROIT, May 11 - (R) - The
builder of the Willow Run Plant,
Charles M. Reik, died today.
He directed the building of the
Metropolitan Methodist Church, the
Wardell-Sheraton Hotel, the Packard
plant and others of Detroit's largest

ant, he said. "When a front- n-
gine car smacks head-on into al
wall, the weight of the engine acts(
as a battering ram, protecting to
some exten the iele obehind it.
If a rear-engine car smacked into
a wall, the engine would probably
land on top of the passengers."
Previous designers, he said, have
,alleviated this difficulty by pro-
viding a "crunching space" at the
front of the car - a framework
extending about three feet in front
of the driver which absorbs shock
Job Op-enting
ArI Announed1
More than 20 types of professional
and semi-professional jobs for quali-
fied applicants are open now in
Michigan and other states, Lawrence
Hamberg, manager of the United
States Employment office heere said
Persons wanted include archi-
tects, chemists, nurses, engineers, and
those qualified for foreign service
Anyone seeking information about
job opportunities may arrange for
talks with interviewers at the local
USES office at 312 E. Huron St.,
Hamberg said.
Foreign Jobs Listed
Job opportunities for those seek-
ing foreign employment have been
announced by the United States Em-
ployment Service through a directory
listing more than 200 occupations,
including the professional, clerical,
skilled and unskilled fields.
Openings for workers in these cat-
egories are located in Europe, Asia,
Central and South America, Hawaii
and other remote places.
Further information is available
at the Ann Arbor office of the USES.
Beer - Wine - Mixers - Keg Beer
10 to 10 Daily
8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Sat.
303 N. 5th Ave. Ph. 8200

"People hesitate to buy a car in
which the driver sits so close to the
front, because. having no hood to act
as a guide, it is hard to aim. Parking
in close quarters, on the other hand,
would be much easier since the driver
could see. not merely estimate, his
clearance," Prof. Lay said.
The lack of weight in the front
end of the car would also make it
more difficult to steer, Prof. Lay
added, although the increased load
on the rear wheels would help pre-
vent skidding.
Slower driving speeds would be
one possible effect of having the
driver sit at the front of the car,
he said, since in that position the
driver is better aware of the rate
at which he is travelling. However,
he explained, by eliminating the
long propeller shaft running the
length of the car, rear-engine rear-
wheel drive permits the chassis to
be dropped. This lowers the center
of gravity and therefore permits
greater speed while rounding curves.
"It has been definitely established,"
Prof. Lay said, "that the car with
rear-engine drive is more adaptable
to streamlining than the present de-
Continuous from 1 P.M.
the great
story 0ofr v

_The Bell uP



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