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May 12, 1946 - Image 1

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Tag Day Will Support
'U' Fresh Air Camp for

Coal Truce Ends Freight Embargo;
Essential Needs Given Fuel Priority

Boys from State Cities
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of three articles on the Univer-
sity's Fresh Air Camp. On Tuesday a tag day will be held for the purpose of col-
lecting funds to help support the camp.
Each summer, approximately 230 young boys, many of whom find dif-
ficulty in making social adjustment, are placed in a vacationland of play
and constructive crafts.
Oblivious to the fact that student counselors are observing them and
trained sociologists and psycholo-< - _

Soft Coal Strike Intensifies AI i
Arbor Men's ClothingShortage

gists are applying remedial tech-
niques, the children spend four weeks
in the playful atmosphere, most of
them emerging better able to assimi-
late into home life.
Referred by Social Agencies
Youngsters between the ages of
eight and fourteen are referred to
the camp by social agencies of De-
troit and other southeastern Michi-
gan cities. The basis of camp accep-
tance is the problem of adjustment.
For example: here is the case of
For pictures of the 'U' Fresh Air
Camp see Daily Picture Feature,
P. 8.
a 10-year old who will be referred
to as Tommy Jones:
Rangy and tousel-headed, Tommy
was the school's champion bully. His
chief extra-curricular activity was
"picking on" other children.
Braggart to Sissy
When Tommy entered camp he
found himself unable to match with
the boys of his cabin and he changed
from braggart to sissy, perpetually
whining and hanging on to the
"apron strings" of his counselor.
The psychologist decided Tommy
should be given boxing lessons. At
first the kids would gather to poke
fun at his forcefully misguided stabs.
But soon Tommy developed his
punch well enough to spar with his
teacher, and the kids were impressed.
They came to him for boxing les-
sons themselves, and Tommy found
he couldl.getrespect and attention
in other ways besides tormenting
other children.
Need a Good Time
Tommy's case, though typical of
the average, was simple. Among the
entire group, however, can be found
some children who merely need a
good time, and others with malad-
justments raging from minor re-
pressions to shut-in personalities.
The children, live eight to a cabin
and are counseled by two graduate
students of sociology or education.
As students of the fields of human
adjustment, the counselors apply
theoretical classroom work to the
situation confronted. Thus, in addi-
tion to giving trained guidance to
the socially maladjusted, the stu-
dents are able to gain first-hand ex-1
perience in their fields.2
Subtle Guidance
Guidance is applied in a subtle7
.manner through camp activity. Ai
Fresh Air Camp program contains1
precisely the same diversions as does[
any private camp's agenda.[
Swimming, hiking, boating, fish-
ing and other sports are offered1
the boys with instruction to improve
their techniques. Handicraft classes[
give youngsters a chance to develop1
heretofore undiscovered talents.
Varies from Ordinary Camp[
The chief varying point from an<
ordinary camp is that the child's
activities are channelled into these
fields which will so occupy his at-C
tention that he will be relieved of7
any home-nurtured complexes or(
inhibitions. -
As a general rule, camp experience
is so impressive to the boys, that the
happy attitude is carried back home
resulting in an attitude befitting the{
more difficult adjustment he will'
have to make.
(Tomorrow's article will deal with
University students' participation in1
the camp.)t
Violinist Will lay
Virginia Solomon, violinist, assistedc
by Marilyn Mason, pianist, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. today int
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
The recital will include composi-)
tions by Bach, Tartini and Sibelius.1
Miss Solomon is at present studying1
under Prof. Gilbert Ross.P

Byrnes OK's
Reds' Request
For Payment
PARIS, May 11-01P)-U.S. Secre-
tary of State James F. Byrnes ac-
cepted today Russia's demands for
$100,000,000 in reparations from
Italy, but clashed with the Soviet
delegation at the Foreign Ministers
Conference over the source of pay-
ment, an American informant said.
Byrnes at a two-hour informal
meeting said the money must be ob-
..Accepts Soviet Demands
tained only from Italian assets
abroad, excess industrial equipment
in former munitions factories, mer-
chant shipping and naval vessels.
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Mol-
otov immediately disputed the last
point, declaring naval vessels were
legitimate war booty apportioned
among the victorious powers as such
and did not constitute reparations.
Byrnes was said to have replied
that war booty could be claimed only
by those who captured it and that
the Russians had taken no Italian
naval vessels.
British Foreign Secretary Ernest
Bevin supported Byrnes' viewpoint on
the naval vessels, and seconded
Byrnes' in opposing a Soviet move to
obtain reparations from current pro-
duction in Italy, British sources said.
Yesterday Russia agreed to the
French plan to make Italy sole trustee
under the United Nations of her
colonies, and to the American pro-
posal for establishing an interallied
war criminals commission in Italy to
operate for a certain limited time
after the treaty is affected.
Molotov presided over the morning
session, which was devoted to dis-
cussion of the reparations issue as the
ministers sought to narrow the area
of disagreement in the Italian peace
* *
U.S.-British Dictates
scored by Izvetsia
MOSCOW, May 1 1-03)-An article
in the government newspaper Izves-
tia charged today that the United
States and Britain apparently had
agreed prior to the foreign ministers
conference on tactics designed to
force acceptance of British-American
dictates on formulating the peace.
N. Sokolovsky, a Soviet commenta-
tor, wrote that among the "narrow"
goals sought by such joint effort were
American - British domination over
Italy and establishment of "the com-
plete hegemony of England in the

The already critical shortage of
men's clothing in Ann Arbor has been
aggravated by the coal strike, ac-
cording to a spot survey of 11 local
clothing stores.
Local merchants report that in-
coming shipments have dwindled
to a trickle because of the railroad
embargo prohibiting the shipping
of clothing, and the 11-pound limit
Business Must.
Alter Program
For Labor Age
Slichter Says Unions
Have 'Underdog' View
One of the greatest shifts of power
in the history of this country, from
an economy run by businessmen to
one run by labor leaders, necessi-
tates a changed program by business
in a laboristic age, Prof. Sumner H.
Slichter, Lamont University profes -
sor of the Harvard University Grad-
uate School of Business Administra-
tion, said yesterday.
Upward Pressure By Unions
Speaking before the general ses-
sion of the Alumni Conference of the
School of Business Administration,
Prof. Slichter gave as the conse-
quences of the shift in power an un-
precented upward pressure by labor
accompanied by increased political
power, and lessened restraint by gov-
ernment on the activities of trade
unions. The unions, he-said, will con-
tinue for at least a generation to have
"the point of view of underdogs" and
be unready to take the responsibility
for guiding the economy.
The program of business in this
laboristic age, Prof. Slichter explain-
ed, must include a knowledge of
what people think about its activi-
ties, better day to day administration
of labor, and better bargaining, with
the employer possibly acting as the
consumer's bargaining agent in re-
sisting union demands rather than
passing these demands on to the
public in the form of higher priced
Recover Intellectual Initiative
Furthermore, the laboristic world
wil mean greater expenditures on
technological research and will neces-
sitate an attempt on the part of
business to recover intellectual ini-
tiative, which they have lost to labor
at the cost of many friends of busi-
One of the thing which we must do
for a greater civilization to come
out of this period of change, he con-
cluded, is to make civil rights, in-
cluding the same review by a neutral
when a union fires a man as when an
employer does, effective in all walks
of life.
Congress Asks
For Workers
Students May Choose
Own Field of Interest
Newly-christened Student Con-
gress moved to implement campus
support yesterday by calling for in-
terested students to work on the
General Committee established in
the first Congressional session Thurs-
day night.
Congresswoman Judy Chayes, tem-
Committee, invited students to pick
porary chairman of the General Com-
mittee, invited students to pick their
own department of interest under
the plan to obtain campus-wide pa-
ticipation in the government.
Provisions for work on interna-
tional affairs, finance, housing, and
recreation will be among those set
up by the Congress, Miss Chayes

---- _ i

parcel post packages Moreover, a
four-hour day for tailors, necessi-
tated by the brown-out, has cut
production 50 per cent.
Retail dealers agreed that the cur-
rent shortage is the most acute ever
experienced by the business.
Characterizing the shirt allotments
as "plain lousy," one dealer said that
he had received 20 dozen shirts out of
72 dozen ordered since January and
that he had not had a shirt in his
store for 11 weeks. Backing up the
general opinion that the allotments
are undependable, another retailer
pointed out that some supply houses
owe him shirts from back in Decem-
All dealers agreed that there
was no chance to accumulate
stocks and that they are actually
"selling out of the boxes" One
merchant reported getting in nine
or ten suits at one time and then
no more for two or three weeks.
Declaring that light-weight cloth-
ing will be easier to get, several deal-
ers believed that the shortage of
men's clothing would be somewhat
relieved during the summer.
A large majority of the dealers
interviewed, however, believe that
there will be no improvement in the
situation this summer. "The man-
ufacturers are already working on
next fall's stocks," one declared.
Another reported receiving small
shipments of light-weight suits but
added, "We don't expect them to
last long."
Two dealers were emphatic in at-
tributing the present shortage almost
entirely to a government ruling re-
quiring clothing rmanufacturers, un-
der penalty of heavy fines, to ship
different-priced clothing in the same
proportion as they did in 1942.
The result of this policy, they as-
serted, is that stocks are actually
piling up in factories while the public
suffers from a shortage.
Fetter Reviews
World Trade
The reestablishment of trade on
a multilateral basis, free from con-
trols tying exports to a country to
imports from that same country, is
a major aspect of the reconstruction
of world trade and war damaged
economies, Dr. Frank W. Fetter, said
yesterday before the business ad-
ministration alumni conference.
Dr. Fetter, chief of the Division
of Investment and Economic De-
velopment, Department of State,
explained that up to 1931 multi-
lateralism was predominant, but
since then bilateral practices have
grown up, largely because of the
desire of pressure groups to expand
exports and strengthen monteary
Both long and short run trade
actions are necessary to put the
world back on a multilateral basis,
which will open the field of trade
outside of the direct control of gov-
ernment and contribute to peace and
economic welfare, he said.
A lowering of tAriff barriers, es-
pecially in the creditor countries, is
necessary to prevent any multila-
eral trading system from becoming
an empty shell," Dr. Fetter pointed
Britain seemed headed for
full-fledged bilateralism, as the
best of the bad alternatives, be-
cause of a grim economic prospect
following the war, he said.
The pending financial agreement
with Britain for a $3,750,000,000 loan
will assist her to reestablish multi-
lateral trade in that she will remove
all exchange restrictions on current

transactions between . the United
States and other countries, both in-
side and outside the sterling area.
These commitments will affect the
wvhole pattern of trading relations,
Dr. Fetter said.

Truiman Says
Education Is
Vital to Peace
Tolerance Called
A-Bomb Defense
Tay[lhe Associated Press
NEW YORK, May 11-President
Truman declared today that until the
world learns the science of human
relationships "the atomic bomb will
remain a frightful weapon which
threatens to destroy all of us."
Speaking before a crows which
overflowed 10,000 seats on the campus
of Fordham University, celebrating
the 100th anniversary of its charter,
the President declared:
"It is up to education to bring
about that deeper international un-
derstanding which is so vital to world
Mr. Truman, whose address was
broadcast over all networks, said
there was at least one defense against
the atomic bomb.
"That defense lies in our mastering
this science of human relationships all
over the world," he said. "It is the
defense of tolerance and of under-
standing, of intelligence and
The President and his party land-

Back Holiday Pay Is
$3,000,000 Obstacle
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 11-The government today ordered the railroad
freight embargo lifted Monday but slapped controls on the entire soft coal
output expected during the strike "truce."
The action covers "captive" mines as well as others and may with-
hold coal from industry immediately. But it provides the government with
an expected 20,000,000 to 25,000,000 tons of coal for emergency users without
resorting to seizure of the pits.

ed at La Guardia
(EST) in his C-54
and drove to the

Field at 1:48 p.m.
"The Sacred Cow,"
Fordham Campus

Track Squad
Defeats Irsh
By27 Points,
(Special to The Daily)
SOUTH BEND, Ind., May 12,
1946-Capitalizing upon its over-
whelming superiority in the field
and distance events, and surprising
strength in the sprints, Michigan's
track squad swamped Notre Dame
here today, 741/2-471/2 for its sec-
Herb Barten . . . who defeated Bill
Leonard in the featured half-mile
event, after losing to the Irish ace
in the mile run.
ond straight victory of the outdoor
TheWolverine attack, spearheaded
by Horace "Hap" Coleman's twin
victories in the 100 and 220 yd.
dashes, a slam in the discus, and a
near sweep in the shot-put, more
than compensated for its weakness in
the hurdle events, in which Notre
Dame scored 17 points.
Bill Leonard, Irish distance ace,
started the meet with a close triumph
over Michigan's Bob Thomason,
passing the 18-year old sophomore
on the last turn and withstanding
his finishing kick. The winning time
of 4:25.1 was creditable, consider-
ing the chilly weather and the soggy
condition of the track. Herb Barten,
far back in the field for most of the
race, sprinted to third place to even
See MICHIGAN, Page 6

John L. Lewis and the mine own-
ers met, meanwhile, in what Edward
F. McGrady, federal conciliator,
called "a very friendly, very coopera-
tive atmosphere" to seek the settle-
ment President Truman requested by
Stumbling Block
After morning and afternoon ses-
sions which brought no specific word
of progress the conferees adjourned
until 11 a.m. (EST) tomorrow. The
Ann Arbor's brownout will con-
tinue in spite of the strike truce,
Robert R. Brown, local manager of
Detroit Edison Co. said yesterday.
Asking citizens and students to
continue to observe the mayor's
voluntary brownout proclamation,
Brown said that power conserva-
tion would continue "until the
strike is over, and after, until such
time as sufficient stockpiles are
built un so that we can feel safe!"
stumbling block appeared to be Lewis'
demand for $3,000,000 in back holi-
day pay. Possibly in this connection,
most of the afternoon session was
devoted to a caucus of the operators.
It was they who proposed the Sun-
day session.
John D. Battle, Executive Secre-
tary of the National Coal Associa-
tion, who was not among the
conferees issued a statement saying
that "the coal mine owners made of-.
fers to the union leaders weeks ago
that should have prevented a work
stoppage, and they renewed their of-
fers many times." He declared that
Lewis' truce offer "further demon-
strates his control over the nation's
coal supply."
CIO Locals Appeal
On the political front, Senator
Mitchell (Dem., Wash.) reported ap-
peals from CIO locals that the anti-
poll tax bill be placed in the way
of labor legislation which the Senate
will consider Monday. Such strategy
could be expected to provoke long
debate, if not a filibuster.
Coercion Must
Go -- Slichter
New Strikes To Ensue
If Policy Is Relaxed
"The government can't permit it-
self to be coerced by strikes," Prof.
Sumner Slichter, Harvard Univer-
sity economist, said yesterday in a
comment on the coal strike.
Essential issue raised by the strike,
he said, is "whether the govern-
ment, having announced a wage-
price policy, will now allow it to be
changed" by giving "preferential
treatment to groups which strike
against that policy."
"If the government rewards strik-
ers by making concessions, it will
foster more and bigger strikes in the
future," Prof. Slichter warned.
The government's policy "should
be applied without favor to all
groups," he asserted, pointing out
that whatever wage increase is
granted by the operators to the min-
ers, only that part allowable under
the wage-price policy should be ac-
cepted as a basis for application for
a price increase.
Questions raised by the strike, he
said: are whether special groups
shall be granted privileges, and
whether a democracy can allow
strikes to be used as a weapon to
change. public policy.

Institute Will
Open Tuesday,
At Rackham
The 14th annual Adult Education
Institute, under the joint sponsor-
ship of the University Extension Sdr-
vice and the Michigan Federation
of Women's Clubs, will open at 10
a.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall with four speeches on topics
of current interest.
After the opening talk by Dr.
Charles A. Fisher, director of Ex-
tension Service, Prof. Misha Titiev of
the anthropology department will
speak on "Anthropology Looks at
the World" at 10 a.m. At 11 a.m.,
Mr. R. A. Guerin, special agent of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
will discuss "Youth Today."
To Discuss Medicine, Russia
Tuesday afternoon's speeches in-
clude "New Medical Discoveries of
Interest to Laymen," by Dean A. C.
Furstenberg of the School of Medi-
cine, at 2 p.m., and a discussion of
Russia by Prof. Andrev Lobanov-
Rostovsky of the history department,
at 3 p.m.
Students and faculty members may
be admitted without charge to any.
of the meetings of the institute by
obtaining a badge at the registra-
tion table.
Wednesday's Schedule
Wednesday's institute program will
feature talks on "Japan and China"
by Prof. Frank L. Huntley of the
English department at 9 a.m., "Hopes
and Fears in World Public Opinion"
by Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the
Department of Sociology at 10 a.m.
and "Parental Responsibility, by Mrs.
Belle F. Murray, lecturer in family
relations for the Extension Service,
at 11 a.m. In the afternoon, Prof.
Ernest F. Barker, chairman of the
Department of Physics, will speak
on "The New Physics" at 2 p.m. and
Prof. Sanford A .Mosk of the eco-
nomics department will present a dis-
cussion of Latin America.
Professors Speak
At 9 a.m. Thursday, Prof. Benja-
min Wheeler of the history depart-
ment will discuss Germany's pre-
sent situation. Prof. Norman Maier
of the Department of Psychology
will speak on "The Techniques of
Understanding" at 10 a.m., Mrs. Ar-
thur C. Evans of Lansing on "Re-
ligion in the Home" at 11 a.m., Prof.
Lawrence O. Brockway of the chem-
istry department on "The New
Chemistry" at 2 p.m. and Prof. Law-
rence Preuss of the political science
department on "The Foreign Policy
of the United States" at 3 p.m.
The Adult Education Institute is
attended by members of church
groups, women's clubs, PTA's and
other organizations interested in
adult education, from all over the
state. The best attendance since the
record year of 1941 is expected for
this years' institute.
Hoffa, Teamsters' Agent,
Is Charged with Extortion
DETROIT, May 11-( P)-The AFL
Teamsters Union drive to organize
clerks in Detroit's 7,000 butcher shops
and grocery stores brought Union
Business Agent James Hoffa into
court on an extortion charge today.

' .

4.4xecutives To Drive Trucks in U' Course

Farmers Reauested To Cut Pig Production

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