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May 12, 1946 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-12

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SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1946

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Possibilities Seen For
Planned Communities
Americans Lack Will, Money for Projects
Requiring Extensive Relocation - Bromage

"It staggers the imagination to
think what could be accomplished in
the building of planned communities,
if we had available the will and the
money for such operations," Prof.
Arthur W. Bromage of the political
science department declared yester-
However, he doubts that the Ameri-
can people are ready for government
planning control, development of
Which would follow from a decision
to build a whole series of new towns
by a public corporation financed,
in part, cut of the United States
Public Reactions
"I can well imagine the anvil chor-
us which would arise," Prof. Bromage
stated. "Cries of bureaucracy, loss of
freedom, doom of private enterprise
and similar condemnations would fill
the air.-
Commenting on the Interim White
Paper published in England by Lord
Reith's New Towns Committee, Prof.
Bromage said, "From the English
standpoint, in congested areas the
per capita, costs of municipal ad-
ministration are high and there is a
social loss in lowered standards of1
health for individuals, social fric-
tions, transportation time and other
similar inconveniences."
Interim Report1
The interim report proposes thatc
one million people be moved fromc
congested centers to existing towns
selected for expansion. It also pro-c
vides for 400,000 persons to be set-t
tled in new towns developed by a1
public corporation financed by the
"Settlement into existing smalleri
towns capable of expansion makes forc
the good life," Prof. Bromage con-c
tended. "For many individuals, thec
urban-rural environment, rather b
than the metropolitan-urban meansa
increased health, capacity and hu-
man satisfactions generally."t
Industrial Decentralizationo
This, he added, to be practical,s
must be accompanied by industriall
decentralization, which, from theb
point of view of puuiic administra-
tion, is desirable. It is desirable inZ
time of peace, because smaller andp

medium sized communities are more
readily administered. Intimate citi-
zen-official relationships can develop.
In addition, per capita costs are
"It makes common sense as a
hedge against any future war, to take
a dour view, in which many types
of missiles will certainly drop on
metropolitan areas. The English cer-
tainly had enough experience with
bombs and rockets in World War II
to know what that means," Prof.
Bromage claimed.
This proposed trend in England, he
claims, is an extension of English
policy which has been maintained
for several decades.
Redistribution Plans
As to the applicability of resettling
people from congested areas into
existing towns capable of expansion
in the United States, he declared, the
answer is that it is not only a good
idea, but it is already taking place
here in a more or less unplanned
For decades American metropolitan
core cities have been spreading out
into satellite communities. Some in-
dustrial decentralization has been
taking place into small towns within
a 50 mile radius of these cities.
Unfortunate Dispersal

Newberry Was
First Women's
Modern Dorm
Coeds Lived in Luxury
During Early Years
"There are those who believe that
the day of general dormitories is
surely coming," we read in the Michi-
gan Alumnus of Aug., 1913.
With this forward looking pro-
nouncement, the University accepted
a gift of $75,000 from Mrs. Henry
N. Joy, Truman H. Newberry, and
John H. Newberry to be used to build
a residence hall for women as a
memorial to their mother, Helen
Handy Newberry. "The building will
be of dignified proportions opening
on to terraces to the north and
south," the June 1914 Michigan
Alumnus reports.
Helen Newberry Dormitory be-
came, then, the first on-campus
residence hall under the Univer-
sity's control since the old wings.
of University Hall had been abol-
ished as living quarters and turned
over to the general uses of the Uni-
versity in President Tappan's time.
Designed by the architectural firm
of Kahn and Willy of Detroit at a
cost of about $100,000, Helen New-
berry Dormitory was ready for occu-
pancy during the summer session of
1915 and housed 68 girls. The follow-
ing fall, Martha Cok Dormitory
opened its doors and seven more
girls entered Newberry, bringing the
total up to 75.
With the exception of the sunporch
added in 1934, the exterior of the
dormitory has remained the same.
Built of hollow tile fire roof construc-
tion, the stucco exterior is relieved
by white trimming and green shutters.
Originally, however, the main
entrance faced State Street and two
reception rooms took the place of
what is today one large living room.
The color scheme of these former
reception rooms was deep ivory and
old blue with paneled walls of ivory
and brown.
Among the furnishings were sever-
al gifts from the Newberry family.
Coeds who lived in the dormitory
during those early years found their
rooms furnished with heavy velvet
rugs, furniture in fumed oak and
wicker with touches of chintz and
light brown hangings.
During the school year of 1927-28,
30 girls were housed in nearby houses
on Maynard Street, but were under
the same supervision and ate their
meals at the dormitory.
The sunporch was put on the
front of the building in 1934 as a
part of the Public Works Adminis-
tration, converting the center hall
and reception rooms into one large
living room. The main entrance
was moved to the side.
Today, Helen Newberry houses 105
girls. Mrs. Henry Joy has served as
chairman of the Board of Patronesses
since the building was erected and
has annually visited its occupants.
Other patronesses are Mrs. Philip
Bursley, Mrs. Wilfred Shaw and Mrs.
Charles Jamison.

Results from
Historic Inn
Don't look now, but that person
reading over your shoulder may be
A Michigan citizen, that is. This
revealing sobriquet has a rather
unique origin, according to George'
Shankle's book, "American Nick-
Conrad Van Eyck was a renowned
chef of Ye Olde Taverne way back
in the 1880's when Michigan was only
a wilderness. After a guest had de-
voured a lamb chop or a beef steak,
he would sneak up behind them,
blunderbuss in hand, and gently coo,
"Well, and how did you enjoy your
wolf steak?"
One young lady, after having eaten
at the inn, replied to Van Eyck',
customary inquiry, "Then I suppose
I am a Wolverine?" (Oh, but they
were sharp in those days!) Thereaf-
ter, anyone who dined at the tavern
was called a Wolverine. The name
spread like wildfire, and was soon
applied to all the inhabitants of
the state.


"Bug Camp" will be well-populated
this year,
This prediction is based on the un-
usually large number of applicants
for admission to the University's
Biological Station near Douglas Lake
in northern Michigan. The camp is
a field station for research in bot-
any and zoology, and Dr. Alfred
Henry Stockard, director of the
station is considering the long list of
applicants "according to those who
are best qualified to benefit by the
120 Students
During the forthcoming 38th ses-
sion, enrollment must be limited as
in the past to 120 students, in order
to conserve the supply of plants and
other indispensable resources. At pre-
sent, according to Dr. Stockard, the
addition of more students would re-
sult in overcollection in the area, a
procedure which in the long run,
would undoubtedly deplete its biologi-
cal resources.
Ideal Location
The location, surrounded by the i

numerous plant species of a rich for-;
est land, is ideal for varied types of
research'since the supply of animals,
including mammals, reptiles, amphib-
ians and fishes, is abundant.
Members of the station live in cot-
tages, each equipped for three people.
The teaching staff resides in "Facul-
ty Row," women students have their
own "Ladyville," the dominant sex
revel in the glory of "Manville," and
the married couples inhabit "Bliss-

During spare time, students and
faculty alike may take advantage of
a beach and lake, the latter serving
ablutionary as well as recreational
purposes, due to the lack of bathtubs.
In addition, there are facilities for
softball, boating, picnicking, and 8,000
acres of forests and trails provide ex-
cellent hiking opportunities. For less
active diversion, there is a clubhouse
which is a center for music and danc-
Applied Biology
Judging by events of previous
years, "Bug Camp" is pervaded by a
romantic atmosphere. A considerable

I _ . I O ft


'U' Camp Reports Full Enrollment

number of students who travelled to
Douglas Lake during past summers
to take advantage of the courses of-
fered, found that the eight weeks
netted more than the knbwledge of
biology they sought; many were
struck by Cupid's much-discussed ar-
row, and often, it proved a stepping
stone to the altar.
Research Study Sees
Increase in Retail Suits
NEW YORK, May 11-(RP)-Ameri-
can men are getting suits at a rate
more than double that at the turn
of the year, and supplies should be-
come increasingly greater as the year
This conclusion came from an in-
ternational statistical bureau, private
research organization, study which
said about 2,000,000 suits a month
currently are flowing into retail

Th oain urone yte oatcamspee osdeal trs

It is unfortunate, he said, that we
have a rather unplanned dispersal
of population going on. The cities
canjot control industrial decentrali-
zation and they have to make the best
of what occurs in their areas. Popula-
ti(n tends to spill outside corporate
limits into township areas. Then we
get suburban communities outside
the limits. After a while the people
in these areas begin to think seri-
ously of annexing to the city or in-
corporating to gain benefits of muni-
cipal service. Planning and zoning
become after the fact rather than
advance planning operations.
"This is ameliorated to some ex-
tent in Michigan by the development
of township zoning, but the demand of
suburbs for services eventually leads
logically to annexation or incorpora-
tion. Under our free enterprise sys-
tem, we shall probably get decentrali-
zation of population, but it will be less
planned than the program which the
New Towns Committee proposes in
Britain," Prof. Bromage contended.
Government Control
There would have to be govern-
mental control of the location of in-
dustry to make such new towns prac-
ical. The only level of government
n the U.S. with the financial capa-
city to embark on such a program
would be the federal government.
Finally, he declared, there is the
aspect of getting young people into
he planning field and administra-
ion generally. "I'm all for it." The+
best avenue for the young person to;
ollow is to study public administra-]
ion and planning with a view to go-+
ing into state and city planning com-

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rainbow beauty

in a Sea Glamour

D-ail Papers
May Replace
Radio Newscast
Receiving sets that deliver the
daily newspaper into the home as
a single copy will probably replace
the thirty million radios in the United
States, in the somewhat distant fu-
ture, Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
journalism department, anticipated.
This "Radio Newspaper" looms
large. with possibilities, said Prof.
Brumm, since it will provide a con-
temporaneous record of events as
they occur.
There will be practically no delay
in the publication, and delivery of the
news, he pointed out, and the expens-
es will include only the cost of the
print-paper and the electrical current
to operate the machine.
"The disadvantages of handling
cumbersome strips of printed mat-
ter, clipping it and arranging it
for convenience of reading, and of
having more sheer bulk daily than
the present Sunday editions now
inflict on readers," he asserted,
"may counterbalance some of the
advantages of this home-printed
The experimental work now being
carried on relates to greater clarity
of reception and speed of recordings,
he added.
In response to the ever-present
question of the effect this new in-
vent'ion will have on today's newspa-
pers, he remarked that the facsimile,
newspaper is no immediate threat to
newspaper publishers. "But when it
does come into general use," he
stated, "the standard newspaper will
face serious losses."
Advertising over the radio will
be supplemented by television, he
explained, and a specialized printed
media of advertising will doubtless
be promoted.
In discussing the change from
the news gatherers' viewpoint, he
said that new techniques in re-
porting will be required by this
technological advance in the ad-
ministration of public information.
It is possible that most of the news
will be written as terse dispatches,
Prof. Brumm stated, and that edi-
torials and departmentalized fea-
tures will be reduced to a minimum,
possibly eliminated.
"Greater demands will be put on
local reporting, and this demand,
together with reduced cost of pub-
lishing," he asserted, "will probably
increase the number of local news-
papers, whether standard or fac-
Wire-nhotoservice wilr atly rp-_


rayon jersey swim suit.. . lovely to
ok at . .. lovely to wear whether you take
your swimming seriously or just soak
he sun . . . 12.95 . , others
from 7.95 to 17.95
'r 7.:L. "

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Smart, young and versa-
tile, a wonderful investment
for you can wear it now and
right on through summer,
Light, soft, little suits, in
flannel, worsted crepes, gab-
ardines and tweeds, a change
of blouse and presto.- you
dress it up or down.
Suits by Printzess, Kar-
rect, Joselli and Hands-
macker. $24.00 to $49.00.


between tan sessions on the
beach slip into this slim-waisted three-
fourths length terry-cloth coat. . . free
swinging sleeves . . . huge pocket for
those miscellaneous necessities you like
to carry . . 7.95
e ~,

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Sun-Spirit, Frances
Denney's new color ... sings
of sun and fun and freedom ... boldly,
brightly it lilts across the horizon
into your life . . . a brilliant burnished
red lipstick, 1.50 . . glorious honey-tan

overtone, 1 .50

plus federal taxes


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